So guys….here is my latest creation. This story starts out with all the kids in high school and goes from there. I hope you guys like it but I honestly don't expect everybody to like the way I take my stories but they go their own way sometimes. I am almost finished writing the story so posting should be consistent with me posting on Sundays and Wednesdays each week. The first few chapters offer both POV's but after that they will alternate POV's between Bella and Edward.

There are pictures that go along with this story. The link can be found on my profile page after this chapter.



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Disclaimer: All mistakes made are my own and I do appreciate each comment about a grammatical, or consistency error. If you take the time to point them out then I will take the time to correct them and repost the chapters. SM owns all Twilight, I just like to borrow her characters a few hours a day to play with them.

Enjoy the read but please review!

Chapter 1


I groaned as I sat down on the cold bleachers facing the football field watching my twin sister cheer for our football team. It was the last game of November in Chicago and it was cold outside, especially when the wind blew. This was the last place I wanted to be but Alice had begged me to come watch the game tonight since we were playing against one of our biggest rivals. I watched as my short pixie of a twin sister finished her cheer and spotted me. She bounced over to me and jumped up on the rails of the bleachers right in front of me. "I see you finally decided to show up. It's only halfway through the second quarter." She said rolling her eyes at me.

I laughed and handed her the cup of hot chocolate I knew she would want in this cold weather. We had been taking care of each other since our parents had decided their careers were more important than us and left us alone in Chicago almost a year ago. They both got offers they couldn't refuse in New York City and left us here to finish school because we had argued to stay with our friends and Alice of course didn't want to leave her boyfriend of two years, Jasper Whitlock. Jasper was one of two adopted sons by the infamously sexy doctor, Carlisle Cullen, and his beautiful interior designer wife, Esme. "I told you I had that paper that I wanted to get finished, tinker." I told her as I took back her empty cup.

She rolled her eyes again before nodding. "I know, Belles. Jazzy wants to know if he and Edward could come over after the game and hang out for a little while?" She asked with a sly smile on her face. Edward was Jasper's brother and the bane of my existence. We couldn't stand one another and by mutual decisions we tried to avoid being thrown together in close situations.

I groaned at my little sister. Well, she was little by 2 minutes or so. "You know Edward and I don't get along, Alice. Why does he have to come when you and Jasper are just going to make out or hook up all night?" I asked her frustrated.

"Cut him a break, Bell. Him and Tanya just broke up a few hours ago and he wants to hide somewhere she won't think to look for him." She explained like I really cared.

I sighed and nodded. "That's fine, Ali." I told her as her squad called her back over so they could do another cheer. She was the spunky to my moody, the sunshine to my rain, the optimism to my pessimism. We worked great together in all ways; I was the book nerd, head tutor at our school, and all around shy person while she was head cheerleader, student body president, and all around friendly overly excited person.

I folded myself into my jacket and watched uninterested the rest of the quarter until my sister and her squad took the field during half time. Letting my fashionista of a sister pick out my clothes didn't always leave me feeling warm and cozy but she had done pretty good tonight. I was wearing a gray long sleeved sweater, blue jeans, and my dark blue peacoat, plaid scarf and gray boots to tie it all together. I had to admit seeing my tiny pixie of a sister being tossed so high up in the air with a huge smile on her face made me smile a little bit. She really was amazing even though her all the time cheerfulness got on my nerves sometimes I wouldn't trade her for the world. "Hmm…it is rather amazing how a smile can make a person even more beautiful."

I snapped my head away from my sister to the smirk of none other than Edward Masen, star quarterback. "Too bad a smile or smirk can't change an asshole's personality." I snapped at him before turning my attention back to my sister.

The man really was the bane of my existence. The more I tried to be invisible the more he noticed me. I had to admit he was ruggedly handsome with his hand tousled copperish brown locks and bright green eyes and his football filled out physique. But the beautiful bombshell of a girlfriend that was normally attached to his hip made him ugly as sin because she was the nastiest of people in my eyes. "One day, Isabella, that smart ass mouth of yours is going to get you noticed." He said quietly before going back out to the field. I think I forgot to mention his devilishly sexy voice that he used to his advantage with most people.

"What was that all about, Belle?" Alice asked as she bounced in front of the bleachers in her little, and I do mean little, blue and yellow uniform.

"What was what all about?" I asked her indifferently.

She giggled as she bounced on her toes presumably to keep warm in the chilly October air. "I saw you and Edward talking, Belle. You know he's not as bad as you think, he's really sweet and romantic from what I hear." She giggled as she bounced back to her squad and friends.

I settled in to watch the rest of the game and as the clock ticked down from the last two minutes and we were ahead by twenty two points I got up to head to my car. Just as I stepped off the bleachers I heard my name. "Bella!"

I twirled around and saw Alice run up to me with her keys dangling from her fingers. "Will you please crank my car too so it's warm?" she asked quickly.

I shook my head, grabbed her keys and headed to the parking lot without another word. I headed for my midnight blue 2012 Ford Fusion and smiled at the sight of it. It was understated and fuel efficient and suited me perfectly. I clicked the keypad to unlock the doors before I got to it so I could quickly crank it before running across the parking lot to the reserved area for the football players, cheerleaders, and coaches. Once I had my heat blasting I took off for Alice's bright canary yellow Toyota Celica that she had gotten instead of the yellow Porsche that she had wanted. Our parents had bought us these cars on our seventeenth birthday back in March to replace our used ones we had gotten when we turned sixteen, three weeks before they left us in Chicago on our own. I snarled my nose at the shiny silver Volvo that seemed to mock me all the time. It was Edward's car and he was proud of it too. I pushed the key fob to Alice's car and groaned when the lights didn't flash letting me know it was unlocked. I quickly jumped in the front seat and put the key in the ignition trying to ignore all the stuff in the car. It was an ultimate chick's car with a pink and purple lei hanging around the rearview mirror with some shiny Mardi-Gra's beads intertwined with it. She had pink and black zebra print floor mats along with her extra set of pom-pom's in the passenger seat.

I turned the key expecting the car to crank but all it did was click. Great. Her battery was dead. She must have left her overhead light on again. This had happened multiple times over the past six months. "Damn you, Alice." I growled as I popped the hood before getting out slamming her door shut and kicking the tire just for the hell of it.

I lifted her hood and propped it open so I could look at the battery to make sure the cables were attached correctly. They were so I went around to her trunk and got her jump starting kit that I had bought her after the third time of her running her battery dead. I lifted it out and slammed her trunk shut when a voice startled me from the shadows.

"Problems princess?" asked a dangerous voice from behind me.

I whirled around to face Edward who had snuck up and was leaning against the hood of his shiny Volvo. He was wearing a pair of low slung jeans, a tight black t-shirt and his ever present leather jacket. "Where's Alice?" I asked him as I hooked up the box to boost the car off.

I heard him laugh and I instantly knew why he was out here so soon and with wet hair none the less. "Nevermind." I told him because I honestly didn't care to know about my sister's sex life with Edward's brother.

Once I had the cables hooked up I went and tried to crank the car but all it did was click. "Has she done wore that damn thing out too?" I asked myself as I tried it again and got nothing but a sick sounding whirring sound. I slapped the steering wheel in frustration when Edward appeared in the space between the door and the frame of the car.

"Want me to boost it off?" He asked pointing to his car in the space in front of Alice's car.

I groaned and nodded. "Yes, please." I told him as I closed my eyes against his fresh clean smell that was wafting off of him.

Without another word we worked in silence to get Alice's car cranked. Once it was cranked and the hood was shut I walked back to my car with two words tossed towards Edward. "Follow me!"


I hung my head as I listened to the coaches go over the game plan for tonight and tried to drone their voices out as I thought back over the things that had happened today. Tanya, my girlfriend of over a year, had told me that she was pregnant and she wasn't sure if the child was mine or not. I had been devastated when she told me that the other possibility was one of my teammates and who I had considered to be my best friend, Garrett. Thankfully he had a sprained ankle and wasn't able to play so he had opted out of even coming to the game tonight. At least I wouldn't have to see his face for a little while as I came to grips with my new reality.

"You okay, dude?" Jasper, my adopted brother, asked quietly.

I shook my head and bounced my knee in anticipation for the game. I could legally kick some ass and not get in trouble about it. It was after the game that I was worried about. I had had to turn my phone off after I had walked away from Tanya when she had tossed the news at me in the school parking lot after school because she wouldn't quit calling and texting. She had apparently called Esme and Carlisle who had in turn called Jasper to check on me. I'm sure she told them a distorted version of the truth but I didn't want to get into all of that with everybody right now, I just wanted to be left alone so I had went for a drive before locking myself in the weight room where I pummeled a punching bag for a little bit until my knuckles started hurting. "I just want to play the game and ignore everything else. I'm not coming home tonight either." I told him seriously.

I didn't know where I was going but I wasn't going to that house to have everybody ask me if I was okay and what had happened. Plus, Tanya would most likely be waiting or stopping by any normal place I hung out at to try and explain her situation in a better light. I just didn't want to hear any of it tonight.

"Where are you going to go?" Jasper asked quietly.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, just somewhere nobody will think to find me." I told him honestly.

"Want to come to Alice's with me? Nobody will think to look for you there. You can hang with Belles." He suggested.

I shrugged my shoulders because that girl hated me and I couldn't understand why. She was absolutely stunning in my eyes and was the cause to a lot of arguments between Tanya and myself because she was jealous. Bella hated me for some reason so it was by mutual agreement that we just avoided situations where we were forced to be within close proximity to one another. "I don't care. Just clear it with Alice and Bella first. I will wait for you after the game to see what they say." I told him as Coach Brown called me to the side.

"Mr. Masen, can I speak with you for a minute?" I nodded and headed his way.

"What's up, coach?" I asked as he shut the office door behind me.

He sighed and ran his hand through his thinning graying hair. "I just wanted to make sure your head was cleared for the game tonight? That nothing personal was going to affect your game tonight."

I shook my head. "I'm fine, coach. I promise." I told him in the most up-beat cheerful voice I could manage at the moment.

He nodded and clapped me on the shoulder. "Good to hear, Masen. Let's go beat those panthers."

I nodded and we walked out of the office and down the tunnel where the rest of the team was waiting to run onto the field. "Let's go guys, we can do this." I told them as I tugged my helmet on and leading the team out onto the field.

We played a brutal game and I caught Jasper and Alice whispering quietly when we were in a time out in the first quarter. I assumed it was about me coming to her house after the game. Her and her sister lived alone in a huge house with a long driveway that they had grown up in, but their parents had apparently moved out of state earlier this year leaving them to their own devices. Jasper and I actually drove by their driveway on the way to and from school since we lived literally three blocks up from them on a dead end street. You couldn't even see their house from the street so it would be a perfect hideaway spot for tonight.

When we came back from our half time rest and pep talk I noticed one of Bella's rare smiles as she watched her sister out on the field doing her thing with the cheerleading squad and decided to pay her a compliment even though I knew she would rebuff it immediately. "Hmm…it is rather amazing how a smile can make a person even more beautiful." I told her with a smirk and a wink.

She immediately snapped her head to me and scowled. "Too bad a smile or smirk can't change an asshole's personality." I smiled at her witty comeback. They always made my day. I knew that underneath all of that anger was one hell of a woman and she was probably kinky as hell in bed with all that attitude she possessed. I shook my head and got back in the game to finish out the last half.

After we had wiped the field with the panthers, I quickly hurried through my shower when I heard Alice's tinkling laughter coming from deep in the shower stall area. I decided to wait for Jasper at my car. My one pride and joy that nobody could take away from me, the one thing my birth parents had given me. When Carlisle and Esme had decided to adopt me five years ago, I came with a lot of anger issues and a sizeable inheritance from my parents that I could do whatever I pleased with. My parents were Edward and Elizabeth Masen, both surgeons and lifelong friends of the Cullens', but they had died when they had been victims in a head on drunken collision.

I walked to the parking lot because one Isabella Brandon was bent over her sister's obnoxious yellow car tweaking something under the hood. Upon closer inspection I noticed a few things. One, obviously Alice's battery was dead since Bella had a charger booster hooking it up to it. Two, she was wearing bright blue panties that were peeking through the holes at the edges of her pockets on her well-worn jeans. Three, her ass and legs looked amazing in those skin-tight jeans. "Problems, princess?" I asked her as I leaned against the hood of my car.

She jerked up quickly surprising me but instead of acknowledging my presence she just asked where her sister was and when I gave her the 'do you really have to ask me that' kind of look she just shook her head and said "Nevermind."

I stood there and watched her hook up the artificial booster to the car and go to try and crank it and the car done nothing but click time after time. I heard her mumble to herself and get frustrated so I pushed off the hood of my car to go see if she wanted me to boost off the car. I walked to the space between the open door and the car so I could hopefully get a smell of her delicious scent that I caught on occasion. If this woman ever found out how I truly looked at her I think she would think me an idiot. Tanya had always rebuffed my romantic notions telling me to not waste my time on the wine, roses, and music when we all knew what it was leading up to. I had grown up in a house full of obvious love and romance and I wanted to express that with the woman I loved and thought loved me.

"Want me to boost it off?" I offered pointing to my car that sat hood to hood with Alice's little yellow sports car.

She groaned and nodded slightly accepting my offer begrudgingly. "Yes, please." Without another word we worked in silence to get Alice's car cranked. Once it was cranked and the hood was shut she walked away tossing "Follow me!" over her shoulder.

I guess that answered my unasked question about whether the message had gotten back to her about me coming to her house after the game. I quickly hopped in my car and headed out of the parking lot and pulled to the stop sign right behind Bella's little blue car. It was understated and 'normal' and just like it's owner didn't stick out in the crowds. Even though I knew where Bella lived I still followed behind her and parked in the driveway as she pulled into the two car garage. I had never been on the inside of her house before so this was going to be interesting to say the least. Hell, I had only seen the outside twice when Jasper's car was in the shop and he begged me for a ride to see Alice.

I turned my car off and waited for her because I didn't want her to think I was presuming anything. I had to tread carefully. This was the only time we had ever really truly been alone together and maybe this was my opportunity to find out why she hated me so much. A tap on my window jerked me back to the here and now. I pulled my keys from the ignition and opened the door. "Are you going to sit here all night or are you going to come in?" She asked before turning around and heading to the front door.

I sighed and followed her into the house. I was stunned when I walked through the front door. It was immaculate and sophisticated yet young, comfortable, and obviously lived in. "Come on in, Edward. I have to check on dinner." She said as she shed her coat and headed for what I presumed was the kitchen.

Sorry for the repost guys, I had a reader message me about Edward's last names so I had to come change them. His last name legally is Masen even though he is adopted by the Cullen's. He and Jasper are both adopted by Carlisle and Esme. More on their stories as the story progresses.