Severus Snape looked down at the sleeping boy. Eleven year old Harry Potter was just like his father with his eyes shut. Once they were open, he was Lily's son. Kind Lily... Snape sighed. He could not afford to get bogged down in old sentiment. That would only bring him heartache. He turned his attention back to Harry. The poor boy had been through a lot in the past ten hours.

Snape walked up the path to number four Privet Drive. He was dressed in muggle clothing, a suit and tie with a pair of black shoes. Very respectable, and unlikely to provoke an outburst of horror from these muggles. Snape sighed. Why did it have to be him going to check on Harry? Why not Minerva or Albus? Instead he trudged up to the door and rang the bell. He thought he heard shouts and a sound like the crack of someone apparating. Odd... Passing it off as possible family strife, he smiled as a thin woman in a plain dress and frilly apron opened the door and regarded him suspiciously.
"Hello madam, you must be Mrs Petunia Dursley."
"Yes, and you are?" She continued to look him up and down.
"I am here to see Mr Dursley and yourself and wish to speak to Mr Harry Potter."
Mrs Dursley allowed him to enter the hall. She then led him into the large kitchen dining room. Snape could hear definite sounds of a struggle upstairs. What was going on up there? Mrs Dursley poured some tea and asked him who he was.
"Snape. Professor Snape actually. I teach at a rather selective boarding school and the school is..." he paused "Interested in Harry joining."
At this point, Vernon Dursley waddled into the room, his enormous bulk barely allowing him through the seemingly narrow door frame.
Petunia informed him that Snape needed to see Harry.
"I'm afraid you can't." He said bluntly.
"Why ever not?" Snape was baffled.
"Harry is ill. He needs a day or two of bed rest." He looked nervous.
"Is this true?" Snape turned to Mrs Dursley.
"Uh... Yes." That hesitation... He had to investigate that.
"It won't take long, just a few seconds of conversation can't do him any harm." With that, Snape turned out of the room and walked up the stairs. He could hear Vernon waddling quickly behind him, panting with the effort. When Snape reached the four bedrooms, he turned and addressed Dursley.
"Which of these is Harry's?" Dursley muttered something inaudible.
"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that." The potions master spoke in a calm, collected voice, reserved for when a pupil was acting up.
"Harry doesn't have a room." Dursley muttered. "He sleeps downstairs. In the cupboard..."
Severus flew downstairs in a flash. Flinging open the cupboard under the stairs, he saw a small figure curled up unconscious. Harry had huge bruises on his arms and legs and congealed blood on the back of his oversized T-shirt. Snape turned on Dursley.
"What have you done to him, damn you?"
*****end of flashback*****

Snape closed his eyes. How had Lily's child abused to this extent by his own uncle? At least Petunia had agreed to give court evidence about him. It had turned out that he had been abusing her as well as Harry. Not just physically either...
Harry stirred; the sleeping potion must be wearing off... Snape patted Harry's head gently. He would need to talk to Albus about where to put Harry now. A muggle orphanage would never do... Then maybe? No the thought was absurd. For Lily's child? He would have to... Snape had made his decision. He was going to adopt Harry Potter.

The next day, Snape left Minerva to tend to Harry. She would be the best person to try and help him understand his new surroundings. He had instead journeyed back to Hogwarts by Floo and was making his way towards the office of Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. When he entered the spacious room, he wasted no time in getting to the point.
"Harry isn't safe at the Dursley's."
"What has brought you to this conclusion Severus?" Albus looked puzzled.
"I think it would be best if you came and saw it for yourself." Snape turned towards the huge fireplace and threw a fistful of floo powder into the flames.
"The Snape House!"

When he returned, Minerva had shown Harry some basic magic as well as a patronus charm (an owl) which was still flying around the room.
"Good afternoon Severus."
"Minerva, I trust you gave young Harry his pain relieving potion at the correct time?"
"Yes Severus. You wouldn't happen to have any bruise salve? Harry has a rather swollen black eye."
"It's in the right hand drawer of the medicine cabinet."
"Who are you?" Asked Harry suddenly.
"Harry, I am Severus Snape. I teach at a school which you will soon be going to."
Harry's eyes widened. "Are you magic too?"
"Yes, I am a wizard like Professor Dumbledore and yourself." He smiled at the boys happiness. After what he must have been through in the past 10 years... Snape was impressed there was a smile left in him.
"Show Professor Dumbledore your back Harry." The boy turned and Snape was sure he heard a sharp intake of breath from the old man."
"I'm not going back to the Dursleys am I?" Harry suddenly looked scared.
"No Harry, you won't ever be going back there." Said Dumbledore softly. "As you are a wizard, we will have to foster you into a magical home."
"I'll take him on." Snape said abruptly. Harry, Dumbledore and Minerva -who was just returning, salve in hand- stared at him mutely.
"I said I will be happy to raise young Harry here!" That broke the silence.
"Are you sure Severus?" Minerva asked briskly. "I never thought you to be the parenting type."
"I never had the chance before." He remained cool and collected, acting nonchalant when he was desperate to be given a chance to care for Lily's son.
"Mr Snape." Harry's voice was quiet and polite. "I wouldn't mind staying with you."
That finalised their decision. Dumbledore and McGonagall simultaneously agreed on a two week trial period from now until the journey to Hogwarts in September.
Minerva gave Harry a pat on the head and a good luck, but Dumbledore merely bid them a farewell and Floo'd back to Hogwarts.
"How does your back feel?"
"Stiff." Harry grimaced.
"Do you know why your Uncle locked you in the cupboard?" Harry looked guilty.
"Did you do something bad?"
"I sort of talked to a snake..." Harry looked tense. "I didn't mean to make the glass go away! When Dudley pushed me I got so angry I just... Made it happen I guess?"
"Sounds like you did some accidental magic Harry." Snape tussled Harry's already untidy hair.
"Is that OK?" Harry looked slightly fearful.
"Every witch or wizard does it at least once when they're young. You learn to control it." He smiled. Harry really did know nothing of his world. He had a lot to teach him. "You say you talked to the snake, did it talk back?" Snape was curious.
"It said 'thanks amigo', when I made the glass go away. Then Dudley fell in and everything went wrong."
Snape was impressed. "Harry you're a parselmouth."
"What is a parselmouth? One of those people who can talk to animals?"
"Sort of..." Snape paused. "A parselmouth can only speak to snakes, but they are extremely rare."
"Oh." Harry frowned as if concentrating hard. "Mr Snape can I get up now please?"
"Please Harry, call me Severus. But yes, I need to do something to close the wounds on your back first." Snape thought quickly. He knew of several charms but which one would be best? "OK Harry, roll onto your front." He gently pulled the covers off and Harry turned to lie on his stomach. The bruising had stayed the same but some of the cuts had turned a dark shade of red. Snape whispered the charm over Harry's back and instantly the cuts healed over.
Harry sighed in relief as the pain faded away.
"Is that better?" He finished once the bruising had faded to pale blue splodges.
"Yes, thank you so much!" Harry practically jumped for joy as he craned to check his back was as good as it felt.
"Then I think we will do a quick tour of the house before I make is some lunch."
Snape showed Harry the entire house, top to bottom. When they reached his potions lab, Harry suddenly became silent and wandered into the room in a dazed trance like state.
"Are you quite alright Harry?"
"Yes sir, it's just so..." Harry paused, desperately searching for a word that could describe it. "Magical. Just so magical."
"Really?" Snape was astounded. "You like this?" He gestured to the room around him, full of shelves stacked to the brim with ingredients and recipes, the huge circular cauldron stand in the centre. Harry nodded shyly.
"No-one has ever said that before." Snape admitted.
"I think this is the best place ever." Said Harry solemnly.
"I wouldn't say that just yet."
"Why not?"
"Well, there are so many wizarding places we haven't yet been!"
"Do wizards have a main place? Like a headquarters or something?" Harry looked very excited.
"There's Diagon Alley, I guess. If you wanted a place to name wizard central, it would be that or the ministry of magic." Harry smiled blissfully. He was in heaven.

When he had shown Harry every nook and cranny of his house (including the broom shed which had held Harry in a particular kind of rapture, not dissimilar to the reaction to his potions lab), Snape ushered Harry into the kitchen and began to prepare some food. Harry stood in the centre of the kitchen looking confused.
"Are you feeling OK Harry?" Snape looked worried.
"I'm fine, it's just..." Harry blushed red. "I'm used to preparing all the meals at the Dursley's."
"Well, help as much as you want, I'm not forcing you either way."
"What are you making?" Harry asked shyly.
"Toasted sandwiches." Snape offered a rare smile. "Not exactly complex Harry, but I'm no master chef. However, you need to start eating more."
After toasting some cheese and tomato sandwiches under the grill, Snape sat down to talk to Harry.
"Yes sir- uh Severus." He winced. It was awkward to say that to an adult.
"Your uncle..." Snape paused. "He's going to prison for child abuse and some other things, but he was diagnosed with an aggression disorder and will be going through serious counselling sessions."
"Sir, I won't be causing a problem staying here, will I?"
"Not at all Harry. It is the least I can do, for your mother... You have her eyes, did you know that?"
Harry shook his head. "What did my mum look like?"
"I think I have some old pictures upstairs if you want them. I'll have to look."
Harry looked as if Christmas had come early.

That afternoon was spent searching through Snape's photo albums he had stashed away in his cupboards. Harry found 3 photos of his mum and 1 big group photo that looked like some sort of club. Harry wondered what it was, but didn't ask. He never was allowed to ask questions before.

Severus sank down into his favourite chair. Harry was upstairs, asleep hopefully. He had enjoyed looking through the photos with Harry, joking about his hideous school photographs or weird friends who had since lost contact. Suddenly he heard a yell. Sprinting upstairs, he saw Harry thrashing around in his bed, entwined in the sheets.
"Daddy! Mummy! Help! He wants to kill me! Nooo! Go away!" Harry sobbed as he kicked and pummelled the air. Severus grabbed him around the waist.
"Harry! Harry, wake up! It's a dream!" Harry was shaking uncontrollably. When he woke up he was slightly embarrassed to find Severus hugging him, but he relaxed and snuggled into the warm robes.
"S-sorry Sev-severus." Harry's breath came in hitched sobs. "I didn't mean to w-w-wake you."
"Hush, it's OK. Harry you're safe now. I'm here. Nobody can hurt you. No one will ever hurt you here." Severus rubbed small circles in Harry's back. Slowly, Harry's breathing evened out from hiccups to deep breaths. Soon, the boy was asleep. Severus laid Harry down on the bed, tucking him in and smoothing his hair. Whatever had he been dreaming about that would work him up so badly? Wait. Harry had yelled about someone wanting to kill him. Oh Merlin no. Surely not. Harry had been reliving the night Lily Evans and James Potter had died. Murdered in cold blood by Lord Voldemort. Snape cursed under his breath. Why had it been Lily? He stopped himself. Crying like an infant was not going to bring Lily back. He had a duty to Harry, and he was going to give Harry a good childhood. He owed his parents as much.

The next morning, Snape woke Harry at eight thirty. He laid out some clean trousers and a grey T-shirt. He resolved to take Harry to Diagon Alley for the day, seeing as the boy had never previously visited. Harry arrived downstairs washed and dressed, much to Snape's surprise. He had assumed Harry would have had no access to this kind of thing at the Dursley's.
"Good morning Harry," Snape said jovially. "Sleep well?"
"After you helped me, I was ok. Before was scary." Harry's bright eyes betrayed his fear. "There was a man..."
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Snape put his hand on Harry's shoulder.
"No, I don't mind telling you. It's nice." Harry smiled. "No one ever listened to me before."
"What happened then? In your dream that is."
"There was a house. I couldn't really see inside though, the windows were all misty. Next, a man told me something and I could see my mum and dad in the house. Then it changed. I was in a cot and my mum was screaming at the nasty man and then there was a green light and my mummy fell and the man laughed and I was scared and then he made the green light and it hit me and my scar hurt!" Harry was practically hyperventilating now, his eyes wide and his hands shaking. Before he realised what he was doing, Snape leaned forward and hugged Harry. The boy was so thin, he could feel his ribs and bony shoulders against him. When he finally pulled away, Harry was looking at him straight in the eyes.
"No one has ever done that before..." Harry whispered.
"Done what?" Snape was worried he had done something wrong.
"Hugged me." Harry's eyes shone. "That was the best thing ever."

After breakfast, Snape side-apparated Harry to the alley by the Leaky Cauldron. He had to admit that, despite his frail frame, Harry was made of stern stuff. Most people vomited after their first apparition of any kind. They passed straight through the leaky cauldron, with Severus doing a quick introduction to Tom the barman and a brief explanation of who Tom was speaking to. When the pair stepped into the backyard of the pub, Harry looked confused.
"But it's a brick wall," The youngster frowned. Snape tapped his wand against the corresponding bricks and voila: Diagon alley in all its glory was visible through the brick arch. Harry had a look on his face that was almost enough to make him smile in public, and it was only his reputation stopping him. They went into Flourish and Blott's first; stocking Harry up with ink, quills and the school books he would need for his first year. Snape sent Harry into Ollivander's alone, on the pretence that he was stocking up at the apothecary next door. Instead, the potions master hurried into Eeylop's Owl Emporium. There were several first year families shopping for pets in the small shop, however he proceeded to examine each individual creature as a possible companion for Harry. A toad simply would not do. A rat lacked the class and sophistication to be a proper pet to such a person as Harry Potter. A cat was a good idea, it could catch mice as well as provide an excellent companion for the boy. That was the moment he caught sight of the owl. It was a majestic bird, pure white with flecks of black like paint spattered on its back and wings. This was the perfect pet. It also meant Harry would be able to communicate with any school friends he may make while at his home in the school holidays. After he had purchased the owl, he made his way back to Ollivander's and found Harry still testing wands.
"Mr Potter has not yet found his wand I'm afraid." The old man smiled. "I think we should try a rather interesting wand..." He tottered off towards the huge shelves and pulled a dusty wand case from the back of the highest shelf.
"Holly, eleven and a half inches." He handed Harry the dark brown wand. "It may just be the right one." Harry waved the wand and at once was rewarded with a shower of sparks and stars.
"I found my wand!" Harry looked so excited he would burst, however Ollivander shook his head.
"The wand chooses the wizard Mr Potter. Always remember that."

When they had finally collected every last item from the list, Snape noticed Harry looking longingly into the Quidditch supplies shop.
"Come along now Harry, first year students are not permitted to take their own broom to Hogwarts."
"Oh..." Harry sighed wistfully. "Yes sir."