A/N Okay guys here is the last chapter, yay! Right? Well I'm sorry it took a while, but here it is. I hope you guys like it.

Chapter 21- Forever

4 years later...

"Bella!" Esme called from the living room.

"Yes?" I asked walking in to find her surrounded by bags of gifts, and rolls of wrapping paper.

"Can you help me wrap up all of these?" She asks gesturing at the mess around her. "I would ask the boys, but well...they're the boys. And the girls are picking up all the relatives flying in at the airport." She looks at me with an embarrassed look in her eyes and I have to laugh, only Esme could feel sorry for asking someone to wrap presents.

"Of course, I'll get right on it." I said sitting on the couch and wrapping up the first toy. It was a Iron Man mask and taped on top of that box held a little TuTu inside. "I know exactly whose this is." I said chuckling and writing Abby on the little snowman sticker.

Abby was Emmett's and Rose's little 2 year old, who was obsessed with Iron Man and in becoming the next Queen of Genovia (that kid watches way too much t.v). Emmett and Rosalie had gotten married one year out of high school, Emmett was attending college in Seattle to become a chemistry teacher (say what you want but when it comes to intentionally blowing things up, Emmett was a mastermind) and Rose was attending college to get her major in Engineering. They bought a house in Forks and a couple months later they had a beautiful baby daughter who they named Abigail, or Abby for short. She had Emmett's crazy curly hair and Rose's piercing blue eyes. The bad news is she also got her mother's attitude and her father's hyperness, and let's not forget Rose's mischievousness put together with Emmett's mischievousness equals one heck of a wild child. But she's adorable so we take her silly little pranks and traps.

I moved on to wrapping a maroon clutch purse. "I assume this is for Alice?" I asked putting it back in it's box and wrapping it up as well.

"Yeah, Rose had it flown in from Italy." Esme said as she wrapped up the Nerf gun.

"Don't the guys have enough Nerf guns? Heck I think every product ever made by that company, including the ones especially made for girls!" I exclaimed giggling. Esme joined me in my giggles and put the sticker on it.

"Yeah they do, but a couple weeks back Emmett accidentally broke Jasper's favorite gun and he bought him a new one." She said laughing. Aww how sweet, you know Emmett loves you when he buys you a gun.

Speaking of Jasper, he and Alice are still together and more in love than when I first met them. He graduated from the University of Washington, just this year, to become an architect, and Alice went to the Art Institute of Seattle to study designing, and she is currently is working on opening her own store. Since Rose doesn't live with her mother anymore, she left the house to Jasper as she retired to Cancun. Jasper and Alice decided to live together at his house and they live happily there.

"Oh here, this one is for Edward." Esme said handing me a book. It was actually heavier than it looked and it was big.

"What is it?" I asked as I set it down on the coffee table to wrap it.

"It's a scrap book the girls made...including Abby. Inside are all our memories, your first pranking week, all those trips you guys took, movie tickets, concert tickets, pictures of Rose's and Em's wedding, pictures of Abby, pictures made by Abby, and stuff like that." She said smiling at me.

"Wow that's amazing." I said smiling. You rarely see family's together anymore, either the kids are at their friends or the parents are away, and it just makes you feel bad at what the world is coming to. No more warmth, no more affection, just people going through the motions. But here I was sitting in a home, in a town, in where time has seemed to stopped, in where the outside world hasn't affected it yet. Love still exists here, not just love, the actual involvement in it. Family's come together, laugh together, eat together, cry together. They haven't been torn apart. I don't know why, maybe it's something it the food or whatever, but for some reason they still care enough to stay with their families, and that's all I want. I found my perfect paradise.

"Bella?" Esme asked softly bringing me back to the living room.

"Yeah?" I asked returning to my wrapping.

"Have you and Edward ever thought of forming a family?" she asked me seriously. My hands stopped mid-tape pulling and I turned to look at her. Straightening myself up on the couch, I played with my thumbs.

"Well no not really. I mean not together! I have...well of course I'd be the one to...you see we haven't...but I want to...I mean only if he wants to-" Esme interrupted my nervous rambling by placing her hands on my shoulders.

"Bella calm down. It's okay just breathe." She said chuckling slightly. I did as told and smiled sheepishly.

"I would love to form a family with him, it's just he's been acting weird lately. He doesn't spend as much time with me, and he's always quiet around me now, it's like he's trying to distance himself. I don't think we even have a future together." I said hanging my head.

"Oh dear, don't think that. Everybody gets an awkward moment in their relationship at some point, it's merely the start of something deeper, if you truly are meant to be you'll get through it." She said patting my leg.

"Okay but what if were not meant to be?" I asked sadly.

"Don't you dare ask that!" she scolded me. "It is okay to question many things, but the one thing you should never put in doubt is that you and Edward were meant to be. I see the way you two look at each other and it's moving how one look, can say a million words. Heck every time somebody passes in between you two, they can feel the magnetic pull. Sweetie don't ever question that you two are meant for each other." Esme said patting my leg and smiling warmly at me.

I smiled at her and continued working, the question still at the back of my mind. What if he and I were truly not meant for each other? What would be of me then? Can I really go back to a life without Edward? I thought this the whole time that we wrapped the gifts, up until we had finished and the guys had returned from the grocery shopping. When I saw him walk through the door, I knew the answer to my question, no. No I couldn't go back to a life without him, because it wasn't life without him. It was merely a nightmare made of memories that I would never have. I was in love with Edward Cullen and there was no denying it.

Christmas morning

I woke up to find the windows frosted, it had snowed last night, and the windows/walls in Edwards room let in the morning beauty. I walked over to the window and looked out at the green and white, only it wasn't just green and white, there was red on the snow. Fearing the worst I rubbed my hand across on the window in order to clear the frost and get a better view. The red consisted of flower petals, they spelled out my name, Bella. I quickly put on my snow boots and jacket and went outside to see what all this was about.

I walked outside to be greeted by the morning freshness and the sting of the snow. Emmett smiled and waved at me from the side of the house.

"Em? What's going on?" I asked as I walked over to where he disappeared.

"Em?" I asked once again and stopped short at the sight in front of me.

Esme, Carlisle, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie, and Emmett all stood together each holding a red rose. I slowly walked forward unsure of what was going on. "Guys?" I asked wary. Edward stepped out from behind them and extended his hand out to me, I slowly walked forward and took his hand in mine. Slowly everybody else formed a small circle around us. "Edward what's going on?" I whispered urgently at him. He simply chuckled and called for Abby. The little toddler came bounding at us in her footsie pajamas, she ran to us and gave me a white lily. Then she ran to her dad and he picked her up.

"A white lily?" I wondered out loud.

"Simple, elegant, beautiful...like you." Edward answered.

"And my favorite." I stated.

"Funny how things alike are attracted to each other." He smiled at me.

"Okay, but you still haven't answered my question. What's going on?" I repeated getting very curious.

"Long ago, we were forced to be together on a psychology project, looking back now I can't believe I ever objected to it. And we were asked to write an essay on what we think about marriage from back then to now. In my essay I wrote that even though it was nice not to have to worry about the risk of getting rejected in an arranged married, I like that in today's society we choose who we spend the rest of our lives with. We get to experience our heart beating to the point of exploding, we feel the angst of not having our loved one with us for a few seconds, but all the pain is worth it, because at the end of it all is the reward, in my case that is you. After all I have to deal with, every obstacle in my way, the one thing that keeps me going is knowing that this is for you, so that I can be the man that protects you, serves you, loves you." He paused for breath and mine caught in my throat as he got down on one knee.

"Bella, meaning beautiful, could not have been a more suiting name for you. Now in front of my blood and it's next generation," Abby giggled loudly understanding he meant her, "I ask you to be my beautiful Bella, my beautiful wife." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, when he opened it I gasped and tears started spilling from my eyes.

"How...how did you.." I tried speaking but I was shaking with sobs.

"When I asked your parents for your hand, your dad put in condition that I use your Nana's ring, just as was her wish. Isabella Marie Swan, will you marry me?" He asked.

"Yes...yes! Yes!" I cried and laughed at the same time. He put the ring on my finger and got up. I threw arms around his neck and kissed him with all my might. Tears still poured down my cheeks but he didn't care, nor did I. When we pulled away, I was breathless and happy. The next thing I knew, dozens of arms were around me and Edward, congratulating us. Then each one of them gave me the rose they had in hand.

"I told you." Esme said hugging me. I hugged her back tight and laughed, did she know about this.

"Wait then why were you so distant these past months?" I asked Edward as we embraced again.

"I had been planning this for a while, and Emmett threatened to destroy my c.d collection if I proposed without him there. So I had to wait until we came to Forks, and I was so afraid that if I was alone with you for too long, I might cave and spill it all out!" He exclaimed chuckling and I laughed. I was the happiest person alive.

6 months later

A couple years back, when Edward and I were getting to know each other, he had asked me what my favorite color was. I answered Emerald and he asked why. At the time I was too embarrassed to tell him it was because of his eyes. Then the night he had proposed, he asked me why I like the color green if it got dull after a while, especially because I lived in Forks. I laughed and corrected him. I loved the color Emerald, not just any green, and I could never get tired of that color because it was the color of his eyes. I could never get tired of his eyes, because they were what let me read him. His emotions, his thoughts, his sincerity when he said "I do." at the altar. They were the first thing I saw of him when we met, they were the only thing I saw because of the mashed potato incident. And they stuck with me. I loved him, and I loved his eyes.

"Alice did a nice job." I commented as we slow danced along with all the other couples at our wedding. Yes, I caved in and let the little pixie take over, man was a pain in the butt. But I've got to hand it to her, she can sure pull things off like this.

"So how does it feel to be Mrs. Cullen now?" Edward laughed nodding.

"It feels sooo different, like a name actually makes a difference, my whole world has changed." I said sarcastically and smirked at him. He rolled his eyes.

"I'm so glad that your sarcasm is still in tact." He answered back.

"No but seriously, it's amazing. I love you." I said pecking him on the lips.

"I love you too." He said kissing me.

"Forever?" I asked pouting.

"No, forever eventually ends, I want more. I will love you, for all eternity." He said touching his forehead to mine. I closed my eyes and smiled.

"Okay guys," Emmett said from the stage, he tapped the side of his glass with a spoon. "If you would all sit and grab your glasses, it's time for the toasts...and I'm first." He said looking me straight in the eye and smiling evilly. Oh no.

4 years later

"Mom!" called two little boys from the kitchen.

"Yes?" I asked amused as I entered the kitchen.

"Ethan haz been eatin' my ceweal again!" Masen whined.

"Have not! I don't even like your ceweal. Is gross." Ethan said sticking out his tongue at Masen. Masen copied his action and stuck his tongue out at Ethan, ugh the troubles with dealing with twins. When Carlisle told me they were the reason for my morning sickness, I cried and cried in joy. I didn't even care when he said that I was in a very risky situation. I listened and followed to every instruction the doctors gave me. I was just thankful for the chance of having my own children.

"Guys! Uncle Emmett was over last night, I'm sure he is responsible for this." I said calmly, you tend to get used to these things when living with the Cullen's. Edward and I had two little twins boys, Ethan Anthony Cullen and Masen Evan Cullen. They both have their father's eyes and hair, and competiveness...and arrogance...and humor-okay so they are like little evil clones of their father, but they are so adorable and I love them. Edward adores the two and is happy being their personal pediatrician now that he is a licensed doctor. I wonder how he would feel about a third? Just this morning I took a home pregnancy test and it turned out positive. I just hope he likes the news.

"Mommy is Abby coming over today too?" Masen asked.

"Yes, I'll be taking care of her until Aunt Rose gets out of the hospital." I said, and they yelled hooray. Rose had just went into labor this morning, Emmett was with us last night when she experienced the pain. Emmett rushed off and said he was dropping off Abby with me today, so he could be with Rose.

"Mommy can we have a sizter?" Ethan asked taking me off guard.

"Oh yeah! I want a sister like Abby, can we get one mommy?" Masen added on. I laughed and put a hand on my stomach.


12 years later

"Violet said she was bringing over a new friend today." Edward commented from the kitchen table. My Violet, already in high school having skipped kindergarten and 1st grade. She was another surprise, she almost didn't make it...and neither did I. I had to get an emergency c-section at 8 months, and according to Edward I was dead for four minutes after. I was so glad to be able to watch my children grow.

"Yeah I know, she told me about it. Poor girl, tripping in the cafeteria on her first day, the embarrassment she must have felt." I said sitting down next to him.

"Reminds me of a certain someone." He said quirking an eyebrow at me.

"Hey I did not trip, I was tripped." I corrected him.

"Not this again." He sighed putting down his newspaper.

"You started it." I said sipping my coffee.

"Yes, but thanks to that we met." He defended.

"We still would have met because of Alice." I argued back. He blinked at me and stayed silent.

"I love you." Was his answer.

"I love you too, but I still win this one." I said smirking at him. He rolled his eyes and leaned in to give me a kiss.

"Mud fight!" I heard yelled from outside.

"Did you-" I started asking but Edward just said, "Yup." We both got up and walked outside.

The sight in front of us was hectic. Abby, Luke (Rose and Em's son), Masen, Violet, Ian (Alice and Jasper's son), and Ethan were all throwing mud at each other. Lying on the ground was a girl who I assumed is Vi's friend.

"What is going on here?!" I asked raising my voice. Everybody froze in the movement and turned to look at us.

"She pushed me into the mud!" Ethan shouted pointing at the girl on the ground covered in mud.

"He tripped me in the cafeteria!" She accused back.

"Oh boy." I said getting feelings of deja vu.

"Here we go again." Edward chuckled.

The End

A/N Tadaa! That's it folks! I hope you guys like not only the chapter but the whole story. I'm sorry for the mistakes but I'm not perfect, thank you for sticking with me though, and for the patience. Thank you for being the first to review. And thank you ALL who reviewed, thank you peoples who read this and gave it a chance. I love you all! MUA! (Air kiss) Anyway if you are interested, I have been thinking about an idea for my next story, how do you guys feel about secret agents Cullen and Swan? Anyway just an idea, I don't know if I have the creativeness to actually write it. Anyway thank you, thank you! I love you! Good luck and Good bye!