A/N: This was an incredibly random one-shot inspired by an adorable picture I saw on tumblr. I just went with Murasakibara because of Kenichi Suzumura, I can only picture Hikaru and Lavi speaking. HAHA, plus, he's an adorable giant 3 Plus, I think fem!Kuroko is the most adorable genderbent I've bared witness to next to Hetalia. GAWD, I could die of diabetes because of her. And also because of the adorbzness of Nigou 3 So, enjoy~

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing.

Murasakibara was just walking around the park munching happily at his sweets, when his eyes caught on something. He quickly changed his path and slowly walked towards a new destination.

There was no mistaking the messy navy blue-hair and long peach-hair belonging to Aomine Daiki and Momoi Satsuki. And if his eyes deceive him, there was also no mistaking that the two were crouched over the bushes with their eyes staring off at something, something that looked magnificent for the two.

Curiosity getting to him, he just had to ask.

"Mine-cchi, Sa-cchin, what're you two-"

"SHH!" the two said in perfect unison, Satsuki pointing her index finger towards a certain direction, Daiki nudging his head at the same direction.

Following their lead, he found Kuroko Tetsumi napping under the tree shade; dressed in a light blue dress with black stockings underneath, a book on her lap along with Nigou, her pet dog. Her shoulder length teal hair draped over her, as if to hide away her adorable face. From afar, one could tell that she had tall lashes as it framed against her cheek. Her pale lips were slightly parted. And to add it up, a ray of light beamed down on her porcelain skin, making it look like she had some sort of divine ethereal glow.

Overall, she looked pretty cute from afar; she could almost be mistaken for a sleeping angel.

The purple-haired giant blinked owlishly.

"Uwah, Tetsu-chan looks so cute!" he hears Momoi say, eyes glittering with unaltered delight.

Beside her, the tanned teen briskly 'tsks' loudly as a blush accentuates his face. "If she wanted to nap, at least do it somewhere else! Not someplace public!" he berates with a glare. Obviously, Aomine was being his usual overprotective self, especially towards Kuroko, most especially towards her.

It was no hiding that the Generation of Miracles were greatly fond of her; she was the little sister they never had (in Aomine and Momoi's case), an angel sent from above (in Kise's case), a lucky item (in Midorima's case), their 'mommy' (in Murasakibara's case), and most of all, she was a valuable someone (in Akashi's case). Even when they parted ways, they never lost track or lost their overprotectiveness over the teal haired girl. They were especially particular with whoever approaches her (regardless of her weak presence), especially with her new basketball club in Seirin.

Even there, despite having such weak presence, she was already someone precious to them. They valued and adored her to bits as well, rivalling that of the Generation of Miracles. She was Seirin's manager and mascot (second to Nigou, her pet dog).

"How long has Kurocchin been napping?" asked Murasakibara, who continually munches on his sweets.

"Who knows?" Aomine said with a gruff, still glaring at the napping teal-haired girl, crossing his arms against his chest.

"Ah, but doesn't Tesu-chan look so cute?" indulged Momoi happily, clapping her hands together. "especially with Nigou on her lap. I just want to cuddle Tetsu-chan!"

"Shut up Satsuki! That's exactly the reason why she shouldn't be napping out here in public!" roared Aomine at the peach-haired girl. "Who knows who'll creep up and take advantage of her?!"

Momoi pouted, almost childishly. "But she has Nigou with her, so she'll be alright won't she? Nigou guards Tetsu-chan with his life."

Aomine scoffs. "Have you seen the size of that dog? I don't think anyone would be scared of it!"

"Ah, how mean of you Dai-chan!"

"Shut up!"

"You're just like Kagamin!"

"Don't compare me to that guy!"

"You're just jealous that Tetsu-chan's fond of Nigou over you!"


"Admit it! She's no longer that little sister of yours whom you always have to protect!"

"S-Shut up Satsuki! Don't forget that she was your little sister too!"

"Aha, at least she loves me over you! I'm not a dumb overprotective ganguro!"

"What was that!?"


"Are? What's Kurokocchi doing napping in the open-ssu?" a particular blonde model wonders to himself aloud. Approaching the teal-haired girl, he carefully makes silent strides as he nears her. And when he did, he swore that the sight of a napping Kuroko Tetsumi had just made his day.

Really, Kurokochhi is so cute!

Knowing that she was deep in her slumber, Kise Ryouta takes out his phone and sneakily takes a picture of the fine spectacle before him. Giggling at a job well done, the blonde takes a step back, then smiles as the sleeping beauty before him.

"You're too cute for your own good, Kurokocchi." He says, adoring the new addition of the teal-haired girl on his phone.

Just as he was about to leave, his eye caught on a hide of hair of purple, peach and navy blue. There was no mistaking that the arguing navy blue and peach were Aomine and Momoi, while the blubbering purple hair, who was munching away while watching the two, was Murasakibara.

Though he badly wanted to approach them, his phone rang, reminding him that he had a meet-up with his agency today, and that he was beside a napping Kuroko Tetsumi. Wordlessly, he fled the area.

Moments later after he left, a certain bespectacled green-haired teen was idly resting against his cart with Takao on the wheel. The raven-haired lad panted as he began to pedal slower.

"Takao, hurry up you imbecile."

"Che, why don't you try switching places?" he retorted.

"No can do, you might clumsily break today's lucky item." He patted at Kerosuke, a ceramic frog.

Takao inwardly groaned, unable to complain out loud for the fear of Midorima harming him. Instead, he settled sobbing in his head when his eye caught on something.

"Ah, Shin-chan, Shin-chan!" he suddenly stopped pedalling.

"What is it now, Takao?" Midorima asked, not looking up.

"Isn't that your ex-teammate, Kuroko Tetsumi?"

At the sound of her name, Midorima snapped up, immediately turning towards the direction of the said girl.

"What an unusual sight." He muttered.

"Kinda dangerous if ya ask me though," says his companion, scratching the back of his head. "I mean, what would happen if someone crept up on her?"

"She'll be alright."

"Eh? Shin-chan, how could you say that?"

"Oha Asa's horoscope for Aquarius says that they'll be fine, because good friends are all around them, and that they're lucky item is a dog. In addition," at this, Midorima looks beyond Takao's head.

Curious, the raven-haired lad peaks, unexpectedly finding the trio – composing of Murasakibara and the ceaseless arguing duo that is Aomine and Momoi.

"How long…?"

"they're keeping guard of her, so let's go Takao."

Sighing, said lad nods as he starts to pedal away.

"Shin-chan too is just protective of Kuroko, isn't he?"

Midorima's groan became his answer, followed by a painful whack in the back.

"Shut up and pedal faster!"

"Y-Yes sir!"

Knowing he wouldn't admit it even if he said it, Takao sure knew for a millisecond that he saw the fondest of smile on Midorima's face.

"By the way," Murasakibara finally says, as if to readdress his presence. "what are you two doing here?" his question came nonchalantly.

Suddenly, the two teens fell silent and stared at the purple-haired giant.

Moments later, a blush crept on both their faces.

"Could it be, that you two are dating?" he said directly, rather bluntly too.

Awkward silence.

And then…

"H-Ha!?" they said in perfect unison, immediately standing from their spot.

"T-That's not it!" says the peach-haired teen, waving her hand before her furiously with an awkward laugh. "D-Dai-chan and I were just shopping for basketball stuff!"

"Eh?" says Murasakibara with a blank face.

"That's right!" Aomine agreed, his tan skin burning red. "A-And besides, I wouldn't be caught dead with someone like her."

"T-That's right- eh, what was that Dai-chan!?" a now angered Momoi asks, turning to the tanned teen.

"N-No, I didn't mean it like that Satsuki-"his sentence was cut short when Momoi threw the nearest object (which was her purse) straight into his face.

"I don't know how to deal with you anymore Dai-chan!" she screeched, turning on her heel. "I'm going home!"

Recovering from being thrown with a purse, Aomine wastes no time and chases after his peach-haired childhood friend. "Satsuki, hold up!"

Left by himself, Murasakibara had gone and concluded that indeed, those two were dating.

He then remembered the teal-haired girl, so he decided to go to her to act as an extra precaution from creeps who dare lay a finger on his mommy.

Originally, I wanted to end this with AkaKuro or KuroKaga but I'm torn between these two ships. Just lemme me know if you want either ending better or if I should just post the two. Ja ne~