See Chapter 1 for any disclaimers. I also DO NOT own any name, product, reference, or anything else that could be related to a movie, TV show, or a real or imagined person. I do not make money from any of this.

Warning! There may be talk of a spanking or an actual spanking in this chapter.

Thanks to all the reviews, followings, favorites, and reads. I will always appreciate the fact that you still want to read this series. I am honored. I am also honored by the new readers and reviewers who are now reading my older material. Thanks to all the guest reviews also.

Refer to Chapter 2 of New Relationships if you have forgotten the characters. I'll try not to use too many of them at once. Hint: Clint Eastwood, Tim Holt, Angie Dickinson, Susan Oliver, Dawn Wells, John Wayne, Robert Horton, Ward Bond, Marie Windsor, and Barbara Stanwyck.

Chapter 8

"Yup, she likes your boy, but let's let them work that one out." Gibbs laughed again while thinking he'd have to have a little talk with Ziva about how she showed her backside to Jesse. Although getting beaten by a girl was good for Jesse and Gibbs had wanted to put a bullet in Jesse anyway, it was uncomfortable as a father to watch Ziva pat her own backside in front of so many men.

Chris and his group rode straight to town to bring their prisoners to jail. John's group followed Gibbs home. John wanted to ride home with Clint and Jim.

"Oh my! Well, I'm glad all turned out okay and you are all back safely." Jenny had just heard the summary of what had happened.

"Way to go Ziva! I wish I were there to see you in action."

"If you'd been there, Abigail, you wouldn't be happy with your disobedience." Gibbs shuttered at the thought of yet another one of his kids being put in danger.

"I second that." Jim said with a stern expression meaning every word.

"I didn't mean that literally!"

"Good." Gibbs and Jim said in unison, but couldn't help smirk at one another. Gibbs was glad to have another pair of eyes on Abby.

Meanwhile, Clint had not said a word throughout the whole conversation. John could tell Clint was brooding.

"You are going to have to accept that Ziva is not a helpless female. She can take care of herself. You'll have to allow what Gibbs would allow or I'm afraid this won't work." John was trying to reason with Clint.

"I should be the one to protect her." Clint said with frustration, but well meaning.

"I understand. Look at Maureen. She can defend herself any day of the week. Her fiery temper is enough to challenge any man, but she is a woman. If you let Ziva be what she is, within reason, she'll show a softer side. She may even let you protect her." John said and then chuckled at Clint's expression.

"Ha! Ha!" Clint said sarcastically as John patted Clint on the back and walked away. "Man, I am really falling for this woman. I just don't know if it will work out. I am too used to being protective and she is not the kind who needs protecting all of the time."

Clint was still in the middle of his thoughts when Ziva walked up to him.

"I'm proud of you." Clint said and then kissed Ziva's cheek. "I'm just glad you are safe. I wish I'd have been there."

"You would have tried to kill the guy for what he was saying to me. You would not have been able to keep a clear head."

"Maybe not, but you'll have to answer to me if you ever show that pretty backside to anyone else again unless it is over someone's knee for correction. For a trained professional, you let your temper get the best of you."

"If I did not like you so much, I would show you a few moves. I do not like being threatened." Although she was angry, Ziva could not contain the feeling of warmth from Clint's protectiveness. She had not had to accept that from anyone except Gibbs.

"Just remember, try one of those moves on me and you'd better put me out for a while and then run because I'm coming for you when I wake up."

"Ooooh, sounds fun." Ziva said in a mischievous and challenging manner.

"It won't be enjoyable. I have a few moves of my own. Remember, I'm from the year 2600. We have more advanced ways of defense that have not been thought of yet. Then I'll turn you over my knee and give the paddling you'll so richly deserve. I'll give you your space to be you, but don't try your abilities on me." Clint said with a tone that showed he would not be argued with.

Ziva began a rebuttal, but Gibbs walked over. "We need to have a little 'discussion' in your room. Say goodnight to our guests."

"We'll be going. I'm sure Maureen is worried. Clint and Jim are you ready?" John needed to get back to his ranch.

All parties said their goodbyes then Ziva walked the long staircase to her room. As Ziva waited for Gibbs, her angry thoughts grew. "Why send me to my room like a two year old? Gibbs and Clint make me so mad! I do not know how much longer I can stay in this world. I have a feeling, though, that it will not matter what world I am in with those two. They'll never change." Ziva was in the middle of a rant when Gibbs knocked on her door. When she didn't invite him in, he knew she was stewing.

"Ziver, I'm coming in."

Ziva had her back to Gibbs when he walked in. "Ziver, sit." Gibbs patted the bed next to where he sat. Ziva didn't move. "Not a request Ziva."

Ziva finally sat, crossed her arms, and pouted. She didn't want to fight Gibbs, but she needed everyone to know, including Clint, that she wasn't some helpless female needing someone to lean on because she was about to fall apart. She was a trained NCIS agent in 2011 and one who had seen a lot worse in her lifetime.

Gibbs knew her struggles. "Ziver, I am very proud of you."

That caught Ziva off guard and any rebuttal dropped from her thoughts. This did not go unnoticed by Gibbs.

"You acted like a trained agent out there. You've impressed everyone, but like Clint, I'm still unnerved. I see you as my daughter and Clint sees you as someone he is falling for."

Ziva smiled at that.

"If we are to stay here any longer, you will have to get used to the fact that we'll love you so much that we may have problems with you doing these things. It's the 'way' out here."

"Does that mean I'll have to stop helping?"

"No, but it means you'll have to be more patient and control your temper. You acted like a trained agent in all regards, but one. It was no fun watching my daughter show her backside like she did and in front of her uncles and brothers. That was a bit much. Your temper got the best of you."

"But he angered me by the way he talked about my backside over his horse like I was some piece of flesh to be taken advantage of because I am a woman."

"Oh, he angered me too. I wanted to put a bullet in him, but like you, I have the skills to handle that without losing my temper. Then, you were very rude in front of our guests. This is not how we treat our guests."

"So, if I wouldn't have toyed with the man with my backside and held my temper and been more polite, we wouldn't be having this conversation?"

"Nope. You handled everything else well. Like I said, I'm proud of you. But…" Gibbs patted his lap.

Ziva knew this wouldn't be one of the worst spankings because they hadn't gone to the workshop. Gibbs even let her keep her clothing intact. Not that he couldn't give a good old fashioned spanking over her clothes anyway.

Ziva felt every swat Gibbs gave her. After he had made his point known that he wouldn't tolerate her anger and that she wasn't in control when she was angry, Gibbs sat Ziva on his lap. She had tears, but wasn't crying uncontrollably.

After a few moments, Ziva spoke. "That's it Dad? You are getting soft." Ziva teased Gibbs with a smile.

"I can rectify that if you'd like to meet me in the workshop."

"No, Dad. Just teasing."

"I love you Ziver and I need you in control when we are in the field. No more anger. You are too skilled for that."

"Thanks, Dad." Ziva felt proud.

"Oh and be patient with Clint. I like him."

"Wow, Dad."

"Yeah, well don't tell him I said that. I've got to keep that reputation you know. He still needs to watch me load my shotgun a few times."

Ziva laughed and Gibbs smiled.

Everything had been quiet over the last few days. Gibbs' kids had been getting to know John's kids and the relationships were flourishing.

Tony and Angie spent many moments talking and getting to know one another.

Tim and Susan tended to walk hand-in-hand a lot. Of course, Susan was able to complain to Tim of the unfair treatment given to her by her Uncle Robert. Tim had to laugh when Susan stomped her foot and complained that Robert had once again spanked her for not acting her age. "She is so cute when she stomps her foot, but I'm glad Robert is helping her mature some before we get too serious." Tim thought as he laughed.

Jimmy and Dawn also had many talks, with Dawn doing most of the talking. Although, Jimmy was getting to share more of himself as the days went by.

It was a little rockier for Abby and Ziva, though. Their independence usually caused some altercation or another.

Jim had swatted Abby a few times when she refused to heed his advice about a snake she saw.

"I don't care if it wasn't poisonous. Haven't you had enough snake bites for a lifetime?" When Abby looked at him in surprise, Jim responded. "Yes, I heard about the chicken coop and the fact that you were very sick and had to stay in bed for a long time, but that was an accident. This would have been careless. Have you no fear?" That's when he swatted her backside five times to show he meant business and that he really had feelings for her and would keep her safe no matter what.

Clint was itching to swat Ziva. She was always arguing with him about something. Ziva still felt she had to prove she could take care of herself. They were both falling for each other, so they always worked it out. Clint had to admit that he wouldn't have Ziva any other way and was glad to see he was going to have a relationship much like John and Maureen.

It seemed that it would prove interesting to all as time went by.

Gibbs walked into the kitchen one morning and announced that they were all going on a trip. The World's Fair was to be in San Francisco and he wanted to take the whole family. When the kids looked upset about leaving their partners behind, Gibbs intervened.

"John's family is coming too. Bard, Marie, Barbara, Ducky, and Miz Nettie are staying behind to keep an eye on things. They've all said they feel too old to travel with a bunch of kids and welcomed the quiet while we are gone.

At the announcement of John's family coming, everyone showed excitement. "What about Uncle Chris' family? Aren't they coming?" Everyone was surprised to hear Abby ask about Chris, but proud that she did.

"They're coming too. Chris, Mary, Billy, Casey, and the rest of the Seven except Josiah are coming." Gibbs answered Abby's question.

"Judge Travis has hired five new deputies and one sheriff to keep the peace while we are gone. I hear they are the best around after Chris and his men. Chris feels confident about leaving, especially since Josiah is staying behind.

"Gibbs, I told Chris and I'm tellin' you and John the same, if Casey needs correctin' treat her like yer own. She's agreed to this or she wouldn't be goin' with you. JD knows to mind his manners with her too or else."

"I'm sure we won't have a problem Miz Nettie, but I appreciate the trust you have in me." Gibbs smiled at Nettie. "As a matter of fact, there won't be any problems or they'll answer to me." Gibbs said this while scanning the room.

That night when Gibbs and Jenny were snuggled in each other's arms, Jenny spoke of the trip. "They were so excited to hear about the trip, Jethro. I'm glad they are happy. I just hope we don't have any misbehavior. That's a big group."

"I was talking to you too tonight." Gibbs smirked while holding Jenny. He couldn't see her expression in the dark, so he waited for her reaction.

Jenny stiffened. "Why would you have to talk to me tonight? I'm an adult and your wife. Stop treating me like a child."

"Then stop behaving like one. You know when you, Mary, and now Maureen get together you seem to get into some sort of mischief. Remember the mercantile incident a few days ago?"

"How can I forget? You have reminded me of it many times."

"When the three of you get in an argument with the new worker in the store and dump eggs over his head…" Gibbs didn't finish the statement. He just rolled his eyes.

"It served him right when he insisted on getting 'our men's permission' to charge the goods we were buying."

"Jen, he was new. He didn't know that you all have an open account and we settle up once a month. You have a temper."

"Well my temper didn't get much better when the three of you made us apologize."

"It got better after we had our 'discussions' at home."

"It had to get better or you'd have continued to 'discuss' until it did. You are exasperating, you know that?"

"That's one of the reasons you love me so much."

Jenny began to argue, but was cut off by Gibbs. "Don't act like a child and you won't be treated like one." Jenny tried to argue again, but Gibbs kissed her.

"I love the making up part when we argue." Jenny thought as she kissed Gibbs and enjoyed their time together.

The next night, the three families got together to discuss the details of the trip. It was decided that they would take a stagecoach to the closest town with a railroad, which was Ridge City, and leave from there. The families would have to go in stages and stay at a hotel until all parties arrived in Ridge City. Since the families could easily afford to invest in the town's businesses, they had stock in the local stagecoach company. Therefore, they were able to obtain enough stagecoaches. There would be three stagecoaches leaving Four Corners at one time. This was enough to bring one family at a time. It would take two days to bring each family to Ridge City. Gibbs' family would leave first, then John's, and then Chris' family. Chris was more than happy to be last. The more time in town helping the new crew get used to the law and order of Four Corners, the better Chris would feel. With the travel time, the families would be gone about two months.

It was decided that there would be as little luggage as possible. Again, with the money each family had, courtesy of The Doctor, the families would buy what was needed in San Francisco and then donate what they bought to the needy once they decided to return. After all, they must save room for souvenirs. This whole trip was going to be a large undertaking with much room for problems. This is why everything had to be organized. With an admonishment once again for everyone to behave, the families went home. Gibbs and his family were to leave in two days. Everyone was excited.

Chris' family was accustomed to the rigors of this type of travel, but Gibbs and John's families weren't. Chris chuckled and thought as his family went home that night that this was going to be a mighty interesting trip. He wondered who would be in trouble first.

The END of #9.

TBC... in #10 - Beyond the Holiday Adventure: How Will We Fare at the World's Fair?

A/N: Please know that I have taken historical license with the time of the World's Fair and the fact that the railroad ran through Utah at this time. For my purposes, the railroad was where I needed it to be. LOL! If real life only worked that way. Doctor Who could have easily brought them to San Francisco, but what would be the fun in that!?