Author's Note

Writing this had been the most joy I have felt in a long time and I am proud to finally say "Voila!" It is finished. I hope all who have read this have enjoyed it. For those of you who hate it and want to complain to me about I have one thing to say: I do not care. If you have nothing nice to say about my story then save it for someone who cares. But if you have a suggestion my work and it's not rude then please feel free to share. If not too bad.

I must give my gratitude to those who stuck with me through the whole story; two people who I consider to be great friends.

Kya's Computer



You both have been completely amazing and I thank you so much for all you've done. I also give thanks to many others who followed my story since I started and ended this. My gratitude is insurmountable.

L'écriture est la porte d'entrée vers un monde meilleur que le nôtre. (Writing is a gateway to a world better than our own)