A/N: Alright, Time for a new story. Yay I just love giving myself more work to manage don't I?
Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY or Halo they are respectively owned by Rooster Teeth and 343 Industries.
(Flashback/Author notes)
Chapter 1: The new beginning
Corporal Ashton Dommer, July 7th 2555, Onboard UNSC Cerberus in orbit over Balaho
"MARINES! For far too long. . . .we've fought this war. We've lost so many. . .But today we stand here with the hope for a new victory. . .a new beginning. After these many years of bloodshed we've finally found the homeworld of the Unggoy or "Grunts" . Now I know how much you tough sons of bitches hate them, And that's why I'm proud to say that Fleet Admiral Hood has given the "Okay" with turning the First Recon loose on those poor bastards. I expect nothing less than fu-..." The Major Generals voice trailed off in Ashtons head as he thought back to how his life had come to this point.
Five years ago
"I, Ashton Dommer, Do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Unified Earth Government against all enemies, Foreign and domestic; That I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; And that I will obey the orders of the President of the Unified Earth Government and the orders of the officers appointed above me, According to regulations and the uniform code of military justice, So help me god." Ashton said holding his right hand in the air as he recited the UNSC oath of enlistment. He had although against his mother's wishes enlisted in the UNSC to help in the war. This was in his mind the start of a grand adventure.
One month after enlistment
Two years after enlistment
"MARINE CORPS IN THE SKY! HOLY HELL WE'RE GONNA DIE! WHAT THE FUCKS A PARACHUTE!? I WAS TOLD TO GRUNT AND SHOOT!" Ashton sang the cadence while in full combat gear during ODST training.
"YES, SIR!?"
"AYE, SIR!" Ashton yelled as he dropped to the ground and starting doing pushups while the platoon jogged in place.
Present time
"Marines across the entire UNSC would give everything to be where y'all are today! Anyone not want to go!?" The Major General was wrapping up his speech to the First Recon Battalion.
"NO, SIR!"
"When you marines get down there what are you gonna do!?"
"Damn right you will, Dismissed!"
Drop bay ten minutes before the drop
"I'm just saying, Why can't we ever invade a cool planet? You know like one full of chicks in bikinis?" A marine named Jake said prompting a few chuckles as the ODST anthem played over the speakers in the background, This was traditional before every drop.
"I don't know Jake, But if you can find me a planet full of chicks in bikinis I'll spearhead that invasion anyday."
"Was that a sex joke?"
"Well it should be." Jake said as the preparatory siren came on and the Lieutenant entered the bay.
"Alright boys, Let's do this. Any questions before we step off?" Lieutenant Hansen asked putting on his helmet prompting the other marines to put on their helmets.
No one said anything only loaded their weapons and did last minute checks on their gear.
"That's what I like to hear marines, Now how will we get down there!?" The lieutenant asked.
"Feet first, Sir!" Came a chorus of yells.
"Good, Now load up and prepare to drop." The Lieutenant said as his visor polarized.
The ODSTs loaded into their pods. Ashton tensed up as the hatch closed shut and he felt his pod being moved into position. He looked at his SRS99D-S2 locked into position on his left and his M7S locked in on his right and felt butterflies in his stomach as his two screens came to life showing the lieutenant and his squad leader.
"Alright boys, Show time." The squad leader said as the small countdown timer went off and the pods were launched towards the planets surface.
Ashton tried to keep the blood from rushing to his head as they started to hit the atmosphere.
"What the hell is that?"
Ashton looked and saw a white flash as they hit the methane filled atmosphere. It only lasted a moment but it was long enough that the polarization of his visor adjusted. The pods broke through the clouds and were descending to what appeared to be some kind of forest. The methane in the atmosphere made it hard for any intel to be gathered from orbit which was why the first recon battalion had been sent in in the first place. But then again with all the methane no one was expecting a lush forest as their landing zone.
Ashtons pod slammed into the ground hard and the hatch flung open. Ashton ran out and took cover behind a tree. Jake who had landed not too far away ran up and joined him.
"Can you contact anyone?" Ashton asked while jake took out his TACPAD which let him get the positions of all the other pods.
"We're missing a few. The high methane level in the atmosphere could be messing with electronics or something. . . .speaking of the methane. We couldn't see shit on the way down. . .right?" Jake asked looking up.
"Well how come it's clear as shit out now?"
Ashton looked up and realised how clear the night sky was.
"Also, Not to complain. But didn't this planet have two moons? Both of which were not broken?"
Ashton nodded his head "Yeah. . . .something ain't right. Try raising the lie-"
"Anyone copy?" The radio crackled
Jake spoke into the communicator inside his helmet "Loud and clear, Sir."
"I just found alpha squad dead fifteen meters from their pods, We're not alone."
"Roger that, Sir. Orders?"
"Head to the RV point, We'll link up an-" The radio cut to static.
"What the hell?" Ashton asked.
"His signal was lost, Could've been the trees."
"Yeah the trees that killed alpha squad."
A loud scream erupted breaking the silence of the night and interrupting the conversation.
"Sounded like the LT, We better move!"
"Wait. Do you hear that?" Ashton said stopping him.
They could hear the bushes rustling.
"Let's go this way, We just need to get out of this creepy fucking forest."
"I'm on your six, Let's g-AGH!"
Ashton turned to see a tall black creature standing behind Jake, It had stuck its razor sharp claws through Jakes chest.
"HOLY SHIT!" Ashton yelled as he drew his M7S and aimed.
Jake stuck his arm up as if to stop him. As the creature started dragging him into the tree line Jake detonated a frag grenade killing him and the creature. Ashton shook his head at the gory seen for a moment before deciding he needed to get the hell out of here. He picked a direction and began running. Every now and then he would hear a burst of gunfire off in the distance maybe an explosion but they usually ended quickly. He suddenly found himself at the bottom of a cliff.
"Great. . . .no way out." He thought aloud as two more of the black creatures came out of the woodline.
He raised his M7S to his shoulder and began firing as the two of them charged him. One of them fell to the ground writhing in pain from the bullets while the other pushed through and bit him on the arm. Ashton whipped out his M6S and shot it in the face. He walked over to the other one and finished it off with a headshot. Another two came out of the tree line but this time with a third creature that resembled a bear.
"Oh fuck me." He said as he took out his SRS99D and aimed he lined up a shot with its head and fired. The shot didn't penetrate the armor on its head.
"Oh shit shit shit shit shit." Ashton thought as he adjusted his aim and took out the two smaller wolf like creatures. The bear like one was coming at him in a full charge now he aimed for its stomach and got one more shot off before it charged into him and sent him flying into the nearby cliff. Ashton looked at the hole in his chest from the spike on the creatures shoulder before aiming his M6S up at it and emptying the magazine in one last act of defiance. He coughed up some blood onto his visor obscuring his vision. But suddenly the creature stopped coming at him. Slowly the upper half of its body slid off. . .the creature had been cut clean in half. He swore he could see someone standing behind it but the blood all over the inside of his helmet made it hard to see. He could feel someone taking off his helmet, a blonde girl. He could feel her check his wrist for his pulse before he passed out.
UNSC Cerberus in orbit over Balaho
"Major General, I don't want excuses. I want answers. What do we know about what happened down there?"
"Well, Sir. As far as we know after the initial drop the entire first platoon had completely disappeared, We have no idea where they went or are now. We have them down as MIA but are speculating they were killed in atmosphere by something."
"You'll keep them down as MIA for now until we can find proof otherwise. I want to get to the bottom of this. You know how much I favor first recon. Now I've got ONI breathing down my neck because we lost an entire platoon by what appears to be magic, On top of that the covenant are trying to muster what reinforcements they can to send here."
"What are your orders, General?"
"Muster up some of your ODSTs and have them search this grid sector for any sign of the missing members of first recon. I expect you to report back to me in two hours whether the news is good or bad, Major General. Dismissed."
"Dismissed, Aye aye, Sir."
As the lower ranking officer left the general stepped into the light, Revealing his scarred face and salt and pepper hair, examining the file on the table of Corporal Ashton Dommer.
"ONI likes this one for some reason. . . .He would of course end up missing on one of my operations."
Corporal Ashton Dommer, Unknown Time, Unknown Location
When Ashton came to he found himself staring at a stark white ceiling. He was groggy and felt an intense pain all over his body. He slowly turned his head to his left and looked at the medical equipment next to him.
"I must be on a hospital ship or something." Ashton thought to himself closing his eyes again.
He re-opened his eyes and turned his head to the right to see a girl dressed in red and black sitting in a chair, She had just dropped his ODST helmet onto the floor and was picking it back up, He stared at her while she sat back up and continued examining his helmet. After turning it over in her hands a few times she raised it up and contemplated putting it on before she noticed him staring at her. They both stared at eachother for a moment before Ashtons eyes drifted over to the nightstand next to him. On top of it was his M6S pistol, He grabbed it and quickly aimed it at the girl. He held up his finger to his mouth telling her to be quiet as he slowly got up and looked around. He spotted a window and made his way to it, Keeping his weapon pointed at the girl, He looked out the window before opening it with his free hand. From the landscape outside he was clearly not on Balaho and definitely not on a UNSC hospital ship. He leaned out and dropped the one and a half stories to the ground into the soft grass next to the building.
"Wait!" The girl yelled as he dropped.
He took off sprinting feeling a sharp pain in his chest as he did so. The girl dropped out of the window after him.
"Of course she has to be a persistent one." Ashton thought as he rounded a corner around a building and hid in the shadows for a moment as the girl ran past.
He watched her run quite a distance in a short time before stopping to decide a direction and setting off in it. Ashton turned around and took off in another direction, He noticed there were no people around but shrugged it off as nothing, The pain in his chest started back up again after he had been running for a little while until suddenly he found himself on the ground staring at the sky with a new pain in his neck. He had been clotheslined, He instinctively raised his pistol up at the person standing above him but he was immediately met with a blade very close to his face, It seemed to be the blade of an older style sword. He tensed his finger on the trigger but was interrupted by a voice.
"You wouldn't dare shoot me." The female standing above him said coldly.
He hesitated only a moment to study her face before aiming his pistol slightly to the right and letting the shot rip right next to her ear, She flinched as the bullet cracked past, Using this as a distraction Ashton kicked her feet out from under her and jumped back up trying to take off again. He only got a few feet before he felt something wrap around his legs, Looking down he saw black cloth wrapped around his legs before he fell over and hit his head on the ground. Before he passed out he could see a pair of legs in front of his face and heard a few voices before everything went black.
UNSC Cerberus in orbit over Balaho
"General Cato, What's the status of your men on the surface?" Fleet Admiral Hood asked.
"Good, Sir. We're slowly beating back the reinforcements the Covenant have scraped together to defend the planet. I expect to have the ground war won within a week."
"Good, What about you, Vice Admiral?"
"Sir, The Covenant fleets as usual have always been stronger. We're winning but just barely and the tables could flip at any moment."
"Hmm, Then I will dispatch the Infinity to your location to assist. I'll patch Captain Del Rio into the call now." The Fleet Admiral said as the fourth mans face appeared in the video conference between the commanders.
"Admiral, I just received your orders."
"Good, I expect you to head out immediately."
"Aye aye, Sir. We're setting a new heading for Balaho."
Corporal Ashton Dommer, Unknown Time, Unknown Location
Ashton woke up again. The room was dark, He couldn't see a thing and he couldn't move. But he felt a presence. So he wasn't very surprised when he was hit by a flash of white light in his face.
"What's your name?" Came a voice from behind the light.
"Ashton Dommer, Corporal, July 20th 2533."
"Why are you here?"
"Ashton Dommer, Corporal, July 20th 2533."
"Are you going to actually respond?"
"Ashton Dommer, Corporal, July 20th 2533."
"Professor. We're getting no where with him. We should just turn him over to the authorities."
"Hold on. I want to try something."
Ashton listened as the voices argued. One sounded more stern while the other was calm. The light was moved back out of his face to reveal a man sitting at a table in front of him. Ashton was tied to a chair. The man in front of him was wearing a green suit and had on circular glasses.
"We have no intention of harming you, We just want your cooperation." The man said fixing his glasses. Ashton remained silent.
"Now, Originally we found you in the middle of the forest, alone, half dead fighting an Ursa. Care to explain to me how you got there?"
"SOEIV." Ashton murmured.
The man just stared at him.
"Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle."
The man continued to stare at him.
"Oh for the love of-The big metal pod."
"Ah." The man said. "Now, You got here in those pods. . .but why were you in the Emerald Forest with those pods?"
"Emerald Forest?"
"Yes, That is where you landed."
"So then I suppose I didn't land on the planet Balaho."
"I also suppose you've never heard of the UNSC? Or the Covenant?"
"I am afraid not, Young man."
"I don't suppose you would know what happened to the rest of my friends?"
The man just looked away.
"I understand." Ashton said hanging his head down.
The man stared at him for a moment with some regret for not saying something.
"I'd like for you to explain what this UNSC and this Covenant are though, Could you do that?"
"The UNSC is the United Nations Space Command it is the military, exploratory, and scientific agency of the United Earth Government."
"And the Covenant?"
"The Covenant Empire is an alliance of alien species who follow a religion worshipping these beings known as forerunners. Upon discovering humankind their religion deemed us unfit to live or a disgrace to their religion, There are a lot of theories going around about it but anyway, The Covenant waged a genocidal war on humanity and we've been stuck in brutal conflict ever since."
"Well young man, I think both you and I have come to the conclusion that you don't belong here. So I assume you don't have anywhere to go."
"Yeah. . . ."
"Well then. . . .how would you like to attend my academy?"
The woman who had been standing behind the man the entire time and had been mostly quiet spoke up.
"Professor! Do you really think this is a good idea? To let this person whom we have no idea is, Who also is making a ridiculous claim of fighting a war with alien beings. You're just going to blindly trust him and let him into Beacon? What's to say that he didn't hit his head when that Ursa tossed him? Or that he's just lying through his teeth?"
"That's just it Ms Goodwitch. We have no reason to trust him. . . .but we have no reason to doubt him either. Both you and I have seen the strange weapons he was carrying, The clothing, The pods."
"I can prove it." Ashton said interrupting their argument.
The woman raised an eyebrow.
"How?" She asked him in a stern voice.
"Well, If you would be so kind as to return me my helmet I can produce all the proof you will need."
The man whispered something into her ear and she left the room, She returned a short while later and placed his helmet on the table.
"If you would kindly undo my restraints." Ashton said to the woman in his best smart ass voice.
The woman untied him, Intentionally hurting him a little in the process.
"Now. If it's still here. . . ." Ashton muttered to himself as he flipped the helmet around.
"What are you looking for?" The man asked.
"All UNSC helmets record our engagements so that the Office of Naval Intelligence and officers can study the recorded footage and improve tactics. This footage is recorded on this bad boy right here." He said pulling the chip out of the back of his helmet and holding it up.
The woman snatched it out of his hand.
"Well, Young man. It'll take about a day for us to adapt the files on this to play on one of our machines. Until then we'll have to house you with one of the teams as we don't have an extra room at the moment. Ms Goodwitch will show you where you'll stay and introduce you with the people you'll live with for a day or two until we can have a room done for you."
He motioned for him to stand up and follow him.
"Before I go anywhere. Two things, I want my gear."
"Of course, It shall be returned to you immediately, And the other thing you wanted?"
"Your name."
"My name is Professor Ozpin. I am the headmaster of this school. Beacon Academy."
He then motioned for Ashton to follow the woman out.
"I'll also expect to speak with you tomorrow." The headmaster called as he left the room.
Fifteen minutes later
"You'll be staying in this room for today. The other occupants will return from their classes shortly. Here are your belongings." The woman said opening the door for him and pointing to his ruck, armor, and weapons next to the door.
"Do not take this as kindness, I am doing as instructed. I do not trust you."
"I never asked you to." Ashton said kneeling down opening his ruck.
"Like I said, Don't take this as kindness. I'm sure you'll love your new roommates." The woman said with a slight evil tone closing the door.
Ashton did not find himself reassured after her parting statement. He plopped onto the floor and looked around. He saw two hastily created bunk beds that after staring at them for a moment deemed death traps as one was literally being supported by a pile of books. He checked the door only to find it was locked. . . .she had locked him in.
"Great. . . ." Ashton muttered to himself. He pulled his M6S off the floor and turned it over in his hands for a moment before disassembling it. Cleaning your weapons was a good way to pass the time in the field and it seemed like he would be waiting awhile.
UNSC Cerberus in orbit over Balaho
"Major General, Report. Did you find anything on the missing troopers?" General Cato asked.
"Negative, Sir. They've disappeared without a trace."
"Alright. . . .now I've got to tell ONI that. . . .they're not going to like it I suppose we'll have to expect spooks all over our asses now."
"If I may ask. Why are ONI so interested in a few troopers that burned up in atmosphere?"
"Because ONI is thinking they didn't burn up in atmosphere and something else is going on."
"But even if that is the case, Why are they so interested."
"Tell me, Major General. In the entire time you've commanded the 22nd Shock Troops division has there been any unit that stood out to you within the First Recon Battalion?"
"Yes, Sir. Nightmare Company for their exemplary performance during the battle of Earth."
"And are there any men within that particular company you would say really stand out?"
"Lance Corporal Jake Montoya, Sergeant Alan Chang, Corporal Ashton Dommer, and Lieutenant Ben Herrera. All earned countless awards during the battle for Earth. Although Chang and Herrera are dead. Montoya and Dommer were deployed here."
"Exactly. It's those two troopers that ONI is interested in."
"ONI is interested in two of my men, Why?"
"Are you familiar with the SPARTAN-IV program, Major General?"
"Yes, Sir. To my knowledge there are quite a few fighting in the ground war below."
"Then I'm sure you're familiar with the number of recruits they pull from the ODSTs."
"Yes, Sir. Although they mostly took from the 105th Shock Troops and not us."
"Well they're interested in those two men of yours. Two men who just so happened to go missing during this very operation."
"Why are they so important to ONI and the SPARTAN-IV program?"
"If I knew I would tell you. Although I have a hunch as to why. I've been going over the files of both those troopers to figure out why. Montoya was relatively clean. . . .Dommer on the other hand. . . .lots of black ink. I could see why they would want Montoya. . .he's a damn good trooper. Dommer on the other hand, Ever since the battle of Earth his mental examinations have shown him to be unstable. Engagements with Covenant forces tend to push him overboard. To the point he disregards his own safety to eliminate the enemy at all costs. Disobeying orders and nearly costing him his life on many occasions"
"And he hasn't been discharged?" The Major General asked with a bit of contemplation in his voice.
"No, Which catches me as odd that they would want someone like that for a thing such as the SPARTAN-IV program. Are you aware of the nickname he earned for himself?"
"No, Sir."
"From what I read in the file he earned his nickname "Psycho" during the battle of Earth. Now I'm no expert here Major General, I'm not around ODSTs every day I have other forces to command. But a nickname like Psycho is not something your ODSTs would just give without reason. Am I correct?"
"You are correct, Sir."
"So it's lead me to believe that something changed him during the battle for Earth. Something that gives him this killing intent. . .this drive. They want him to become a SPARTAN-IV because of this inner drive he possesses . . .whatever it is. If you think about it SPARTANs have already established themselves as a killing force to be reckoned with. So if you turned a natural killing machine into an even more capable killing machine. . . .that's what I think they're after."
"Sir, With all due respect. I think you're thinking into this too much."
"Then tell me Major General. What do you think."
"I don't think above my paygrade, General." The Major General responded with a hint of scorn in his voice.
"Fair enough. . . .dismissed, Major General."
"Dismissed, Aye aye, Sir."
Corporal Ashton Dommer, Unknown Time, Unknown Location
Ashton reassembled his M7S for the fifth time. He had been sitting here for a while now. As he placed the submachine gun on the floor and picked up his M6S pistol to begin disassembling it for the sixth time the door opened. Without looking up he pulled the slide back with a satisfying click.
"What's up?" He asked the people entering the room still not looking up from his weapon. He could feel them standing in front of him. . . .he could see their feet too.
"Look if there's a problem take it up with your commanding off- OH CRAP, YOU AGAIN!" Ashton yelled as he finally looked up to see the girl he nearly shot before standing right in front of him with the girl that had been holding his helmet before to her right.
He dove for a pistol magazine that was next to his ruck expecting a fight. The other girl was faster than him though and kicked it out of his reach.
"Woah woah woah woah! Calm down! We're not starting a fight!" She quietly yelled trying to get him to calm down.
The girl with white hair on the other hand was much less calm.
"Weiss! Calm down! Remember what Ms Goodwitch and Professor Ozpin said? We're not allowed to start trouble with him they said." She said trying to calm her down.
The girl with the white hair composed herself for a minute before speaking again.
"Fine. Fine, But I don't trust him and I don't like having him here. . . .in this room." She said.
"Don't worry, Weiss. They said it will only be for a day. . . .maybe two days at most. So just be calm. We don't even know his name."
He started to speak but was cut off by the white haired girl again as she picked his helmet off the floor.
"P5YCH0?" She read aloud. "What the hell kinda name is that?" She said turning towards him with a stern look on her face.
He placed his hand on his forehead. "What does it look like in the english language. . . .replace the numbers with their letter look-alikes. See it now?" He said treating her like she was five.
"Psycho?" The red haired one asked.
"Ding ding ding, There we go." He said.
"Well it fits him perfectly!" The white haired one whom from her conversation with the other girl he inferred was named Weiss said as she threw his helmet at him before storming out.
"And for the record! My name is NOT Psycho, That's more of a nickname!" He called after her as she stormed away.
"Well, What is your name then?" The other girl asked.
"Ashton. . . .I'm Corporal Ashton Dommer. But call me Ashton."
"Well Ashton. . . .I'm Ruby." She said sitting on the floor in front of him.
"Nice to meet you Ruby."
"Likewise. So. . . . .Where are you from? As in where's home?"
"Well. . . .Mom always said home was Harvest because that's where she was from. . . .but Harvest was glassed. So I guess you could say Earth was home. . . .but Earth was kinda glassed. . . . .at least partially."
"Are Harvest and Earth. . . .planets?" She asked him with a confused look on her face.
"So they weren't kidding when they said you claimed to be a spaceman from the future, Huh?"
"That's what they told you? Spaceman from the future?" He said with a chuckle.
"Well frankly it wouldn't be hard to mistake you fo- OH MY GOD WHAT IS THIS!?" She asked suddenly yelling with excitement.
She held up his SRS99D.
"WELL WHAT IS IT CALLED!?" She yelled in his face again with excitement.
"It's just the Sniper Rifle System 99D-S2 Anti-Matériel rifle. . . .that's all." He said rubbing his ear because of her yelling.
"That names a real mouth full, You should really consider giving it a shorter name. A name that describes its personality."
"Personality? It's a weapon."
"Weapons are extensions of ourselves. Our weapons are part of what make us. . . .us."
Ashton looked at her like she was crazy.
"Look. . . .If you're trying to convert me to some. . . .weapon worshipping religion. . . .I'm not interested in it."
Ruby looked at him as if he had personally insulted her.
"Hey! I don't worship weapons! I just like them al-"
She was interrupted by Weiss storming back into the room with two more people in tow.
"Ruby! Are you okay? We heard you yelling and came as fast as we could." The blonde one said as she ran into the room skidding to a halt.
"There he is, The psychopath. I'm sure he hurt her in some way." Weiss said.
"Psychopath? Weiss, That's the guy we rescued in the forest. You know the one who nearly shot you in the- Ohhhhhhhhhh."
"For the last time, I did not try and shoot you in the head, I simply shot next to your head so you would lower your defence."
"You're really not trying to act innocent here, Are you?" The one with black hair asked.
"I only say the truth. . . . .I'm sorry, I don't know either of your names."
"I'm Yang and this is Blake." Yang said.
"Ooooooh what's this!" Ruby said unsheathing his machete and examining it.
"Hey! Put that down!" He said grabbing it out of her hand.
"What? Come on just let me see it!" She protested.
He reluctantly handed it back to her. "Just don't cut yourself."
She got excited again quickly grabbing the blade back and examining it.
"Is this your symbol?" Ruby asked pointing to the faint engraving of the UNSC logo on the blade.
"My symbol? No. That's the UNSC logo."
"UNSC?" Blake asked leaning against the wall behind him now.
"United Nations Space Command."
"So you are a spaceman!" Ruby said like she had discovered a deep secret.
"No. . . sorta."
"Well what are you then?" Weiss asked getting in his face.
"You really want to know?"
"Go ahead." She responded.
"Orbital Drop Shock Troopers. . . .Are you familiar with the concept? No, Right? Figured." He said examining the confused look on her face.
"Orbital Drop what?" Yang asked.
"Let me simplify things, You're all familiar with the concept of warfare, I doubt you aren't."
They nodded their heads.
"In warfare Naval Infantry are the soldiers who come from the ocean onto an enemies shore. Hence Marine meaning "Of the Sea". So think of me as that but from space instead of the sea. . . .and planets instead of shores."
"So then you're a spaceman." Ruby said matter of factly.
"Yes. . . .I suppose you could say I am a spaceman."
"Well why are you here? You say you are a soldier. Are you invading us?" Weiss said sounding concerned now.
"Negative. Atleast I don't think so."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Blake questioned.
"It means I really don't know. I can't tell you everything. I'm not supposed to tell you anything. . . .but if it's the only way to get you off of my ass for more than five seconds I'd tell you so many memories you would probably have nightmares for a lifetime." He said looking at Weiss. "It's not a fun life I've lived. . . .but I don't take it too serious. . . .it's all part of something big, Just take the blows and roll with it. No one gets out of life alive anyway."
"Where are you going?" Yang asked as he made his way for the door.
"A walk." He said waving her off as he started down the hall.
"Wait up! You don't even know where you're going!" Yang called running after him.
"Yang! Stop him! Ozpin said we're not allowed to let him leave!" Ruby called after her.
"What do you think I'm doing!?" She yelled back as she ran around the corner after him. Leaving Ruby, Blake, and Weiss at the room.
"I still think he's crazy." Weiss said going back inside.
A/N: That's that, Chapter one done. Yes, ONI technically has little to no control over the SPARTAN-IV program as Spartans is it's own branch in the UNSC. But just roll with it as this is AU. . . .I mean we're still fighting the Human-Covenant war. I know the ending for this chapter is kinda weak, I'll probably go and update this chapter at a later time. Also, Reach fans should get the reference towards a certain Noble team member in the chapter. Anyway, Enjoy the rest of your morning/day/evening after reading this.
[EDIT] Edited the chapter as I noticed some major mistakes I made (This is what I get for writing mostly at night) big ones like messing up Ashtons name right in the beginning (This is what I get for having two stories where characters have the first name beginning with A and the same last name) and an accidentally censored F-bomb (I debated originally to censor this story so it could be rated T but decided I wanted to keep it in it's original format to best convey the story). Anyway Chapter two should be uploaded in a few days if I can write on schedule for once.