
Chapter 7

Wendy pressed her back up against one of the bookshelves as she concealed herself in a part of the library that was still shrouded in shadows. Peeking around the corner she could see the two men who had broken in. It seemed to fit what that old lady had said, about the two men that had been in that alleyway looking at something. One of them was holding open a small flour sack while the other one dumped three books into it. Wendy narrowed her eyes and she could hear their quiet snickering due to her overly good dragon ears. She spotted Levy easily on the other side of them as she was quietly sneaking past them to get behind them for an attack. It was true that Levy and Wendy weren't the strongest among those in the guild but they still had some fighting power in them and there was no way that Wendy was going to let these guys get away these books. She nodded at Levy and instantly the solid script mage used "Solid Script: Hole" on the two. Not expecting it what-so-ever the floor collapsed underneath the thieves and Carla picked Wendy up to fly her down to the first floor where the two had fallen.

"Tenryū no Hōkō!" Wendy shouted.

The wind from her roar blew the bookshelves onto the two thieves, the books flying and scattering to the far reaches of the room. Dropping Wendy gently to the floor Carla quickly caught the flying flour sack that contained the three books the two were trying to steal. Wendy watched as Levy fixed the floor above them with her "Solid Script: Fix" and rushed down to both of them. For Wendy that seemed awfully easy, but then again she did get a low paying job. Maybe the two hadn't fought back because they didn't know magic. If that were the case then the normal authorities in town could have handled this but Wendy didn't let it bug her, besides the man probably didn't know whether or not these guys could use magic so it was understandable. Looking at the scattered books and the five toppled over book shelves Wendy was sure her and Levy were going to fix that for the old man. They didn't want to leave his library a total mess.

"That was rather easy." Carla commented.

"Yeah, well it doesn't matter. I guess we should go bring these guys in and then come back to clean up." Levy sighed.

Wendy quickly grabbed Levy's arm though pulling her back as she heard the bookshelves begin to rumble. They busted into pieces and both of the men swayed to their feet standing back up. Maybe Wendy's prediction on them not having magic was off but hey they still had a shot at this. By the way that the bookshelves had exploded it seemed as if one of them had the ability to make anything exploded by simply touching, or at least something along the lines of that kind of magic. The other was only carrying a knife, the blade made of a lacrima. So one had magic and the other one had to use magic items because he really didn't have magic.

"Levy I'll get the guy with the magic, you take on the one with knife."

Levy nodded agreeing with the small plan Wendy had just come up with. When the two lunged at them Wendy swung her foot out in front of her blocking them with a gust of wind so that Levy could take this chance and run around to get closer to the man with the knife. Surprisingly both still had their hoods up so it was hard for Wendy to get any kind of description on the two. While Levy already had the focus of the magic-less man Wendy used her "Sky Dragon's Crushing Fang", slashing her hand up and to the right causing another gust of wind to crash into the man who did obtain magic. He flew back into yet another bookshelf that exploded as he used it to push himself forward towards Wendy. The sky dragon slayer jumped out of the way quickly enough, the man just missing her shoe. Wendy had to be careful because if he were to touch her then the outcome for her wouldn't be pretty. Doing a tuck and roll Wendy emitted wind from her foot that again hit the man since he was standing so close.

"Pesky little brat!" He growled.

"Tenryū no Yokugeki!"

Her wing attack hit the man dead on but as he held his hand out her wind exploded like those book shelves. It wasn't only solid object that this man had the capability of dispersing into nothing, he the ability to explode magic and make it disappear. To Wendy it was like remembering the first time she saw Gildarts walk right through Fairy Tail's wall making it explode but she knew better that this man was no where even close to Gildart's level, he was ages from it. Growling Wendy hopped up on top of one of the bookshelves and began running a crossed the tops of them with the man in tow behind her. No matter how much wind she produced it seemed as if this guy could just get rid of it over and over again, it was like an ongoing cycle and it was annoying Wendy greatly.

"Wendy! Town authorities are here!" Carla shouted from a crossed the room.

A sour look crossed the man face; obviously he was not pleased with what he just heard. Taking this moment from the man spacing out Wendy kicked her leg up and this time her gust of wind was able to hit them man sending him flying a crossed the library. He collided with the wall and Wendy guessed the force of the impact was enough to knock him out seeming's as how he didn't get up. Looking at Levy it seemed that the man with the knife was giving her more problems than Wendy had expected him to. Wendy jumped down from the bookshelf and made her way over wanting to help but Levy seemed to disagree with her actions.


"Wendy no! This man does have magic; it's the same as Jet's!" Levy shouted in warning.

"Same as . . . Jet's?"

Hearing that made Wendy freeze and instantly the man stood behind her, a creepy smile lighting his face. Levy and Carla began to panic and they both knew none of them were quick enough to make it to Wendy in time. The Sky maiden gasped as the knife pierced through her and everything seemed to slow down as she fell forward face first onto the floor, the knife still residing in her back. Her good sense of hearing seemed to be fading as everything became blurry. She could faintly hear the authorities that Carla had mentioned earlier rush through the door yelling things she couldn't comprehend. Someone grabbed the unconscious man while three others rushed after the man who had stabbed Wendy successfully grabbing him before he had a chance to get away. Wendy could feel Levy shaking her, grief and fear filling both her and Carla's cries.

"Get her to a hospital!"


"Her life could be in danger!"



The blonde turned at the sound of her name. She sighed seeing who was calling her. Was Natsu really going to try this every day? She still smiled though as he took a seat a crossed from her at the table she had decided to sit at for today. Lucy already knew where this was going. She knew well enough that Natsu was going to try and get her to take him back because no matter how many times she refused him he wouldn't give up, then again when was Natsu ever one to give up on anything? Lucy wished he would drop it though; she had her reasons for not taking him back even if she wasn't angry at him anymore.

"Hey Natsu." She greeted and took a sip of her drink.

"U-Um I was wondering if you wanted to go out to lunch with me and-"

"I already have plans Natsu. I'm sorry." Lucy sighed, even though it was only a lie since she knew he meant it as a date.

"O-Oh . . . Luce I said I was sorry why aren't you-"

"I'm not mad at you anymore Natsu but I just don't want to be in that kind of a relationship again."

"W-Why not!? Why won't you take me back!?" Natsu shouted.

"Would you calm down? I have my reason's Natsu. I just feel that our relationship is stronger if we just stay friends alright?"

"I don't want to stay just friends Luce! I love you!"

Luce raised an eyebrow at him and pulled her lips away from the straw in her drink. She smiled slightly at his words and shook her head. Setting her hands against the table she stood up and ruffled his hair. Natsu was confused by this, he didn't understand, did that mean she was finally caving in and taking him back? That thought made him happier than anything but Lucy didn't say a word and took her drink to go get a refill at the bar. The fire dragon slayer pouted and rushed after her flailing his arms and shouting her name over and over again.

"Stop it Natsu!" Lucy snapped.

Stopping instantly Natsu simply stared at her hurt while she sighed and took a seat down next to the bar."But . . . Lucy . . ."

"Do you really love me like that? Honestly ask yourself that because . . . I don't believe you do. You may love me but I feel it's only as best friends Natsu." Lucy explained.

"That's not true Luce I-"

"I know you slept with Wendy Natsu. Gajeel said you smelt just like her and then proceeded to conclude what it meant by saying it was mating season for the dragon slayers." Lucy said making Natsu stop and drop everything he was about to say.

"Oh Lucy I didn't mean it I didn't know what I was doing I was hurt I-"

Lucy giggled causing Natsu to stop and look at her confused. "I'm not mad at you for it. It is the reason why I won't take you back but that doesn't hurt me . . . Natsu think about it . . . Did you really not mean to do that with her? I believe you actually love her instead Natsu."

"Love . . . Wendy?"

Natsu blinked a few times recalling the night he spent with Wendy. Remembering the way he held her so gently . . . and the way he kissed her. Remembering each little thing his heart beat speed up and hit against his ribcage. He could hear the rhythm in his ears so loudly he almost wanted to cover them thinking it would help to make the sound go away. Lucy smiled up at him knowing that he was just realizing it himself but suddenly seeing him frown and collapse into a chair wasn't what she expected.


"I'm such an idiot! To just walk out on her after doing that with her she probably thinks that I hated it, that I don't lover her!"

Lucy reached out and rubbed his back. There was going to be a lot that he was going to need to fix when he confronted Wendy and told her how wrong he had been. She didn't know how well Wendy would accept him after he did that to her, basically using her as some stress relief ball. Personally Lucy wouldn't like that and she was disappointed in Natsu for using sweet little Wendy in such a way but he did say he was hurt and didn't know what he was doing.

"It'll be ok Natsu. Wendy isn't one to get made so easily you know that." Lucy assured him.

"I don't Luce . . . I messed up really bad this time . . ."

The celestial mage pressed her lips into a fine line and continued to rub his back. He was going to be needing help to get out of this one but even if they weren't together her and Natsu were still best friends, she was going to help through this no matter what. The pyro shifted his head slightly and looked at Lucy who simply smiled at him in return. It at least made him feel better to know that he would at least have his best friend there to help him try and work things over with Wendy when the time came.

"Thank you Luce." He whispered and smiled back.

Suddenly the doors of the guild slammed open and Levy stood there panting, tears brimming her eyes. Everyone was looking at her and Gajeel was quick to walk up to her to see what had the bluenette in so much discomfort. She wiped her eyes with her hand and tried to calm down so that she could speak straight. Once she removed her hand she looked out at everyone or so it seemed but for some reason, Natsu got the feeling she was looking directly at him while she spoke.

"I-I'm sorry . . . that job was supposed to be easy . . . I . . . I couldn't help her . . . it's my fault!" Levy cried as Gajeel ruffled her hair in comfort.

"What's wrong shrimp? What are you blaming yourself for?" Gajeel asked.

"I-I-I c-couldn't help her! Wendy . . . she's hurt! She's in the hospital and I couldn't help her!" Levy sobbed.

Natsu gritted his teeth and his hands that were intertwined detached and clenched into fists. Slowly Lucy lifted her hand off of his back fearing he might explode which really seemed likely at the moment. Everyone in the guild hall was shooting questions left and right at Levy meanwhile Gajeel was trying to push them back and become like a wall to protect Levy from being bombarded by people all the while he also was shouting at them to give her a break and that she too was still an emotional wreck from watching her friend get hurt. Natsu slowly stood up from his chair and pushed his way through everyone roughly until he was standing right before Gajeel who peered down at him. Even the iron dragon slayer could tell that messing with Natsu at the moment wasn't the brightest of ideas.

"Salamander . . ."

"Levy . . . Which hospital is she in?" Natsu growled, his fists shaking.

"T-The one near the Southgate Park." Levy quickly answered him ignoring all other questions.

Natsu rushed passed them and before anyone could blink he was out of the guild rushing to the hospital. This definitely didn't make him feel any better, to know that he hurt Wendy and now she's hurt and in the hospital. He didn't bother to even hear what had happened to her he just wanted to see her and have someone say to him "Yes she is going to be alright". He refused to accept no for an answer.

Groaning, Wendy's eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the light. She could hear a beeping noise and slowly looking up she spotted a heart monitor next to her bed. White sheet were spread out a crossed her legs and lying next to her curled up was Carla. Wendy slowly lifted her hand and rested it on the feline's head to pet her. Instantly Carla shot up in her spot and looked at Wendy, tears instantly pricking her eyes. Carla hugged her and Wendy giggled.

"You fool! How dare you scare me like that!?" Carla snapped.

"I-I'm sorry C-Carla." Wendy barely managed to breath out, her throat completely dry.

Carla picked up a cup of water and held it to Wendy's lips for the dragon slayer to drink. Wendy accepted it easily, her dry throat greedily savoring the cool liquid. The girl thanked her partner who nodded and placed the cup back down onto the table next to the bed. Wendy tried to go sit up but her back screamed in pain and she immediately fell back down into a laying position on the bed, her lips parting to gasp for air. That's right she had the wound in her back from that knife she was stabbed with.

"You must not sit up Wendy! You'll make the wound worse. The doctors just got finished bandaging you up too." Carla explained, her paw resting on Wendy's shoulder just in case the bluenette decided to sit up again.


Wendy sighed as she remembered clearly what had happened. She remembered the searing pain flowing through her back as she was stabbed and how everything slowly faded away as she collapsed on the floor and passed out. She was at least happy that the two men were at least caught before they were able to get away. Suddenly the idea of Levy flashed through Wendy's mind. She was ok the last time Wendy had seen her but still. . .

"Is Levy alright?"

"She's fine. Right now you need to focus on getting yourself all healed up." Carla said.


Loud noises emerged from the hallway, the shouts of doctors telling whoever it was to keep it down and that he was in a hospital could be heard from the other side of the door. Carla rolled her eyes and muttered something about disrespectful people but Wendy never made a comment. She was to bust admiring the smell roaming in her nose. Musky smoke and burning pine needles. Wendy's eyes went half lidded as the image of the pinkette flashed through her mind. It wasn't long before the door to her room busted open and standing there was the same man himself. Carla's ears went flat against her head as she looked at him. She wasn't please and Wendy knew why but the bluenette patted Carla on the head. The white feline was hesitant but she knew what Wendy was asking from that gesture. Spreading her wings out Carla exited the room and simply waited outside in the hallway after Natsu shut the door behind her.

". . . Natsu-San . . ."

"I'm so glad you're ok Wendy! When Levy ran in and told us I got so worried." He quickly blurted out into one whole line that Wendy almost couldn't hear it.

Wendy nodded and looked out her window away from him. She felt like he was only saying that like he did with everyone. She was a friend to him after all, it made sense to care for your friends, and it was what Fairy Tail was all about after all. The pinkette slowly made his way over to the chair next to Wendy's bed and sat down in it. He rubbed his hands together not liking the awkwardness happening between them. He snuck a few glances at her and just from that he could prove that Lucy was even more right than before. Natsu could feel his instincts being boosted just from looking at her, her smell overtopped the disinfectant smell that every hospital held. He rubbed his hands nervously against his legs, yes even this was making him nervous, he didn't want to say something wrong and mess up his chance at fixing this with Wendy.

"You know . . . if you wanted to go on a mission with someone you could've just asked me. I don't like to see you confined to that bed Wendy." He muttered.

"Natsu-San I-"

"I'm sorry."

Wendy blinked and slowly turned her head to look at him. His face was buried in his hands and his foot tapped against the floor gently. Quickly he ruffled his own hair with his hand and looked straight at her. The guilt that filled his charcoal eyes was too much for the sky maiden to handle and she quickly turned away not wanting to look at him anymore. His warm hand reached out and grabbed hers squeezing it gently.

"Wendy . . . please I never meant to use you like that . . . to hurt you the way I did." He took a pause before continuing. "I . . . I don't want to hurt you Wendy. I was stupid and I wasn't seeing straight. The other night-"

"It meant nothing to you didn't it? The way you just up and left after coming to realize what had happened between us." Wendy whispered.

"That's not true! . . . It did mean something." He defended.

"Then why were you trying your hardest to still get back with Lucy!?" Wendy snapped.

Natsu paused and looked away from her. He never had Wendy snap at him like that before; he had never seen her snap period. Wendy was known to be sweet and innocent, yet here she was snapping at him, a side to her that no one else knew, well he did know. The thought of having known something about her that no one else did it excited him slightly and he felt like he needed to keep it a secret. Taking a deep breath he looked back at her, that angered expression mixed with slight depression was still present on her face as she continued to stare him down.

"I didn't know who I really loved then. I was so certain that I was supposed to be with Lucy but now . . . Lucy helped me realize that being only best friends with her is better . . . that night that I spent with you Wendy was the best night of my life . . . you are the one I love . . . I can tell by the way my instincts only focus in on you now, only you." Natsu explained in a shuddered breath.

Wendy was left speechless from his words. Was this really happening or was this a dream she was living. Maybe she did die from that knife wound and this was the heaven her mind created. She reached her hand up and gently poked Natsu's cheek. No he definitely felt real enough that's for sure. Letting out a small chuckle and stood up from the chair and leaned over her smiling that adorable smile Wendy had come to love. He leaned down next to her ear and chuckled lowly.

"I assure you Wendy you aren't dreaming. It's really me." He whispered.

Caressing her cheek the pinkette leaned away just enough so that he could press his lips against hers again like he had that night, that oh so wonderful night. He grinned into their sweet kiss as Wendy took her time to kiss him back. He was the first to pull away only to plant more kisses all over her face. Wendy giggled as she gripped the back of his shirt trying to pull him away. He licked her cheek and backed away leaving her to wipe it away. This wasn't a dream no but for Wendy it was her own dream come true, after so many mating seasons of trying to conceal herself she didn't have to anymore. She finally got what she wanted. Natsu was her mate now.

"You better hurry up and get better Wendy. I don't want to wait forever to go out on our first date." He grinned.

"A-Already? Natsu-San-"

"I know we can go to that bakery! I'll buy all the cinnamon rolls you like!" He said, his eyes shining with pride form his little idea.

". . . I'd like that." Wendy hummed.

Maybe those Cinnamon rolls weren't such a bad idea after all.

End - July 1 2014, 1:34 A.M.