Disclaimer… I do not own Ouran High School Host Club or its characters, but as with the other stories in the Assuming series, I will use them for everyone else's enjoyment in my fanfictions.
A/N: Guess what?! It's finally here! The third and final installment of the Assuming series. LOL. Thank you to Romance20 for the title name. When we left Haruhi and Chika, they had left Haruhi's graduation dinner after that explosive ending to hers and the twins' graduation… thanks to Hikaru and Kaoru. I have a few plans in store for everyone in this final installment. As always, if you have an assumption you would like to see or have any ideas for the story, please let me know through review or PM. I do accept guest reviews, so even if you don't have an account, you can let me know what you think. This story will cover their first year apart and through the wedding, so it will cover more than a year unlike the first two. Enjoy!
Chapter 1 – And So It Continues
Summer vacation had passed and now Chika and Haruhi were once again starting school again, but now they would be separated. One would be starting her university career at Todai and the other would be beginning his last year at Ouran… to him it was the beginning of the end (at least of his school career). Both were apprehensive about this next school year, but thankfully the couple trusted each other explicitly; not to mention they had the cooperation and help of six of their other friends. Okay, maybe those friends could be more of a hindrance than a help, but they meant well… most of the time… sometimes… occasionally. Unfortunately, their track record when it came to assumptions there were still some issues. In fact, just a week prior, their three greatest headaches made a huge assumption which caused a problem or two… or more.
Flashback of prior week…
It should have been a normal day, but when the Host Club was present, nothing could be considered normal. Haruhi had woken up early so that she could clean her apartment, especially while she could. Just because the Host Club had not scheduled anything did not mean they were not lying in wait to ambush her. She learned long ago to never let her guard down and to expect the unexpected. In regards to her friends, it was the perfect motto to live by.
Hearing a knock at the door, Haruhi put her rag down and brushed her bangs out of her face before answering it. When she opened it up, she found her boyfriend standing on the other side and that is when she glanced at the time, 9:30; the time Chika told her he would be by to pick her up for breakfast… and normally she would be done cleaning, or at least a good portion of it done, but she kind of started deep cleaning everything and moving he furniture around because she had accidentally dropped something behind the TV while she was dusting. Upon seeing how dusty and dirty it was in that corner, she decided to clean everything from top to bottom, and that included moving furniture… well, the stuff she could. Needless to say, she forgot about the time and getting ready for her date. Grinning sheepishly at her boyfriend, she invited him in and explained, "Sorry, cleaning kind of took me over."
"I can see that," he snickered as he lifted his hand and pull out a dust ball from his girlfriend's hair. "Do you want to forget about breakfast?"
"No!" Haruhi declared. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, she said in a much calmer voice, "No, I'll go and get ready now and then we can grab a bite. Ummm, what are you doing the rest of the day?"
Chika gazed at her cautiously, "Spending it with my beautiful girlfriend while she orders me around and I move furniture?" He had been around her twice before when she got into one of these cleaning frenzies. One time, he had shown up to surprise her and got roped into helping; and the second time, she called him to come help because the bookshelf fell and she couldn't lift it. It was better to assist now before she tried to do something by herself that could possibly kill her. When left alone, Haruhi could be very tenacious if there was something she wanted to do. Most people saw it in her pursuit of her studies, but she could be the same way with cleaning.
Smiling, she gave him a kiss and said, "Good answer."
"Ok, but first, go take a shower and we will get something to eat. Before we are holed up for a couple of hours, let's take a break."
Haruhi nodded and took a couple steps back, winning her a confounded expression from the other teen. The moment she thought she was far enough away, she told him, "As you wish, Yasuchika." She ran for her room and shut the door.
Shaking his head, Chika laughed. She only did that for two reasons: she was mad or she was trying to tease him. Thankfully, she wasn't mad because Haruhi could be vicious when she needed to be. Calling out to her on his way to the living room, he said, "Just get ready." He walked into the living room and found… disarray. There were books everywhere, nothing was in its place, and if it wasn't for the legs of the coffee table, he wouldn't have been able to find it. Sweat dropping, he shook his head again and decided it might be safer to stay in the kitchen.
It didn't take long for Haruhi to finish getting ready and entered the living room to find him finishing the removal of the books off of the bookshelf… a project she started on right before he arrived. Approaching him, she gave him a kiss and whispered, "Thank you."
"Isn't that why you're dating me?" He winked.
Laughing, she agreed, "Something like that."
"Almost, I just have to put my earrings in and grab my purse," she said as she lifted her hands to her ears and put one of the two diamond earrings Hunny had given her into her ear. Unfortunately, the other one dropped to the floor.
Kneeling on the ground, Chika found the earring and gave it to her before he stood up, "I believe this is yours milady."
The problem with the rest of the club was always their timing. Tamaki and the twins, well the others were also there, chose that moment to visit Haruhi and looked into the window to see Chika kneeling before Haruhi and the beaming smile on the female host's face…
Pounding on the door alerted the couple that they were no longer alone. Haruhi opened the door and found three seething pairs of eyes and three pairs of calm eyes, "What are you guys doing here?" She figured Satoshi wasn't with them because he would know that she and Chika had a date; although, Hunny should have known as well.
"Sorry Haru-Chan, Takashi and I thought you would be gone by now," Hunny answered her unasked question.
"Never mind that!" Tamaki bellowed and stormed past her with the twins flanking him, and stopped right in front of Chika, "How dare you? How dare you propose to my little girl when you haven't even asked permission?!"
Chika glared at the person he considered one of the biggest idiots (and the twins were his flunkies), "First of all, if I were to propose, I wouldn't need to get your permission, I would ask Ranka. Secondly, I didn't ask her to marry me!"
"Oh yah? Then why did we see you on one knee before her?" Hikaru grumbled.
"You had a shiny diamond in your hand!" Kaoru declared.
Together they proclaimed, "Sure looked like a proposal to us."
Glare intensifying, Chika noticed the twins took one large step back away from him, but the blond former president remained vigilant in his spot. Growling, the young Haninozuka exclaimed, "You three are morons! I wasn't…"
"I have to agree with Chika," Haruhi stated calmly, but no one could miss the small black aura that started to emanate from her, "I dropped one of my earrings and Chika picked it up for me."
Hikaru shook his head, "You can't keep this a secret. We know your lying because you don't have diamond earrings."
Narrowing her eyes on her friend, Haruhi snapped and the blackness grew, "Oh really? Do you not remember what happened in our first year of Ouran? Do you not remember that Hunny-senpai gave me a pair of diamond earrings and you assumed the exact same thing you are now?"
The elder twin thought about everything the brunette just said and face palmed, "Damn it!"
"I think that should be my line. What are you guys doing here anyway?" Haruhi grumbled.
Tamaki recovered quickly and spun around to face the female host, and he was sparkling (much like Hunny's flowers), "Well my precious daughter, we came to spend the day with you."
"No," Haruhi denied him.
"Haruhi, I don't think you understand. We have come to spend time with you before you leave for university."
"No way in hell. Besides, I am going to the same university as you and it is in town. Todai isn't even in a different prefecture," Haruhi fumed, the black aura increasing again.
Chika pushed Tamaki out of the way, wrapped his girlfriend in his arms, and whispered, "Calm down. They are just idiots and you are letting them get to you." He watched the dark aura slowly decrease and eventually disappear. Snapping his head up, he scowled at Tamaki, "We already have plans for today, so you will need to find someone else to bother."
In the end, the other hosts followed Chika and Haruhi from place to place, and since the couple was unable to get rid of them, when they returned to the apartment and found they were still being followed, Haruhi put everyone to work. The more people to do the heavy lifting the faster and easier to clean. Tamaki and the twins tried to get out of it, but they were no match for the brunette and wound up doing what they were told. Somehow Kyoya got out of it by saying he was only there to supervise. Soon though the apartment was sparkling clean, even behind all the furniture, and the other hosts decided it was best to leave before they were put to work again, leaving Chika and Haruhi alone to enjoy each other's company.
End Flashback...
Now a week later, Haruhi and Chika were about to embark on their first year apart since the female host's first year at Ouran. They could do this. Fears and apprehensions were pushed out of their minds and nothing would come between them this year. They had trust, love, and the will to see it through. Their plan was to study together at least twice a week and then meet on weekends for dates and such. On top of that, Haruhi was scheduled to still attend club functions at least once a week, although, she thought her former customers would not want to see her as much as the other hosts. Everything would work out, and unlike the other hosts, they did not succumb to assumptions… well not like the others did at least.
Tamaki and the twins promised Chika they would look after Haruhi for him. Hunny assured his brother that he would make sure no one swooped in on "Haru-Chan", and Mori agreed. The only one who didn't say he would do anything was Kyoya, but Chika and Haruhi were sure he was doing something behind the scenes. The Host Club customers who liked Chika thought now that he and Haruhi were separated, ti would be the perfect time to act. It was going to be a hard and trying year for both Haruhi and Chika. Hopefully they will make it through without committing murder or being committed.