Episode 2
We left off when Haruhi pressed the button on her New red Nintendo Ds. She and the others were blinded by a white light. She tried to jump to Hikaru but felt nothing.
She yelled scarred of what happened to her or them. When she notice that the light was growing dark. She felt as if a hammer hit her head. Just like a candle she was
out in a second. She opened her eyes felling air going into her lungs. She jumped grabbing the air.
"Hiakaru! Where are you?!"
Then she noticed that she was in a forest. She yelled to see if anyone was there. She felt a chunk of her self fall to death. She then noticed that she was on something.
She jumped up to see Kyoya underneath her. She was scarred. All of the host club feared him. I mean he was kinda of cool.
"Huh... Haruhi?"
He started to go in sitting position. He and her looked around each other. Confused of where on earth they were they looked around. Then they finally noticed their
"Haruhi... Your wearing a tank top and shorts."
She looked she was wearing a black and red tank top and knee high shorts. Now Kyoya was a differnt story. He was wearing a white long sleeve shirt with a black
vest. He also had long black pants. He still had his glasses and a back pack.
"Uh... Well I can tell your a girl way better."
"How can you -"
She felt the back of her head. She had long hair. Her hair was in a braid. She screamed. She was surprised.
"I'll just keep this on. At least no one will act like I'm a boy from now on."
Then they turned around. They saw an espeon. It ran over and sniffed. It cried out. A boy with strawberry hair ran like it was his life over.
"Haruhi! Oh Gosh I'm glad your okay."
"Wait Hikaru? Your here to? I thought it was only me until l I noticed that someone else was with me."
Kyoya coughed. He surprised Hikaru. Then another boy with strawberry hair ran over. He also stared in disbelief.
"So maybe everyone of the host club came into this world to. I believe we all are in the Pokemon game."
Haruhi noticed the tote bag on the ground. The bag had 29 poke balls and 6 had shadowy figures in them.
"Hey guys. I think that this is my bag."
She threw each poke ball in the air. First was Rayqaza. Then an Articuno with Suicune. Next was Lugia and Celibi. Last but not least was the pokemon she picked. Mew
two. For some reason all of her pokemon bowed down to her.
"Okay... How come I have all legendary's? This is weird."
Then Hikaru walked over. He grabbed to poke balls. He yelled out return as they all went into their poke balls. They stayed silent for a while.
"They only Pokemon that Pokemon bow to is royalty. They have power from the legendary Azelf. They never stop or give up."
"Hold it! How in the world is Haruhi royalty in here."
Every one was silent for a long time. Haruhi was a little bit scarred but thought of something.
"Do all of you have Pokemon. Can't we ride them?"
"Yes. Does everyone have a Pokemon that fly's?"
Hikaru and karu shock their heads.
"I chose you Articuno and Lugia."
Kyoya brought out a dragonite. All stared. He never told anyone about his Pokemon. As soon as they were in the air they were on their own Pokemon journey. Who
knows what they might encounter on their journey. Will they find the rest of there club. Find out in the next chapter.