((This story is pure fan-fiction. The characters and locations are the sole property of Shonen Jump and the series's creator, Masashi Kishimoto. G.I. Joe is the sole property of those who created the toys, TV shows, movies, webisodes, and video games. At no time is this fiction an intent to infringe upon their rights nor properties.))
"normal speech"/ flashback thought
thoughts/ flashback speech and action
[Snake Eye's sign translation/writing]
[Snake Eye's sign translation/writing during flashback]
((The next morning…))
Mabui walked away from the screened off onsen with a flushed face and a twitching eyebrow. I can understand the others freaking. I mean it's not everyday you learn the "orphan" you're teaching isn't an orphan by any means. Nor that said "not orphan" is in fact Leader of his Clan AND his soon to be resurrected Village! I get it, I really do...but damn Anko! Some of your "suggestions" on how to keep his morale up was downright...indecent. It really didn't help when Hiroku and Mantis chimed in their own "advice" on the topic. she huffed as she put away the plain garb she had worn the day prior after closing the door screen to her room. Slipping back into her regular clothes and gear. She secured the Kumo hitai-ite to her forehead before leaving. Once outside, she slipped her sandals on and went to find some breakfast. Her ears twitched as she heard giggles and sighed, shaking her head as she easily found the group of teen kunoichi peering around the edges of a doorway. Walking up, she asked, "Now what in the…" her words halting as she looked upon a scene that took her breath away. Backing up, she immediately took to the rooftop for a better vantage point. Unlike those...girls...she had no desire to hide her interest in these proceedings. Settling on the very edge, she watched with avid eyes.
Standing before the group, his back to her, was the Hard Master. A thin cane in hand as he walked along and amidst the three rows. Beyond him eight figures moved through identical motions as though iron bars connected them together despite being a triple arm's length apart. Every movement made as though they were one. Bodily motion, arm and leg movement, everything was almost harmoniously synchronized. The only sound beyond their cries was the sharp "thwack!" of the cane as a correction was made.
((A/N: Think of the Chinese training courtyard scenes where all the students are in rank and file. Again, their clothing is the same style as those worn by the Arashikage training in G.I. Joe Resolute.))
She had to blink, how could she not? Male or female, it didn't matter. They all moved with a flowing synergy it was speech robbing. The only differences between them was the color of their training clothes. At a glance it was a small thing, yet it revealed much none the less. The more experienced or skilled wore black and the lesser wore gray. None wore the white of the beginner. In the middle, stood Snake Eyes. Easily identifiable by the shock of blonde hair amidst the various shades of red. Mabui could see he focused hard. Squinting as he made transitional movements. She winced as the cane smacked his back leg, forcing a better position.
Feeling a presence, she turned her head to see Anko and Hiroku joining her on the rooftop. Keeping her voice very very soft, she asked, "I know he's trained for years, now I see where he stands with others of his style."
Anko nodded, "Yeah, he's had nothing but scrolls to go by and the occasional advice from Gai when he got stuck. Until now, he's never had anyone to compare himself. That's why he trained just as hard on the Academy style."
Hiroku said nothing as she watched, feeling again that sense that she let him down as a sensei. All I can do is guide him along to gain the experience he needs...his skills are already damn good. she thought as she quickly used a shunshin to disappear.
((A few hours later…))
Snake Eyes, changed into his normal field gear except for the mask, finally found his Shishou in an empty area, throwing her kunai over and over in a quick draw technique. Alternating which hand she used to implement a pointed double strike. He tilted his head as though he could sense her emotional state, wondering what had her in a mood. Waiting until she finished and had collected her kunai, he approached and got her attention before signing.
[Shishou? I'm wondering about something…] he paused until she looked at him intently and nodded, [I noticed your technique...could you teach me? I had been thinking it implausible with my own method but maybe…]
Hiroku felt a smile develop as she quickly understood. Moving to stand beside him, she said calmly as the sour mood lifted, "I've seen you throw your knives before, but do it slowly in a double tap. I want to see all the motions involved." Crossing her arms as she studied his actions. Immediately she paused in and shifted his stance a little. "I never noticed that tiny imbalance...now again." She nodded as she saw an improvement. "Since you draw from a seal on the bracer instead of a holster, it's a bit harder as you have to split your focus more to keep the seal prepped to release a new blade…" she tapped her bottom lip. "It's possible though...never really considered adapting the motor skill technique to your arrangement. I should have." Then her grin widened, "Once we get back, we'll work on that as well as my little surprise for you. From there, I'll work with you on expanding the skill into its more advanced usage." At his curious look, she chuckled and stepped back. Dropping her trench as she gestured for him to get farther back.
Snake Eyes felt his eyes widen and jaw drop as his Mentor began performing low to mid altitude acrobatics, her arms pumping and hands flashing as she launched kunai in rapid succession while she went through the flips, rolls, twists and turns that were the mainstays of basic shinobi combat.
Afterwards, she cleaned up the kunai and put them away, placing a hand on Snake's shoulder. "Thanks for the reminder...I have to think outside the box when it comes to your training. Though I'll have to make sure to keep it reasonable…" she reached up and ruffled his short hair playfully. "Go get some food. I'm sure the other Uzumaki are wondering where you've gotten to. If not them, I know for a fact, Zabuza wants a spar with you. Now shoo."
Snake Eyes nodded, happy he was able to lift her spirits and found himself eager to learn from her. Never thought about doing it like that. Throwing from the various timed points during an acrobatic maneuver beyond the ready or post positions… this will be interesting. He nodded and headed back to the Daimyo's residence for an early lunch.
She watched him leave before she let the smile fall and she turned to face the tree line. "Come on out," she said bluntly and saw the man named 'The Hard Master' step forward. "May I ask…?"
Stroking the Van Dyke, he replied in his own way. "I can tell he has little experience in using the style. While he is nearly perfect in form and motion, there is mechanical feel to it. How much practical combat has he had with it?" he asked then inquired on his skill level in the other topics of his training up to present.
Hiroku took in what he said with a lot more than a grain of salt. "He trains for hours everyday, that I know. To point, he's only used the advanced Konoha style in combat." As for his last questions, she pulled a small book from a seal in her equipment pouch and handed it to the most powerful fighter of Uzu. "This has a condensed listing of his training and how he was graded in each."
Tatsuo nodded as he considered the information she had just given him. "A messenger hawk has been sent back to our home beyond the Nations. Within two to three months the Island will be alive once more. Just in time for your Chuunin Exams I believe." He chuckled humorlessly at her sharp look, "When the break for the Finals come, bring him to us. We will fix his lack of experience in the Arashi Ken." He perused the book and his eyes opened somewhat when his eyebrows lifted. "His training is this varied? Interesting…" he flipped through the pages before handing it back.
She nodded and replied, "Yes, most of that is in fact what he has trained in for the six years before he became my Apprentice. He trains using Shadow Clones." At the man's surprised look, she explained what it entailed and the man began laughing. Then she realized something else. "Did he lower his seals before training today?" When the man shook his head, it was her turn to laugh, "Spar with him then without his restraints. You, no one else...then you'll see exactly where he stands," she said enigmatically before she left him to wonder.
((That afternoon…))
A crowd had gathered in the front courtyard of the Daimyo's residence. Sitting on the rooftop or on stone rails that marked its borders. Everyone was there from the ship as well as the entire Konoha team. Which made sense as it was Snake Eyes going head to head against Momochi Zabuza.
Wearing his white facial wrappings, black clothes and gray leg/arm warmers, he hefted his Executioner's Blade with ease as he stared at his opponent. Smart to put on his mask. Now I can't see any tells he may have with his eyes... Zabuza thought as he felt a tingle of anticipation running through him. He continued to study his opponent as he entered the "zone", the hyper-awareness that comes before combat. Two swords… a nito-ryu style...possibly. It could just be a bluff on his part. Wouldn't surprise me in either direction. It's been some time since I faced a dual wielder. Taking his stance, he watched Snake Eyes warily.
For himself, he had stretched out thoroughly after meeting up with Zabuza and agreeing to the spar. He didn't move so much as a muscle as he returned the scrutiny. He sighed quietly as he bladed his body and leaned forward with his gloved right hand reaching for the tsuka over his left shoulder. Just as his left hand reached for the right, the arms crossing just below the visor. It's a variation on the zhan ma dao. An anti-cavalry sword. Even so, I can't expect him to be limited to straight cutting paths. He won't be hampered by its weight or it's size...He's a master of his chosen weapon. Zabuza is one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist for a reason…
There was complete silence as the two combatants continued their staredown. They disappeared from view only to reappear with a clang of metal striking metal. Each combatant trying to overpower the other, forcing their blade, or blades, forward while fending off the other's weapon. They jumped apart and tried again. And Again. And again. Each time, they seemingly stalemated.
Mantis watched in silence, the sense of pride in her temporary student returning. After the fifth pass, she turned to leave, already knowing the outcome. He did it! He must have practiced it ever since I showed him the requirements. she thought to herself, a genuine smile forming on her face behind the mask. As she walked, she heard Anko explaining to Mabui.
"Sorry girlie, he wouldn't win. Snake is a Genin. Zabuza is one of the Seven Swordsman of the Mist. He doesn't have the experience, physical strength, nor the right weapons to beat him. Snake is damn good with his swords, don't get me wrong...but too many factors are against him. Those combined lead to his defeat. To his credit, he knows it. That's why he stopped after the fifth pass." Anko said in a calm voice.
Hiroku listened in as well and mentally nodded. Another point in his favor: He knows when to fall back. An important quality for a Chuunin. Knowing when to abort if the mission risk becomes too high. Placing the lives of your team above the mission's completion when to continue would in essence be suicide… Moving to stand by the main building, she watched as the crowd dispersed, everyone talking animatedly on what they had witnessed. Waiting until Snake Eyes joined her. Looking at him as he removed the mask and gave her a cheeky grin.
Hiroku couldn't help but shake her head in amusement before ruffling his short cut hair. "We need to talk," she said seriously and led him to an empty chamber. Closing all the panels before sitting down across from him. "How much am I supposed to put into my report?" she asked curiously, "Given what you've already revealed of your intentions, I have to assume you don't want Konoha to know about the survivors...Falsifying a report is tantamount to treason."
Snake Eyes nodded, his mouth going dry. With everything that had happened he hadn't considered the after action report. He smacked himself lightly and drug his hand down his face before signing.
[You're no traitor. I would never ask you to become one.] he paused to think, [Is there a way to word it that maintains the secrecy I need yet not give false testimony?]
She nodded, having figured that would be his answer. Already she had been going over various scenarios. She knew exactly why he didn't want the Hokage to know… He doesn't trust them. He has to show that scroll to the Hokage. Until he knows without doubt if the Old Man was involved or not, he won't be able to move past it… with that thought in mind, she grinned as she interpreted his next signs, finding it more than a little humorous.
[Besides, as the Mission "Leader," shouldn't I be the one to do the report?]
She nodded, "Yes you should, but we both know the Hokage will want my input as well since I'm here as your evaluator." She got her chuckles out as he merely gave her a look of confusion before asking, "When do you plan on heading back?"
[Tomorrow morning we head back to Wave and make sure Zabuza and Haku will be alright for a time then return to Konoha. If we maintain a decent pace, we should be back the next day.]
Hiroku nodded and got to her feet. "I'll let the others know to pack and be ready for the morning." Opening the panels, she paused to look over her shoulder, "You get to tell your Clansmen."
((Two days later…))
Leaving the Hokage's Office, the group exchanged their farewells and a few other pleasantries before departing. Hiroku looked at her Apprentice and said, "We have the afternoon and I want to go over our training plan. You up for it?" Grinning at his enthusiastic nod, she led him and Mabui back along the rooftops to his home where she and her younger cousin had to snicker as the boy suffered through a suffocating hug and bodily check by his mother.
Mabui could only find it amusing and heartwarming as she went upstairs to sort her used clothes and get clean. She didn't want to intrude on what little time they had on their own. She wrinkled her nose at the smell of sweat from her clothes and prepped a basket for laundry before slipping on a bathrobe. Upon entering the bathroom, she got lost in her thoughts as she washed.
Outside, Snake had removed his mask and stared in confusion at the paper his Mentor gave him. He transferred that expression to her.
"It's Chakra paper," she explained. "It's made from the pulp of trees that are highly reactive to Chakra. Did one of your sensei's go over Affinity with you?" At the negative shake of his head, she lifted an eyebrow, "Surprising they didn't at least mention it, but no matter. We can cover it." She pulled out a kunai and quickly drew out the basic Elemental diagram, "To have an affinity means that you are able to use jutsu of that element easier than others. Every shinobi has at least one Elemental Affinity. Konoha's most common is Fire. Wind being the rarest."
Snake Eyes considered this and nodded his understanding, knowing the necessary lesson hadn't ended.
"The type of reaction tells us what your Elemental Affinity is. Fire, the paper will burn. Wind, it'll split. Lightning will make it crumple and crinkle. Earth will cause it to crumble to dust. Water will make it go soggy. Now inject your Chakra into the paper."
Curious now, he focus and pushed his Chakra into the paper. The result earned a gasp of pleasure from his Mentor and he looked up to her in anticipation.
Smiling broadly she made a fist pump. "Hot damn! Two Affinities! That is rare for a Genin. Congrats, Snake! You have an equally strong Water and Earth Affinity." She pursed her lips in consideration, "Your Uzumaki heritage explains the Water. Your mom had an insane Mastery of it. Some said she almost equaled the Nidaime. Earth...I'm not really sure. Your dad, I think, had a Lightning Affinity." She shrugged, "But it does open up some interesting possibilities." She paused as Snake's hands went into an excited overdrive.
"I'm pretty sure you don't have a Kekkei Genkai," she chuckled. "However...we're going to ANBU headquarters. I'll explain things when we get there," she said firmly, watching as he slipped on and centered his mask.
((Short while later…))
Okay...what the hell? was her only thought as she found herself and her Apprentice surrounded by no less than six ANBU within seconds of entering the Headquarters. Hiroku looked at Snake and could read the amusement he felt in his body language. When two of the ANBU began crowing about "having caught the sneak thief" she was really confused. Even more so when one of the ANBU Captains walked up and spoke aloud.
"Sorry folks...this doesn't count," he said, ignoring the cries of denial from the other two. "He walked in the front door. With, I might add, his Shishou. Presumably she brought him here. So no one gets the pay out," he finished in a firm tone that sent all the ANBU to walking away grumbling about "damn situation rules." He laughed and turned to face the arrivees. "Tanaka-san...pleasure is mine," he said, still chuckling as he gave a short bow.
"One question...what the hell?" she asked bluntly still very confused by the events. She looked down slightly as Snake Eyes tugged on her trench sleeve and pointed to a betting board. Hiroku read it, her eyes going wide as the meaning set in, "No way…"
The ANBU Captain nodded, "Yes. There's a standing betting pool on if or when your erstwhile Apprentice gets caught sneaking in here."
She walked over and continued reading the various bets. "When did this start? How come I never heard about it?"
The Captain seemingly kept an eye on Snake Eyes as he answered, "Oh about three years ago. After his fifth successful escapade that left half the on duty units with bright yellow uniforms and clown masks," his tone blandly amused.
Hiroku turned with an aghast expression as she observed her Apprentice holding his sides in silent mirth. He was able to sneak into ANBU HQ undetected? At ten years old?!
A passing ANBU froze as she spotted Snake Eyes, obviously twitching for some odd reason before she relaxed and added loudly, "Never mind the damn itching powder incident. Nor where he stole the Hunter Division Commander's mask multiple times…"
There was silence in the foyer as Hiroku had to keep rebooting her mind as the facts weren't adding up. "That's impossible…"
"Yet he's done it time and again," the Captain replied dryly, "We still haven't figured out his point of ingress and egress to this day." A shake of the blank mask. "Anyways, as you can see, various bets began being made among the regular units. Since we lost count of his successes we started with age. By his 13th Birthday, etc...Then more bets were added. Like Ingress or Egress. In the act. By the time he makes Chuunin is a new one. Though I have to wonder who put in the bet of 'Never.'" The mask turned slightly to regard Snake Eyes yet again.
Hiroku gave up after that. She couldn't help herself as she began laughing. "That's just rich...terrorized by a Genin so bad they set up a betting pool." She wiped a tear from her eyes and she settled down. "I'd like to take him to the Assessment room."
The Captain nodded slowly, "You know where it is. And please...keep a close eye on him," he added in almost sour tone. "Last thing I need today is to find my office TP'd... or worse."
Nodding, Hiroku reached out and tapped Snake Eyes on the shoulder to get him to follow her. As they walked, she could feel the many eyes of hidden ANBU tracking them all the way to a secured room. Using her old access code, she was surprised when it unlocked and opened for them. She quickly ushered her Apprentice inside and shut the door, leaning her back against it. "Okay...did you really do all that to them? Here in HQ?" At his energetic nod, she sighed, "Mind telling me why?"
[It made for excellent SERE training. At least that is what Kaa-san and Anko-sensei said. That and pranking them was fun.]
Hiroku's shoulders slumped at that part and she just shook her head. "I should have known those two were behind it," she muttered as she straightened, turned on the lights, and went to the back wall. "Alright Snake. This is a Chakra Assessment Array," she said, indicating the huge seal matrix that covered the entire wall. "Originally designed by the Sandaime, later upgraded by Jiraiya and the Yondaime." She paused, running a finger along the elegant script, "ANBU use this to get a more accurate reading than the paper alone. Put your hand there and inject your Chakra for twenty seconds. The array will do the rest," she instructed.
Snake Eyes removed his right hand glove, pressing his palm flat against the wall. When the time elapsed, he ceased the flow and stepped back quickly. His eyes behind the mask widening as the seal began spinning and blurring. Then the individual signs for the Elementals appeared at waist level. Each one flashing in sequence before only Earth and Water remained lit. Just like Shishou said… then he watched as both Elements developed a rising bar scale. One, two, then three bars each. He glanced at Hiroku and saw her very pleased expression. Then he turned fully as the right hand wall went into motion, a flowing wave fluctuating smoothly. He indicated this to his Mentor.
Hiroku's grinned broadened, "That...gauges the person's Chakra Reserves," she studied the chart and whistled as it suddenly split into two separate charts, one blue and the other red. "Heh… seems this thing also takes into account your 'tenant'." She pointed to the two charts, "Snake, this array says you have damn near Jounin level Reserves. Not including The Niner. Kami...you would be a jutsu specialist on any team." She saw him tilt his head in consideration before he pointed to the opposite, originally the left hand wall. she answered the obvious question, "No Kekkei Genkai detected. Sorry Snake," she said offhandedly as she patted his shoulder.
Leading him out of the room, she paused and nodded as the arrays reset themselves. Good. No one can walk in and see what his results were… she thought as she closed the door. Accepting an envelope from an ANBU technician. "No copies? And you didn't read this?" she inquired, lifting the envelope slightly. "Good." She tucked the envelope into her trench and led Snake Eyes back towards the foyer entrance. A silver eyebrow rising as she saw Ibiki waiting for them.
Not letting her ask the obvious, he spoke in his gruff voice, "Snake Eyes is to report to T&I for Interrogation Resistance training." He tilted his head to the black clad youth. "Tomorrow at eight am. Don't be late." He moved as though to stride down the hall without looking back.
"Wait," Hiroku said, shifting her stance to block the thick man. "Why is a Genin expected to undergo that? That training is usually reserved for Chuunin and above," she queried in calm tone that fooled no one. She was partially curious, partially afraid for her Apprentice.
Ibiki lifted a slender eyebrow in surprise. More for her questioning orders than anything else. "It's the earliest date I have available for it," he explained calmly as he then studied the other Jounin's micro-expressions. "I was told to have it done by the Chuunin Exams...tomorrow is the best chance."
Hiroku's eyes narrowed as she digested that tidbit. That crafty bastard...hedging the bets. If he is too injured at the start of the Exams, he can then follow through… she thought quickly, giving a nod. "I see… Thank you for informing me and scheduling it so quickly. I know you are a busy man."
Ibiki grunted before he looked Snake Eyes over. "Bring only a change of casual clothes, no field gear. You won't need it." Then he smiled in a cold, calculating fashion, "I look forward to seeing how you handle yourself...Anko speaks highly of you. Time for me to see if you live up to the hype." He stepped around the woman and disappeared down the hall.
Hiroku grabbed Snake's shoulder and took him with her via Shunshin. Arriving at his home, she she took a moment to compose herself. Calmed down, she led him inside to find Rin chatting away with Inuzuka Tsume.
Rin looked up and her smile faded as she saw the seriousness of Hiroku's expression. "What is it?" she asked in trepidation as her ward went up the stairs silently.
Hiroku sighed and sat down with the other two women, "Well I have some good news and some not so good news…."
((48 hours later…))
Rin ran through the hospital, twisting her body time and again to evade and dodge the bodies in her way. Her goal was obvious as bodies kept flying out of a doorway. She had to perform a quick power squat, her rear touching her heels, to avoid yet another body that came flying towards her as she reached the door. Using the tension in her legs, she launched forward into a roll that ended with her coming up onto her feet in a smooth motion. She scanned the room immediately with her one eye and wanted to laugh. She clapped her hands loudly, "That's enough...everyone out," she ordered briskly, taking command of the situation.
The Doctor spoke up from where he almost cowered against a wall, "He's severely agitated. We have to get him into restraints before he seriously injures someone or himself!" He paused in trying to send in more orderlies that arrived with a straight jacket at the ready when the woman began laughing scornfully.
"Of course he's agitated you idiots. He just completed Interrogation Resistance training!" she regarded the scene before her warily yet with a twinkle in her eye. "Do as I say and get the hell out! I'll deal with him," she said in a suddenly grim tone. She waited for everyone to leave before she shut the door firmly and sealed the room with a few well placed tags. She took a breath and pulled something from her pouch and set her hands around it firmly, holding it up. She noticed his eyes immediately locked on the object. Good...now, here's to hoping this works… Bringing it up to eye level, she walked forward slowly.
With every step, she grew even more tense as she knew without a doubt he could kill, if not seriously injure, her without a moment's hesitation as he was. "It's okay Snake… Mama's here. You're safe. No one's here to hurt you…" she said with each step. She extended her arms and the moment she was within four feet of him and she knew the item she held filled his vision, she said firmly, "Arashikage Mind Set: Release!" then she moved fast to catch him as his eyes rolled up, leaving only the whites visible, he fell forward. Cradling him, she grimaced at the bloody mess he was and whispered, "Don't worry, sochi...I got you." Wordlessly treating his injuries with practiced ease. Pulling out a thick roll of bandages to wrap his head up with, leaving the closed eyes visible. Finished, she cleaned up and removed the tags before opening the door.
Outside the door, Mabui, the Hokage, and the doctor stood back in concern as three ANBU had tensed in preparation for whomever exited. The tension dropped dramatically at her appearance and the Hokage chuckled, "Looks like you have it under control then."
Mabui didn't say a word, the thin tear streaks on her cheek spoke loudly for her as she just rushed into the room and drug a chair to his side and sat down. Taking his hand in hers as she kissed the bandaged knuckles fervently.
Rin lifted an eyebrow and turned back to see the Hokage wearing an identical expression. She coughed and gave a curt bow of her head, "Hokage-sama."
Hiruzen schooled his features into a blank slate. "Report."
She closed the door, noting that two of the ANBU quickly took up stations on each side of the door while the third remained at the Hokage's side, "His injuries are healed but consistent with the training he had undergone. I also detected and subsequently removed the residue of several pheromone based agents in his bloodstream. Looks like they ran him through the entire gamut."
The elder Hokage pursed his lips and gave a short nod. As he turned to leave, he spoke in a unconcerned tone, "I want a full report on my desk of his injuries and status come the morning." With that done he departed, taking the final ANBU with him.
Rin watched them leave with a narrowed gaze before she re-entered the room and closed the door behind her. Moving briskly to the bed, she removed the sheet and used a Chakra scalpel to cut off the bindings on his right arm. She lifted her gaze when Mabui reached out and grabbed her by the wrist.
Her emerald gaze was cold and focused as she spoke, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
Rin's eye drifted toward the weapon and she replied in an equally cold tone. "A majority of his injuries were broken bones. Due to his rapid healing, I have to re-break them and set them properly. If I don't, he'll permanently lose the use of his hands. He'll be an invalid for life." She wanted to smile but refused to when Mabui quickly put the weapon away. Her attention returned to her ward. "This is the difference between healing and regeneration." Rin said almost conversationally.
Mabui nodded slowly and eased back but she didn't move from her fiance's side. Not until Rin made her move so the older woman could operate on Snake Eye's left side. She winced with every crack of bone yet she didn't take her eyes off the activity taking place. Yet the commentary she just heard made her realize an important fact. He's not invulnerable… he can be hurt just like anyone else.
Rin gave her a sharp glance but didn't reply. Instead she bent her head down and resumed repairing the damage to his body.
((The Next Morning…))
Rin left the Hokage's Office in a sour mood. She barely paused in her steps as she made her way through the building. Everyone quickly got out of her way. Mentally, she was torn between pride and worry. He held out through it all. Putting two of Inoichi's kin in the psych ward. Withstanding the brute force tactics. Ignoring the pleasure attempts and the coercions. No wonder he warned me about the Mind Set. It really is all encompassing. The after effects is the only real downside. A temporary comatose state until the mind can process everything…
Returning to the hospital, she sighed as she heard Mabui arguing loudly in the room. Upon entering, she had to smile broadly at the sight before her. Snake Eyes, standing in only a hospital gown vainly trying to get his clothes away from a sword brandishing Mabui. Said clothes were neatly stacked on a chair in the corner.
Mabui watched her fiance with narrowed eyes and the sword flashed as she countered his every attempt. "I said no, Snake-kun. You are not well enough. Don't make me hurt you," she said earnestly, adding in a low undertone, "Neko-san has been working me to the bone to get my kenjutsu up to par. You never told me your senseis were such a pack of sadists."
"You know," she began seeing both of them start in surprise, "As funny as hell as this is...I have to take Mabui's side this time. You need another full day's rest, sochi. Now get back in bed before I help her put you there." She finished and pointed a commanding finger to the bed. The fact that he dashed back into bed like lightning said clearly how much power that woman still commanded. "You can go home tomorrow. Light training only. Katas and stretching are allowed. Two days at home then I'll release you back to duty." She ignored the aghast expression he gave them followed by a pout.
Mabui laughed softly as she watched Rin tuck her son back into bed. She knew damn well he could take them both on and probably not even break a sweat. Yet he was still a child when it involved the only woman he would ever call "Mom." She sheathed her blade and sat on the edge of the bed, brushing her fingers over the low cut hair, "Besides, that gives me two days to pamper you in bed. Bringing you meals, rubbing your sore muscles…" her tone turned smoky, "That doesn't sound so bad does it?" she licked her upper lip slowly and batted her eyes before they widened, "Then again, maybe you don't want me to...maybe you prefer that girl...Tenten… to be the one to attend to your needs." She gave huff and a pout, turning her head.
Rin listened and brought a hand up to cover the smile that had returned to her face full bore. Watching as Snake Eyes paled and began signing rapidly to reassure the older teen that she was incorrect. There ya go, girlie… Now that's how you handle a man… she thought as she shook her head and left the lovebirds alone. She'll either kill him or have him wrapped around her finger by the time the Exams come around...I have to admit, I like the idea of her being my daughter-in-law.
((Two days later…))
Snake Eyes approached Training Ground Seven and paused at the tree line to observe the goings on. His Shishou had the two "other" Genin performing stretches. Presumably cooling them down from the required run and workout. He shook his head sadly as he noted that Haruno acted as though she was about to keel over dead while the Uchiha was sweating and breathing heavily but seemed otherwise fine. Stepping out of the trees, he walked forward with his usual smooth and silent stride.
Hiroku sensed the approach and glanced over with a broadening smile, "Right on time, Snake. Cleared for full training and missions?" her smile grew as he gave her a bow and a nod. "Good. I spent the last two days evaluating these...two. Since I don't expect Hatake to show for another three hours or so, we have plenty of time." Her smile turned cold and vicious when the others looked up in alarm, "Plenty of time for you to show these two bakas just what a Genin is supposed to be able to do. Snake Eyes… tear them apart."