New story. Collection of one shots of things that revolve around the "never"s in Gajeel and Levy's relationship. It's rather broad, though. I'm probably only going to do 10 to 15 of these so tell me what 'never' you would like me to do!

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its characters.

Never Blush

No, Gajeel would never blush. Not if he had a say in it.

The Dragonslayer placed blushing up with crying babies and embarrassed little girls going 'kya! kya!'

And Gajeel was no little girl.

Had he ever gotten embarrassed? More times than he'd like to admit. But that was always covered up with a snapping retort and loads of anger and irritation.

Gajeel played to the angry, unapproachable type, especially in the less than preferred (embarrassing) situations, because people in the Fairy Guild had stereotyped him as such. And he got away with it too.

No blushing here.

Then there was Levy. She was making it extremely hard for him to keep his fear striking image, for all she did. He supposed it was more his fault than Levy's, letting her do as she pleased.

But he had never pushed her away.

Gajeel glanced at the girl in question on his shoulder.

With her sleeping so innocently, it was a wonder everybody didn't just throw away their old thoughts about him and mark him up as a pansy. Pantherlily gave him a kind look, but Gajeel just scowled.

Anger and irritation, anger and irritation.

The large mage looked down once more at his small companion who had just nestled herself into his shoulder. Gajeel adjusted just a little and she smiled with a small murmur.

"Gajeel," was the word on her lips

Pantherlily raised an eyebrow at Gajeel. He merely grunted. Gajeel suddenly felt something hot blossom on his cheeks.

In that moment, the Iron Dragonslayer finally realized. Gajeel knew he would never blush out of embarrassment.

Only when he was extremely pleased.