Elsie took a deep breath. She looked around the small waiting area and fidgeted with her handbag. Impatient and trying to still her thoughts, she stood up to look out the window. She watched cars and people passing on the street below as she waited for Dr. Clarkson.

Beryl pulled a tray of rolls from the oven and turned to survey the scene. Her Ladyship had nearly a dozen women from the garden club over for luncheon and the food was almost ready. "Daisy!"

"Yes, Mrs. Patmore!" Daisy always managed to sound startled in her reply.

"Don't forget to slice the cucumber and tell Jimmy to take the chicken upstairs!"

"Yes, Mrs. Patmore!" Daisy quickly shifted the mixing bowl into her opposite hand and turned toward the footmen.

Beryl frowned to herself and leaned out the kitchen door to glance at the back entrance. Elsie had surprised her after breakfast, casually mentioning that she was going into the village later and to let anyone inquiring know that she should be back by dinner. Beryl muttered a brief acknowledgement as she adjusted the stove, but by the time she turned to ask why, Elsie had disappeared upstairs.

Letting go of the door frame and turning back to the kitchen, Beryl could not help but feel uneasy. Maybe it was nothing. She frowned as she wondered whether Else had told Mr. Carson that she was leaving. He wasn't Elsie's supervisor and technically wasn't required to be told, but their unusual closeness was obvious and she suspected he would not be pleased if he didn't know.

Of course, at that moment Charles walked in. "Is everything ready?" He looked around the kitchen, glancing only briefly at the food while he craned his head around at the staff. Beryl did not have to guess what he was looking for. She put her hands on her hips as she watched him.

"Everything is fine. The chicken has already gone up. Mrs. Hughes should be back shortly."

She added the last statement unprompted. Carson's head snapped around and his eyes met hers. "Back? From where?"

That answered that. Mrs. Hughes hadn't told him.

"She had an errand in the village…should be back any moment..." Beryl trailed off, trying to sound casual as she turned away. She leaned over the counter and pretended to focus on the asparagus, resisting glancing back at him.

Charles stared at her for a second, his eyebrows knitted together lost in thought, before collecting himself. Abruptly, he pulled his shoulders back and gave a curt nod. "Very well then." Looking around as if noticing he was standing in the kitchen for the first time, he waved his hand and quickly added, "James, take the sauce" before turning and heading up the stairs. Mrs. Patmore smiled to herself and rolled her eyes at Daisy's confused expression.

Dr. Clarkson smiled at Mrs. Hughes. "So what is it that brings you here today?"

She gave him a small, sad smile back. "It's…my chest. I'm afraid it's not feeling quite right."

She had waited several weeks before requesting the appointment. She wasn't sure if she was overreacting. It was tender and slightly sore, but certainly not terrible. But, after the last incident, she couldn't help growing worried. After repeatedly telling herself that she was concerned about nothing, she decided to make the appointment. If nothing else, it would calm her thoughts and let her sleep at night again. She still felt certain that she was overreacting, so she told no one and went alone. She didn't want to appear silly.

Dr. Clarkson beckoned her into an examination room. There was another female patient in a bed on the opposite side of the room, so he pulled a curtain over to give her some privacy. Watching her worried expression, he smiled gently, "I'll take a look but I'm sure everything is fine."

She nodded. Motioning for a nurse to join them, he stepped forward and pulled the curtain into position. Elsie unbuttoned the front of her dress.

Charles stood in the dining room. The women were eating and he was unconsciously focused on a spot on the opposite wall. He wondered what Elsie was up to. Suddenly, her Ladyship's voice pierced his thoughts. "Carson!"

Blinking, he turned his head toward her. "Yes, my lady?" Six women stared back at him. He looked at her Ladyship's face. She looked puzzled and was masking her annoyance. He realized he had been daydreaming and she had probably called his name more than once. Collecting himself, he snapped to attention and asked again, more determinedly, "Yes, my lady?"

The other women cast sideways glances at one another. Carson noticed but ignored them. A brief look of concern crossed Cora's face. "Could we have some more tea?" He nodded and began deftly refilling the glasses. The womens' conversation resumed.

Cora gave Carson an almost invisible furrow of her eyebrows, questioning whether he was alright. He recognized her expression and returned an equally imperceptible nod of his chin, indicating that he was fine. She cast him one last questioning look and turned back to her guests. Charles resumed his position and stared back at the wall.

Elsie sighed loudly. "You really should tell him." Beryl implored.

"I don't see why. He knew the last time and it certainly didn't help anything."

Beryl frowned. She might not be the most sophisticated of women, but she had seen Elsie and Charles together long enough to know how they felt about one another. She snorted at Elsie, who glared back at her. They were each too foolish and stubborn to just admit it and get on. Softening her expression, she leaned back in her chair and looked at the small window in Elsie's sitting room. They were friends and she would do whatever she could. Especially if they had to do this again. Looking back at Elsie, she smiled. "I'm sure it will be fine."

Elsie gave a weak smile and looked down at the table. "I certainly hope so." After a pause she added, "but you won't tell him?" She was serious now. The look in her eye reminded Beryl that she had been the one to give her up last time.

Mrs. Patmore snorted a sarcastic laugh and clapped her hand on the table, returning Elsie's question with the affectionate grimace that only she could manage. Elsie tightened her mouth slightly and looked at her seriously.

"Oh, all right." Mrs. Patmore looked at Elsie. Elsie looked down at her tea.

There was nothing to do now but wait.