I do not own Merlin.

So this is it. The final chapter. Some things still need to be resolved, although it is safe to say now that the boys have found each other for good.

Thank you for all of you who have supported me with your thoughts, opinions and reviews throughout. Also a big thanks to the guests who commented. I do appreciate it!

But I do not want to keep you any further...

All is gold

Arthur isn't quite sure what to say or what to think. Of course he's been tempted to pull Merlin in and hug him properly. Of course he's been wondering how it would feel to have Merlin's skin close to his. It's only natural when you're in love with somebody. As normal as this may be, he is embarrassed by even thinking about it. Because he promised Merlin that he can cope with his sensitivity, and that he wouldn't ask for something he can't give.

Why is Merlin offering this to him now? Has he given himself away at one point? Has he made it so obvious that he can't help thinking about this now and then? He concludes he must have. Why else would Merlin mention it? Shame creeps up inside him and he cringes at his own selfishness. If Merlin is doing this only for him, there's no way he can accept.

"Why are you doing this?" Arthur asks and searches Merlin's eyes for an answer.

Merlin senses Arthur's hesitation and guilt and concludes correctly that Arthur won't agree to this as long as he believes it is only for his benefit. So Merlin has to twist this slightly to take the burden off Arthur's shoulders.

"I've never had anyone hug me, you know, skin to skin, for years." Merlin returns Arthur's gaze earnestly. "I really want to do this, just for once," he says with conviction, when he knows he wants this for Arthur first and foremost. Of course Merlin does want it for himself on some level, too, because it seems like a missing piece in a big jigsaw. But then again he has lived through the consequences of anyone touching him on the sensitive parts of his skin too often.

Arthur has watched Merlin closely, trying to fathom out whether his explanation is genuine. He decides that Merlin sounds pretty convincing, even if he isn't totally convinced about Merlin's motives. So he looks at him and gives a sigh of resignation.

"Right then. How are we going to do this?" He waits for Merlin's instructions.

"Hmmm. We … kind of … embrace?" Merlin's voice is going up at the end of the sentence as if he has no idea what the heck Arthur is on about.

"Okay. I obviously need to spell this out for you." Arthur smiles and rubs Merlin's head with his knuckles.

"Do you want to do this…. standing up, sitting down, lying in bed, slowly, quickly, before a shower, after a shower, this morning or later today …," Arthur laughs out loud when he sees Merlin rolling his eyes. "I could go on ..."

"I see what you mean. You need a full-blown manual for this, don't you? Merlin grins sarcastically and ignores Arthur's mumbled "Idiot." He knows where Arthur is coming from. He is simply worried about doing something wrong and hurting him in the process.

Merlin brushes over Arthur's cheek lightly. "Listen. The panic attack will happen. It doesn't matter where I am, but as you're asking, I think we should stay where we are. If I buckle over we're far safer in bed than standing up." Arthur nods in agreement. Now that makes a lot of sense.

"I want to feel you all over me," Merlin mumbles huskily. Arthur bites his lips and starts rubbing his chin as he always does when he is nervous.

"And what am I supposed to do when it starts?"

"Hold me tight or weigh me down with your body, until I say stop." Merlin wants to give Arthur the chance to savour this moment and is determined to keep himself as much in check as he possibly can. "Not any sooner … whatever happens."

Arthur seems to become more and more unsettled by the second. He hates being the catalyst for something that's going to cause Merlin misery.

"Promise." Merlin locks eyes with him and doesn't let go before Arthur agrees.

"Right then, ready?" Merlin whispers, and suddenly they look at each other in awkwardness, neither quite sure where to start something as simple as that.

Merlin shifts towards Arthur, and at that moment the blond does the same. Arthur stretches out his arms tentatively and Merlin slides into his embrace slowly. Then Arthur closes his eyes and his arms, putting his hands gently on Merlin's back and pulling him as close as he can. And Merlin wraps his arms round Arthur and squeezes him tightly.

They both jerk at the sensation when their bodies come in contact with each other. It is delicate and sensuous first, and then changes into a flood of intense emotions when Merlin's gold rushes towards Arthur in spikey waves, finding their way into every fibre of Arthur's welcoming body.

And it is breath-taking and beautiful, and they both gasp at the overwhelming joy sparking through them. It is as if they're bonding on a different level. The glorious sensation lasts only for seconds, though. Then the phobia takes over.

Arthur feels Merlin's body getting tense, and then heat starts radiating from it. God, he's actually able to sense Merlin's heart thumping against his chest, his heart so close to his. In panic. Merlin is trembling violently now, shaking in Arthur's arms like a leaf swept away by a gust of wind. Sweat is dripping down his forehead and neck, and he finds it difficult to breathe freely.

Instinct tells Arthur to let go of Merlin in order to release him from the torture he has so readily chosen. It is heart-breaking to watch him attempting to control his wayward body, and yet unwilling to give up his place in Arthur's arms.

"Merlin. Please ... Say the word," Arthur mumbles into Merlin's ear, unsure whether his voice is actually reaching him. Surprisingly Merlin shakes his head and clings to Arthur even harder.

Shit. Why is Merlin so bloody stubborn? Maybe there's something Arthur can do to take his mind off his torment. To distract him from the gripping fear.

Kissing is the first thing coming to mind. Maybe Arthur's brain does work quite simply, but he knows how much Merlin enjoys it. So what is there to lose?

Arthur finds Merlin's lips and claims them, possessively and rough, and Merlin's groan proves that the sensation is getting through to him. Encouraged by the reaction Arthur really goes to town now, and he bites and sucks Merlin's mouth as if his life depended on it. It turns this into the filthiest kiss they have ever shared, and Merlin responds, groaning under his breath, moaning at each touch and opening his lips up hungrily. Then, out of nowhere, he jerks back, separates from Arthur and stares at him with big eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"Hmmm….." Arthur hasn't got the tiniest clue what Merlin is on about. "Kissing you?"

Merlin grimaces at his confused look. Arthur sits up and shakes his head in complete disbelief.

"Are you going to tell me what is going on or do I have to get Sherlock to solve this mystery?" Arthur knows that something has happened, something of importance, but he is completely in the dark what it could be.

"Kiss me again," Merlin whispers and slides back into Arthur's arms. Who almost yelps in shock at the surprise of the sudden contact and then at the onset of another panic attack. Merlin is coiling up in himself and Arthur has to use a lot more muscle to keep him in his arms this time.

There's no point having a discussion at this stage, so he does as he's been asked and pours his whole heart into the kiss, his lips exploring Merlin's mouth, lush and voluptuous and utterly delectable.

"I love you," he mumbles, while taking breath and before losing himself in his task. All of his mind is on Merlin. How much it means to hold him; how much it humbles him to be trusted that deeply, how much he treasures that Merlin is doing this. And all the time Merlin's gold is rippling through him as if it mirrors his feelings deep down.

"Stop!" Merlin finally peels himself away from Arthur. He's covered in sweat from top to toe now and his breathing is short and laboured. But when he faces Arthur, he doesn't look distraught or hopeless. Quite the contrary. There's a spark in the back of his eyes that looks suspiciously like delight.

"Will you tell me what the heck is going on, Merlin?" Arthur is getting impatient now.

"You're sure that you did nothing particular there?" Merlin repeats, his mind clearly occupied and far away.

"Nothing but kiss you." Arthur glowers at Merlin in quiet irritation. He wants to know what is going on. NOW.

"What exactly do you feel when I channel my energy into you?"

Arthur can't believe it. How exasperating can Merlin be? Another bloody question, rather than an answer. It is just as well he is quite a patient person. Well. Mostly.

"Warmth, relaxation, calm, happiness." The thought alone makes Arthur smile, even though worry, confusion and impatience are very prominent inside him at this moment. "It makes me feel in tune with you and everything around us," he adds. "It is a wonderful gift you have."

"Okay." Merlin gnaws at his lips, still not saying any more while Arthur scratches his head in total frustration.

"Let's do this one more time, a bit longer though." Merlin has that determined, tenacious look on his face.

"Surely THEN you will tell me?" Arthur needs to have some assurances before he commits himself to another few minutes of being kept in the dark.

Merlin looks at him absent-minded, his head obviously preoccupied by something else. "Sure, sure." And when he moves towards Arthur, he seems to do it for another purpose than just feeling close.

"Do exactly what you did before," Merlin says quietly as he prepares himself to the onslaught of panic and fear … and Arthur's insistent lips.

And this time Merlin is sure. It is unbelievable, but it can't be anything else. First, there's his phobia, claiming him and shaking him to the bone, making him breathless and tightening his muscles all over. He is still aware of his gold hurtling towards Arthur, entering his body and caressing him.

Arthur's mouth is on him, just like before, kissing him with so much dedication and so much passion. The sensation cuts through the trembling and sweating and hyperventilating, and his whole mind is overwhelmed by it. And that's when it happens:

He feels warmth spreading all over him, streaming through his body meeting his gold and joining it in huge swirls of blissful energy. And as it swells inside him, circulating in every cell, swooshing back and forth between Arthur and him, he realizes it for what it is. It is his own gold … bouncing straight back from Arthur into him.

It is weird, experiencing what he knows only from reports of others. But how? He has no time to think about it because all he understands is this.

The power of this exchange is helping him fight the phobia that's trying to get the upper hand. It pushes and shoves it aside and to the back of his consciousness, swallowing the intensity of the attack and making him calmer and so much more in charge. It seems there's a steady flow of energy between him and Arthur, pulsing as long as their bodies are pressed together tightly and surging to overcome the debilitating vibes of his fear.

The moment when his body starts unwinding and surrendering to the whirling energy, the moment it triumphs over the fear, for now at least, that moment when his reflected gold pushes his panic so far away he can hardly determine it any more, is exquisite. A huge breath escapes him as he buries his head in Arthur's shoulder, tears streaming down his face, speechless and overcome by elation. For the first time in years, as far as he can remember, he is at total inner peace. In Arthur's arms, and his gold is everywhere, pulsing inside them and wrapping them in a cocoon of inner light, binding them together like two sides of the same coin.

It is Arthur who breaks the magic this time. He tears himself away from Merlin's lips and stares at him.

"What's happening?" he asks, totally flabbergasted. "You … have stopped shaking." And then he realizes something else. "You've been crying. Merlin, tell me, please…"

This time Merlin does answer his question. As far as he can. He has never felt his gold himself, but it is exactly like people described it to him. Somehow Arthur has been sending it back to him. How is that even possible?

Merlin remembers how he was vaguely aware of it in hospital for the first time, when he woke up. He still felt the heat of Arthur's body on him. Arthur told him he had touched him, trying to reach him through his fear after that, and that he thought it worked.

What Merlin experienced a few seconds before seems to prove the theory. Back then, in hospital, it wasn't the fear he reacted to, but to his own gold that Arthur channelled back into him. THAT had woken him and helped him to heal.

This also explains his miraculous recovery. His gold seems to be more potent when it is returned to him, layered with Arthur's love and his wish for him to get better.

"How…? Arthur looks at Merlin dumbfounded. All this just sounds too weird and totally crazy, even if it makes complete sense in some strange sort of way.

"How the heck can I do that without knowing that I'm doing it?" Arthur doesn't get it. Surely you need skill for something like that or natural ability like Merlin.

"What were you thinking when you kissed me?" Merlin wonders scratching his chin like a detective who weighs up the facts.

"Of you, and what I feel about you, and how much I enjoy kissing you there and there…," he smiles while his fingertip is touching Merlin's bottom lip and his neck. And then he grins mischievously "... and that I love the fact my kisses give you a hard on."

"Steeping down low, I see." Merlin has to suppress a laugh, but quickly turns serious again.

"You know what all this means, don't you?" This is such a momentous revelation he is almost scared to speak it aloud. Arthur raises his eyebrow and waits, although he has good inkling what Merlin might say.

"If we practise regularly I might be able to get my phobia under control to an extent that we can touch each other like any other normal person." Merlin is blinking the tears away. He has hoped for a chance like this all his life. The chance to be touched like anyone else, to have a normal relationship and a life without fear.

"Nothing against practising, "Arthur mumbles into his ear, nibbling softly at its shell.

"Naughty ...," Merlin whispers, not exactly opposing.

"Still don't understand what I'm doing to make this happen." Arthur is dedicating himself to Merlin's left ear now. "As long as it does." He mumbles absent-mindedly as he traces Merlin cheekbones with his thumb.

"Maybe Gaius can help," are Merlin's last words before he slides down Arthur's chest leaving a trail of kisses behind.


Arthur has woken before Merlin as usual. He is admiring the view outside the big bay window of the bedroom. It looks like they're going to be lucky with the weather this weekend. The early morning sun is painting the rolling hills and fields around them in varying shades of green. It looks serene and beautiful. And so peaceful. He loves this spot… and this house. It is the perfect weekend retreat.

They bought the cottage about eight months ago. Arthur can virtually see Merlin grimacing at the term 'cottage' because he always does when he uses the word. A four bedroomed house with two garages, an indoor pool, a huge conservatory, several utility rooms, a large patio, simply doesn't fit that description in his vocabulary. Even if the house originates from an old farming cottage.

They spent the last few months redecorating and furnishing the place and put their own stamp onto it. Which has turned out to be a compromise between cosy and classy. Both their hearts are in it and it is clear to see.

Arthur wanted to have a place belonging to both of them, where they can relax in peace and do as they like without having to expect a report in the tabloids the next day, just like what happened after he announced his divorce from Vivien. The media went absolutely wild then. He had reporters follow his every step and hound him down wherever he went for weeks.

That had been a hell of a time because Merlin and he were forced to be careful not to be seen together yet again. News about another partner, and a male one at that, could have been potentially very damaging so soon after the divorce.

But that time went past, and when they started to appear casually together in public places, there was gossip to start with, which was to be expected. They made sure to be cautious and discreet, and people got used to seeing Merlin at Arthur's side. The papers, desperate to explain Merlin's repeated presence at Arthur's side, eventually decided to call him his adviser. Well, there was truth in that in so many ways, Arthur saw no reason to oppose the term.

Now however, Arthur is getting fed up with the pretence and with keeping something secret that means so much to him. And the thought of how and when they could make their relationship public has been with him for quite a while. It is neither right that Merlin should have to hide who he truly is nor that they're unable to show the world that they belong to each other.

Arthur looks fondly at Merlin who's still fast asleep, his arm curled round Arthur's body and snuggled closely to his chest. There is a look of innocence about him that tears at Arthur's heart strings. It is inconceivable how Merlin has kept his youthful spirit and boyish charm despite what life threw at him at such a young age.

A tiny moan escapes Merlin's mouth and he stirs a little before he opens an eye to search for Arthur.

"Awake?" he sighs in disbelief, as if he can't quite comprehens how anyone can look THAT corpus mentis at such an early time. He promptly falls back on Arthur's chest. Yes, Arthur's chest. Hmm. A contented grunt follows.

Merlin brain cells are starting to pull together and function gradually. And then he grins. A beaming smile, just to himself.

No need to say that Arthur notices. "What are you smiling at? All the beauty you see before you?" he teases Merlin and slips both his arms round him.

"Anyone else in here?" Merlin pretends to look around the room with one eye open, barely concealing a cheeky grin. He will never get enough of being so close to Arthur, of feeling his skin right on his own, of savouring the heat of his body when he's lying next to him. Because it is a bloody miracle he can.

They saw Gaius the day he found out about Arthur and his gold and asked him if he could offer them any explanation.

Gaius looked at the two young men in front of him rather flabbergasted for a long time, and then sat down in his big, comfy armchair. He was pondering a while over the question before he eventually spoke.

"You're a question that has never been asked, Merlin," he said with his eyes smiling. "So when it comes to your gold, my guess is as good as yours."

And, when disappointment started to shadow Arthur's and Merlin's face, he continued, "There's one theory that might give you the truth you're seeking for, and it is staring into your face, when you think about it." Merlin and Arthur exchanged a quick surprised glance.

"Merlin, as we know your gold is drawn from the energy all around us. I explained as much to Arthur when he came to see me about it. But love also creates a very strong flow of energy between two people. It is something we all experience in different ways. Of course you are special, Merlin, because you can mould and shape this energy when you have some form of physical contact."

The suspense of the moment is still tangible, even now. But Gaius triggered some kind of a vague idea where he was heading with this.

"It looks like you two closed a circuit when you fully embraced. Merlin's gold streamed into you, Arthur, and then your positive energy, your love, returned it to Merlin. This exchange created an inner flow of light and devotion, forging an infallible connection between you. That's what you reacted to, Merlin. First in the hospital and then when you embraced."

Merlin swallowed hard trying to grasp the full meaning of this. "My phobia ... it reacted to my gold," he whispered, pale with excitement and full of anticipation. So it was as he had suspected.

Gaius raised his eyebrow. "It seems it did, Merlin. Which is very interesting."

"You think it might help me?" Merlin had waited too long to ask the question.

"There's a good chance. Even if the effect might be only for the length of time you two are hugging. Only the future will tell how this is going to work out."


Uther is the perfect gentleman. He steps out of the car and helps Hunith into the back seat himself, rather than let George do it for him Even if he's at a total loss how he is going to get through the next half an hour.

Arthur and Merlin invited them round to christen their new home, and asked him to give Hunith a lift as Ealdor was on his journey anyway. So here he is, settling next to her and asking the chauffeur to move on.

At least he's got his well-trained manners to fall back on. "I'm very pleased to meet you, Mrs. Emrys," he says, offering his hand.

Hunith gives him a warm smile and readily shakes it. "The pleasure is mine. And please, call me Hunith. It feels a lot more appropriate under the circumstances."

The circumstances. Uther sighs without realizing. It has been more than difficult to accept it. Arthur living with a man. In sin. Against human nature.

He would have to be blind though not to see the difference in his son since Merlin has been with him. He laughs more and is a lot more outgoing. His confidence has soared and he's become a partner in business in so many ways, rather than an employee. Which is just as well because he was advised by his doctors to retire gradually over the last year.

They warned him after his heart attack that his heart wouldn't function as well as it had done and that it might affect his stamina and ability to work. He ignored their advice to start with, but had to realize very quickly it was in his interest to listen. And so he had passed on more and more of his work load to Arthur. Who had blossomed with his new responsibilities. He is popular with the employees and has made some pretty shrewd business decisions for the benefit of Pendragon Inc.

In fact, Uther has had to admit to himself that Arthur has grown in stature and has become much more the man he'd always hoped he would be. He likes to think that Arthur has inherited his aptitude for business from him. But he can't explain why it shows so much more since Merlin's been around. He is certainly proud of what his son achieved for the company the last few months. That's why he is going to hand Pendragon Inc. over to him at the end of the month.

Still, it's been hard seeing Arthur and Merlin together, knowing they share a bed. They've kept their word and never touch in his presence. He appreciates that, but it is hard to miss the loving looks they throw each other and the smiles they share. And each time his stomach churns. Now however, he's sitting beside the mother of Merlin. Merlin, who he beat up badly and hospitalized only a few months ago. What the fuck can he say to her? He has never met the woman before and the only thing connecting them is what he did to her son.

He eyes Hunith from the side. She is tall, slim and has a good figure for a woman of her age. Her high cheekbones give her face delicate features although she isn't beautiful in the conventional sense. Her hands tell of many years of hard labour and her greying dark hair cascades wildly around her face. Uther can tell she's a simple woman who's had a tough life, but she exudes a calm integrity and honesty he can't ignore. Most of all she seems totally at ease. Unlike him.

Hunith senses his gaze and looks up. Her striking blue eyes are searching his face and eventually she smiles kindly. "Uther…. I may call you that?" she wonders.

"Of course," Uther agrees immediately, and he can't believe how embarrassed he is after her next words.

"There's no need to feel awkward."

"Well…," Uther hesitates. "It isn't that long ago I injured your son quite badly." A hint of guilt is rising inside him. For the first time.

Hunith furrows her brows. "Yes, these were some of the worst days of my life," she says so casually Uther has no idea how to react. If someone had done to Arthur what he'd inflicted on Merlin he would be raging by now. And what does she mean with 'some'?

"But they are past now," she concludes. "And I've never seen Merlin as happy as he is now. That is all that counts."

Uther remains silent for a minute, desperately trying to find the right answer. There isn't any. And out comes what has been on his mind all along.

"I'm wondering." Uther can't remember ever being that tongue tied before. "Did you always know that Merlin was … you know?"

Hunith tries not to smile and helps him out. "Gay." She faces a completely mortified Uther and gently puts a hand on his arm.

"It is another way to love, Uther. Nothing more, nothing less. And to answer your question. Merlin simply told me one day, when he was sixteen."

Uther pales. "And what did you do?" His eyes are glued to her face.

"I told him that he was my son, and I wanted him to be happy whatever he chose to be."

Uther attempts very hard to wrap his mind around this. How was Hunith capable of so much acceptance and understanding? She is a woman of a similar age as him. Surely she was brought up with similar values, values that didn't condone what Arthur and Merlin were.

"You didn't mind?" he asks rather surprised.

"Whether I minded or not was not the point, Uther. My son is born the way he is. Nobody will change him. And I don't want him changed. I will always want him to be who he is. A warm, funny, sensitive and incredibly kind man. Why would I stop loving him for bearing his soul to me, for trusting me with something that isn't easy to admit." She throws Uther a knowing look.

Why does Uther get the impression he has just been told off? "But Arthur… he never showed any signs of interest for that kind of thing before he met Merlin." Uther is trying to semi-defend himself.

"I remember when he was a little boy…," and then he shares some of his memories about Arthur's youth while Hunith throws in one or the other question.

It is a talk that keeps them busy all the way until they reach their destination.


Arthur is nervous. Really nervous. Merlin is well aware of it. His body language gives him away. The way he rubs his chin every two seconds. The way he keeps checking his watch every five seconds. It makes Merlin wonder if all this was such a good idea. Get all their family together. In one spot. At the same time. With them clearly a couple.

But there is Uther's car now and it is far too late to reconsider.

"Father." Arthur walks up to Uther to shake his hand. Any close personal contact with his father has been very uneasy since he found out. He marvels at Merlin and Hunith who are standing right next to them hugging each other warmly. Is it easier for a woman to have a gay son? Surely not.

"When are Morgana and Leon coming?" Uther enquires to get past the stage of awkwardness.

"Should be here in half an hour," Arthur answers and smiles. He is looking forward to seeing the two of them again. He hasn't seen them for almost a year and was so surprised when Morgana phoned the previous week to tell him they were going to fly out to England two days later.

For the time being though, Arthur and Merlin give each their parents a tour of the house and then settle them on a patio chair in the sunshine on the terrace.

"Arthur!" Morgana's voice cuts through their conversation, and a second later she flies into Arthur's arms, hugging him with all her might. And Leon follows not too far behind, beaming widely.

"Oh my God. Arthur. This is gorgeous!" she cries out as she moves across to Merlin to embrace him carefully and kiss him on the cheek. "Missed you," she whispers and Merlin blushes.

"What is it with the two of you?" Arthur laughs and embraces both of them.

"Leave Merlin to me for just a few minutes. Will you?" Morgana teases and drags Merlin away from the rest. "Come on, Merlin. Show me round." And they disappear upstairs.

Leon grins at Arthur and gives him a manly hug. "If I didn't know what I do know, I would definitely worry," he says with a smile, turning round to greet Uther and Hunith and settle down to share their conversation.

Meanwhile Morgana and Merlin have reached the upstairs bathroom.

"A sunken bath? Really, Merlin," Morgana giggles.

"You know fine this was Arthur's idea. I couldn't talk him out of that one." Merlin rolls his eyes. Then he eyes Morgana and simply ask, "So why did you want to see me?"

Morgana beams at him. "There isn't much I can hide from you, is there?"

Merlin chuckles. "Of course you can. But you, tearing me away from the crowd like that was rather obvious."

"God, Merlin. If you and Arthur weren't such a perfect match, and Leon wasn't the one for me…, " she winks at him.

Merlin laughs out loud. "Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

"It is. So be grateful." Morgana gives Merlin a tight hug without thinking. And then shies away.

"I haven't done anything I shouldn't?" she asks with a worried look on her face.

"My phobia? It is so much better, thanks to Arthur. I can do even do this." And he hugs her back with fervour.

"You two are amazing." Morgana eyes him with wonderment before she starts tearing up all of a sudden.

"Hey, hey. What is it with you? What did you want to tell me?" Merlin says softly and squeezes her arm.

"Merlin, Leon and I ... we've just bought a property outside London. We're moving back to England in two months' time."

Merlin just stares and gapes. "What?! But that is phenomenal! Brilliant. I can't hardly believe it. That's brilliant news, so why on earth are you looking that worried?"

Morgana takes a deep breath before she reveals further news. She simply isn't sure how this will be received.

"I'm pregnant, Merlin!" she says, throwing him a coy look, uncertainty in her words and gaze.

"Shit! Arthur's going to die from excitement! Being an uncle and you being here! He's going to love this." Merlin is smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"You really think so?" Morgana is clearly not sharing his opinion.

Merlin is confused. Why does Morgana assume Arthur wouldn't be pleased?

"See, I'm worried he might feel threatened in his position at the company. With me producing an heir now, and coming back, and all that. Will he not think I'm trying to fall into his back? " And at that she breaks down in tears. "I just want to be close to him again. I miss him so much and you and …," and then she buries her head into Merlin shoulder and sobs.

Merlin rubs her back affectionately. It is pretty clear, even to him, that Morgana's changing hormones are getting the better of her and causing most of this upset because what she is saying doesn't make a lot of sense.

"Are you listening to yourself, Morgana?" he says quietly,placing her on the chair next to the bath tub. He gently puts his hands on her back and lets his gold flow into her. Morgana startles for a moment before she gives in to the glorious sensation taking over her body.

"You worry over nothing, I'm sure you know that at the bottom of your heart. Arthur loves you, and he always goes on about how much he hates that you're so far away. He is the most wonderful, most generous, most loving person." Merlin smiles at the thought. "You might say my judgement is clouded. Fair enough. But take my word for it - he's going to be delighted, no, absolutely delirious."

By the time they join the rest, Morgana is beaming again, ready to share her news with all of them. And just like Merlin predicted, there isn't an ounce of jealousy or suspicion in Arthur when he embraces her. Only joy and happiness.


"Now that went better than I anticipated." Arthur sinks back on his pillows recapitulating the day's events.

"Your mum is amazing." Arthur noticed how very good Hunith was at opening Uther up. "She made my father laugh." Arthur turns round as Merlin slides into bed next beside him.

"You do look a lot like her, you know." Arthur places a tiny kiss on Merlin's protruding collarbone.

Merlin grins and relishes the sensation of Arthur's lips on his chest. He leans back and relaxes. It has been a good day. There's no doubt about it.

"My mum is a wonderful person," he agrees easily. "Just like you."

Arthur mumbles something that vaguely sounds like "Of course," before he continues his work on Merlin's collarbones, making sure every square centimetre is covered by his lips.

And then he moves south. Feathering his tongue over Merlin's nipples. Teasing them ruthlessly until they stand there, erect and flush. It's hard to express how much he loves that he's able to do that. Touch Merlin intimately everywhere.

He runs his fingers through the dark chest hair with a sense of satisfaction and then licks and bites his way all along Merlin's happy trail. Finally he puts his whole weight on his body, their soaking cocks rubbing against each other. Neither can resist the touch for very long.


Afterwards Merlin cuddles into Arthur. Sometimes he wonders if this isn't the best of all sensations. Just feeling Arthur and holding each other like any other 'normal' couple. Merlin smiles lazily while his mind goes back to the day when all this started.

Gaius had only theorized about the workings of his gold when they spoke to him that day. The next day they met Lance to try out whether it was possible to put this theory into practice. And when Arthur embraced him, Merlin's gold bounced back to him again.

They started to work with Lance within the same week, in the hope this would encourage Merlin's desensitization of his fear more forcefully. No doubt, it was a really tough time for both of them.

For Merlin, because it meant facing his fear almost every day, and for Arthur, because watching Merlin in torment on a regular basis was torture in itself. The only thing that kept them going was the progress Merlin was making. Because very gradually and over the months he was less incapacitated by his fear. And the benefits of each session lasted longer afterwards.

And then, about four weeks ago something momentous happened. Every second of it is ingrained in Merlin's memory. Probably forever.

Arthur embraced him as if there was nothing to it, just like he would do with anyone else, and Merlin responded naturally by cuddling into his arms and revelling in his scent. Both were ready to fight the onset of all the usual symptoms of Merlin's fear.

But it never happened. There was ...no reaction at all. No trembling or shaking. No outbreaks of cold sweat. No hyperventilating.

They sat there that afternoon, clinging on to each other, stunned into silence. Calm and yet elated. A whisper of panic crossed Merlin's chest at one point and the odd shudder flushed down his spine. But the power of his gold coming through Arthur kept them in check.

Lance was beaming when they parted, grinning from ear to ear.

"This is the endgame. Merlin, you've definitely made it. Your phobia isn't controlling you anymore, but you are in control of it." How gratifying for Lance to say these words. Merlin really had gone a long, long way to arrive at this moment, and he thoroughly deserved it.

However Lance did have to add a word of warning. "Not that I want to spoil this moment, guys. But I need you to know that this kind of fear hardly ever goes away completely. It will remain somewhere in the depths of your soul, Merlin, and lurk around trying to find a chance for release."

"But as for now though," Lance concluded. "You don't need me anymore. Just keep practising," he said and grinned.

Merlin sighs at the memory causing Arthur to find his gaze, and he looks at him with questioning eyes. "Just thinking of Lance," he mumbles, and Arthur immediately catches on to his thoughts.

"We owe him…," Arthur mumbles reflectively.

"Yeap. We do," Merlin confirms with genuine affection.

"Wonder how they're getting on?" Arthur pulls up one eyebrow. He's been doing this more often lately, and Merlin is seriously concerned that Gaius is having a bad influence on him.

"I bet the South of France is quite nice at this time of the year," Merlin replies.

"A honeymoon in the South of France," Arthur ponders. "Sounds good."

"Is that why you organized the trip for them?" Merlin asks. Lance and Gwen had been in total shock at their wedding present. They had always wanted to go to Cannes and Nice, and Arthur had made it possible for them.

Merlin continues without thinking. "I'd rather go somewhere hilly. Or mountainous." A second later he realizes what he's actually implied and blushes to the core. A ripe tomato is pale compared to his face as heat flushes his body.

"I see," Arthur says very matter of fact, giving him a speculative side glance. "Is that so?"

"I did NOT mean it like that," Merlin says quietly, sitting on the defensive as he tries to suppress his embarrassment. "Really … I did not."

And he leans over to tickle Arthur under his last rib bone, where he is extremely sensitive. Merlin sighs with relief when Arthur reacts wildly, squirming and laughing and trying to shake him off. Thank God. This never fails as a distraction. And as usual Arthur easily keeps the upper hand in the end.

When they finally fall on their backs, out of breath and exhausted from laughter, Arthur reaches across to Merlin, wrapping his finger round a ringlet of hair at the nape of his neck.

"Why not?" he whispers huskily, his eyes simmering with affection and excited anticipation.

Merlin stares at him as if he'd never seen him before. He furrows his brows while he's trying to digest the two words.

"Are you … ?" is all he gets out, his crimson face a study of sheer disbelief.

"What do you think?" Arthur mumbles as he brushes his lips against Merlin's.

"You mean?" Merlin simply can't believe it. He's too surprised to be comprehensible. "Really?"

Arthur decides that this is it. He's had enough of hiding their relationship for so long. He wants it officially recognized. So why not do it the proper way? And before Merlin can say anything else, Arthur leans over to his bedside cabinet and pulls something out.

"Close your eyes," he orders Merlin in his bossy voice. "And put your hand out."

"Are you kidding?" Merlin can't suppress the yawn. "It's too late to play games."

"This isn't a game, Merlin. Now sit up and do as you are told." This sounds suspiciously like what Merlin calls Arthur's office voice, and he knows better than contradict it, even if he realizes that Arthur doesn't really mean it the way it comes across. So he scrambles up and follows the instructions.

A second later he feels something cool inside his palm.

"Open your eyes," Arthur says and kisses him lightly on his lips.

When Merlin looks down his heart beat doubles, no, triples in speed. His drowsiness dissolves in a split second. What he is holding in his hand takes his breath away. He remembers the moment he received it the first time. It was special then, but now it means everything.

It is the Pendragon ring Arthur gave him on their first holiday in Wales. Merlin runs the ring between his thumb and his index finger and then lifts his head to face Arthur.

"Will you…? Arthur starts, and when Merlin gives him one of his most endearing befuddled looks, he makes sure there aren't any misunderstandings. "… marry me, Merlin?"

"Shit." It slips out before Merlin can help it.

Arthur rolls his eyes before he scolds him with his usual 'Merlin, you are such an idiot!' As always, the tenderness and love in Arthur's voice contradict his words, and Merlin's lips twitch into a smile.

"You are supposed to say YES !"

"Shit," Merlin whispers almost inaudibly again while his eyes go hazy against his will. He presses his cheek against Arthur's, and they hold each other in silence for a little while.

"I love you," Merlin says throatily before he kisses Arthur chastely in the corner of his mouth.

When they pull apart Arthur's eyes twinkle with happiness. "Still the wrong answer, Merlin."

"I see, you want me to spell it out to you?" Merlin isn't fazed at all, accepting the challenge with a huge smile.

"Y" he mumbles and trails the letter over Arthur's stomach in tiny kisses.

"E" Merlin's tongue draws the letter into the soft hollow at the bottom of Arthur's neck.

"S" Merlin lips are over Arthur's, tracing the 's' over his mouth again and again and when Arthur's lips open to welcome him, both forget time and space for quite a while.

When they let go of each other, they remain close, their hands tenderly stroking each other, while Merlin's gold softly hums inside their chests.

Eventually Arthur whispers hoarsely into Merlin's ear: "Will a chalet in Austria do?"


Although this is the official end of this story I would like to give you a short UPDATE of what happened to all the characters next:

Uther resigned officially as the figure head of Pendragon Inc. at the end of that month and instated Arthur as the new boss of the company. Uther remained in the capacity of informal adviser.

Arthur asked Leon to be his right hand man which he accepted with delight. The company soared to new heights of success under their leadership, and Arthur was nominated the best young entrepreneur of the year not long after that.

Merlin left Rapport to take up the role of company mediator at Pendragon Inc. He also became invaluable to Arthur as his immediate advisor when it came to deal with difficult clients and personality clashes within the firm.

Morgana and Leon settled in their new home outside London where Morgana gave birth to a beautiful girl they named Ygraine. Uther doted on her from the first day.

Lance and Gwen bought Merlin's old flat next to Gwen's and extended it into one big apartment. They remained close friends with Arthur, Merlin, Morgana and Leon.

Gaius also retired after a year and made his dream to research herbal medicine come true.

Hunith enjoyed spending a lot of time with her new extended family. She helped out Morgana after she'd had the baby and regularly visited Uther for a chat. And it seemed that Uther's homophobic views gradually mellowed under her calm influence.

Arthur and Merlin got married quietly six months after the proposal in the presence of their family and closest friends. Uther attended the wedding and dealt with the press once they announced their marriage publicly.

They spent their honeymoon in a beautiful chalet in a remote valley in Austria.

Would you believe I almost forget our 'lovely' Vivien !

She was caught trying to run off with her tennis coach and was promptly packed off to Switzerland by her father. There she gave birth to a baby boy she called Cornelius.


So there it is. All done and dusted. Hopefully to your satisfaction! :)

Please let me know what you think!

I hate letting characters go when the story is finished. They have lived with you for quite a while and grown to your heart. But every story has to end!

Thank you all for being there and sharing it with me!