The great TangledWithYou and OoPoPcAnDy's first story!

Elsa's P.O.V

I stepped out of my bus, entering the large glass building, ignoring the whistles from many men. "Good morning Miss. Winters." The secretary greeted. She had her fake blonde hair in a side braid, just like me. I fought the urge to roll my eyes at her. Instead I just nodded in response and stepped in the elevator. Oh, how rude of me. I'm Elsa Winters, head of Arendelle's Skating Goods Magazine. You see those magnificent figure skaters wear? Or those ice skates which they use to glide over? Well, Arendelle Skating Goods Magazine sells all of those.

The elevator door opened on the third floor, and I stepped out. I saw Jack Frost, with those stunning blue eyes and white hair looking so goddamn hot that I swear I could... 'Snap out of it Elsa, he's the womanizer' I reminded myself. I barely know the guy but I know he He can get any girl with the blink of an eye, however he remains loyal to his girlfriend, Rapunzel Corona. Rapunzel, on the other hand, acts flirtatious around one of my co-workers, Flynn Rider. She is stunningly gorgeous, just like Jack, and is conveniently also my best friend. Jack looked up when I walked in, his eyes openly scanning my body from head to toe. I ignored him and my growing blush.

"Elsa! Jack!" My two bosses, Jasmine and Aladdin, call. Curiously, I walked over, and so did Jack. "We have chosen you both to be models of the issue Slice Through The Ice!" Jasmine said excitedly, clapping her hands together like a teenager.

"Really, us?!" I asked, taken aback. I have obviously been a model in an issue before, but Slice Through The Ice was a major issue that could change me entire career.

Jack's jaw was on the floor. "Isn't that a big issue?!" He gasped, expressing my thoughts. Aladdin nodded, his warm brown eyes sparkling.

"Come, come!" He said, grabbing both mine and Jack's hands and pulling us towards the photoshoot room.

"Alright, let's get started." Aladdin didn't waste any time and sat me and Jack two different dressing tables. The chair I sat on was plush, and I gripped it in excitement. I was going to model for a huge issue. Me!

"I'll be right back, Megara just paged me. She needs me for the shoot." Aladdin said, glanced at his phone, and ran out of the room. Megara- er, Meg as she likes to be called, was known for her sassiness.

"Okay, first thing's first. We need to see what we'll be working with!" Jasmine clapped her hands, getting mine and Jack's attention. I raised an eyebrow.

"What the heck does that mean?" I asked, confused.

"You know... Your body?" Jasmine prompted with exaggerated hand actions. My face felt hot, and Jack's was as red as a tomato. Please don't make us strip,

"Okay, uh. Here." I said quickly standing up and stretching my arms. I gave a little twirl and hurriedly sat down, feeling all my blood rush to my face. But I knew Jasmine wanted something different from the way she rolled her eyes at me, "Elsa. Clothes off." She instructed. I felt Jack's stare on me. What a gentleman,I thought bitterly. As quick as a flash, my clothes were off, and my embarrassment was on. Jasmine nodded and scanned my body in a professional manner, unlike Jack, who stared like he's never seen a girl naked before - which of course he did. Jasmine told me that I could put my clothes back on as she noted something on a bight green piece of paper. I put my clothes back on and sat down without a word, my face still bright red. "Now Ja-" Jasmine said, looking up. But she didn't get very far as Aladdin walked in, huffing.

"Megara the witch wants you." He said in an annoyed tone. Jasmine blew him a kiss and walked out, and then Aladdin's face brightened, "So, who's turn is it?" He asked, unlike Jasmine his emotions were clear on his flushed face. He was embarrassed, but so was I, and so was Jack.

"Um, Elsa just went. Aren't we done?" Jack asked, worry spreading across his face.

"No, why would you ask that?" Aladdin asked bewildered. "Well don't you just have to see how big her boobs are and then-"

"Jack!" I was horrified. How dare he say it as if women were a whole different species then men!

"No, Jack. Now take everything off." Aladdin said firmly, obviously sharing my views. His face was still bright red but not as red as Jack's. I snickered, without meaning to. Hesitantly, Jack removed his shirt. He was all hard lines and muscles and basically just looked like he walked right out of a Calvin Klein commercial

"Am I done now?" He asked meekly.

"No, no, and no. Bare chested isn't nude, Jack Frost." Aladdin folded his arms, his blush disappearing. Wait- nude?!

Face beet red, Jack pulled down his pants, reached for his boxers and-

"NO, DUDE! THAT'S ALL!" Aladdin covered his eyes, and I looked away immediately, his blush returning. Thank you lord for Aladdin,

"Oh-I-uh," Jack stammered, looking around confused.

"Ah, no, no, nopey - dopey, nope," Aladdin interrupted him, " Just, uh, put everything back on." I still looked away. I heard Jack cough uneasily, and then say, "Done."

Just then Jasmine walked in.

"Okay, we checked?" She asked in her business-like voice. Aladdin nodded, glancing at Jack uneasily. "Okay, well guys, you both know how to skate, right?" Jasmine asked.

"Well, uh, I haven't really had the best experiences with ice skating." Jack said, looking nervous. I just nodded in agreement. "Well you both are going to have to learn ice skating, both of you! Valentine's Day is coming up and this is a big issue! You both skating, Jack twirling Elsa, Elsa getting dipped, and then you both kiss-" Jack and I's scream of protests brought Jasmine out of her daydreaming. Aladdin began hooting with laughter. After seeing Jasmine's glare, he covered the laugh up as a cough.

"I have no intention of kissing a man I barely know." I said firmly, crossing my arms over my chest.

"And I have a girlfriend!" Jack pointed out. Jasmine sighed.

"Look, guys. If you want to stay in this business area you have to do things that may be uncomfortable. Jack, man up, and Elsa, show that girl power, and please don't blow this for the company." Jasmine pleaded. I cast a weary glance at Jack, he gives a sleight nod,

"Fine." We both said. Jasmine looks relieved.

"Thanks! Tonight at 7, we'll send a limo to both of your houses. Elsa, your house around 6:45. Jack, yours at 6:30. We're going to start lessons immediately." and before we knew it Aladdin was ushering us both out the door, the wood slamming shut behind us. I glance at Jack and he glanced at me. Blushing brightly we separated without a word. What else would you do if someone has seen you naked and you're supposed to dance with them? On ice?

There ya go! The first chapter of the first fic of TangledWithYou and OoPoPcAnDy's combined account! Don't forget to review!