Change The Fate: The Fallen Angel Arise
By TheUndefeatable
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, if I did...I think you can guess what would happen!
Rate: Rated T just to be safe
Summary: There is always a light in the middle of darkness, you just must be brave enough to see it and to embrace it! Then, you will see that you don't need to take the burden all by yourself; you see that you are not alone. A sequel to 'Face The World Alone: Tale Of A Fallen Angel'
Warning: Mention of child abuse and attempted suicide, some violence and bloodshed in later chapters, but not any thing explicit! Don't like it, don't read it!
A/N: Hello my lovely readers! I know, I'm really bad in updating! Here is the first chapter of sequel as I promised. I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think. Any grammar and spelling mistake is mine, and I'll be grateful if you tell me about them, so I can correct them!
Edited November 2018.
Chapter 1: He is a Death Eater wannabe, isn't he?
Tension in the Hospital Wing was high. The Mediwitch was casting spells in a desperate measure in the hope that the patient react well to one of them. Two other adult were watching the scene while glancing at each other from time to time. However, a gasp and a sound of something hitting the floor turned everyone's attention from the limp form on the bed. Three adult turned toward the intruder sharply while the teenager in the next bed, behind curtains was wondering if the voice belongs to the person he thought it was?
Lily Evans couldn't believe what she was seeing. All she thought was to sneak in hospital, check on James (Yes, he was James for her; at least it was James in her mind) and deliver his favorite food she had picked up from Great Hall, and then go to common room and spend a good evening there. However, the scene that greeted her was even beyond her imagination.
She was so shocked that she didn't even know that she had made a noise or that the food that she brought with was spilled all over the floor. She didn't even notice three adults were now gazing at her with shocked or angry faces. All she saw was her former friend, bloody and filthy lying on the hospital bed.
After several second of stillness, Poppy Pomfrey pulled herself out of her shock and immediately drew the sheets up to her patient's chin to hide all the sights, but even that wasn't enough because the sheet start to turn red and it didn't hide the red stains on the floor and bed. Lily didn't notice even that because the image of Severus' broken body was still fresh in her mind.
Poppy cleared her throat to bring everyone out of their shocked state. "What are you doing here, Miss. Evans?" she asked a little sharply, but not unkindly.
Lily blinked once, twice, and then in a low voice said "What happened?"
'It isn't happening! It can't happen!' It was all Lily could think of. She thought that Severus should be with his dark friends planning, hurting others, and laughing, but the thought of him on his death bed wasn't something she thought was possible. Then a thought crossed her mind. Did he get injured in a duel or a fight; a fight in which he and his friends were hurting someone? This thought made her frown and made her eyes flash with anger.
'Of course he got injured in a duel when he was doing God knows what!' She thought with herself. A timid voice in the back of her head said that maybe she was wrong and some other thing had happened, but she pushed that thought aside. He wasn't her friend any more. 'If he was ever her friend in the first place!' Another voice whispered in her head. 'Perhaps he was just using you all these years!' Lily found herself agreeing with it. 'And exactly what has he gained from using you?' The first timid voice asked. 'It is not a time to fight with myself' she thought with a sigh that fortunately shut both of the voices up.
After a moment of silence in her mind, Lily continued where she left up. 'He is a Death Eater in training and he surely deserved what he got!' she had a feeling that it wasn't right, but she ignored it. "It doesn't matter! Wherever he got those wounds, he deserved it. I don't even care if he dies, because he is a Death Eater wannabe." She muttered loud enough for everyone in the Hospital to hear, perhaps in the hopes that saying it aloud will make it true. She nodded to herself satisfied with her thought, and then turned on her heels and left the hospital wing, her mission forgotten.
At Lily words, James shuddered. Perhaps because he knew the truth, but whatever it was he felt sorry about Snape. Wait, he didn't even like Snape! And he thought that the slimy Death Eater deserved everything he got! Well…. at least he deserved what he got from them, the Marauders! Because he is still a slimy Slytherin who wanted to be a Death Eater!
'Don't delude yourself! You are not that much different from the Death Eaters; the real ones, not people like Snape because he is not one of them! He just fought with you because you started it first and even when he started it, he was just getting back at you for something you had done! He never hurt anyone except with his words he always said when he was with his friends'
'Even if it was true and he never hurt anyone; he didn't stop them either!' James said back in his head to that voice.
'Well, for one, Remus didn't do anything when you hurt him and other people! Does this mean that Remus is a Death Eater, too? Let's not forget that Remus is a Prefect and he should actually do something about your pranks! Furthermore, didn't you hear what Dumbledore just said? He's had to deal with his housemates already! Even if he didn't have to deal with them, he still had to sleep in same dormitory as them, and if Slytherins are as nasty as you claim them to be, then they could have done everything they wanted to him and who would have backed him up? You? Dumbledore?
Or his father who is the reason behind him being in the next bed?'
James did not have an answer so he decided to just ignore the voice. He didn't know where that treacherous thought has come from; Accusing Remus and sympathizing with Snape! James shook his head and tried to think about what he was thinking before that voice had interrupted it. He didn't like the Slytherin boy and thought that he had deserved and still deserved whatever James and his friends did to him, but the way Lily said it was wrong! James didn't know why, but every time he thought about her words, a chill would go down his spine. Perhaps because he didn't think that the kind Lily Evans, with fire hair and green eyes, could wish another being harm. Let alone wishing for their death and Snape at that. Yes, the boy had insulted her in the worst way possible and he didn't deserve being friends with Evans in the first place, but she had been his friend for at least five years and defended him left and right, and in front of everyone no less! And that was Snape's first mistake toward Evans; he never bad mouthed her or anyone in front of her! So why the sudden change?
James' thoughts were interrupted by Dumbledore's voice from other side of curtains. "No, Minerva! Let me speak to her," Albus said calmly.
Minerva sighed. "Alright, but make sure she understands, Albus! If Severus does come back, he'll need as many people as possible to help him and those people aren't many to start with." She said softly. Albus nodded and turned toward the hospital doors.
Albus Dumbledore didn't usually question his actions, but sometines he found himself doing it. And most of those times and actions involved a certain boy named Severus Snape. He'd always marked him as an arrogant, selfish, spoiled brat that always tried to get attention of others, in a bad way! Albus always saw him as a prejudiced Slytherin that will be one of the first people who will join Tom Riddle. Of course there were signs such as his blood status, but Albus told himself that he wouldn't be fooled with those things as the children with one pureblood parent from families such as the Princes and Malfoys are as prejudiced as the rest of them. Tom, himself, was the perfect example. But how wrong he was. Albus was sure that Tom would not have minded marking half-bloods as his as long as they had been useful for him. And Albus always thought Severus would have been an excellent asset to his collection because he was talented and eager! Eager to hurt people because why else would a boy his age know such long list of curses. The boy surely enjoyed hurting people. Well, it was what he thought until recently, but not anymore! He sighed. Actually, he couldn't have been more wrong. Where he saw a sadistic boy who learned curses to hurt others, there was actually a hurt boy who learned curses to defend himself. Early on Dumbledore put him among people who couldn't be saved and decided that punishing him, not helping him, or telling others what he, the great Albus Dumbledore thinks of him, is the best of course of action. He thought this way he could put his energy into saving those who were not yet in Tom's league (Unlike Severus!). He hoped that by distancing himself from students like Severus, others would reconsider joining Tom Riddle.
But now he knew better; the one who needs saving was Severus.
He sighed again. It wasn't solving anything. Soon he would reach Miss Evans and he hoped that it wasn't too late. That people would be able to change their view of Severus and see him as the boy he was without them having to put every aspect of his life on screen. He knew if Severus did wake up and decided not to join the Death Eaters – which was Albus' new goal to achieve and he always achieved what he wanted – then he would have a harder time than before, and he would need as much support as he could get. However, he knew that if Severus did wake up, and they allow his secret to be known to everyone, then there would be no chance of him trusting Albus. Speaking of trust; he had some plans for Severus, but he had to find a way to buy the boy's trust first.
His thoughts were interrupted when he turned a corner and saw a red head at the end of corridor. He shook his head and quickened his pace. When he reached a short distance from her, he called her name softly. In the silence of the corridor she heard it clearly, stopped, and her body went rigid. She slowly turned and spoke, her eyes on the floor. "I'm sorry, Headmaster. I was just upset and the words just slipped out my mouth"
"It is alright, Miss. Evans. I just wanted to speak a little with you, if you have some time." Dumbledore said gently all the while smiling.
"Um …Yes, I have time" Lily answered hesitantly.
"So let's go somewhere more comfortable and …private" Dumbledore suggested while turning back to the way they had come and went towards nearest staircase.
Lily followed him, lost in her thoughts. She couldn't imagine what the headmaster wanted to talk about with her. All the possible scenarios went through her mind and before she realized it, they were in front of gargoyle which jumped aside without any word being exchanged.
What do you think? I haven't figured out which path this story will take, so I'm open to ideas, just PM me or write it in your reviews.
Those people who think that Lily was a little harsh and thus OOC, I want to tell them that if, after knowing Severus for 6 years, she could tell Severus what she told him in canon, then after three month which Severus and Lily had no contact, she still has that mind set. I mentioned somewhere that there was a nagging voice in her head that said that was not true, but Lily pushed that aside as she didn't 'want' to believe it!