Heyy guys this is my new series since I wrapped up "Percy Jackson as a kid"
This is going to be a little different? Yes.
I give credit to ncalkins I got my idea to do this from her version called "Big Three Cats!" I only changed a few things about her Ch. 1 so there is a lot of similarity in my 1st chapter and her 1st chapter but og well :)
"I can't stand the way they cheat!" Hera hissed eyeing her passed out husband.
Amphitrite placed a hand on on Hera's shoulder. "Calm yourself! We shall get our revenge!" She shouted triumpilly staring at her own passed out husband.
"I have the potion to change them!" Shrieked Persephone with joy as she bounded in the room. A bottle of greenish liquid was held in her hand.
Hera smiled with wonder. "Hand it to me!" Hera yelled. Persephone handed the bottle over Hera who gladly splashed a third onto her passed out husband.
Zeus's body glowed in a odd orangish glow. Zeus's bones fused tightly together. Zeus woke up and looked down to see where his normal body was, was a blackish bluish form of a Collie.
"HERA WHAT THE- WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!" Zeus belowed but it only came out as a deep growl.
"I'm sorry" Hera said softly "I don't speak mutt" Hera smirked and Zeus cursed out at her but sadly it only came out as repeative low barks. Zeus was so involved cursing out Hera in a dog tone he didn't notice that his brothers were changing behind him.
"ZEUS! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO US!?" Two voices yelled out at the Collie.
Zeus turned on his paws coming muzzle-to-muzzle with a Black cat with bright Sea Green eyes and a Black pitbull with cold dark eyes glaring at him.
"Poseidon? Hades?" Zeus mustered "No dip sherlock now what did you do to us?" The pitbull growled.
The cat seemed to just then look down and relize he was a cat and his brothers were dogs. "WHY IN TARTARUS AM I A FREAKIN CAT!" Poseidon hissed.
Zeus dared to smile but their arguing was broken up by the Cat being picken up and the dogs thrown into 2 cages.
Amphitrite grabbed Poseidon by his scruff and his cat instincts took over as his ears pinned back and his tail curled upwards.
"THIS ISN'T FAIR!" Poseidon protested as the goddesses' Flashed and each started walking towards a different demigod.
Sooooooo I hope I didn't take too much of your story ncalkins but i'm sorta proud of this...