Hello people this is my 1st Upload. And yes apparently you can see from the title i am a huge Fan of Hiccup , Jack Frost , Rapunzel and Merida. Yea, so Please give me feed backs and PS. For all the grammer and spelling error made. At all times please point them out. I really need to work on my english.

Pairing in the FanFic : Jack Frost X Hiccup

Rapunzel X Eugene( Flynn Rider)

Merida on her own

Prologue to the world of magic.

As you know the world is a magical place. Well at some part now that things have advance. But there are those who still believe that somewhere , someday or sometime ,something magical will happen to them. Now this story revolves around a special group of children. Little do they know that their world is about to be change forever... it all started with just 1 letter on the year they turn 11. And so-

'Ouh wil' yar quait withe' dhat an' get to da storie!' Merida said in slight frustration walking towards the lime light of a completely black room.

'Wow wow calm down hot head, oh wait you are one !' Jack said with a corky grin as he entered.

'Whart did yew sae?! Come Bacrk hea sow ay carn sarlp dhat smile of'f yaur farce!' Merida snapped at jack and started to run after jack

' Ouh will you two please stop that... the readers are waiting. Plus merida you cut off morgan freeman`s narration...' walking in and sat down on the floor looking at them chasing each other but mostly focusing on jack's happy face. Feeling a little blush coming up.

'Let them be Hiccup, its kinda cute don't you think? Haaa...' Rapunzel walked in and sat next to hiccup. Placing her chin on both plams cupping her own face. Watching in envy

'Bu.. But its morgan freeman! how could you not like that ? He can make a telephone book sounds interesting with his voice. Errmmm just hear that majestic voice of his. Don't you agree Rapunzel?'Turning to look at rapunzel who seems to be busy at the moment with Flynn or i should i say Eugene

'Hey baby looking gorgeous today~' Eugene said with a Flirtatious accent and expression while lying down next to rapunzel offering a Flower

'Oh thanks Honey~ ' Gladly accepting the flower in placing it into her own hair looking like a hair pin

'Is.. Is anyone even listening to me at all? Hello? Guys?' Hiccup asked looking at everyone. Turning here and there..

'Well i am listening to you' As Mavis walked next to hiccup. 'But don't you think this is interesting and fun and ALIVE!' Throwing her hands up in the air and screamed the last word.

'Er.. well thanks Mavis that is really helpful..' Shurgging and looking down giving a I give up impression.

Narrator/Morgan Freeman:' Well seems like no one is willing to listen so i might as well be on my way then, good bye Hiccup *Chuckles* Buh Bye. Now have yourself a good time i will be back later to do more narrations ' leaving with a fading laughter

'What wait Morgannnn! *Sigh* Are you guys happy now?' Shurgging and giving a sad face at everyone

'Hey hiccup, Do you wanna eat a snowball~~?!' as anna giggle and rolling one snowball ready to throw at hiccup

'Hey hiccup! SMACKCAM !' Screamed elsa as she ran to a unknwon hiccup

'No Anna , Hey ElsaaaaaAAAA!' * Smack* Elsa laughing leaving hiccup with a shite face, grunting as he clean the snow off his face

'SNOW BALL FIGHT! WHOOOO! Jack Elsa if you would please~' As she threw a snowball that elsa had conjured for her aiming for hiccup

'No problamo milady~once you get this hot head off my back that is.' jack shouted as he

run around and and shooting snow everywhere and freezing the ground with his staff. Surprisingly merida can run on ice without falling.

'Whad di yar Sae!' while still chasing jack Still chasing Jack

'Now now merida calm down, here have some SNOW!' Elsa laugh as she conjure and threw it at merida.

'Hey everyone! I'm Olaf and I love warm hugs!' As he walk around waving and smiling at noticing that toothless was walking up to him

'Elinor ais dhat eh talking snouwwwman?'Fregus question Pointing towards Olaf

'It seems so... Boyss becareful around it!' Elinor screaming after the triplets

' Oh hey! hello there *wave* aww arent you a cute one' olaf said as he pet Toothless

' Ahahahah here comes the big one!' Stoick said as he threw a big snowball on Both elinor and fergus.

'WHATS THE MEANING OF THIS!' North's voice boom, Stopping everyone from continuing whatever they are doing. And Stare at him.

'IF THIS IS A COMPETITION.' North said and stop. 'THEN I WIN' he suddenly said with a huge grin on his face 'Hey Bunny,Tooth,Sandy think fast!' Causing everyone to laugh out and throwing Snow at each other. Starting quite a mess if you ask me. But hey~ everyone is enjoying themselves.

'Bye Everyone and please enjoy whatever that is gonna be read later and try to visualize' Olaf waving to you guys with a very very big smile :D

Well now that that is over shall we get on with the story then? Well this is just a short introduction to some of the characters you will see or read in there. Well please enjoy and leave feedback but i wont be checking it 24/7 with school and i'm also trying to add in some comedy parts in. Well sorry if you find it rather unnecessary.