Disclaimer : i do not own Gakuen Alice, I wish I do TwT

Sorry for the late update!

Chapter 2: His Wife?

"Welcome to Alice Private Mall, ojou-sama." About twenty sales girls chorused and started babbling about the new collection of clothes. They entered a store and Narumi started to scan the dresses. "Mi-chan, try this!" Narumi said cheerfully while giving her a mint colored sleeveless beaded chiffon a-line cocktail dress with a modified V-neckline. Mikan tried to protest but before her voice come out Narumi put his index finger in front of her mouth and said, "No complaints, please. I'm already ordered by Natsu-chan to buy you a lot of 'proper clothes', okay?" Mikan finally gave up and nodded. She went to the changing room and tried the dress. The dress fit her perfectly, hugging her curves and made everyone in the room stare at her in admiration

"Na-Narumi-san isn't this dress too short?" She fidgeted and tried to tug the dress. "No, Mi-chan. It fits you perfectly! That's what I call proper clothes!" Narumi said gleefully and picked up some high heels for her. She tried it on and looked at herself in the mirror and said, "Wow, is this really me?" Hotaru's camera starts clicking. She got a lot of pictures of Mikan and she's going to sell it to a certain someone. After that Narumi also got Hotaru some dresses and finally paid for it at the cashier. "Oh, finally. Can we go home now?" Mikan whines and Narumi turns his head sharply "What? We only have your daily gowns, what are you going to wear when you go to the party, especially the party tonight. We haven't fixed your hair, your skin, your jewelries and much more!" Narumi drags Mikan and Hotaru for a whole 5 hours to buy their things.

"Narumi are you still at the mall?" A grumpy Natsume asks because for god's sake it's half past seven and they didn't have much time. "Yes, yes Natsu-chan we are at the mansions' gate. Don't be such a killjoy. You're going to have wrinkles-" Natsume turned off the phone. After a few minutes there's a honk of a car in front of the mansion. Natsume quickly goes downstairs and makes his way to the car, where his princess is already waiting for him. Then the car door opened and there he saw a goddess.

Mikan is wearing a silky crêpe flutter sleeve gown with a black colored center art deco beading. Her hair is curled and half-tied to the back by a small black ribbon and she's wearing black stilettos. In short, she looks stunning. She saw his eyes widen a little but he regained his composure and teased her. "You're an ugly little girl." Mikan's face showed a pained expression. Natsume panicked but tried to hide it. Then Ruka whispered in Mikan's ear. "It means you're beautiful in Natsume's dictionary." Mikan blushed and Ruka chuckle, saying, "You're so cute." Natsume's blood boiled inside because of his jealousy then he quickly said, "Hurry Polka, we're going to be late." Then he dragged Mikan to his car. "H-hai." Mikan said and quickly went inside the car.

'What a jerk' Mikan thought and started to look around the car. It was a red sports car. Mikan was about to touch a photo frame on the dashboard when Natsume quickly said, "Don't touch anything, Polka!" Natsume held Mikan's hand. Mikan quickly pulled her hand away, blushing from the sudden contact. She opened her mouth, wanting to say something but stopped because of Natsume's words. "Your voice is annoying, Polka." Mikan quickly closed her mouth and felt pain in her chest. 'Why am I feeling like this?' She questioned herself. Mikan's hand crept to her chest and held the hem of her dress tightly. Mikan's face showed a sad expression. Seeing this expression, Natsume's face tightened. 'What have I done?' Natsume muttered quietly. "Gomen, Polka. I didn't mean it that way. I just don't like it when someone talks too much."

"Hot, it's really hot here." Hotaru said flatly and activated her mini-fan. Ruka just sweat dropped. "H-H-Hotaru, how did you get here?" Mikan asked Hotaru. "I was here all the time, didn't you realize it? " Hotaru said, still not showing any emotion and took some muffins from her portable muffin maker. "Eto, I didn't realize it." Mikan said stupidly and asked Hotaru again. "Can I have some of the muffin?" Mikan's eyes sparkled. Hotaru made some more and gave her a tray of muffins, then said, "10 rabbits each." Mikan pouted and paid her 20 rabbits. "I don't have change." Hotaru gave Mikan two vanilla-strawberry muffins "Because you don't have change, I'll give you one of my special creations: a two flavored muffin." "Awww thanks, Hotaru." Mikan said and ate one of them. "Yummy!"

"You eat like a pig, Polka." Natsume teased her. In result, Mikan shoved one cupcake into his mouth and said, "Just say you want the muffin, you greedy fox!" Natsume took a bite from the muffin and shoved them back in Mikan's mouth saying, "I don't like it, and it's too sweet." Mikan pouted again and mumbled "You're no fun, Natsume." Then Mikan ate the muffin. "Wow, indirect kiss." Hotaru muttered and they blushed. "W-w-what did you just say Hotaru?" Mikan stuttered. "INDIRECT KISS." Hotaru said a bit louder. The atmosphere become really heavy. Ruka tried to ease the atmosphere but failed miserably, making him gloomy, too. Hotaru kind-of tried cheering him up by saying, "Let them be, Nogi." The whole room enveloped in silence.

Natsume opened the car door and gracefully got out from the car. He tossed the car's key to a valet then opened the door for Mikan. Mikan got out and tried to stand in her high heels, but Natsume, being a gentleman, put his right hand on Mikan waist so she can walk more comfortably. Natsume and Mikan walked in first, then Ruka and Hotaru behind them. They walked in and saw a big ballroom where the party was being held. When they walked, in all the people in that room turned towards them. Well, who wouldn't? Natsume has the most tantalizing crimson orbs with messy raven hair, Mikan has the loveliest auburn hair with her warm hazel eyes, Ruka has blonde hair and sapphire eyes like typical prince charming and Hotaru with her cold violet eyes and her soft raven hair.

"Welcome to the party, General Hyuuga, or should I say Natsume?" A handsome dark blue haired guy with same hair color says. He has a star tattoo under his left eye. Natsume glared at him as he grinned cheekily. "Oh, who is this beautiful ojou-san?" he said obviously showing some interest in Mikan. "E-eto, I am Mikan Sakura." Mikan introduced herself. "I am Tsubasa, Tsubasa Andou. Nice to meet you, ojou-san." He bowed down and kissed her right hand. The temperatures of the room increased rapidly. "It's a bit hot here." Mikan said and tried to fan herself with her hand. "Indeed." Hotaru said and activated her mini-fan again. "Oh, that must be because Natsume is jealous." Tsubasa said and grinned again. "Eh? What did Natsume do? You mean he can control the temperature?" Mikan said, her eyes is twinkling. "Ye-" Before Tsubasa can finish his sentence, he already found himself being dragged away by Natsume.

Natsume dragged him out of the mansion to the garden. He throws him to the ground and yelled, "Don't tell them yet! I haven't said anything to them! " Natsume gritted his teeth and mumbled something. "Keepyourhandsoffofher." Natsume say in one breath. "What?" Tsubasa asked and found himself being raised from the ground. Natsume grabbed his collar. "KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER!" He screamed. "Why must I obey you?" Tsubasa retorted and grined. Natsume's eyes burned with rage. He grabbed his collar tighter and said, "Don't mess with me! She is my wife, she is mine!" Tsubasa smirked and said, "At last you admit that you're j-e-a-l-o-u-s." he purposely spelled the word "jealous." "I'm not jealous, you idiot shadow." Natsume said with a little tint of red on his cheeks. "Awww you're so cute Natsume-chan!" He said cheekily.

Natsume emitted a dark aura and ready to strangle Tsubasa when Ruka suddenly came and said, "You two! Hurry, the party already started!" They quickly went back to the mansion and searched for Mikan and Hotaru. When they found them, Mikan was cheerfully talking to a woman. When he was about to approach her, a great voice from a microphone boomed. "Hello everyone, today is my father's birthday! I hope you all enjoy the party!" At the stage stood Tsubasa with his dazzling smile. The people all cheered and clapped. Mikan started to walk to the buffet table. Unfortunately, Natsume caught her before she could walk to the table. "What? Natsume?" Before Natsume could speak, Tsubasa said again, "I invite my cousin, Natsume to share this stage with me." Natsume grumbled and walked towards the stage.

'You bastard Tsubasa!' Natsume cursed in his mind. Natsume grabbed the microphone from Tsubasa and said, "Can I call Mikan Sakura to the stage?" Mikan stopped eating and gulped. "E-e-eh? Me?" Everyone had their eyes on Mikan, especially Natsume's fangirls. When Mikan arrived, Natsume held her right hand, the other one rested at her waist and then he KISSED her. Mikan was shocked. Before she can rant or scream, Natsume said, "This is my lovely wife, Mikan Sakura." He smirks and Mikan almost fainted in his arms. "My best friend Ruka Nogi already have one too, the lucky girl is Hotaru Imai!" He gave the microphone back to Tsubasa and whispered in his ear. "Revenge, dearest cousin!"

Thank you to the kind reader that review my story: Wendy402, XCrimson-EyedBlack-CatX, sweet little, citystarfun, GAotaku.

Many Thank you and hugs to Wendy402 who helped me fixed the grammar mistakes and spelling.

Thank you too , to all that read my story, add my story in their favorite list and follow my story!

Please Review! :D