Disclaimer: I do not own The Hobbit. It belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien, Peter Jackson, and Company.

The Treasure of Dale

"She loves you, Fili, son of Dis," Bard told him solemnly. "Of that, you do not need to be concerned. What you should worry about, however, is what I will do to you if you hurt my daughter." The bowman's eyes narrowed a bit to show the dwarf prince that he was entirely serious in his threat.

"I will never intentionally hurt her. You have my word," Fili vowed, his blue eyes serious and somber.

Bard studied the young dwarf for a moment before he nodded. "I believe you, Prince Fili."

Chapter 20

Sigrid scrubbed at the spot on the floor where Soren had spilled his soup. Although there were servants that would clean up after the children, Sigrid felt terrible leaving her son's messes for them. She scrubbed harder at the carpet, frowning. The soup had sunk into the carpet's fibers and she feared it was going to stain.

Footsteps sounded in the doorway and she looked up, trying unsuccessfully to blow a strand of hair out of her face without having to use her messy hands. Her breath left her in a whoosh, and her scrub rag dropped from limp fingers. "Fili," she gasped as the blonde dwarf stepped around Bard, his blue eyes twinkling with happiness.

"Sigrid, love," he smiled, holding out his hand to her.

She pushed quickly to her feet and threw herself into his arms. "What are you doing here?" she breathed as she pressed her face into his golden hair and wrapped her arms firmly around him.

Fili folded her into a tight embrace and buried his face in her neck, breathing deeply of her familiar scent. "Your father and my uncle had a talk," Fili murmured, his words tight with emotion. He couldn't believe that he was here in Dale and actually holding Sigrid in his arms.

Sigrid pulled back so that she could look down into his eyes. "Are you really here or am I dreaming?" she whispered, cupping his face and tracing the edges of his whiskers with her thumbs.

"I am really here, love, and with my uncle's blessing." Fili's hands rested on her waist and he longed to kiss her, but he could feel Bard's eyes on him.

Sigrid had no such reservations. "I missed you," she choked out before she leaned down and captured his lips with hers. The kiss was tender and gentle although both of them longed to deepen it. There would be time alone later.

There was a scuffling in the doorway behind them. "Papa, you are back!" Arne cried gleefully to Bard. When he caught sight of Fili and his mother, he froze. His little brother plowed into his back and knocked both boys to the floor. Arne scrambled to his feet. "Fili!" he shouted, propelling himself across the floor and throwing himself at Fili's legs.

With a chuckle, Fili disentangled himself from Sigrid although he slid his hand into hers. He could not bear to completely lose contact with her. The dwarf prince knelt and cuddled Arne close.

"Fili, I missed you," the boy nearly sobbed as he pressed his small body against the dwarf's solid chest.

"It is all right, lad. I am here now, and we shall see each other quite often," Fili comforted.

"Fili!" Soren squealed, barreling into his brother and the dwarf prince and knocking them backwards.

Sigrid giggled and reprimanded the children. "Boys, do not be so rough."

Fili finally released her hand so that he could focus on the boys. Sigrid crouched beside him, her arm brushing against his. "How is your leg, Soren?" Fili asked the small boy who squirmed happily in his arms.

"It is all better, Fili!" the child crowed. "I am so happy you are here!"

"Me, too!" Arne echoed, locking his arms around Fili's neck.

Sigrid squeezed Fili's shoulder before rising and hurrying to stand before her father. "Thank you so much, Da!" she sobbed, tears of happiness suddenly streaming down her cheeks.

"I just want you to be happy, Sigrid," Bard murmured as he hugged his eldest close. "I want the light back in your eyes again." He pulled back and searched his daughter's face. "And I can see that it has already returned."

"I love him, Da," she whispered in his ear, "so very much."

Bard squeezed her tightly. "Then that is what matters. Go to him. I will give him some time with the boys and then I will feed them and see them to bed tonight. You spend some time with your prince."

"Thank you, Da," Sigrid beamed, hugging her father's neck one last time before hurrying back to Fili's side.

Bard slipped out of the room as Fili tickled the boys and had them both squirming and laughing as they rolled on the floor.

Sigrid watched Fili interact with her children and her heart filled with emotion. This is what she wanted for them, someone to love them, play with them, and help raise them to be good men. She knew that Fili was just who they needed. He was the one she needed as well.

"Ma, can we show Fili around? We want him to see our room." Arne bounded to his feet and gripped his mother's arm.

"Certainly; I am sure Fili would enjoy that," she smiled, smoothing her son's hair back from his face.

"Come on, Fili!" Soren squealed with excitement, bouncing up and down beside the dwarf prince.

Fili laughed and stood, reaching for Sigrid's hand. "Lead the way, lads. Your mother and I will follow." He waited until the boys left the room before he stole a quick kiss from their mother. "Durin's beard, I have missed you, Sigrid," he growled, his hand squeezing her waist.

"And I you, Master Dwarf," she grinned, stroking a hand through his blonde tresses.

"Fili!" two boyish voices called.

Sigrid laughed. "Da will feed them their dinner and put them to bed so we can have some time alone," she assured him.

"Good," he murmured with a grin, sneaking another kiss before she led him into the hallway to follow the boys.

The afternoon sped by quickly and soon Bard was herding the boys to the washroom to help them clean up for dinner. Finally, Sigrid and Fili were alone.

They had dined on fish from the lake, fried golden and crispy. Then Fili had strolled arm in arm with his Sigrid along the lake front taking in the restored beauty of the city. They had reveled in being together, in being able to touch one another and talk to one another. Finally, a chill wind blew in off the water, and Fili led Sigrid home.

She hung up their cloaks while Fili built up the fire in Sigrid's suite and settled back on the large rug that graced the floor in front of the fireplace. With a happy smile, Sigrid joined him, arranging her skirts around her on the floor.

Fili reached out with a trembling hand and brushed a strand of hair from Sigrid's face before cupping her soft cheek with his callused palm. "I missed you so," he murmured tenderly, his blue eyes drinking in the sight of her.

"I did not think your uncle would ever allow us to be together," she said softly, turning her face so that she could kiss his palm. "I have to admit I was angry at first, not just at Thorin but also with you."

Fili blinked and then looked away in shame. "I do not blame you, Sigrid. I should not have given up so easily. I should have found a way to make Uncle understand."

"Fili," she told him softly, "look at me." When he kept his gaze on the floor, she tipped his chin up so that he could look into her face. "Please."

Finally, the dwarf prince raised his eyes to meet hers. His gaze was filled with shame and remorse.

"Yes, I was angry at first, but then I realized I was being selfish. You are a prince, so of course your first duty is to your people. Thorin knew that and was only looking out for the interests of the people of Erebor." Sigrid cupped his cheeks and caught his lips in a tender kiss. "You did nothing wrong, Fili, and I love you so much more because of the care you show for your people."

"Oh, my sweet Sigrid," he groaned before he wrapped his arms around her waist and deepened the kiss. She sighed into his mouth and tangled her fingers in his blonde hair.

Fili pulled back reluctantly and rested his forehead against hers. "I brought you something," he murmured, nuzzling her cheek. One of his hands let go of her waist and slipped into his pocket. He sat up straight and held his hand out to Sigrid.

She gasped at the necklace that lay coiled in his palm. With trembling fingers she lifted it and untangled the dainty silver chain. "Fili, it is so beautiful. Did you make this?" A delicate and detailed heart pendant hung on the chain, the runes for "love" etched intricately in the center.

"Aye, with only you in mind, my dear Sigrid. I was not sure if I would ever have a chance to give it to you." His free hand returned to her waist and he gave her a gentle squeeze.

"Please, put it on me," she asked, handing the dwarf prince the chain before she turned her back to him.

Fili brushed her silky hair out of the way and looped the necklace around her neck, his fingers trembling with nerves as he fought to hook the clasp. Her creamy, white skin beckoned him and her scent that was uniquely Sigrid tempted his nostrils. Leaning forward, Fili pressed a kiss to the nape of her neck and felt Sigrid shiver at his touch.

She turned in his grasp and as their eyes met, he leaned forward to take her lips with his. They slowly explored one another through kisses and touches before finally curling together on the rug propped up on some pillows and staring into the flames.

Sigrid rested her head on Fili's shoulder and draped her arm across his torso. Fili's rubbed his thick dwarf fingers over the back of her hand tenderly. "I have missed you so much," he murmured into the quiet. "I could not imagine spending my life with anyone but you." He pressed a kiss into her brown hair and smiled as she curled closer into his side.

"What changed your uncle's mind? Was it Da?" she asked quietly, nuzzling the soft skin of his neck.

"I think Uncle was beginning to question things before Bard arrived, but I cannot swear to it. Apparently, when Uncle was a young prince he fell in love with someone below his station. His father and grandfather forbid the romance. The young woman left and Uncle has not seen her since. I think he still pines for her."

"How awful," Sigrid commiserated. "Perhaps that is why he consented and has allowed us to be together."

Fili yawned. "I am sure it had something to do with it." He stroked Sigrid's hair softly. "I do not want this night to end, but your father will not be happy if I stay."

She frowned and tightened her arm around him. "I know," she admitted.

"But one day, hopefully soon, I will not have to say goodnight," Fili smiled. "You will be my wife and we will be bound to one another for all time."

"I like the sound of that," Sigrid smiled, tangling her fingers into his blonde tresses as he claimed her mouth for another soul searching kiss.


Sigrid allowed Fili to lead her into the suite they would share as husband and wife. She trembled all over with nerves. It wasn't that she didn't trust Fili; she trusted him with her life. She just was unsure of what to expect from their marriage bed. When she had married Emil, he had taken whatever he wanted from her whenever he wanted it. It had usually been painful and demanding, and she had despised it. Now that the moment was finally here with Fili, those memories flooded to the surface.

"What is it, my love?" the dwarf prince asked softly, feeling his new wife tense beside him. He watched in concern as her cheeks flooded red with embarrassment and she buried her face in his blonde hair. Her words were muffled when she spoke and he could not make them out. "Sigrid, I cannot understand you," he prompted gently.

She pulled back and bit her bottom lip nervously before she spoke. "I am a bit worried about….about consumating our marriage. I am not quite sure what you expect of me."

Fili cupped her cheek with a gentle hand. "Sigrid, I know that you understand the marriage act," he stated in confusion.

"With Emil, I was expected to lay there and let him do as he wished no matter how badly it hurt or if I wanted it or not. I suppose I am just now realizing that I do not know what you expect of me." Her eyes were filled with trepidation as she looked into those of her new husband.

"Oh, Sigrid," he sighed, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead, "the marriage act is something we will enjoy together. I will not force you to do anything you do not want to do, but I think you will see that things are different when you are with one who truly loves you." Gently, he traced her lips with the tip of one of his fingers and felt her shiver at his touch. His lips met hers in a passionate kiss and the night unfolded in marital bliss.

-The next morning-

Sigrid curled her body against the delicious naked warmth of her husband. Next to her, Fili sighed with pleasure and draped an arm around her waist as he pressed a tender kiss to her lips.

"Good morning, love," he murmured, his voice rusty with sleep.

Sigrid nuzzled his cheek, loving the way his whiskers rasped against her skin. "Aye, it is," she smiled as she balanced herself on one elbow and used her free hand to stroke her husband's face.

"You are amazing, my Sigrid," Fili smiled, his blue eyes tired but happy, as he reached up a finger to touch the delicate heart pendant that hung around her neck.

A faint blush tinted her cheeks as she admitted, "I never knew it could be like that, Fili. When someone loves you...," she trailed off as she leaned over and pressed her forehead against his.

"And love you I do," he told her, "with all of my heart, and I plan to spend every night for the rest of our lives showing you just now much."

"Every night?" Sigrid giggled playfully.

"Every night," he promised, his lips quirking with mirth, "and even during the day this week since the boys are with Uncle Kili and Auntie Tauriel." Fili's warm hand stroked the bare skin of his new wife's back and he watched with delight as her eyes darkened.

"I love you, my Fili," Sigrid whispered as she allowed him to roll her onto her back.

Fili pressed the length of his well-muscled body against hers and captured her lips in a heated kiss determined to put his love into actions. Sigrid sighed in pleasure as his mouth met hers and Fili showed his wife how much he loved her.

The End

Author's Note: I am planning a sequel to this fic that focuses on Thorin. The working title is "Broken Inside." The title is subject to change once I start writing. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!