This story is set in the near future after Team Star Fox has disbanded and gone on to separate lives. They all reunite though for Slippy and Amanda's wedding. And Fox hopes he will reignite the romance between him and Krystal but will his past and mistakes get in the way?

Chapter 1: Arrival

"Hey Slip thanks for inviting us on this vacation," I thanked my good friend as we drove to the airport.

"We'll its not any old vacation its me and Amanda's wedding!" My friend excitedly answered.

Wow this is the life just cruising to the airport with my old friend in my brand new Corolla.

The palm trees zoomed by as we speed down the road towards Corneria City airport. General Pepper had generously given us free tickets to the newly renovated Zoness resort. Not that we needed a plane, but a free two weeks at a resort was nice.

"Who else is coming with us," I asked, it had been a year since the Aparoid invasion and I hadn't seen my friends since then.

"We'll let's see," he paused scratching his head,"ugh me, you, and Amanda, obviously. And Falco, Katt, Peppy and Lucy but they'll be late, Wolf... Panther"

At the mention of Panther I growled. I hated that guy so much. He was so annoying and he always flirted with Krystal. Wait is Krystal coming!

"And um anybody else," I nervously asked hoping he would say Krystal's name.

"Oh yea, Krystal," he responded, my mood instantly improved. "Why Fox are you still into her, I still wonder why you never made a move?" he asked practically reading my mind.

"Well yeah kinda," I replied as my cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. Just even the thought of her made me blush.

"We're here," I said staring at the huge silver building with Corneria City Airport in big red letters at the top. We both hopped out and headed for the ticket counter.

"We should be at gate seven, do you have your ticket?" he asked.

"Yeah when does our plane leave," I scanned the paper, "crap! It leaves in ten minutes!" I shouted.

We sped down the terminal with our bags flapping around. I avoided multiple people and almost ran into a baby carriage. I quickly flashed my VIP badge to the security and thanked General Pepper for giving me one. We arrived at the terminal with two minutes to spare and I bent over while breathing heavily. I looked up and saw everybody, Falco looking hungover and wearing a Hawaiian t shirt and talking to Wolf who was wearing a black muscle shirt. Amanda was chatting with Katt and they both looked cute wearing matching t shirts that said Besties.

"Oh hi honey!" Amanda yelled to Slippy who went over and pecked her on the cheek.
I scanned the rest of the waiting area and there she was, Krystal. She looked stunning wearing jean shorts and a low cut t shirt. She still looked in great shape and was wearing a pair of purple sunglasses on her head. My body heated up as I angrily saw who she was chatting with Panther, that slime ball was wearing a wife beater and had sunglasses on. What a douchebag. Krystal then noticed me and wave for me to come over. I quickly walked over and was shocked as she sprinted at me and gave me a hug.

"Fox its so great to see you," she said as my lungs were about to burst as she squeezed me tighter. Her nice breasts pushed against my chest and I started to get dizzy.

"Krystal," I wheezed, "can you loosen up?"

"Oh sorry Fox I just haven't seen you in so long, what's up?" she asked beaming.

"Well I just do some missions for the Cornerain army and fix Airwings and stuff, what's up with you?" I questioned, hoping she wouldn't think my new job was lame.

"That's great, I miss flying sometimes. Right now I'm a model for Cornerian Beauty magazine," she grinned.

I could see why, her body was extremely toned. Her blue fur looked as beautiful as ever. Her turquoise eyes sparkled just like I remembered. And she definitely still had her figure. Wow I can't wait to see that in a bikini. Stop it, you're her friend don't think of her like that, be a gentleman.

I was snapped out of my daydream as I heard Panther cough and say, "good to see you Fox."

"Great to see you too," I snapped back sarcastically as we glared at each other.

"Anyways, Krystal that's so cool, you look great," I quickly said to get away from an awkward showdown with Panther.

She giggled, "really you think so," and I suddenly turned red.

Oh crap she can read people's minds she knew what I was thinking. No she doesn't there are tons of people here she wouldn't be able to tell. Still you have to be careful Fox she can do that stuff.

"So...ugh do you um want to sit by me on the plane?" I asked wanted to divert her attention away from my thoughts.

"Actually she is going to be sitting by me," butted in Panther, "isn't that right Krystal?"

I stared daggers at him as he smirked knowing he had pissed me off. What a jerk he can't just steal her like that.

"Actually..." interrupted a drunk Falco, "she's coming with me."

"Shut up you idiot," Wolf growled shoving him. "It's time to board so you guys get your stuff.

Krystal reached down and picked up her purse. My eyes almost bulged out of my head, her butt looked great in those jean shorts. Shut up you perv! She can hear that.

Apparently she hadn't as she got up and nervously looked at Panther and said, "I'm sorry, I'm going to sit by Fox."

His face immediately dropped looking defeated and his body slumped. Unexpectedly Krystal grabbed my hand in hers. My body heat instantly heated up. Does she like me, I was always afraid she didn't , even after all these years.

She giggled then asked, "haven't you ever held a girl's hand before?"

Not one as pretty as you I thought, no that's too cheesy.

"Nope, you're my first," I replied sarcastically with a sheepish grin.

"Well," she declared in a mock teacher voice, "first you have to hold their hand too"

I gripped her hand and pretended to stutter, " this good."

"Nope, sorry you fail," she giggled and then let go off my hand and skipped away to the airplane entrance.

"Hey wait not fair!" I yelled at her, I heard Panther scowl behind me.

I reached our seats and she was already sitting at the window seat.

"Ma'am I'm going to have to lock you up for taking the best seat away from Fox McCloud" I growled imitating General Pepper's voice.

"Well I'm important too, so early bird gets the worm," she replied.

I started tickling her and as she started busting out laughing I asked, "not so tough now huh?"
"Fox, Fox stop it," she gleefully giggled as I relented and sat down.

Wow her giggle is so cute I thought as I buckled my seat belt. I could listen to it all day. I wonder if she has feelings for me?

"Wow I'm so excited," she exclaimed, "do you realize it's been a year since I flew with my favorite co pilot.

Come on Fox, just do it, say how you feel. But what if she rejects me, what if she likes Panther more. No Fox Mccloud she likes you, so just say it.

"Ugh Krystal, I have something to tell you," I stammered.

"Yea, what is it Fox?" she asked.

"Welll I just want you to know I..." suddenly I looked behind me and saw Falco trip and fall towards me holding a glass of vodka. It splashed all over me and I stood up dripping wet.

"You drunk idiot!" I yelled at him, "what the hell man, really?"

He drunkenly shuffled back to his seat. As I went to the bathroom to change. Luckily I had brought a backup set of clothes. I got back to my seat and saw Krystal groggily looking up at me.

"I'm going to take a nap, okay?" she asked fighting to stay awake.

"Sure, here's a pillow for you, ugh Krystal, Krystal?" I asked as she had immediately fallen asleep on my lap.

Never mind the pillow, my lap will apparently do just fine. She continued to sleep as I stroked her fur. Wow she is just so beautiful, she looks so cute when she sleeps. No wonder I still have feelings. Why would she ever chose me though. Because Fox, I told myself, you saved her, you fought with her, you were her closest teammate. And don't forget about that night.

It was the morning before we reached the Aparoid homeworld and it was three o'clock. I was busy frightfully dreaming as I had plenty of nerves. I woke up when I noticed my door was open. I looked around and noticed Krystal laying down next to me.

"Hey what are you doing here," I asked.

"Fox I just needed someone to comfort me, to care for me. It's just I'm scared." She tearfully said.

"No, Krystal you're fine, everything will be alright, you're safe with me," I whispered trying to sooth her.

"But what if we fail, what if we don't win, then everything is gone, everything, she replied staring at me with her sparkling turquoise eyes watery with tears.

"We won't fail, we're Star Fox, and if we can't win then no one can," I reassured her as I wiped the tears away from her face.

"I already lost everything once Fox I don't want to do it again," she sobbed.

"Hey!" I lifted her chin up. "You're Krystal, ace pilot, you can beat anything. And anyways I'll protect you, I always will," I stated, kissing her forehead, hoping I would be able to fulfill that promise.

"Promise Fox?" she asked, I nodded. "Thank you then, thank you for everything," she kissed my cheek and then snuggled into my chest.

I didn't sleep the rest of the night I just stared at the most precious thing in the whole world. And I knew she was mine and no one would touch her.

I flashed back to the present and thought, whatever happened to that. After we won I guess we had the celebration and then split. Falco wanted to go lone wolf, Slippy needed more time with Amanda and Krystal wanted something new. There was no more need for us, so I got stuck as the forgotten veteran in the army.

She woke up and stared at me, "what's up, you look funny?"

"Oh just remembering the good old days," I blissfully remarked.

I could hear the landing gear coming down as we touched down. I heard Falco drunkenly cheer along with Wolf jamming rock music. Amanda and Slippy were all over each other and both Katt and Panther were flirting with other tourists. This was going to be a long, crazy... I glanced at Krystal, and hopefully romantic wedding.

Sorry for not updating in a year I just forgot about the project and wasn't very satisfied so I'm writing the rest and it'll only get better!