A Thank You and Explanations

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who read the short story. Many of you wrote long comments, analysing the story – truthfully, this is what made me write the story that fast; it also caused two more chapters that were not meant to be in there at the beginning.

I wrote the full story back in January, after I got angry at a few ffs that described bullying and abusing as something normal and accepting. I was really furious and in my anger I wrote this story. I forgot about it until last week when I was browsing through my unfinished stories and decided to start correcting grammar mistakes and maybe rewrite a part. I did not rewrite anything, but I did write another two chapters in between to make the pace of the story better.

At the very beginning – I'm mean the time in January when the story was still in progress, I did not want the two main characters to get together. Quite honestly, I was even angrier than Mikan. But while the two characters were growing up, they changed, and I guessed they could somehow become friends or something. The catch was that Natsume has already been in love with the girl for years, and then I caved and let them come together.

I wrote that the two of them did not marry – that is because true love does not need a signed paper to prove itself. In my opinion (quite honestly) I do not really think much of marriages. They are overrated if you ask me. Many think marriage is the 'thing' to do to start a new life with your love. I think that marriage should be the crown of two people's love – like, they've been together for five, ten or more years, have children, and still love and respect each other – that is when marriage should happen – as the final gift of true love. All right… I'm talking shit most probably but yeah :D

I hope I did not disappoint too many people with the ending, but that is how I imagined it. I could have described more of their college years and go into detail of their still developing relationship, but that would make the story complicated – and I wanted it easy.

So… This is it. Thank you for reading.
