A/N: I own nothing of Merlin. Give the credit to BBC. Aurora is my own made up character along with her extended family.

An Tales de Aurora Alden

I stood next to Arthur in a dark green and gold gown as we stood to greet the king's from all five kingdoms arrived in Camelot for the largest peace treaty that was to be forged. I had to be on my best princess behavior for I was being judged by not just Uther and his council but all the other kingdoms.

I was also running the household a long side Morgana. It was my job to make sure everything was running smoothly behind the scenes and that everyone was comfortable. Because everything was hectic me and Arthur sent the children to my parents until this was all over and it was the first time since Aaren's kidnapping that my children were away from me. I was just a horrible mess behind the mask I wore.

I watched as Uther went to greet one of the kings that had just arrived. I leaned closer to Arthur.

"That's King Alined correct?" I whispered making sure I had the right king.

"Correct," replied Arthur.

This continued for a bit before we join Uther in greeting king's. That's when we meet King Olaf who approached us.

"What kind of greeting is this? You have us hanging around like the last swallows of summers," he said to Uther.

"You are welcome, indeed, Olaf."

"May I present my daughter, the lady Vivian."

"Lady Vivian. How like your mother you are. I'm sure you have heard of my daughter in law, Princess Aurora Alden of Ibelle."

I looked up at her to see that she was quite beautiful and immediately thought of all the trouble she might cause. I was soon escorting her to her guest chambers.

"I hope everything is to your satisfaction," I commented as we entered.

"It is…Adequate," she replied.

I frowned a bit but quickly hide it.

"Most of our guests are extremely happy here. I'm sure you will be, too."

"Hm. I am not most of your guests."


Gwen enters and I sent her a smile.

"Well, er, may I present Guinevere. She'll be looking after you for the duration of your stay. You'll want for nothing. She is truly one of Camelot's finest."

"Then I fear for Camelot," replies Lady Vivian with a giggle.

Me and Gwen pause as we exit and close the door behind us. We look at each other and laugh.

"Good luck Gwen," I told her.


"I need to find Arthur and prepare for the feast."


I brush down Arthur's jacket while Arthur dresses behind the screen and Aurora was trying to pick out a jewelry set.

"Merlin, what kind of impression do you think this gives?" questioned Arthur.

He wiggles his thump through a hole in his sleeve.

"That we have moths?" I replied.

"Fetch me another."

Aurora was surprisingly quiet. Normally she made him get his own shirt. Those most times Arthur got dressed without my help. Those most they didn't having visiting royals roaming the castle.

I looked over to Aurora she was putting on her tiara and her diamond necklace that matched Arthur's crown and her ruby wedding ring in it's place.

"And who might you be trying to impress, Sire?" I asked.

Aurora looked up at me. Aurora was in a strange mood since she escorted Lady Vivian. She had said it was stress and missing her little ones, but if the beautiful blond woman in the castle and Arthur track record of becoming enchanted with beautiful more noble women around, Aurora was fearing the worst.

"Well, let me see. Perhaps the five kings sitting in the banquet hall below," replied Arthur.

"Oh. Not the king's daughter, then? The Lady Vivian, she very beautiful."

"Anyone trying to impress the Lady Vivian does so at extreme peril. Olaf would have their head in a vat of hot boiling oil before they'd have a chance to say hello. Besides, she's not my type and I'm happily married," stated Arthur coming out from behind the screen.

He walked over to Aurora and gave her a kiss.

"She may be beautiful, but she's incredibly rude. You should've heard what she said to Gwen and me," stated Aurora walking to her vanity.

"Anyone insulting Aurora should do so at extreme peril," I added.


"Nothing. I just know how much you love Aurora, that's all. I figured you would be the same way with your wife."

"I do have my own vat of hot oil, you know."

"You're blushing," I said laughing.

"No I'm not."

"Of course you're not Arthur."

Aurora came over and stood next to Arthur.

"I think the color looks good on you," said Aurora trying hard not to giggle.

"Merlin," stated Arthur.

"Yes, Arthur?" I replied.

"Get out."

"Yes, Sire."

I smile at them and leave.


I sat with Lady Vivian and Morgana watching the show that King Alined's servant was giving us. I didn't like the feeling I was getting from Trickler, but I smiled and enjoyed the show like everyone else.

"But it is not enough to please just the gentlemen of the court. Now I have a spectacle for the ladies," he said.

He produced butterflies out of nowhere. My thought to turned to my Cassie and I wished she could see this. I glanced over at Arthur who was looking at me.

"But what is this? Lady Vivian," Gasped Tickler.

He puts his hand by her ear and pulls it back to reveal a butterfly on his hand.

"It has mistaken you for a beautiful flower."

With that the show was over and we finished with the feast. Soon I was holding onto Arthur's arm has we walked slowly back to our chambers. Uther had said it would be a good idea if me and Arthur stayed in separate rooms until the peace talks were over.

"Cassie would have loved that," I commented to him.

"Aye, she's like her mother. She is our butterfly," he replied. "Did you enjoy it?"

"I did Arthur. It's probably the best part about the feast."

"I'm glad. After everything this past year, I was worried I was losing you again."

"This is certainly better than the last year. Those I miss our children."

"So do I, but it's better that they're away."

"I know they would just be in the way."

I let go of his arm and stepped closer to his side. He moved his arm to rest around my shoulders holding me close.

"First night in nearly two years that's we have been in separate rooms," he said as we approached the door to my temporary room.

"We're only separated by a wall. We'll be fine," I replied. "I know how to reach you if I need you."

"You're right."

We stopped in front of my door. We both knew that it was going to hard for us to be in different rooms after being in the same room for so long now. It was bad enough our children were away.

"Goodnight and sleep well," He whispered.

"Goodnight and sleep well," I replied.

We shared a kiss before I reached for the door handle.

"I love you Arthur."

"I love you too Aurora."

I opened and went into my room. I watched him walk away entering our normal chambers. I shut the door and leaned against it. I pushed myself off and got ready for bed.


In another part of the castle, Trickler creates a potion with Vivian's hair.

"... læfe he híe þonne he áwæcaþ. Biþ his hyht þæt he her seón mote ána oftíe þonne ealle mán."

"Sleep well, Prince Arthur. When you wake, may your thoughts be only of Vivian and not that peasant princess," said King Alined.

Trickler sneaks into Arthur's chambers and pours eye drops on him while he sleeps.

"Héo hæfþ þín heorte," whispers Trickler.

He then places Vivian's lock of hair under Arthur's pillow.

"Sweet dreams."


I walked into Arthur's chambers to find Arthur staring out his window. I assumed Aurora was below getting ready to ride out to spend the day with the children as planned.

"Good morning, Sire!" I said cheerful.

"Never have you been more right, Merlin. It is the sunniest, the most fragrant, the most beautiful morning I've ever seen in my life," He replied.

I looked to see he was already dressed.

"You're dressed."

"I am the future King of Camelot, I do have some skills, you know."

"Indeed, you are very skilled at getting people to do things for you."

"That is your job. But today my job is to woo."

"To what?"

"To woo. I wish to make a proclamation of love."

I was shocked. Arthur never wooed Aurora unless he screwed up and hurt Aurora's feeling. Aurora never seemed to complain that he never was very romantic in public those he did show his affection for his family.


"So I need you help in expressing my feelings."

It was no secret that Arthur seeks my advice on thing's that concerned Aurora in gifts. It was rare now days, but he still every so often seek me out to make sure he wasn't going to upset Aurora. But this was weird.

"Of course."

We both look at each other unsure what to do next.

"How to express my feelings."

"Oh, I see. Erm. Feelings."





"Excellent. Find some. Perhaps you should also send a note."

"Brilliant idea."

"Something moving. Something from the heart. Something...you'll think of something."


Merlin approaches Aurora's door with flowers and knocks before going in.

"Rora? Rora?" he calls out.

Aurora isn't back from her visit yet, so Merlin places the flowers on the dinning table and remembers to pull out the note.

"The barrier that keeps us apart is nothing compared to the love that keeps us together. –Arthur."

Merlin mulls over his own brilliance before placing the note carefully next to the flowers.


The kings gather for the peace talks.

"Your demands are noted and will be taken into consideration in due course. In the meantime, is there anyone else who has any other comments about the northern territories?" states Uther.

Merlin enters and gets Arthur's attention.

"Well, may I just point out that..." starts King Olaf.


Arthur speaks with Merlin.

"Did you do it?" he asks merlin.

"I left them in her room. I thought that was better than a public display," He replied.

"You're sure she got them?"

"I'm sure she will get them."

"Good. All we can do now is wait."

I look up to see Gwen, Aurora, and Vivian walking down the other end of the corridor.

"Oh, but heaven has blessed me. She's even more beautiful than before, don't you agree?"

"Yeah. Erm…I'm surprised to hear you speak so openly."

"Nonsense. I want to tell the world. I want to shout it across the kingdom."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I understand your feelings, but other people may object."

"Object? To what?"

"Well, you've been raised to be a king and she's been raised to be a humble woman from a humble little village. Albeit, she's been doing great for the royal household's image…"

I reached over slap merlin.


"Lady Vivian's of royal blood, a future queen. I will have your head if I hear such insolence again."

Arthur storms off.

"Lady Vivian…Oh, no!"


I look down at the note Arthur had left with flowers. When my door slams open and there stands my adoptive brother.

"Merlin, you really need to start knocking," I scolded.

"Rats," he stated.

"What?" I questioned looking around for the creatures.

"Big. Hairy. Sharp teeth. Er…yeah, definitely under here."

Merlin ducks under my table. I bend down to peek under the table.

"Are you feeling alright? Do I need to take you Gaius?"

"Me? Never better. You?"

"I'm having a very surprising day. Where's Arthur? I have thing's from the children."

"You don't want to see Arthur. He's in right mood right now."

"What did you do now Merlin?"


"Right. I'll just try to find him myself."

I headed out the door with the stack of drawing my children sent me back with and the drawing that Arthur would love of me and the children.


Later that night, in Gaius and mine's chambers, I started figure out how to tell Gaius the problem at hand.

"I may have caused a problem. Although it wasn't entirely my doing," I stated.

It was true. I wasn't alone in this one, if I had to explain to Aurora what happened I was taking Arthur with me.

"What now, Merlin?" he replied

"Arthur's in love."

"I would hope so; he does have a wife and three children."

"That bit isn't my fault, the other bit is. Oh, I can't tell you about that bit."

"Clear as mud."

"Arthur's completely besotted, he can't concentrate on anything. All he thinks about, all he talks about is…is the lady Vivian."

"The Lady Vivian? How could that have happened? Does Aurora know?"

"I don't know. Something doesn't feel right. Only yesterday, he was spending time with Aurora. Now he doesn't even mention her or the children."

"This is bad, if Arthur professes his love for Vivian, not only will Olaf be furious but Aurora will be heartbroken. This puts Camelot at great risk of war. Surely, Arthur knows this?"

I sigh and nod.

"See, he said it was his job to woo his lady by the end of the day."

"And it's your job to stop him."

Just then Aurora comes bursting in.

"What happened to my husband and why is he standing out side Lady Vivian's door with a platter and a rose?!" shouted Aurora.

We could both see the tears welling up in her eyes. I got up and rush out to stop Arthur, while Gaius comforts Aurora.


Arthur's stands outside with a platter and a rose. He takes a breath before knocking.

"Who is it?" Calls Lady Vivian.

"It is destiny, my love! Destiny and chicken!" replies Arthur.

Vivian opens the door.

"What a beautiful combination, eh?"

Vivian closes the door in his face and begins to walk away. Arthur opens the door.

"The beans are a little, but the meat is very good."

"Don't you have a wife to be with? Go away."

"My love, I do not know what I've done to offend you."

"Your love?! not now, nor ever!"

"Come now."

"My father will kill you if he finds you here and what of Princess Aurora?"

"Your father does not worry me nor does Princess Aurora."

"You won't be saying that when he's running at you with a knife in his hand. I've seen it before."



She shuts the doors again.

"Just five minutes!" shouts Arthur knocking.

"My lord, I don't think your advance are welcome. Princess Aurora is very upset with you," says merlin finally reaching Arthur.

"Go away! And take your chicken with you!" Vivian's muffled shout.

"Don't know what gives that impression."

Arthur shoves the tray at Merlin. Trickler sees them leave.


In King Alined's guest chamber sometime later, Alined pounds the table with his fists.

"Diet?! Every woman in the land is attracted to this boy! I'm almost attracted to him myself," states Alined.

Trickler giggles, but stops when he sees Alined's expression.

"Oh. Not Lady Vivian, my lord. Princess Aurora is very crossed with her husband," commented Trickler.

"We have until the end of tomorrow to scupper these talks. I need war. Do you understand?"

"Oh, oh, yes, I do. I do."

"Peace will make me poor, and you know what happens to poor kings. They can't afford castles, or knights, or jesters."

"Oh, but Master..."

"Enough. There will be time for sniveling when the axe is over your head. Now there is work to be done."

"Yes. Yes."


The next morning I find Arthur sulking in his bed. I had spent half the night with Morgana and Aurora, trying to help Aurora with her heartbreak that her husband caused.

"Go on, Merlin. Say it," stated Arthur.

"What?" I questioned.

"You do not think I should pursue my love."

"Well, seeing as you asked, I think a number of things stand in the way of a happy union between you and Lady Vivian. First the fact that you are already married to Princess Aurora and second Lady Vivian's bloodthirsty father."

"Oh please, princess aurora is far from being a good wife or a future queen. I'm sure my father would agree."

I looked down at the drawing Aurora had her mother do of Aurora and the children. If Aurora finds out what Arthur said she would leave with the children and Arthur would never see them again. I knew for a fact Uther would not be happy if that happened. I heard the quiet foots steps leave from the main doors and knew it was Aurora. Arthur had done more damage to Aurora and he didn't even realize.

"Her complete lack of interest for another."

"Might it be worthwhile returning to your old love? Although, I have my reservation about that as well."

"Like I said Merlin Princess Aurora is not good for the kingdom."

At the time Arthur finds Vivian's hair under his pillow.

"What on earth? You really need to start paying attention to the details."


I sat on the stairs to Merlin's room watching Gaius and Merlin lock of hair Arthur found.

"I knew something wasn't right," Said Merlin.

"Arthur's enchanted," confirm Gaius.

"I should have realized he had magic. No one can make butterflies appear from thin air."

"You mean King Alined's creepy servant?" I asked.

Maybe there was a bit of hope left in my marriage. It didn't help that Arthur said those thing's about me this morning or the fact he was trying to woo the rude Lady Vivian. I was trying my hardest to stay strong for the peace talks and for my children, but if this continued I would have to make the choice of taking my children and leaving Arthur.


"Why would he want Arthur to fall out of love with Aurora and then fall in love of Vivian?"

"An advance by Arthur would be a sure fire way to ruin the peace conference. It's no secret Aurora is a former low class person turned Princess. Maybe Alined wants war," commented Gaius.

"But Camelot can't handle a two front war. Ibelle would never join King Olaf in war. If this doesn't get fixed I know I will speak against war with Camelot," I said.

"Without creating it himself."

"It's the sort of cowardly behavior you would expect from him. Cowardly, but clever."

"We need to find a way of turning Arthur back to normal."

"Before it's too late. He might lose more than what he thinks."

I got up and headed back to my chambers next door to Arthur's. I stopped outside Arthur's door, formerly our door. It hurt to knowing that even if I left Arthur, I would always love him. Our children would tie us together and I knew that I would never stop loving him.

I quickly changed into my night gown and climbed into my bed. How would I tell my children that me and their father were never going to be together? How would I handle their broken little hearts? These were the thought on my mind as a feel a sleep.


Trickler takes a scissors to Arthur's hair. Arthur turns in his Sleep, cradling Trickler's arm.

"Mmm. Lady Vivian, my love," mumbles Arthur.

Trickler mouths "my love, Vivian" and rolls his eyes while extracting his arm. Trickler places lock of Arthur's under Vivian's pillow and pours a drop of potion into her eye.


I got up to find Merlin a sleep on a pile of books. After Aurora had left he began to pour over the books.

"Breakfast," I said.

"There are over 636 love spells in these books, and over 150 of them involve a lock of hair," he stated.

"Is there no way we can narrow them down a bit?" I questioned.

"I have. Look. If I choose this one and it's wrong, Arthur will end up as a toad. And if this one's wrong, Vivian will lose all her hair," he explained.

"Olaf might not declare war for that, but she certainly would. Those Cassie might want to keep her father as a pet. That would not do."


I had gone in after Arthur had left to grab some of my gowns. I was going to avoid my husband when I could, which was most of the time, seeing as Morgana insisted on taking my place where she could. Merlin was tidying up when there was a knock on the door.

The next thing I knew Lady Vivian was talking.

"I wish to see Arthur. Your master. My lord," she said.

Oh this just keeps getting better and better.

"Your what?" he replies.

"My heart's delight."

"Oh no," moaned Merlin.

"Where is he?"

"He's not here, which is a very good thing, I believe!"

"Then I shall wait."

I decided to step in.

"I don't think that's a good idea," I said making my present known.

"You…you're not even dressed," stated Merlin.

"My love does not care what I wear, only that I am near. Now fetch him.

"I cannot," states merlin.

"You will."


"As he commands you, I command you!"

"I am asking you to leave."

"You are not fit to being a princess."

I looked at Merlin and headed for the servant door.

"I want my love. I need my love. I want to see him now."

I looked to see Lady Vivian climb onto Arthur's bed, smells his pillow, and buries her face in the sheet. I scrunch up my nose and leave to go see if I can be of any use to anyone.


Meanwhile in the council chambers of doom, the peace conference was in full swing.

"Moving on to our final point for discussion…" said Uther.

Trickler whispers to a servant by the door, who goes to Olaf.

"The boundaries of the eastern territories."

"This is a point that I am willing to concede," states Olaf.

"Well, that is very good news."

"Excuse me, sire," whispers the servant.

"One moment," Olaf said to Uther.

"I heard you daughter is…"

"WHAT!" Shouts Olaf.


I watch as Lady Vivian arranges herself on Arthur's bed.

"Where is he?!" Comes King Olaf's distant shouts.

"What's that?" I questioned.

I peek out into the corridor and see Arthur coming.

"Oh, no!"

I looked the other way and see Olaf coming.

"Oh, no!"

I duck back inside and run to Vivian.

"Ok, you need to go!" I plead with the enchanted woman.

"You cannot keep us apart. It's written in the stars. Vivian and Arthur. A love for all time. A love stronger than time. A love..." she said.

"Stop! Swefe nu!"

I knocked Vivian out. Arthurs enters just as Merlin closes the wardrobe.

"Why are you hanging around with a bad smell? It's me who needs to bathe. I'm not going to win my love stinking like an old kipper," he said.

"No, my lord," I replied.

"Where is he?! I know she's in here, Arthur! Hand her over! Or feel my wrath!" Shouted King Olaf.

"What's he talking about?" questions Arthur.

"She wasn't even dressed," stated Trickler.

"If I have dishonored you in some way, then, by all means, provide me with proof and I'll face the consequences."

"Trickler here has told me that the Lady Vivian is in your chambers."

"If only that were true."

Olaf grabs the front of Arthur's shirt with both hands.

"If only that were true you would not look so foolish."

Olaf lets him go.

"Search the room! You better hope I don't find her."

"Behæpse fæst."

The wardrobe locks with magic. Trickler goes to it and tries to open it.

"That hasn't opened in years," I told him.

Olaf grabs Trickler.

"You buffoon! You made an idiot out of me!"

Too bad Aurora wasn't here to see it. Olaf shoves Trickler who scurries out of the room. Olaf turns to Arthur.

"I am, er, so terribly sorry, Arthur, to have disturbed you. I...I do hope that you will forgive me."

Arthur waves at the apology.

"Check on the Lady Vivian! And remain outside her room!" orders Olaf.

Olaf and the guards exit.

"If only the Lady Vivian were in my room. How delightful that would be. Eh, Merlin? Merlin? Merlin?"


I had decided to ride out to see my parents and children again. Mainly to talk with my mother about how she would deal with the problem. We walked through the grove.

"It's hard to tell what I would do. I would probably smack your father up side the head if he was flirting with another woman. Those if I was Lady Vivian's mother I would knock that child off the hill her father put her on. King Olaf is part of the problem as well as Arthur and King Alined," She said.

"I thinking of leaving Arthur," I said.

"Your what?"

"I know he's enchanted and all, but what if he think I'm not fit to be a princess. He could be speaking the truth mother."

"You two need to talk after he's back to normal. You are fit to be a princess and you have learned much since being found again. You two need to sit down and talk."

"I've never complained that Arthur's never as romantic, but…"

"You wish he did these thing's for you every once while. It normal to feel jealous, maybe you two need time for yourself without your little ones. Take another trip to the cottage without the children or maybe plan a dinner for two."

I smiled at mother's idea.

"Thank you mother. Tell the children I'm sorry I couldn't stay and play with them, I promise me and their father will make it up to them."

I mounted my horse and rode as fast as I could back to Camelot to plan a dinner for two. I wrote a note and slipped it under Arthur's door.


Arthur opens Aurora's note in his chamber's.

"A second chance. Sunset. I'll await your presence."

Next door Aurora prepares for Arthur's visit; dressing in one of his favorite dresses and her hair flowing freely down her back.


Arthur walks down the Red Ribbon Corridor with a rose, sees guards, hides the rose, and looks for another way to sneak into Vivian's chambers. Ends up scaling the wall in the Square and falling in through the window with the mangled red rose in his mouth.

"At last," sighs Arthur.


I search the palace. I poke my head in Arthur chambers.

"Arthur? Arthur!" I called out.


Next door Aurora sits at her dining table wait for Arthur.


The kings and court wait for Arthur at the treaty signing in the Hall of Ceremonies.

"I cannot find Arthur," says a knight to Uther.

"Is there a problem Uther?" asked King Alined.

"No, not at all. Arthur's just running a little late, that's all," replies Uther.

"As is the Lady Vivian."


Arthur sits next to Vivian as she wakes.

"My love!" she exclaims.

"Always. Forever," replies Arthur.

They launch at each other, kissing furiously. Merlin runs in.

"Abuge áglǽccræft."

Nothing happens

"Abuge áglǽccræft."

Nothing happens again.

"Abuge áglǽccræft."

Still nothing happens. Olaf storns in followed by Alined, Uther, and Trickler.

"I knew it!" shouts Olaf.

"I don't believe it," states merlin.

"Father! We've got something to tell you," states Vivian happily.

"Arthur!" shouts Uther now knowing why Aurora has been absence.

Olaf throws his glove at the foot of the bed.

"Father!" whines Vivian.

"You once said that if you ever truly offended my honor, then you would happily pay the price. What say you now, Prince Arthur?" comments Olaf.

"How have I offended your honor? Surely not with my love alone?!" questions Arthur.

"Love?! You don't know the first thing about love! You're taking advantage of an innocent girl! What of your wife?!"

"Father," pleads Vivian.

"Arthur! Think of Aurora and the children!" shouts Uther.

"I assure you, my feelings for your daughter are as real as they are strong. I've never loved Aurora nor her children."

Merlin and Uther shared looks shock as they listening to Arthur.

"Unhand her, or suffer the consequences. Is this really worth risking your life for?"

"Arthur?" questions Vivian.

"Indeed, it is. I would rather die than deny my feelings. I love your daughter with all my heart," replies Arthur.

Arthur kisses Vivian and picks up the glove.


Aurora sadly blows out the candle, and goes to her changing screen to get ready for bed. That night she cries herself to sleep.


I woke to Morgana and Gwen waking me. They told me Arthur was found with Lady Vivian last night and that he was to fight Olaf.

"I'm so sorry Aurora," said Morgana.

"It's not your fault it's Arthur's. I'll be packing to leave for my parents estate," I replied. "Arthur had my heart and his crushed it."

"I'll let Uther know, but I suspect he won't blame you."

I nodded in understanding and thanks. I started to pack my stuff as they left to watch Arthur fight.


"It's no good. I've spoken to Olaf; he will not rescind the challenge. He says his honor has been tainted. He demands recompense," said Uther to Arthur.

"You didn't have to do that, Father," replies Arthur.

"The fight is to the death. What did you think you were doing?"

"You cannot help who you fall in love with."

"You do realize that your actions threaten the peace talks, and that it may yet bring war to Camelot?"

"I am happy to fight for what I believe in."

Uther turns to Merlin.

"What's happened to him?"

"Lady Vivian. Nothing more. And yet, who could wish for more?"

Uther throws up his hands and leaves.


I paced in Gaius chambers. Morgana told me that Aurora was planning to move out to her parents house. She knew Arthur was enchanted but after the thing he said, she avoided him until last night when she attempted to give him a second chance from what they saw of her dinning table.

"I don't understand it. Trickler's magic is strong, but surely it can't be stronger than mine?" I questioned.

That's when Aurora's mother entered. She had been sent for last night by Uther after Arthur had been found with Vivian.

"These love potions are strange thing's," said Gaius.

"Love is magic on it's own. You can play with it, like Alined has, but you can't control love," said Elizabeth.

"We need to go to Uther," stated.

"No," said before Elizabeth and Gaius.

"It's a fight to the death!"

"If Uther realizes that one of the kings is using magic, there will certainly be a war. The only way out of this situation is to unenchant Arthur. And unenchant him fast."


I pass Arthur and Merlin in the corridor returning from seeing my father in law. Uther was being very kind with me.

"Ah, Aurora! Will you wish me luck?" asked Arthur.

"Will I?" I replied coldly.

"Haven't you heard?"

"Oh, yes. I've heard. Though sadly after nearly three of marriage and three children. I wish you could've been more honest with me, Arthur," I stated coldly before marching past him.

"What is she talking about?" I heard him asked Merlin.

"I wonder," replied Merlin.


"King Olaf has demanded recompense. And by the ancient laws of Camelot, the matter will be settled by a tourney with three stages. The weapons chosen are quarterstaff, mace, and sword. The fight will be by the Knights' Rules, and to the death. Are we all clear?" states Uther.

Arthur starts out doing well, but stops to gaze at Vivian. Olaf takes Arthur out at the knees, and later breaks Arthur's quarterstaff, catching Arthur in the ribs.


I glanced out the window at the arena. The window I watched so much from over the years. The same window Arthur showed our first born the kingdom she would one day help rule with her brothers.

I had told Uther that once I was sure that Arthur wasn't going to come to his senses I would take the children and raise them In Ibelle. I told him I would be open to a deal for the children to visit or for Arthur to come visit, but I would need time to heal. I would not deny my children their father nor Arthur of children that is if he lived. I also made the promise that Ibelle wouldn't not declare war on Camelot.

I grabbed the rest of my thing's from Arthur's chamber and went to finish my packing.


I had gone to the dragon for help.

"This magic indeed," said Kilgharrah.

"Everything I have tried has failed," I told him.

"From what you tell me, the spell has captured his heart."

"And his heart is controlling his brain."

"There is no magic that can break this enchantment."

"There must be."

"It has too great a hold."

"I cannot let Arthur die."

"Patience, young warlock. The solution lies in a force greater than you or I can understand a force that has puzzled many minds..."

"Please, I have very little time."

"...a force..."

"Just tell me!"

Kilgharrah laughs some more.

"Why, it is the greatest force of all: love."


"You must find the person Arthur truly loves."

"And then what?"

"One kiss from her will break the enchantment, and he will desire Vivian no more."

I sigh, nod, and leave to find Aurora before she left Camelot.


Arthur prepares for the next bout.

"Are you sure you can carry on, Sire?" questions Gaius.

"As long as I have Vivian to gaze at, I can conquer the world. Besides, the mace is my forte. You'll see," replies Arthur.


I burst into Aurora's chambers without knocking while she stares out the window.

"Rats again, Merlin?" asked Aurora.

"What? No. No, erm...I, I need your help. Arthur needs your help," I reply.

"I do not think that Arthur needs me. He has Vivian now."

"Rora, don't worry. I know."

"You don't know Merlin."

"Everything. Anyone who spends five minutes with you can see how you feel about each other. Look, I do not have a lot of time to explain, so you are gonna have to trust me. Arthur does love you."

"No he doesn't and never did."

"If you don't trust me, trust your feelings."

"I'm never trusting my feelings again. I did and look what happened. I have three children with a man that lied to me."

"He's enchanted!"

"I know, with the Lady Vivian! I can see that clearly!"

"No, I mean literally enchanted with magic, potions, love juice! None of his feelings are genuine! Aurora you were in Gaius's chamber when we realized this!"

"I know, but love is a different type of Magic! And he's lost to her! Even if I could break the spell he'll never climb through my window or doing half the stuff he did for her!"

"Rora, none of his feelings for Vivian are real. But if you do not break the spell, his death will be. Search your heart. You know who he loves."


I went down to the arena I watched Olaf pummel Arthur. He was about to finish Arthur with he mace when the gong is rung. I stride purposefully toward Arthur's tent, pausing to take a deep breath before passing Gaius on my way inside.

"Ah! Have you finally come to wish me good luck? 'Cause I really don't think I need it anymore," said Arthur.

"No, Arthur. I have not come to wish you luck," I replied.

"Well, honestly, that's rather rude."

"Then let me make amends."

I pin Arthur up against the tent pole and kiss him. He looks confused for a moment before closing his eyes and kissing me back. Our arms find their way around each other as Arthur dips me. We pull apart and Arthur cringes at his newly discovered injuries.

"What am I doing?" he asked.

"You're in a fight. To the death. You're losing," I whisper.


"There's no time to explain. Just…live for me and the children, Arthur. That's all I ask right now."


I approach the arena with Merlin. I see Aurora climb into the stands.

"Merlin, if anything should happen to me, look after Aurora and the children. The world may think she is just a humble princess with no idea of what she's doing…but she means more to me than anything," I told him.

Merlin smiles and hands me my helmet. Me and Olaf fight. I cringe in pain, but catch sight of Rora and pushes past the pain. Olaf knocks me to the ground, but I flip Olaf, disarming him. I stand above him, poised to strike, and then lower his sword.

"This is no way to achieve peace!" I state to the people.

I offer Olaf a hand to help him up. The crowd cheers. I nod to Aurora. Aurora smiles.


I walked into my chambers to finish my packing and to get ready to leave for the estate to find a note and a red rose on my table. I begin to read the note.

"I thought I'd better deliver it myself this time. I'm sorry...for...what I put you through," comes Arthur's voice.

I turned around to find him standing in the shadows.

"No. You have nothing to apologize for. I, too, have caused my fair share of hurt," I replied.

"You must believe that my feelings for…Vivian…were not real. I have never loved another like I do you."

"I know, but…It doesn't make me forget that you wooed her or the thing's you said Arthur."


"I'll always love you, but right now I space to think, to heal. I made my mind up and I'm going to be with my family."

I grabbed my bags and headed out.


Uther walks down the corridor with Olaf.

"Your boy has a very wise head on his shoulders," said Olaf.

"Yeah," replies Uther.

"I doubt he gets that from you. I saw your daughter in law ride out, how is the girl doing with all this?"

"Aurora is spending time with her family and her children. I hope these events will not hamper our peace treaty."

"Oh, I believe that Vivian was as much to blame as Arthur."

Vivian wiping her eyes as she descends the palace steps with another lady.

"I'll take her away from temptation. She's far too young to encounter such things. Yes, I go in peace."

"I'm very pleased to hear that."

Alined tugs on Trickler manacle chains in the square.

"This more than you deserve, boy. You will run all the way home," said Alined.

"That's not possible, Master," cried Trickler.

"Make it possible."

"Why so cross Alined?" asked Uther.

"Anyone would think you didn't want peace!" said Arthur.

"But of course I do. Peace? Love it."

"Well, you may return any time to view the treaty."

"You're very kind."

Alined nudges his horse to walk, dragging Trickler behind him. Teary eyed Vivian walks by escorted by her father.

"We may return, too?" asked Vivian.

"You're always welcome," replied Uther.

"My heart will remain, and I hope to join it soon."

Arthur gives an uncomfortable nod and wave before turning to walk inside with Merlin.

"Not too soon."

"No. Might conflict with your one true love."

"Yes, now to work on getting my wife back and kids back."

As they walked back into the castle.