Sorry for the one year off, I have been super busy but now that summer is here I have time. Exciting new chapter as Fox and Krystal fall deeper in love, but will it last? Read on!

Chapter 6: Love Remains

My eyes opened groggily and I stared at the room still covered in darkness. I looked at the green neon letter that read 4:03 on the clock. I then started down at the most beautiful face in the world resting it's head on my slowly beating chest. I slowly stroked her hair

Wow still as beautiful as always. Come on man, don't fall, not again. You know it's not gonna last! But maybe? No! It's not happening you have two separate lives, different cities, you can't just renew an old fling and think it will never end. But we're more than an old fling

Suddenly she started jerking around and seemed frightened in her sleep. Her body thrashed around

"No, mom! No!" she screamed

"Krystal, Krystal it's okay," I lovingly hugged her and she seemed to relax. Her breathing went back to normal.

I got up and walked to the fridge for some water. After drinking the glass I started walking back when I heard

"No! I'm not that type of girl! Get off me you perv! I'm not that kind of model! Stop!"

I sprinted back to the couch and grabbed her. "Krystal! Wake up!" I shook her to wake her from her nightmare. She was still trapped in her sleep.

"Stop! I won't! Get off me!" she suddenly wiggled out of my grasp and took her hand to slash my face. The claw sliced across my shoulder and I screamed out in pain.

"Krystal! Please it's me Fox, it's only a dream I'm here. I'm going to protect you, I promised."

Her body suddenly relaxed and she opened her eyes in terror.

"Where am I!" she shouted in panic, spinning around to look at her surroundings.

"Krystal, it's me it's okay" I consoled her as I drew her in to hug her.

She wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my chest weeping, "thank you Fox, I just can't sleep at night sometimes. I'm sorry…" She looked at the blood dripping from my scar. "Fox, was that"

"Yeah it was you, I understand though you were…"

She quickly drew away, "I'm awful, I'm sorry Fox, I can explain. I would understand if you just left."

"You don't need to explain, you don't need to do anything," I slowly pressed my lips on hers and wrapped my arms around her. Suddenly her lips drew away and she lightly pushed me off.

"I'm sorry its just"

"That's what you were dreaming about when you hit me. Getting. No please don't tell me!"

"Yes, I was. Rapped." her face fell and I tensed up.

Who the hell would do that to a girl. Especially Krystal, I will hunt down and kill whoever

She noticed my anger, "Fox please don't get mad at me."

"No," I immediately uncurled my fist and clutched her hand, "I'm mad at whatever beast would do that to you. I would never want any harm to come to you."

"Thank you Fox, for everything. Now let me get some ice for you."

"No I'm good, just a flesh wound!" I quoted jokingly.

She walked over to the fridge and filled a bag of ice. "Sorry Braveheart I'm making you put some on."

She walked over and slowly pressed it on, "Oh my gosh that feels amazing!" I said as the pain receded.

"So who was it?" I suddenly asked

"Who did?"

"Who you know, did that to you?"

"Oh! Ummm"

"It's fine if you don't want to talk about it, I understand."

"No, you deserve to know. He was my agent. He wasn't the greatest guy but he knew the business and started my career. He was always kind of creepy but it was never that bad. Until one day he brought me to a shoot, it was a naked shoot. And I said no. He wouldn't take no for an answer so he brought me back to his office and locked the door. He was bigger than me and he… he told me to to… to take my clothes off and I said no so he…" she burst into tears and clutched me as she sobbed into my chest. "I'm a mess Fox, I didn't want you to know what I was really like. I should've just slept by myself!"

"No Krystal. I love you more than ever," I lifted her chin and stared into her sparking blue eyes brimmed with tears. "I will always protect you, I promise."

I picked her up and laid her on the couch next to me. I slid on and threw the blanket over us. I heard her breathing return to normal and I slowly drifted into sleep.



"I love you more than ever."

Hope you guys liked it, love the reviews, and appreciate yo u guys so much as fans. Can't wait to keep publishing and finish it for you guys. Next one will be coming out in days!