AUTHORS NOTE: Hi there, everyone. This is my first attempt at actually completing a fanfiction, and submitting it online. I do really hope you all like it! Please review! As an up-and-coming author it is always good to know what people liked and what they didn't. Anyways, enough from me, on with the story!


It was Friday afternoon, and Stiles had just closed the door to his Jeep behind himself as he climbed into the drivers seat. He had lied to his best friend, told him he was leaving for the weekend. For what? Why? Stiles almost didn't know. He knew what he had decided, what he wanted for himself, but Scott was the only way he knew that he could get it. He knew there was only one person whom could answer that for him. Peter Hale.

Stiles started the engine to the Jeep, and without any hesitation, left the school parking lot in the direction of Derek's loft, where he knew Peter was staying. He arrived there in a few minutes, but stayed in the Jeep for a while, just in case Scott had seen him and followed. When he was sure that he was alone, he climbed out, locked the Jeep, and went inside. He climbed the stairs to the loft, and paused outside the door. He was sure about this right? He took a deep breath and nodded. He grabbed the door, and slid it open.

"Derek?" he called, walking down the short staircase into the apartment. "Peter?" Stiles waited about a minute, before two pairs of feet came walking down the spiral stairs in the corner. Peter was first, and Derek was behind him.

"Ah, Stilinski!" Peter said, grinning, clapping his hands, and looking at Derek. "Look, we have a guest, master!" Peter stepped off the stairs, pretending to be a hunchback servant to Derek. Derek however, rolled his eyes, and ignored his uncle, looking over at Stiles. "What do you want?"

Stiles took a deep breath, and looked at both of the werewolves. From this conversation, there was no going back, no more denying his true desire.

"I know you two are the only ones who might be able to help me...I know Scott won't..."

Derek raised an eyebrow, and crossed his arms, walking across the floor to Stiles.

"He won't what?"

Stiles sighed, looking Derek full in the face.

"I want...the bite..."