Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. All the characters are owned by the respective owners (even though they abuse them). Please keep in mind English is not my first language!
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Note: So, here's another John & Bella story. I just LOVE Jeffrey Dean Morgan as John Winchester, he deserved a second chance in happines. He is a great actor and hotter than hell. On the hotness meter he's up there with Robert Downey Jr., Vin Diesel and Joe Manganiello. These four men are on my 'If I could I so would' list.
On Twilight Note: I don't really like Twilight. Sorry! I believe that Bella was too weak minded, spineless and a bit pathetic. No girl should ever alow herself to fall apart like that because of a boy or a man. She really isn't the best role model for teenage girls. And don't let me get started on Edward! All I have to say is – If someone watched me sleeping I would get a restraining order!
This is a story where Dean & Sam are still small. Mary died the same day Edward left Bella. So John's about 25 years old here when Mary dies. It was reported by Supernatural Wiki that he was about 30 when she died, I made him younger for my own personal gain. And I made Bella 19, not 18. That's all!
»You promised! You promised that you'd stay!« Bella shouted at Edward agrily.
»As long as it was best for you.« He replies.
»What happened with Jasper, it was nothing.« She was trying to convince him to stay.
»Nothing compared to what could have happened. You don't belong in my world.«
»I belong with you.«
»You don't.« He said.
»I'm coming.« Bella said in her last attempt.
»I don't want you to come.«
»You don't….. want me?« she was aware that she twisted his words a bit. But the fact that he didn't want her to come hurt like hell.
»No.« Edward stated emotionless.
Bella took a step back, she felt like he just slaped her.
He speaks again. »I'd like to ask one favor though.«
Bella hopefully looks up. »Anything.«
»Don't do anything stupid or reckles. Do you understand?« Then he quickly added. »For Charlies sake.«
Bella nodded. »Yes…. I…. will.«
»Don't worry you're human, your memory is no more than a sieve. Time heals all wounds for your kind. Particulary if you're not reminded.« He was probably just trying to help, but Bella felt insulted.
Edward missunderstands the look on her face, he thinks she's trying to hold on to him, yet Bella is beyond angry now.
So he goes in for the kill. »You're not good for me Bella.«
He steps forward to kiss her forehead but Bella takes a step back and shakes her head.
»No.« She said forcefuly. »Don't you dare touch me!«
Edward looks shocked, she has never said that to him, ever. In fact she was the more forceful in their relationship. Always wanting to touch him, kiss him and vice a versa.
»You disgusting piece of shit!« Bella yelled. »How dare you? After all the crap that came from your mouth just now, you think you're allowed to touch me?«
»You know what, Edward?« She said toughtfuly. »You may be right about one thing; I'm not good for you. But you, you're not good enough for me.«
»Have a nice and lonely existence, Edward.« She turned on her heel and walked back too her house.
»What an asshole! Breaking up with a girl in the woods. Could have done that in front of the house. Or in it for that matter.« She kept fuming to her self all the way to her room.
How could he say all those things? Did he ever love her? Or is he really that oblivious when dealing with girls? Bella doubted the latter. Edward could read minds and had two sisters and a mother figure. He lived with them.
Suddenly she stood straight and stopped worrying her lower lip.
»Fuck him! I don't need him!« She trully believed that.
Edward was amazing – on paper. But in reality he was overprotective, obbsesive and a whole bunch of other things.
Hell, Edward and Alice even dictated Bella what to wear, what to eat. Everything.
Now, that she's angry and for the first time in ages alone she sees how isolated she realy was. Before the Cullens came in to her life and monopolized all her time she was making friends. Jess and Angela. Mike and Eric. But now all she ever did was hang around the Cullens. One of them was always with her. If not Edward then Alice.
»Oh, my god!« Bella exclaimed when she realized that she hasn't talked with her father since her birthday – three days ago.
She was so worried about the Edward thing that she ignored everything and everyone aroud her.
A head full of red hair appeared in her window.
Bella's heart stopped 'I don't want to die. Not now, when I decided I can live!' she thought.
»I'm not here to hurt you.« Victoria said as she climed in to her room. »I swear.«
Bella nodded, but she still wasn't comfortable with a red eyed vampire in her bedroom.
»I heard you and your boyfriend in the woods.« Victoria said and took a seat on Bella's bed. »I'm sorry.«
Bella scofed before she coul control herself. »What are you sorry about, it's not your fault he's a dick.«
Then her eyes grew huge, she couldn't believe she talked like that to a human drinking vampire.
But apparently Victoria didn't mind as she burst in laughter.
»I didn't think you had it in you, kid.« Victoria laughed. »The way you acted with them, I thought you were one of those silent tipes. You know a little sheep.«
Unfortunately, Bella did know what Victoria meant. She grimaced.
»Yeah, I don't know who that was, but it sure as hell wasn't me.« The more she thought about it the less it made sense.
»You know.« She looked to Victoria. »I've never been the popular kid, but I never minded. I went to school, then I went home. I never had time for friends and things like that until I came here.«
Victoria was confused. She came from a different time, a harder life then Bellas but even she had time for friends.
»My mother, she's…. I don't know how to explain her.« Bella paused in thought. »I guess you could call her eccentric?«
It was more a question that anything else. Bella looked up the word when she was nine and heard a neighbor call Renee eccentric. The dictionary said eccentric meant peculiar, odd, erratic. Bella just thought her mother was selfish.
»She was like a butterfly for most of my life.« There was no other way to explain it. »She went from job to job, hobby to hobby and unfortunately from man to man.« Bella sighed. »We didn't have a lot of money and what we did have Renee would spent on stupid things like new clothes, or going to the hairdresser, or doing her nails.«
Victoria was seething. How could a mother act like that? She had a feeling Bella never got new clothes or haidressers appointmens.
»So when I was eleven I got my first job - a job babysitting.« Bella continued. »I had a few neighbors who had small kids, so I could earn some extra money. Since then I paid the bills and food. You know things like that.« Bella seemed embarrassed now.
»Dad doesn't know. He just thought I loved children so much.« She laughed now. »Don't get me wrong I like kids just like the next girl, but I realy didn't want to see as much of them, especially at that age.«
»So I didn't have free time, I couldn't play with my classmates and later I couldn't go to parties.« She shruged. »I wanted to, sure. But I had other responsibilities like putting food on the table or picking up Renee when she passed out. She went to all the parties.«
»You have no idea how relieved I was when she married Phil. Sure he was too young for her, but that meant I didn't have to do a mothers job anymore. I moved as soon as I could.«
»Dad's absent most of the time, he works a lot and in the weekends he goes fishing with his friends. So, I'm alone most of the time.« Bella smiled sadly at Victoria. »I don't mind that much. And I don't mind cooking and cleaning for him. I actually like doing those things.« Bella nodded.
»I think that is why I lost myself with the Cullens.« When Victoria looked confused, she elaborated. »Everyone always needed me to do things for them.«
When Victoria nodded she continued.
»But no one ever wanted me.«
»I know my parents love me, especialy dad. But they don't want me, they never did.« Bella wiped a tear from her cheek. »I just want to be wanted, you know. I want to be needed, not for all the things I can do but to love someone.«
»Do you understand?« She asked Victoria.
The redhead nodded. »I do. You want someone to love you for you.«
»Yeah.« Bella breathed.
Victoria smiled. »I'm glad now that I was in the woods. You know, when…«
Bella cocked her head. »Why?«
»I wanted to kill you.« Victoria stated.
When she heard Bella's heart rate accelerate, she soothed. »I don't anymore.«
Bella eyed her suspiciously. »Why not?« Then she quickly corrected herself. »Not that I want you to, I'm just curious.«
»Well, I wanted to kill you because I blamed you for the death of my mate.«
Bella nodded, she felt guilty for that.
»But now, that I heard what your boyfriend said to you and talked to you, I actually like you.« Victoria concluded.
»I am sorry about that, you know – The James thing.« Bella said. »You know I didn't even want to be there, on that baseball game.«
Thank you for reading! I don't guarantee daily updating this time. Sorry!