It was the first day of the Winter Festival.

Jack breathed in the crisp, suddenly cold, salty air and smiled. For the first time in what felt like years, a weight lifted off of his shoulders.

"Alright, Jack, have a nice day at school!" His mom called from behind the fridge. His dad was away on a long business trip to Europe, and his mom, an airline pilot, had wanted to take a few days off to make sure that Jack was okay with being back in Burgess.

"Thanks, Mom," he grinned, and headed out the door. He felt slightly nervous, but he pushed the fear down and forced himself to be excited about the first day of school after Burgess High's midyear break. So far he already had Astrid and Hiccup as friends. And he'd get the chance to reintroduce himself to all of his old acquaintances- people he knew from way back when.

The school gates were in sight about five minutes later, and Jack saw Astrid and Hiccup standing outside talking. I've got to get those two together someday, Jack thought to himself, smirking slightly. He waved at them and they called him over.

"Hey Jack!" Hiccup said excitedly, looking like a puppy about to get a treat. "I can't believe you're back!"

"It's been, like, five days since I got here," Jack chuckled.

"No, I mean at school. It's gonna be so fun!"

Jack squinted at Hiccup. "Okay?"

"Ignore the nerd," Astrid laughed. "What are your classes, Frost?"

Before Jack could pull out his schedule, the bell rang, startling him. "Oh. Uh, I'd better get to class-"

And that was when Jack was jumped.

Something slammed into him, screaming words that he didn't understand and tearing at his hair. Jack staggered backwards as Astrid screeched and Hiccup stood there looking kind of scared.

"Do something!" Jack yelled. His assailant, whoever he (she?) was, wasn't giving up. Astrid charged in and pulled whoever it was off of Jack's back.

It was a girl. In a bikini.

"Jack! Do you know here? Is she your friend?"

"What?! I don't know her! Do you? Hiccup-"

Hiccup made an incoherent noise. He was still standing there, looking flustered. Jack was sure his own facial expression wasn't any more put together.

"What the hell?" Astrid gasped, still restraining the furious girl. "What is your problem?"

The girl screamed more garbled words in a different language. Jack, still shocked from her ambush, stood there openmouthed. "Who-?" The late bell rang, startling the girl into silence.

"Great," Astrid muttered. "You made us late."

"So, we gotta go to the principal's office?" Hiccup muttered, trying not to look at the half-naked girl.

"Yeah, and we're takin' this one with us."

"She's wearing a bikini," Jack deadpanned. Astrid grabbed at the girl, who was trying to escape, and turned back to look at him with a smirk.

"Seem kinda focused on that, don't you, Frost?"

Jack spluttered.

A few minutes later, Astrid had forced the girl into a janitor's uniform and was marching her down to the principal's office, with Jack and Hiccup in tow. The girl kept trying to talk, and Astrid kept shushing her.

"Is she, like, indigenous? Or something?" Hiccup murmured. The girl turned around, looking offended.

She was kind of cute, in a way. She was tiny, about five feet tall. Her hair was long and pretty and a strange greenish-yellow color, and her skin was a bright caramel. Her eyes stuck out the most to Jack, on account of their strange, almost violet color. She hissed at him and he flinched. "Jeez," Jack muttered.

Astrid attempted to barge into the principal's office but was stopped by the secretary, who demanded they wait outside because the principal was meeting with a teacher.

Astrid plopped down heavily next to Hiccup on the bench, forcing the girl to sit down with her. Jack scooted as far as he could from her, because evidently she hated his guts.

That was a pity.

"What's your name, anyway?" Astrid asked her gruffly.

"Danta," she replied, then frowned. "Maane, danta," she tried again, then squinted at Jack.

"Wha-mmph!" Without warning, she cupped his jaw and pulled him towards her. Her lips smashed against his forcefully- he didn't mind. They were soft, and tasted like salt and sunshine. He unintentionally deepened the kiss, his hands reaching up to cup her face. And it was like he was sucked into some sort of a void, and all that existed was him, this girl and the spark between them-

-wait. She was kissing him.

She was kissing him?

It was a few seconds before Jack fully realized that yes, the strange, cute, murderous, jibberish speaking girl who he had known for all of five minutes was kissing him, hard. And he was kissing back.

He pulled away, his eyes wide, shell shocked, her hands still tangled in his hair.

Astrid and Hiccup sat there, openmouthed. Jack cleared his throat, aware that his cheeks were bright red (but not really caring about it because damn she was a good kisser). "Uh-"

The girl placed her hands delicately in her lap, her lips stained red, and smiled brightly at him. Evidently, she was painfully oblivious to the momentous shock and distress she had caused. Then she spoke in perfect English, her voice high and bubbly. "Ah! Now, I have access to this language! My name is Toothiana, and I am here to kill you.

A/N: WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S BEEN FIVE MONTHS SINCE THE LAST UPDATE? no that's impossible I'm not that much of a procrastinator. gosh.