The day off went by to fast, it was like it didn't even happen. Thankfully the school day was going by fast and it was already lunch time. The students of Rakuzan High all seemed to rush out of there classrooms to fill there empty bellies with food from the cafateria. Not Emi though, she prefered to not go to that sometimes dangerously packed place.

Instead, she prefered to make her own lunch and eat outside when it was a nice day. An thankfully today was a good day.

Sitting on the roof of the school, Emi rested her back against a wall next to the door that let the students up. She got a nice view of the rest of the schools campus from where she was sitting. It was also nice and peacful, not many other students were on the roof for some reason. Not that Emi was going to complain though, peace and quiet was what she was looking for right now anyways.

The bright blue eyed girl ate her light lunch quietly, her mind going over the things that had happened the other day. The whole thing about the bet was weird and then the almost kiss from Akashi was even weirder. His words were still swirling around her mind, an they wouldn't leave her alone. It was like his words were taunting her for some reason. Engraving it's self in her mind.

The sound of the roof's door opening caught Emi's attention and she looked up for a moment before looking down at her lunch again. She was a little worried it was Akashi or any of the other basketball guys. Would he send them to look for her? Was he wondering why she wasn't eating lunch with him and the guys?

Who knows, it wasn't him or the guys anyways, so it really didn't matter all that much anyways. Although, it still made the girl curious about what the guys talked about when she wasn't around.

"Excuse me? Can we sit with you?" A voice snapped Emi out of her thoughs as she looked up at the one who had spoken to her. A girl with dark brown hair with brown eyes and a girl with light brown hair and hazel eyes, stood in front of Emi.

Being a little sceptical of the two, since people usually avoided the blue eyed girl because of Akashi, so this was quite out of the ordinary. "Sure." Emi said quietly and looked back down at her food. She was almost done anyways, so she could leave quickly if she started to feel awkeward.

"I'm Fukui Hairi." Glancing up, Emi saw the girl with the dark brown hair pointing at herself and smiling slightly. "An this," she pointed at the light brown haired girl. "Is, Kimura Misa." The light brown haired girl just gave a small smile and bowed slightly before she and Hairi took out there lunches.

"It's nice to meet you both." Emi said quietly, she was still quite unsure as to why they were trying to talk to her. "I'm Suzuki Emi." She said, introducing herself to the two odd balls.

"Oh! We know about you already, your quite a popular topic amung the guys in our classes." Hairi said as she smiled at Emi again, then she started to eat her lunch. The statement was a slight surprise to Emi, she wasn't really aware people were talking about her. She knew there were rumors about her, but she didn't think so many people actually knew she was the Emi that the rumors were about.

"I mean, it wasn't really hard to figure out your the Emi the rumors were about. Your the only girl in 1-B that has striking blue eyes and follows the basketball captain around." Hairi was sorta rambling now, and that kinda made Emi feel uneasy. She slightly gripped harder onto her lunch as she sat with the two girls, just listening to Hairi was making Emi feel like something was up with the two girls. Just as Emi opened her mouth slightly to ask about why the'd want to have lunch with her, Kimura butted in. "Your rambling again, Fukui." The light haired girl gave the dark brown haired girl a bored expression, not really caring that her friend was sounding like a stalker.

Bright blue eyes glanced at the light brown haired girl for a moment, then looked away as Emi closed her mouth. Maybe, she should of denied sitting with these girls. They were starting to make the shy girl feel uncomfortable."Oh! Sorry! I tend to ramble when I'm in front of a subject that I'm interested in." Hairi said, sorta apologizing to Emi.

The blue eyed girl was going to just shrug off what the dark brown haired girl said, then paused. Was she just called a subject? "Subject?" Emi said quietly and then looked at the two girls again. "What do you mean subject? You talking about the rumors or something?" She asked the two girls. "If you are, please don't talk to me about them, there not true at all."

Hairi's eyes widened slightly and shook her head at Emi, her hands up as if she was trying to show she meant no harm. "No no no, I wasn't talking about the rumors." Hairi seemed like she was panicing slightly as she tried to deny what she was previously rambling about. "She was actually trying to get onto the topic of asking if the rumors were true." Kimura cut off the paniced girl and looked at Emi with a bored look.

Emi pursed her lips, not really sure what to reply to the girls with. So, all she was to people, a subject? Is that one of the reasons why the black haired girl couldn't really make any friends? If so, that was a really low blow of the student population in her school. "So?" Emi was pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of Hairi's voice. "So what?" She asked the light haired girl, not hearing what she was asked.

"Are any of the rumors true? Are you dateing the basketball captain? Is it true your betrothed to each other? What about the one where your just his lover? Or the one where-" Emi stood up as Kimura was talking, she had enough of the girls. "I'm not telling you anything of my personal life." she told them, a scowl on her face. "If you want to knew anything about us then ask Akashi, cause I'm not talking about this with people who I don't even know."

Emi grabbed her bag and her barely eaten lunch as she headed for the door. It really sorta hurt that people were only interested in the rumors that some idiot was spreading. An here Emi though she could of actually make some new friends. Oh, how she hated the school she was at. She should of followed one of her other guy friends to another school.

"Wait! Emi!" Hairi said as she called the black haired girl. Emi stopped as she was about to grab the roof door, her blue eyes glancing at the two girls. "We can't ask Akashi, he's to scary! Could you please just clearify one of the rumors for us?" Emi scuffed at the dark brown haired girl and rolled her eyes. "It's not my problem your scared of him." She told the two as she walked through the door. Tears of anger, frustration and maybe slight betrayl threatened to fall out.

Emi held tightly onto her school bag as she walked down the steps that lead back into the school, then she turned the corner to head to class. A small gasp escaped from her as she felt her arm being grabbed and pulled to a stop. Emi stopped walking and looked up at who had grabbed her, ready to yell at the person, but stopped as she saw miss-matched eyes looking at her. "A-Akashi? What are you doing here? I thought you would be eating with the other starters in the cafateria."

"I was, then I started to search for you." He told her as he let her go and relaxed against the wall like he seemed to have been doing previously. "I only stopped when I heard those two school newspaper girls talking about you." He said, and motioned with his head towards the way that lead to the roof.

Emi furrowed her eyebrows and glanced towards the stairway and then looked at the ground. So that's what it's come to? Having her life being writen down for the whole school population to be able to read about? Sure, she'd understand if it was about Akashi, he was a first year, the captain of the basketball team and the student council president. So why were people after her? She hasn't done anything wrong besides follow her childhood best friend to a high school, he asked her to attend with him.

Feeling slightly roung hands touch her chin and gently moving her head back up, Emi looked unsurely into the eyes of the boy who used to be her best friend. Her once knight in shining armor. "Why didn't you stop them then? Why didn't you tell them to stop talking about me? I thought you were my friend. My best friend." Emi spoke, her voice soft as she let Akashi keep his hand on her chin. His expression was hard to describe as he let Emi's words sink in and he thought about what he should say to her.

Slowly, Akashi let Emi's chin go and put his hand at his side. His expression changing into a calm one. "I thought you'd want to clear things up." He told her. Then he leaned forward a little, stopping when his face was a few inches away from Emi's. "Since were best friends and all." He gained a small smirk at the end, like he was starting to taunt the girl that used to look up to him.

Emi opened her mouth to speak back to him, then closed her mouth. He had a point, she had the chance to clear up the rumors. For some reason though, she couldn't just tell them that they were best friends. Why though? It was an easy thing to tell people, or it's suppose to be. Right?

Watching Emi's small internal was starting to bore the red head, so he stood up straight. He watched her confused expression for a moment more before he just patted her head and started to walk away from her. "I'm sure the news paper club will be coming after you more, now that your trying to hide things from them." He said over his shoulder, his shoes making a quiet sound in the deserted hallway.

Hearing Akashi's last few words snapped Emi out of her daze and caused her to groan. She's going to have to be careful now. Since people were going to try and follow her around now to get the scoop on her ans Akashi.

I had a brain fart for this chapter. :( Then all of a sudden it turned into a monster of a chapter with 1850 words in it. XD I hope you all like it. :) Please leave a comment with your thoughts as well as follow and favorite it! :D