Author: Thanks for the great reviews! And thank you to everyone who read this story and went back and read Teacher's Pet =) Because I really liked how it turned out! This one's a little shorter but I hope you're all happy about the new character I introduce!

Law and Nami walked into his hospital together. Only the ER was still open to the public. Law walked up to the front desk and asked for the keys to the pharmacy from Penguin. Then he escorted Nami to the pharmacy and unlocked the door. "Damn, you have so many drugs I don't understand why your doing dirty doctor work when you could just sell all this," Nami teased. "Oh yeah? You think I'm a dirty doctor?" Law teased. He picked her up and pressed her up against a wall. Nami giggled, "Is that all that you got from that sentence?" Law smirked, "Maybe I need to show you just how dirty this doctor can be." Nami smiled and Law pressed his lips against her neck and sucked and bit until her neck turned pink under his lips. Nami moaned, "Is that all you got doctor?" She teased. Law took that as a challenge. He kissed Nami deeply and pulled her top up over her breasts and started rubbing them. "Ouch!" Nami whimpered. "Your breasts already hurt?" Law asked. "I don't know why but they feel so sore!" Nami moaned. "That's because they are getting ready to produce milk for your baby. Your chest will probably gain a pound in weight total during pregnancy. Maybe if you paid attention in my Anatomy class like you were supposed to, you'd know more about this." Law said. "What?! A pound! But they're already huge! And hey! I was a great student! The best in class," Nami winked. Law smiled, "I know and I love it."

He gently kissed and licked her breasts. Nami squirmed, she was so much more sensitive now. Just as he worked his way down Nami's body, his phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out of his pocket, "Sorry, I have to." Law told Nami and Nami nodded. He answered the phone, "Penguin?" Nami couldn't here the other side but when Law hung up he didn't look happy. "Nami, stay here, I'll be right back." Law stepped out of the room and walked into the ER's waiting room. He found a big, tall, muscular man with fire red hair and a menacing look on his face waiting for him. "Kid, you're not welcome here." Law spat. "How rude," Kid smiled, "I came to offer you my help." Law glared at him, "I don't need your help with anything." Kid's smile only grew wider, "So you don't know? I thought you were smarter then that Law. Can't you feel it? War is brewing in the underworld. And you'll need me on your side." Law's stomach sank. He had been hoping for a change like this, but now? He hadn't expected it to be happening so quickly. Did this have something to do with Nami? Or.. maybe Ace, he thought. "What's in it for you?" Law asked. "You know I don't like the people in charge currently. Well, that's my reward. And once they're out of the way, I can really make a name for myself. So, what do you say. Do we have an alliance?" Kid asked. Law nodded, "Yeah, okay." Kid held his hand out and Law took it and they shook. "We'll keep in touch," Kid said before leaving Law's hospital.

Law sat down in the waiting room. War? Is that really what this was all going to come down to. Sure, he had felt something. He knew something had to happen. The powers of the underworld had been in business for far too long and the rookies of the underworld were all banning together to take over. It was dangerous, it was risky. But it was all bound to happen. That's why Vergo would most likely beat the shit out of him if Monet decided to be a bitch and tell him anything. The current leaders were tightening their grip on their gangs, just so no one would think about betraying them. If Law could survive this, he and Nami would be in a pretty perfect place. Law could come out on top. He could have other people doing his dirty work instead of himself. He could give Nami the life she deserves to have, not this shit hole he had been stuck in for far too long. It wasn't going to be easy. And he would most certainly need help. Lots of help. He had tested the will of his boss before and it didn't end well for him. Its a lot harder to perform surgery when its on yourself.

Law waked back to the Pharmacy to find Nami. "Is everything okay?" She asked. Law nodded, "Yes. Everything is perfect." He walked over to Nami and kissed her on the lips. Then he walked down the back of the pharmacy and grabbed a few boxes of prenatal vitamins off the shelf. "Let's go home." He smiled. "Yes please! I'm ready for this day to be over!" Nami agreed.

Nami and Law cuddled up together in bed back at home. "Law?" Nami asked. "Yes dear?" He replied. "Do you think it will be a boy or a girl?" She asked, holding her tummy. "I don't know, its impossible to tell right now." He said. "But what do you want it to be?" She asked. "Healthy," he replied smiling. Nami laughed. "I want a boy," she said smiling, "what would you name it if it was a boy?" She asked. "Law Jr." Law smirked. "No way! I don't think I could handle two Laws! I like Jack for a boy and Belle for a girl, like Bellemere." Nami said. "But I'm sure you'll change your mind a hundred times before its birth." Law said. Nami frowned, "Maybe. Can we go shopping for the baby's room tomorrow?" Law sighed, "Let's wait for your second trimester." Nami sighed too, "Fine, goodnight." Law kissed her forehead, "Goodnight Nami."

Nami rolled around in bed a few times. She had really liked sleeping on her stomach but now her breasts were sore. She turned one way, then another. She turned sideways and propped her breasts up on Law's arm, rested her head on his stomach and hung her legs off the side of the bed. Now she could still sleep on her tummy. "Perfect, now don't move!" Nami told Law. "Oh I almost forgot, you can't take any medications while you're pregnant except for the vitamin, okay? Its just not safe for the baby." Law said. Nami moaned. I guess that meant no pain killers for her sore boobies! She hoped this was a temporary thing…