Felicity had gotten to work quickly, setting about untangling the wires, unpacking and setting up her new system. The computers were the newest models, much faster and more customisable than her previous, and she felt like a kid in a sweet shop as she waited for the programs to boot. She sat in her comfy office chair, her bare legs tucked up underneath her as Digg finished off getting rid of the glass shards scattered around the room. Her hair had been maintained in its default position of a messy ponytail and she was cleaning her glasses of all the dust and smudges as she waited for the computers to start. When she had finished the task, she tapped her fingers impatiently on the desk top. She needed something to keep her hyperactive fingers at bay. Finally, the computers flashed to life. She squealed in delight and dragged the chair closer to the desk.

The new setup was beautiful. She had around 20 updated programs, some of which she had never seen before. The screen flashed blue as she pulled up the firewalls and endless amounts of technical symbols streamed in front of her. As she began to write the basic coding for her new toys, she was increasingly aware of a presence behind her. Practically living around Oliver meant she had grown mostly accustomed to his silent ninja abilities which he mainly used to slink around unnoticed and in the process, scaring the living daylights out of her.

Without turning around she smirked. "Anything you want to say Oliver?" She spun in her seat to see it was indeed him, standing stock still with a smile flickering across his lips. Studying him closer, she could make out the dark circles under his eyes and couldn't help but feel responsible for his lack of sleep.

"I was wondering if you needed any help?" he said, looking past her at the mess of numbers across the screen. She snorted at the look that crossed his face which was a mixture of utter confusion and helplessness, one which she had seen many times during her stay at MIT. She patted his forearm gently.

"Oliver, I don't help you rough up the bad guys. Please back off from the tech." she smiled at his chuckle and turned back to the screens. "Go train or something. We need your sparring skills to keep up with my new hacking prowess." She scanned the screen before shrieking in excitement. "Omg it updated facial recognition!" quickly followed by a rapidly tapping keyboard.

Oliver shook his head to himself as he walked away. That girl was incredible. He gestured to Digg to meet him on the mats and quickly went off to change.


Normally, the slapping of the training sticks would prove quite therapeutic for Felicity but today, the constant cracking was really grinding on her nerves. There was one program that had been updated, causing the whole set up to completely change. She had spent an hour trying to familiarise herself and when she finally thought she had it, she realised it wasn't running on the latest update and had to start all over again. That, on top of the relentless noise, was driving her insane.

"Would you guys mind doing something less noisy?!" she shouted over the din. The clacking stopped immediately. She sighed and went back to typing. She heard the boys mumbling quietly about something, but was too engrossed in her work to take any notice.

She had been typing for almost an hour. In that time, she had vaguely heard the upstairs shower being turned on and off but apart from that, she had been so focussed on her work that she heard nothing else. She was just about to enter in the last section of coding when she registered someone clearing their throat behind her. She turned around slowly to see a now fully dressed Oliver standing with a huge grin on his face. She looked at him suspiciously.

"What have you done?" His smile grew even wider as he brought his hands out from behind his back, showing a familiar brown paper bag.

Felicity gasped. "Omg! I have been craving Big Belly Burger ever since I've been out of that stupid hospital!" She practically flew out of her chair and would have fallen if Oliver's superfast cat reflexes hadn't caught her.

"Steady. You've been sitting down for about 4 hours." Felicity brushed him off and grabbed the bag. Digg was already putting out chairs for them to sit on, a smirk on his face as well. After divvying out all the goods, the 3 sat down and ate.

For Felicity, it was probably the nicest burger she had ever tasted. That was saying a lot since she was a girl who ate a lot of burgers. Her taste buds had been deprived of proper flavoursome food for god knows how long and this meal was a joyful sensory overload for her. She ignored the teasing looks she got from the two boys as she regularly moaned in pleasure.

All too soon the burgers were gone and everyone had to go back to their jobs. Felicity felt revived and energetic after the meal and completed her final task in less than half an hour.

"Done! Oh thank god!" she leant back in her chair, smiling to herself at her achievement "24 new programs coded and updated in less than 5 hours. That's got to be some kind of record!"

Oliver appeared behind her. "It must be." He gently lifted her up to a hug. "You're absolutely remarkable you know that?" Felicity blushed and looked down to the floor.

"Thank you." Her head snapped up, a smile on her face. "Well, if I'm so remarkable, you'd better get back in the field."

Oliver's face dropped slightly. "Felicity we don't have to do that. You need to get better first and …"

Felicity interrupted him "Oliver I know very well that you haven't been out for at least 2 weeks. The criminals of Starling are going to think the Arrow's gone for good!"

Oliver frowned "Are you sure you feel up to it?" Felicity nodded her head enthusiastically. "Fine. But you don't move from that chair okay?" He said gesturing towards her station.

Felicity nodded again and sat back into her chair. "Right, who's first to face the mighty wrath of the Arrow?"

Oliver smirked. His girl was back.