Reece Champion

Mr. Sir Doctor Professor

English 102


Do You Want to Write an Essay?


knock knock knock-knock knock

Do you want to write an essay?

Come on just get it done!

I don't think it will take too long.

Procrastination's wrong.

You've already had your fun!

You've had all break to do it...

But you did not.

Don't bother explaining why.

Do you want to write an essay?


Go away, conscience.

Fuck this, bye.

-musical break-

knock knock knock-knock knock

Do you want to write an essay?

The thing is freaking due today!

I think it's time, and don't you too?

The one who wants to be in college is you!

Hang in there, bro.

Aren't you really stressed now?

All this time you've lost...

Just writing some useless shit?

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.

-long depressing musical break-


God, you really fucked up.

You know the professor's really pissed.

He said, don't come back... But I want you too.

I know that you do too. Just write the thing...

You'll only lose ten percent... If it's done this week.

What are you going to do?

Do you want to write an essay?