Cross with you pt. 11 Midorima x Reader
Start Here:
A week…
A month…
You gathered all the notes you have taken down from the books you borrowed from the library; today is the day you have to return it back. You also decided to get yourself some take-outs for dinner.
You locked your door and went to the direction of the library, you were glad it is just a few meters away from your apartment. After returning the books, you went straight to the market to get some take-out from a restaurant you have been frequenting… this is your daily routine since you have moved to Tottori.
To be honest, you were surprised how fast you were able to move on from the emptiness you have felt after you broke up with Midorima weeks ago—guess it was because you busied yourself with teaching in the small day care you were assigned to, and working on papers in the afternoon after your shift—but it was there and it keeps you most of the time awake until dawn.
Not talking to your colleagues also helped—not talking to anyone at all is what you meeven your family. Your mother have probably guessed why you told them not to contact you, she just didn't want to pry into your business…
While you were walking, you passed by one of your favourite fast-food—WcDonalds…
Guess tonight's dinner will be another trash—your favourite trash.
"That would be ¥740 for your double burger value set." Says the lady in the counter, and you pass her your payment before taking the takeout bag.
"Thank you, come again." She replied.
The walk to your apartment wasn't that long, but you noticed that it was already getting colder—Christmas is approaching faster than you anticipated—you never liked the cold—or probably it's not the cold, it's probably because of some events that occurred back then…
On your way back, you found yourself staring at the empty park—in the morning, small kids occupies this area and it is very lovely; it's already 6pm and no one is around…how about I eat here?
You smiled and decided to just have your meal there just for a change…
"Eh!? Isn't that (Name)-san?" you looked up and found your colleague in the day care you are working from…
"Ah! It is!" the two ladies excitedly approached you—well, so much for 'a change of pace'…
"Konbanwa." You greeted.
"What are you doing here at this time and alone at that!?" one asked.
"I just decided to have my dinner here—I mean, just for a change."
"Hey, we are going to the karaoke, how about you join us—for a change right?"
"Yes! Good idea!" the other one added "Come now! Some of our friends are there, we'll introduce you—we can make this your welcome party too!"
You haven't finished drinking yet, and they have already pulled you up and you couldn't even say no—because that would be rude, it's your welcome party after all—as what they have decided.
Your weekend started to be busier when your colleagues began asking you out—joining mixers or just hanging out with their friends that you now consider your friends too.
"Let's take a commemoration photo!" one of the guys announced, you decided not to take part of it, but they pulled you in anyways so…
"I'll tag you guys in this photo and post it! Give me your social media!" he announced.
(Y/N) and 7 more tagged in a photo
2 hours ago
It was past 9 when you arrived—it was really hard to say 'no' to your new colleagues—they've been very accommodating and approachable in and out of work.
You fumbled the keys in your hand, finding the right fit to your locked door when suddenly a voice startled your whole being…
"It's already 9pm and your schedule says you are supposed to be done by 2pm—and yet, you arrive home at a time like this?"
The keys fell from your hand upon hearing the voice—your heart skipped a beat and your body suddenly felt cold all over.
"Wh-what the hell are you doing here," you stuttered, as you turn and face the person who spoke "Shi-Midorima?"
"I wonder," he says as he picked the keys from the floor before you could even reach for it.
"Let me." he said opening the door and getting the right key to unlock it.
"Get inside." He ordered.
"Give me the key," you replied as you stared at his exhausted face, haggard look and you can clearly see the bags under his eyes…
'He looks like he hadn't had enough sleep…yet he still makes your heart skip a beat…'
"I will once you get in." Midorima sighed when he noticed that you didn't even move an inch from where you stand, "Let's talk inside or would you like to argue here outside, with your colleagues can hear?"
You looked past Midorima and noticed that your two colleagues where looking at your direction and was confused to see someone standing there with you.
"(Name)-san, are you okay?" one called upon noticing that you were looking at them.
"A friend?" one asked.
"Y-yes." You lied, "I forgot he's coming over to visit his…relatives." You glared at Midorima.
"Ah, okay—we'll go ahead." They called out and walked away.
"Get inside—people will talk about this tomorrow morning and I don't like issues spreading like this."
-Midorima Shintarou-
Midorima's phone vibrated while he was driving back from the hospital, he just finished one of his longest shifts in his entire career—and he didn't want to be disturbed right now, his patience isn't as good as it was a month ago…
"What is it, Takao?" he said in speaker, "This should be important."
"This is important." Takao said, "You are paying me to do this after all." He added.
Hearing the last line, Midorima stiffened and Takao knew that this silence means that Midorima is listening to him.
"I sent it in your email," Takao said "Check it when you get home."
When Midorima continued driving when he got back to his apartment's parking, he opened his phone and his email and found Takao's mail it was a photo… a screenshot actually,
…of you.
(Y/N) and 7 more tagged in a photo
2 hours ago
A screenshot of a tagged photo of you sitting in a sofa drinking a juice, the place seems to be a karaoke bar with a number of unknown people—one casually had its arm around your shoulder.
Midorima studied the look in your face and he could clearly see that you were trying your best to not look uncomfortable. Midorima's grip on the wheel tightened and without second thought he started the car and drove so fast to the direction Haneda.
It was already past 6 when Midorima arrived to Haneda Airport and took a one way flight to Tottori…
-Midorima Shintarou-
"How did you find my address?" you asked when you closed the door after Midorima.
"I have my ways." Midorima answered and he examined the apartment and noted all the mess you made on the table and on the floor "You should clean-up, your place is a mess."
Frowning at his comment you walked past him and blocked his view of the living room area, hands on your waist "What do you think you are doing in here causing a scene like that too!?"
"We both know why I am here." He answered and grabbed your hand pulling you closer to him, "You left without saying anything and you send me that email saying not to contact you, how do you think I will react?!"
"You never heard anything from me when you left without a word before." You snarled.
"So that's how it is," Midorima glared at you upon mentioning what happened between you in the past, "You did this to get back to me? Is this your own way of revenge?"
You glared back at him; your heart is hurting when he accused you of taking revenge?!
"If this is revenge, I would probably have made a bigger scene than silently disappearing!" you shouted, "I wouldn't even send you a message, I could disappear and not tell you anything like how you did with me, I would make it 2 weeks or more before I break it off with you—I would try my best to hurt you like how I hurt because of your doing!"
"As much as I want to hurt you back—I didn't! Instead I loved you and trusted you again! And yet…" you grasped your shirt and wipe your eyes with the other hand; you let yourself fall down on your knees "And yet you tell me I do this for revenge…?"
Midorima's heart tightened when he sees you cry.
"I know…I know...I'm sorry…" Midorima whispered as he pulled you closer to him— wrapped his arms around you and honestly, you let him do it even though you know how wrong this is right now—you broke up with him remember?
"I'm already doing fine without you…" you cried.
"Takao sent an email saying you were in a goukon and the next thing I know I already took a
one way flight here after one of my longest shift… I was planning to give you some space before I come and get you—but a goukon… I just can't stay in Tokyo and let you some people hold you like that."
You couldn't hear Midorima's words clearly but the heaviness in your heart wasn't there anymore it was replaced by a loud thumping of your heart and you know Midorima can feel it too but he will not talk about it, and you will not too…
"I missed you, nanodayo." You heard him whisper. "When I read your message, it took me all my strength to not drive to where the hell you are and shake you until you fully understand that I wouldn't let go of you again—not now, not ever."
"But Emi-"
"Emi will not show her face in front of you anymore—nor will cause a scene like that, she has a lot of things in her hands right now, and she deserves it."
"What do you mean?" you pulled away from Midorima to listen for his assurance that things like that will not happen again.
"Does it matter?"
"YES!" you told him, "Yes! For me, I want to be sure that nothing like that will happen again—my heart will not be able to take it the third time…"
"It will not happen again…" Midorima held your face in his hand and pulled you for a kiss, catching you off-guard.
The kiss surprised you, but you eventually managed to return his kiss with equal passion.
'This is okay, right?' you asked yourself, 'He's not going to marry her—he didn't say it, but he
did say it is not true that all was just a misunderstanding…right?'
Midorima pulled away a little and stared into your eyes…
"I love you (Name)." Midorima says and before you could even answer, he already started kissing you again, pulling you on top and him leaning his back on the sofa for support—you were both on the floor and you didn't feel like doing something about it.
You continued kissing Midorima like it was the most normal thing to do now, his hand traveled down to you waist, his other hand to your thighs…
"You lost weight," he commented when you pulled away from the kiss to breathe.
"Huh—uh…I don't know." You replied and looked at Midorima's hand on your waist, caressing the exposed skin of your sides…
"I was too busy to get something to eat during dinner—so I usually get me some fast foods…" you replied "It's a nice way to lose weight too."
"It's not healthy." He said.
"You're not healthy for me either." You replied.
"Your mother will be disappointed." He said.
"She'll be more disappointed when she hears that I'm going out with you."
Midorima ignored her last comment; the only thing that he's thinking of right now is how he wanted to touch you.
"Come here," Midorima doesn't have time to talk about your mother, he'll deal with her again when the time comes…for now, he needs to make sure you won't be disappointed with him.
Midorima pulled you again for a kiss and this time it was more desperate and needy than the earlier. His hands travelled all over your body and feel so hot—all the places that he is touching.
"Shin…" you panted, face flushed—your hand gripping his clothes.
"I want to touch you…now." Midorima says, kissing you slowly "Can I?"
You stared at his eyes and you know you couldn't turn him down.
"I—not here…" you managed to say.
"Of course, the bed." Midorima lifted you up and you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist.
It took him only a few long strides to reach your bed and he placed you down, taking his shirt off right after and kneeling down between your legs.
Your face turned red and somewhat you feel embarrassed from your current situation,
noticing this Midorima kissed you again and the next thing you knew you both are already in your underwear.
He kisses your neck, hands caressing your inner thigh…and you gasped when he sucked on the small spot on your neck.
"The necklace I gave you…" he murmur against your skin, he watches the sudden change in your expression "You're not wearing it...?"
"I—" you stuttered, "I left it in Tokyo…" you answered guiltily.
"Ah sou…" Midorima become silent and you almost pulled away to study the look on his face
that you couldn't decipher.
"I didn't want to have anything that will remind me of you…" you added, "I'm sorry, are you mad?"
"I'm not, I understand…" Midorima says as his hand suddenly grabbed your leg and pinned you down, "I want to be inside you…now" he whispers and you couldn't only swallow heavily when you feel his member against yours…
He made love to you the whole night until your voice begun to sound hoarse.
"I'm sorry—I can't anymore…" you manage to say "I'm already in my limit—"
"One more time," Midorima says, "...together" as he kissed you in time with the movement of his waist— and he came…deep inside you.
"ah—haah" you gasped as you came with him inside you.
"I love you." you hear him say, kissing your hand
"I love you." you replied sleepily.
Midorima watches you sleep, he may be awake for a couple of days now due to his shift, but this sight is something he wouldn't miss.
"Marry me, (name)." he says loud enough for you wake up from your light sleep.
"Not now… I have work in the morning" you replied with a smile.
"The sooner the better."
"Mmhm…" you were already asleep when Midorima leaned down and give you a kiss before pulling the blanket over your back—it was already chilly and he doesn't want you to catch a cold.
When you woke later that morning, you found Midorima sleeping with his arms around your waist, you had to move slowly to avoid waking him up because you knew he needed that sleep to function properly—you wanted to admire his sleeping face but you have no time for that right now… you have a work.
You showered and you just suddenly remembered a dream you had before waking up…
"Marry me, (name)" you heard him say…
You closed your eyes and sigh. It's just a dream your subconscious had made because you were too overwhelmed by the events last night…
You made breakfast quietly in the kitchen, cleaned up the living room, changed into your uniform before you quietly locked the door, leaving the sleeping Midorima.
Your class went well; you just had to deal with 3 troublesome students who won't stop fighting each other over your attention that you had forgotten about Midorima at all.
"I told you not to fight, didn't I?" you said carefully.
The three boys frowned and guiltily looked down.
"We're sorry." They said in unison.
"Please don't get angry." one said.
"I'm not. Just promise me you will not do that again. And hurting others is not nice. You just have to wait for your turn—everybody gets a turn, teacher goes around checking up on each one of you."
"Did you really understand?"
"Yes (name)-sensei." They replied.
"(Name)-san, someone is outside looking for you." one of the teachers called you.
"Yes, I'll be there." You replied before making an eye contact with the three boys, "Now, your parents will be coming soon. When I get back I want you to make up and be friends again, if you fight while I am away I will tell your parents."
"Please don't tell my mommy!" one called out.
"I won't, if you behave."
You left the three children in the small play area inside your classroom, telling one of your colleagues to watch out for them before walking to the visitor's area to see the person who was looking for you.
"Shintarou?" you were surprised to see him there, "What are you doing here?"
"It's already past your shift, I should ask you that." Midorima commented "Your shift ends at 1pm and its almost 2."
"Eh?" you looked down on your watch and saw the time. "Oh! I forgot the time—I still have some students inside and their fetch is not yet here…"
"Ara~? Is that (Name)-san's boyfriend?" your face turned red when you hear one of the older colleagues of your chuckle behind you.
"Konichiwa." Midorima greeted the older lady.
"Ahh… youth." She swooned, "If you are worried for the little ones, "We'll take care of them." She said.
"But directress-"
"Don't worry about it. You shouldn't let this man here wait for you long." She smiled at Midorima and tapped your back.
"You didn't have to come here, you know?"
"You don't have research today right?" Midorima asked, ignoring you.
"Eh? Not today." you answered, Midorima stopped walking in front of a car.
"Get in."
"You rented a car?" you said.
"Yes. Only for the afternoon, we have to be somewhere by 4pm".
"Just wait and see." Midorima started driving and followed the GPS to the direction of the Tottori Kūkō.
"Shin, this is the airport." You noted when Midorima pulled over in the parking, a man was there waiting for his keys which he immediately gave.
"Yes." He held your hand and took you with him inside.
"Flight SHXXX please make your way to Gate XX."
"We're just in time." Midorima says and proceeded to the direction mentioned in the speaker.
You found yourself seated next to the window and Midorima.
"But where are we going?" you asked again.
"To Tokyo."
"Eh!? But I have work-"
"Tomorrow's a weekend." Midorima commented, "Don't worry, I will bring you back by
Sunday." He says.
"But why are we going to Tokyo?"
"I have to do something important and I can't just leave you there, you might get taken to another goukon again."
"It's not a goukon—and it's not like I'm there because I wanted to, I just can't say no to them."
When the plane landed to Tokyo, you both took Midorima's car which he left there from yesterday.
"Um…can I go home?" you asked "To my family's house I mean."
"Yes. We'll go straight there from here."
It was past 7 when you reached your house, you thanked Midorima for the ride but you didn't
expect him to follow you inside your house.
"I thought you are needed somewhere?" you asked before you could even knock on the door.
"Yes. I am here to greet your mother." You looked at him in surprise.
"Is there something wrong with that?" Midorima asked.
"No-I mean—I'm not ready for them to know about us again…"
"She'll have to get used to it sooner or later—so it doesn't matter." Your face turned red, remembering the dream you had last night.
The door suddenly opened that you got startled and your mother stared down at you and Midorima.
"Mo-mother!" you stuttered, "Um—I visited…"
Your mother sighed and glared at Midorima.
"What took you so long?"
"I'm not talking to you." your mother said, instead she was looking at Midorima who just bowed as a greeting.
"What matters is that I got her back." Midorima answered quietly and you heard your mother's 'hmpf'.
-FLASH BACK to the day when Midorima visited your house-
"(l/n)-san?" Midorima was referring to your mother.
"What is it?" your mother raised at brow from the sudden change of
Midorima's presence after checking his phone.
"Give us your blessing, I will bring her back." Midorima announced,
"Please." He added.
"That's not for me to decided, Midorima-kun." Your mother says,
"Bring her home first. Then, you can have the blessing you are
asking for."
"I will." Midorima promised.
"If she doesn't want to get back with you, can you please just leave
her alone and never show your face in front of her again? She's
stubborn and childish, but she's still my daughter. She may keep
things from me, but I can feel her pain—and I don't want to see her
broken again because of you."
"Come inside, let's have some dinner." Your mother said and led you both to the dining area.
"What are you plans now, Midorima-kun?" you stiffened when your mother spoke while the three of you were eating dinner—where the hell is your sister? Yuuki?
"Mother, his business is not our-" you tried to interrupt but failed.
"We'll get married as soon as possible." Midorima said.
"What?!" you looked at Midorima, surprised.
"What?" Midorima returned your question, but calmer.
"What? You didn't talk about it yet?" your mother raised a brow, drinking her water.
"I don't want to lengthen the idling time." Midorima continued.
"Then as soon as possible…" Your mother nodded in agreement.
"I'll leave the date for (Name) to decide." Midorima added.
"I'll leave her to you then."
"Yes. I will take care of her."
When the dinner was over, you asked Midorima what it was all about while your mother was in the kitchen cleaning up.
"You said 'Yes' last night when I asked you to marry me, don't you remember?" Midorima looked at you, brows raised at your confusion.
"What!? When did that happen!? How?!" Midorima held your hand with his as if to calm you down.
"Last night." He repeated.
"I thought it was just a dream!" you gasped out, covering your face from embarrassment.
"It wasn't." Midorima said taking your hand away from covering your face "It seems like you really haven't notice it yet—I thought you were just trying to ignore the obvious."
"Look at your hand." Was what he says as he lifted up your hand to your face.
"My hand?" Your eyes studied your hand, 5 fingers—a ring on your finger! "AH!"
A white gold band with a diamond and an emerald stone—it was looked very expensive and hell it looked very beautiful that it surprised you why you haven't notice it there in your finger—the whole day.
"You don't pay attention to your body didn't you?" Midorima took your hand with him and locked them again.
"Don't say that!" you turned red, "My head was just filled with…ugh!"
"I really thought I was dreaming!"
"Did you like it?" Midorima asks.
"Yes! This is too much— now I'm scared that I might lose it!" you looked up at him with a worried face.
"Well, unlike the necklace I gave you—this one is something you shouldn't take off." He said, his eyes looking at you intently, like he was silently sulking about the necklace that you have taken off.
"But I'm working and I cannot leave it on my hand I might damage it." you reasoned.
"Don't remove it ever." Midorima said, "Not until we replace it with a new one-then you can keep it to a safe place and pass it down to our child…"
If your face was red from embarrassment from your dream, then it turned 10x redder when you heard what Midorima just said.
That night you weren't able to fall asleep because you were so mesmerized by the ring he gave you—you remember him vaguely saying that it was his mother's ring but he had it modified and adjusted to your size and liking and so on…
"Is this really happening?" you closed your eyes as you held your hand in your chest.
-Midorima Shintarou-
Days went by so fast and the next thing you knew is that you will be called as one Midorima after this ceremony…
You looked around and found your family and Midorima's family talking happily; Yuuki and Shiori laughing over something, Takao and the others are exchanging greetings.
And lastly, you and Midorima Shintarou is holding hands while sitting in the middle of the hall.
Midorima looked very handsome in the traditional Montsuki Haori Hakama—but he will also look good in a tuxedo, and you know it.
"I couldn't believe that this day will come…" you said quietly looking at Midorima who also looked at you "I wonder what will become of us if we didn't meet again that evening…"
"I will look for you." he said, "Our paths will cross again, Oha-asa had it predicted—if not that night, there are still some other times."
"Hmmm…I wonder about that."
"At some point, we will cross against each other." Midorima said, "And that is inevitable." Midorima kisses your hand and you smiled at him.
First term: April – July
Summer Break: July to August
Second term: September – December
Third term: January – Mid March
Sorry guys, I had to finish the story—and I wanted to add more smexy and chasing scenes with reader and Midorima—but work is starting to pile up again so I had to finish this or it will not end.
There are some other stories that I had to finish too.
n Akashi x Reader
n Sinbad x reader
n Asami x reader
n Akashi!God x reader
n Imayoshi Kitsune x reader
So here you go, I hope this chapter didn't leave you feel crappy.
I'd like to hear your comments about it too. Thank you.
Read and Review pls
Unedited 06.10.2020