Lost Soul

It was very late. Jake couldn't see because it was dark. He was afraid... Was someone really following him, or it was just his imagionation playing around?

As he walked down the street, he heard a strange noise. He turned around, but he didn't see anything. Jake waited a few minutes, and then he started walking again. After a while, he noticed that he couldn't feel the ground under his feet anymore. Without even realising, he was climbing to the sky.

-How is this possible? Am I dreaming? he asked himself. This can't be true!

He looked around. The stars were slowly fading away and a terrible feeling came around. Then he saw Nyx, the Godness of the Night.

Welcome, my dear son. I've been waiting for you for such a long time. Are you ready to die?

It was too late for Jake to say anything. Nyx throw her loneliness into him… and the pain started. His tears were turning into blood and his screams were disperate. And all of this sorrow because Nyx hated to see people happy. She waited until someone with a life full of happiness came around and she destroyed it. She distroyed Jake's life.

Now, he was just a shadow, like other lost souls that Nyx had fooled. He was sacrificed… As he was drowning into immortality, his poisond soul spilled it's veil in the Night.