Sherlock stood in the doorway of 221B, gazing into the sitting room. At first glance, it didn't look much different than it had a few hours ago. His chair was still there; and John's, and the leather sofa that had seen so much abuse. He looked to the mantle, where the photos of the children were gone, and Billy the Skull was gone. There were still boxes of files everywhere, but all the personal touches were gone. The box of toys for the kids in the corner. Molly's knitted afghan thrown over the back of John's chair.

He looked around the room for a few moments until he heard footsteps on the stairs. "The movers just left," came Molly's voice as she approached. "John and Mary took the kids, we need to head to the new flat."

Sherlock sighed and turned to his wife. "I'm glad we're keeping this flat for me to work out of - Baker Street has become synonymous with Sherlock Holmes. But it's still a little odd that it won't be home any more."

Molly wrapped her arms around him and kissed him on the back of the neck, climbing up on her tip-toes to do so. "You'll still be here a lot. But there was barely room for one child in this flat, now that Olivia is walking she really needs her own room. And the new flat is lovely, Mycroft did a spectacular job in finding it for us."

Sherlock snorted. "I think we've got Anthea to thank for that."

Molly nodded, and nudged Sherlock to turn around. "It's going to be lovely. We were have a beautiful flat not far from here, and you can work out of this flat, and the kids will have some room to run around. The back garden is much, much larger at the new place."

Sherlock smiled down at Molly and reached behind him to pull the door shut. "I know. It will be fine. We're only a ten minute drive away, and you talked me into buying a car, and the kids will have their own rooms."

"We should go, though. Everyone's going to beat us there."

Sherlock nodded, and they made their way down the stairs, stopping into Mrs. Hudson's flat to give her a hug. "You bring those children around to visit, Molly. I'm going to miss you three a lot. I'm sure I'll see plenty of Sherlock, but don't be a stranger, dearie!"

Molly hugged Mrs. Hudson. "Of course not. And you can come visit us any time you want!"

They drove to the new flat in silence, and laughed when they saw John directing the movers with their stuff. "About time!" he called as they got out of the car and hurried over. "Mary's inside with the kids."

Molly left Sherlock and John to it and headed into the flat. She found Will in his room, sitting on the floor with the one box of his belongings they'd brought in so far. "Hi Mamma!" he said, grinning at her. "My new room has such BIG WINDOWS."

Molly smiled. "It does! Now, when they come in with your furniture, stay out of the way, okay?"

Mary was in the kitchen with Olivia, who was squirming to be put down. Molly reached for her. "Not yet, Olivia. They are bringing in all our heavy furniture!"

"It's a lovely flat, Molly. You guys are going to be really happy here. I can't wait to see it all decorated for Christmas, and Olivia's birthday!"

Molly smiled. It really was the best of both worlds - close to Baker Street for Sherlock, but spacious enough for their growing family.

Later that night, once the movers had left, and Olivia's cot and Will's bed had been hastily sorted out so that they could be put to bed, Molly and Sherlock sat curled up on their new sofa, splitting a bottle of red wine Mycroft had sent over in a gift basket to the new home. Molly leaned her head over against Sherlock's shoulder, sipping her wine.

Sherlock leaned over and kissed the top of her head. "Thank you, Molly."

Molly looked up at him, questioningly. "For what, Sherlock?"

Sherlock smiled at her. "For helping me understand the value of family. For helping me build this family."

Molly leaned up and kissed him. "Thank you, Sherlock, for being part of my family."

"Always," whispered Sherlock drawing his Molly even closer into his arms.