1. Lost - The forest was dark and dense, thorns grabbing at Mitsuru's legs and her pale cheeks and she had never been more lost in her life.

2. Free - Wrath may be able to chain Mitsuru's arms, but her mind will always be on Noir, and her heart will always be free.

3. Growl - The first time that Zozzy growled, really and truly growled so that it wasn't just a rumble in the throat but something deep and torturous, it is at an empty patch of air in the middle of the night and Mitsuru will never forget how it made her feel; like a rabbit, chased by invisible foxes.

4. Apple - "For you," says Noir, a hint of laughter in his voice as he holds out the fruit, lips twitching up as her face turns just as red as the apple.

5. Storm - The rain comes down, heavy and loud against the adobe roof; thunder claps, loud and close; Kaya curls as close to Rasha as she can, blankets drawn over them, desperatly trying to block out the noise and get a few moments rest before the sun rises once more.

6. Belief - "Do you think we can really do this?" questions Mitsuru, turning wide eyes onto Noir, desperate to find some inkling of beneath behind them - her heart near shatters when she cannot latch onto any.

7. Strength - Rasha knows that he is not as strong as Noir, as Mitsuru, as any of the Guardians and certainly not a Wind Whisperer; but he also knows that strength comes in many sizes and that satyrs were once strong things, still are, and so he takes a deep breath and charges.

8. Story - Mitsuru pressed closer to Noir, settling against his chest and giving a small sigh, "Would you tell me another story, Noir?"

9. Hatred - Noir would never forget that feeling, as Kalila turned her back on him and all that he stood for - would never forget the bitter taste of hatred or the rush of fear, for if the other Wind Whisperers did not believe in him, who would?

10. Never - "I will never forget you," says Samhain, pressing one cold hand against Noir's cheek, "no matter where you are or who you're with, I will never forget you."