Author's Note: I love these stories and I just wrote this in like an hour, so don't hate if it's bad! If it's not then please review, they are always welcome (well nice ones are.) I might have a few typos in here so sorry. :p

The Brooklyn House had been a train-wreck ever since we learned that Sadie died protecting two of our initiates. If it weren't for Walt, Khufu, and I then it would not have been livable. Carter was locked in his room, believe it or not without Sadie this place was chaos. After cleaning up Felix's penguins "gifts" that they leave all over the place, I plopped down on the couch and Walt sat next to me, "Thanks for helping out around here Sookie." I shrugged, "No problem Walt." He raised an eyebrow and asked me a question that I'd been asking myself since I got here, "Do you know which gods' path you're going to follow?"

I thought for a moment, "I was thinking about Anubis." Walt sighed, "It won't be easy, and you know that right?" I nodded and he closed his eyes and then told me, "He told me to tell you to meet him at 216 April Avenue." With that he strode away, I looked at the crackling fire wistfully. I heard a knock on the door and yelled, "I'LL GET IT!" I opened the door and the most gorgeous guy I'd ever seen was standing in the doorway, "Is this the Brooklyn House?"

I had the worst brain-fart ever, "Um…" then I remembered I knew how to talk, "Yes it is, who are you?" He held out his hand, "Aric Duffy." I shook it and asked him, "Why are you here this fine evening?" He sat down on the couch, "I heard this is a safe place to train with magic." Just then Felix ran through the living room with his army of penguins, and the smallest kid here Shelby running behind them yelling, "Die snake! DIE!" I laughed, "A place to train, yes, a safe place…" Aric smiled and I noticed his features. He had dirty blond hair, beautiful blue eyes, a stunning smile, and over all a very handsome guy.

Amos walked in then and asked, "Who's this?" I said, "This is Aric Duffy, he wants to train here." Amos tipped his hat, "Welcome Aric." He turned to me, "Would you go tell everyone that Khufu made dinner." I asked Aric, "Do you want to help me?" Instead of answering me he raised his eyebrow, "Who's Khufu?"

At dinner I managed to push that address from my mind, because I had some memories there I didn't want to remember. We had an unexpected guest come to the dinner table, Carter. His eyes were sad and I saw it in Walt's too but he managed to keep going on with what has to be done instead of hanging onto what had happened. Carter looked at me, "I heard you were headed into New York." I nodded and Carter sat down, "Do you need me to go with you?" Amos started eating the Jell-O that Khufu made, "Carter don't worry about Sookie, she knows enough magic that if she gets I trouble she can call one of us."

It's nice to have someone believe in you rather than doubt you all the time. Aric was sitting next to me, which didn't help me with planning what I'd do tonight if things go wrong (which they almost always do.) I heard Shelby and Felix arguing, "Cats are better!" Shelby told Felix and everyone could guess Felix's reply to that, "Penguins are way cooler!" Shelby frowned, and stood up, "I'M TELLING BAST!" Waves of panic washed over his face, "No, please don't tell her! Bast'll make me each cat food for a month!" Shelby ran away, with Felix chasing after her and we all burst out laughing.

Even Carter smiled, Aric walked up to me after dinner, "Can you show me my room?" I nodded and led him upstairs; his room was dark blue and was very plain, "Well, here you go. I'll leave you to get settled in." He smiled and said, "Thanks, Sookie right?" I felt a ridiculous grin spread across my face, "Yeah Aric. I'll see you later."

I walked away with my heart doing a tap-dance, I sighed and headed downstairs. Walt looked at me suspiciously, "So what put you in such a good mood?" Was I that obvious, Walt smirked mischievously, "Gods of Egypt you like him." I slapped him, "So what if I do." I think I just brought out the teenager girl in him, "Awwwww!" I shoved past him furiously blushing.

My room was decorated with all of the things my parents never let me have in my room, in other words I had painted on the walls and had tons of those glow-in-the-dark stars on my ceiling. I turned off my lights and laid there on my bed, I turned on my IPOD and Everansance's song Everyone's Fool song played. I heard a knock on my door, "Yeah?" I asked and Aric stepped into the doorway, "Hey Sookie." I sat up, not bothering with the lights, "What can I do you for?" Aric fiddled with his shirt, "I heard you were going out into the city and I was wondering if I could go with you." I nodded and said, "Sure you can come with me, two is better than one." Aric looked at me, "Why'd you turn down Carter?" I avoided his gaze, "Well, I just feel like I have a lot to live up to when I' around him. Like everything I do isn't good enough." Aric simply nodded.

I left a note by Walt's bedroom telling that I left, and I grabbed my wand and a knife (what? You can never be too prepared.) We set out and I felt that I was going to have an interesting evening. Aric looked at me curiously, "DO you know why Anubis asked you to meet him at that location?" I shook my head and replied, "Not a clue, but I'm sure we're going to find out."

Soon enough I crossed the street into the ruins of what used to be a hotel, I called out, "Hello...Anubis…anybody here?!" Aric sat down on an old couch, "Well nothing to do bu-" he stopped in mid-sentence, he almost seemed frozen, "Aric?" I heard a voice from behind me, "I thought we might have this conversation without interruptions." I turned around and saw a boy in black jeans, a ripped t-shirt, a leather jacket, and a golden necklace of some-sort. "Anubis." He nodded and said, "What made you want to follow my path?" I told him, "Well I'm pretty experienced in the field of death, so I thought this would be a suitable field."

Anubis looked around, "Do you recognize this place?" I nodded; I knew this place way more then I cared to admit. "Yes." "I can manifest in places of