I do not own Shingeki no Kyojin.
Levi swerved his car into the nearest parking spot. He switched off his engine and burst out of the door, throwing it shut without bothering to look back. He patted his pockets for his ID card. He rushed through each security check-point until he bolted through the last door leading to the teen ward. No one noticed his abrupt entrance though. It seemed as though all hell had broken loose. The staff members were all moving frantically from wing to wing, dodging the groggy patience dragging themselves to the day room. The two security guards from the reception lobby were also running around as Nanaba called out directions from the monitors in the staff break room.
This was bad. He didn't know exactly why, but that scene was more than enough to put Levi on full alert. He immediately started assessing the situation but was interrupted when someone crashed into him from behind. Stabilizing himself he turned to find Petra still in her black dress slightly winded and Erwin coming up behind her.
"Levi, you left so suddenly that we got worried," her words began to drift off towards the end as her attention went to the mayhem beyond her co-worker. Her eyes widened, "Crap."
Levi narrowed his eyes, "Crap? Care to elaborate?"
Not hearing Levi's words, she pushed passed him heading to the nurse's station. There she pulled her clipboard out of nowhere and began spouting commands.
"What the hell is going on Erwin?"
Erwin sighed deeply, "Crap."
Levi's brow twitched. What the hell, did they all lose the ability to speak in sentences? "That much I know," he said.
Most of the teenagers were awake now. They stood huddled together against a wall, their faces all displayed the same puzzled look. That's when Levi's brain began to function normally again, "Jaeger," he bolted to the critical wing. Running to the end and practically tearing down the weighted door to the last room, "Brat!" Both beds were perfectly made. He stepped into the dark room walking over to the bathroom, "Brat, you in there?" Levi tore the shortened curtain open. Empty. He jogged back out. The security guards were no longer in sight and the teens were now rounded up in the day room. He peered inside. Still no Jaeger. He went over the Petra at the nurse's station. "Petra where the hell is Jaeger?"
Petra looked up, panic written all over her face. "Well, uh, that's the problem. He's gone."
Autumn was Levi's favorite season. It was the time of year his mother truly brightened up. You could say her smile was contagious and Levi saw each and everyday during the fall. Both he and his father would get infected with her child-like joy making these few months the most memorable and the most anticipated for him.
It was during the fall that Levi and his father constructed their first wood work. Also during fall, his mother had made him those yummy cinnamon cookies and then there was trick-or-treating. His parents would always dress up too; they'd say they were going to wear different costumes but then ended up with something that went with Levi's. Then there was jumping into piles of fallen leaves and cool gusts that would lift the leaves then they'd gracefully drift back down. It was during the fall that Levi's parents told him he'd have a new baby brother or sister come spring.
When he heard the news, Levi was glowing with happiness finally he'd have someone to care for and play with! He had even asked his parents to have the baby delivered sooner. He'd asked them to give him a brother or sister for his birthday. They just laughed at his eagerness and explained that if he wanted the most amazing new sibling he had to wait until spring because that was how long it was going to take to make them so amazing. Levi nodded and he waited.
As the months went by, he'd noticed his mother's stomach getting bigger. This puzzled him but he didn't want to make his mother sad by asking why she was so fat? So he would just furrow his eyebrows and stare at her stomach. One day she caught him staring, with an adoring smile she explained that she was gaining weight because the baby would no doubt be chubby and she didn't want him or her to feel sad about that. Levi gazed at his mother's belly with wonder, "Don't worry Mommy, I'll start eating more too! That way you two won't have to be alone!"
Levi's birthday came by quickly, his mother cooked the most delicious meal with not one, or two but three cakes! When he asked why she had done so, she explained that in order to avoid any hurt feelings she wanted to get a cake for each of her children, all three of them.
A new year, a new school and two new sisters awaited Levi. He was feeling a bit nervous about all the new changes but he was sure he could handle it. After all, he had to be strong and brave for his sisters. He became surprisingly more independent. He would take over all the cleaning and even did some of the cooking every now and then. He did his best not to bother his mother when she was napping. Something had told his little heart to break his rule that day. He was hesitant at first, pacing in front of the bedroom door. He reached for the knob, his hand froze when blood-curdling scream came from inside. Levi threw open the door.
His mother sat up leaning against the headboard. Her long black hair matted by sweat. Her eyes closed in agony and her arms hugging her stomach. The white sheets thrown off of the bed leaving her parted legs exposed. The white sheets flung over the edge of the bed. There was a trail of paint splotches leading back up to the expanding splotch under his mother. Her cries had nulled his ears or perhaps it was the shock of it all but Levi could no longer pick up any sound. His nostrils were filled with the scent of the blood that tainted those once perfectly white sheets.
"He's gone?"
Petra nodded.
"How the hell can he be gone? There a security measures in every fucking corner of this place," Levi said in a surprisingly composed tone.
"I trying to figure that out. It's likely he is still in the building, so I called security downstairs and told them to search the security tapes and patrol the halls for him. He'll turn up soon, I'm sure," she flashed a nervous smile.
Levi retreated. His thoughts overpowering all other functions, as he slowly walked to his office. What the hell are you doing Jaeger?
The search for Eren Jaeger spread throughout all of Garrison Psych. Once each and every room on all five floors was checked twice the staff of the teen ward had no other choice but to expand their search and call the authorities. That would lead to a city-wide search. The public would have to be informed; "Just in, 15-year-old Eren Jaeger was reported to have broken out of Garrison Psychiatric Hospital late last night. Jaeger was placed in the hospital's care after murdering his father two months ago." This would not end well.
"Y'know we could just send some of the staff out. Let'em patrol the streets. They'll get him. It's not like he has any means of leaving the city. Think about it Erwin, you wouldn't have to wake Zackly from his beauty sleep just to tell him that our most dangerous patient just went AWOL," Hanji said through a wicked smile.
"Not only is that unethical and immoral, it's also illegal," said the blonde man.
She raised an eyebrow, "Oh, do you not remember college, Erwin?"
"Because I seem to remember doing some unethical, creatively immoral and extremely illegal stuff with you Mon ami."
Levi rolled his eyes, this meeting had started five minutes ago and that bespectacled airhead was already spouting nonsense. Still, as much as it hated it, he was on her side. He wanted to avoid calling the cops (hell, he'd go out looking for the kid himself if he had to) if only to keep that brat in treatment. This was an unseen development; if Eren had chosen to excuse himself on an earlier date, Levi would have personally sashayed his way to the phone and called himself. That idiot had gotten lucky because now he had all of Levi's attention. Granted Eren had been a dominant presence in his doctor's mind since their first encounter. Those sea-green eyes had engraved themselves into his memory with ease and while Levi would never voice it, the kid's company always lightened the rest of his workload. It was the main reason he saw him after all his other patients. That way he could just see the brat, go through whatever physiological process he did with the kid around and leave for home more at ease. "Stupid brat, had to go and grow on me."
If he were to source it, he would probably trace his interest in Eren back to his childhood, when all he thought about was having younger siblings. Though that dream had died long ago, he figured some part of his subconscious could have held on resulting in his endearing sentiment towards Eren. Yes, that had to be it. That explained the sudden hope that had overtook his actions after Marco's funeral and the sense of tranquility that came with the kid's presence and the pang he had felt when he was told Eren was gone. Levi had made a mistake. He had let emotion seep through and now, he found himself caring for a patient. Not to say that he didn't care about the others, no, he always did, professionally. This one however was different.
Levi was worried. Worried about where the hell the brat was. Worried about his condition, had he eaten anything? Was he safe? Worried about someone actually finding him because if they did, they would send him straight to Shiganshina. Worried about no one finding him. If no one did Eren would go on to live a life of constant hiding and secrecy. That was if the kid still had some kind of luck. Who knows where he would end up.
Dammit, what the hell are you doing Jaeger?
"Everything will go on as if this hadn't happened. We have other kids here who need and want to be helped. It's only natural that we dedicate our time to them," Erwin locked his gaze on Hanji, "No one is to disclose any details to anyone not on payroll. Petra, can you call the police department?"
"Yes, Doctor."
Erwin nodded turning to Levi, "I know this is your day off but, we could definitely use a psychiatrist that will actually do his job."
"It's fine," he said crossing his arms.
"Right then, everyone get to work. I'll handle Zackly."
News of Eren's escape had been circulating for hours by the time Levi clocked out. The media was having a field day exploiting the story in every possible angle they could. Exaggeration going anywhere from mild adjustments to over dramatic add-ons. If Levi were to pick a favorite, he would choose the version where Eren escaped by dressing in drag and saying he was sent to a doctor as a stripper gram.
Eren's photograph flashed on TV screens all over the district along with a physical description and a warning not to engage the boy at all costs, because apparently, he was one sudden movement away from slaughtering their entire families. The public ate it all up, of course. People were rushing to get home, after all it wasn't often that something as tragic happened in their charming city. Therefore, when they were told a murderous teenage fugitive was on a bloodlusting rampage they ran to the hills faster than a heartbeat.
The sun was on the verge of disappearing beyond on the horizon as Levi drove up to his loft. Being a fan of privacy and tranquility, Levi chose to take the apartment on the mountain side. The nearest residence was a good 500 feet away, separated by dense woodlife. While the price was out of his intial range, he was more than pleased. After all he ended up taking the entire building. A few alterations here and there and he had himself a loft. It was worth it, Levi had his own sanctuary. One where he could rest after a long day of having to deal with a moronic coworker and work. A sanctuary that he definitely needed to get to as quickly as he could.
Unlocking the front door, Levi kicked off his shoes flicking on the lights. Usually he would get himself a cup of tea, take a warm bath (followed by a shower for good measure) and catch up on some reading before sleep. Today had proved to be filled with surpries though. Levi let himself fall onto his couch. He lay staring out of the skylight at the star filled night. "Where the hell are you, brat?"
He shut his eyes but tried his best not to drift off. Just when he was losing consiousness a muted thud echoed throughout the building. Levi's eyes shot open though he did not move, instead he waited for another sound. He needed to source the origin before acting. Sure enough the sound of slow footsteps were heard from the second floor. Slowly he rose from the couch, careful not to make a sound as he made his way up the spiral staircase.
There was no light other than the two in the entryway and the moonlight coming in through the multiple windows that made up the east wall. As his eyes conformed to the lack of light Levi moved closer to first door. As he reached for the door handle his ears picked up the sound of faint footsteps from one of the extra bedrooms.
Silently, Levi retrieved one of his foot stools from the storage closet. Now armed he moved to the door, swinging it open and rushing in. He spotted the intruders silhouette and swung his make-shift weapon. One of the stools legs hit its mark, the intruder let out a muffled yelp as he stumbled toward the door. Levi rapidly turned, placing another blow on the intruder's back making him fall to the ground. Levi threw his weapon at the fallen figure stopping him from getting up and lunged at him.
Levi dug his knee into the intruder's spine, "What the hell are you doing in my home" he asked in a low tone.
Ceasing all resistance the intruder spoke, "I came for my session, doctor."
Despite the low light and the shadows hiding the boy's face, Levi could see the shit-eating grin on the brat's face, "Jaeger."
Levi shifted his position so his legs were on each side of Eren's thighs, allowing the brunette to flip to face the man above him, "I know you said you were straight-forward with your patients, but I don't think I'm ready for this," Eren smirked, his eyes motioning to their current position. Levi met his stare, raised his hand. The silence of his home was interrupted by the sound of his palm colliding with Eren's face.
Yes, that just happened. Finally, the scenes that have been plaguing my mind are coming! Things are starting to pick up! I am not sleeping tonight, to much to jot down.
Another note, I've got a JeanMarco drabble, two-shot thing up. With a side-story to be posted. I've got too much time on my hands now so I'll be updating more often now. Thanks again, for reading and sparing a few thoughts in the review section!