Ok so big TW warnings here. Eating disorders, Drugs and Alcohol. (So don't keep reading if you are triggered by any of this. Also, warn me if this ff has to be turned M rated or something c: )

Briar can immediately feel the rush hit her, her heartbeat accelerating at an incredible rate. Everything feels fuzzy, but the good kind that Briar likes. The kind that gives her this amazing sensation that nothing matters, that calories or looking good or school don't matter anymore. It is amazing how a tiny blue pill can make people feel so careless, so free.

Briar continues to dance to the beat of the catchy party song playing in the background, her hips swaying with the rhythm of the music. If her mother knew she was here, in an underground club at a party where she knew no one, she would be grounded for her whole life. Luckily, Apple's parents were hosting a feast and Briar quickly lied, saying that she was sick so they could let her stay "home". She loved her best friend Apple, but she was not going to miss this party. It was her only free weekend for a while, and she was not going to waste it in a boring feast. The Apple's had feasts like in every special occasion, and for Briar it was a little bit worrying. Those people were too in love with feasts; Briar could swear they even invented special occasions for an excuse to host one. Who celebrated "National Day of Magic Jellybeans.", anyway?

Briar kept dancing with a random stranger, sweat rolling off her body. For one night she could forget about everything. If she was going to sleep for a very long time she might live everything she can while still awake. "You are so beautiful." The stranger whispered in her neck, sending shivers down Briar's spine. She closed her eyes as the stranger proceeded to kiss her neck slowly.

"If you leave a mark, I will kill you." Briar said jokingly, and the stranger laughed.

"How am I going to show the other boys here that you are my girl?"

"Well, you aren't." Briar moved her neck, leaving the stranger hanging. She smiled sweetly, and walked away. She couldn't stand assholes that thought they owned girls.

The night went on like this until three of the morning; Briar kept flirting and dancing with strangers, blurs in the night covered with sweat and alcohol. She made out with a few guys and would leave them hanging when they wanted to get more intimate. She wasn't ready for that yet.

Briar took a taxi cab back home, giving the driver an overly generous payment. She quickly climbed out of the car, only to find the door of her house locked. God, these things only happen to me. Briar thought, groaning at her situation. Where was luck when she needed it? She had to find a solution quick or her parents were going to behead her. She quickly decided to crash one of her friend's room for the night, under the pretext that she wanted to have a sleepover or some lame excuse. Most of them were at the White's feast, so Briar had to find a friend that wasn't a royal. She could pick Blondie, but the girl wasn't really reliable. Blondie was her friend and anything, but could she be one hundred percent certain this situation wasn't going to appear on the next MirrorCast? No. She then decided Cupid, who she started getting closer with after the awesome True Hearts Day party they planned. She took her phone out and dialed the number.

"Hello?" A groggy voice at the end of the other line asked, and Briar realized she probably woke Cupid up. Oh well.

"Hi Cupid, it's Briar. I wouldn't wake you up if this wasn't very important."

"Briar, it's three in the morning, it better be worth it." An annoyed voice at the other end of the line said.

"Ok, sorry for waking you up but I need to crash into your house for the night please."

"Wait, why?"

"Can I come over or not?" Briar asked, getting a bit impatient.

"Ok, sure but Eros is asleep, so you kind of have to climb through the window. I'll text you the direction." Cupid said, a bit confused at Briar's antics. "You better explain this."

"'Kay, I'll be there in five." Briar said before hastily hanging up.

"Ok, you have lots to explain Briar."

"Hello to you too, Cupid."

"Don't avoid the explanation. You show up at my house at three in the morning looking and smelling like trash and you expect me to be all chill." Cupid was worried about her friend's state, she looked like a mess. Her dress was to short, her tights were ripped and she smelt like stale alcohol.

"Hey, calm down I was just at a harmless party. Nothing to fret about. I left my keys inside the house and got locked outside."

A few moments of silence passed between the girls, Cupid at a loss of words. She knew Briar loved parties, but she had never seen her like this. But, she also knew that Briar was a strong girl that could handle herself. And if she said that everything was okay, Cupid believed her.

"Where can I put my stuff?" Briar asked, breaking Cupid's thoughts.

"There." Cupid quietly said, pointing to a corner in her open closet. Briar took off her tights and set the down with her shoes and glasses. "I can lend you some pajama pants if you want." Cupid added.

"No, it's okay." Briar smiled. "I wouldn't fit in your clothing anyways." She mumbled. Cupid heard her, but acted as if she didn't. Briar probably meant to say that to herself.

"You can sleep in my bed; there is enough space for both of us." Cupid patted down a spot next to her, and after tying her hair into a bun, Briar joined her.

When the brunette girl got closer, Cupid could really smell the alcohol in the air. She had never tasted alcohol before, and she was slightly curious to know the appeal. Her first big scale party had been the True Hearts Day one, and she wanted to really see why her classmates loved parties so much. Cupid turned around and saw that Briar was already asleep, so she turned off the lights.

The next morning, Cupid woke up and found the bed empty. A note was resting in the spot her friend was occupying last night. What a cliché. Cupid thought as she started down at the note.

|thanks cupid! im sorry i couldn't stay for breakfast or something, but i had to dash. anyway im not fun when hungover so you saved yourself from my terrible headaches.|

Cupid chuckled slightly at the last part before throwing the note away, she didn't want her father to find it or something. She slightly panicked when she hear a knock on the door, she hadn't clean her alcohol smelling sheets yet.

"Dad, I'll be down in a few minutes I'm getting changed!" Cupid lied, quickly hauling the sheets out of bed and into the bathroom.

A few roads away, Briar was nursing the most horrible hangover. She had the ability to disguise a hangover from her parents, but not to cure it. Her head was pounding, and her mouth tasted like a concoction of the things she consumed last night.

Briar, pull yourself together. The brunette girl looked at her reflection, and was surprised at how horrible she looked. Her hair was all frizzy, her breath smelled horrible and her mascara was all smeared on her face. What would people say if they saw her like this, the daughter of the sleeping beauty? Would they still think she is a fit ruler? That thought scared Briar. Not the people judging her, those meant nothing to her. But the ruling a kingdom one day. Was she going to be a good ruler?

After thirty minutes of hair brushing, teeth washing and a good shower, Briar was ready to go down and eat breakfast with her family. She changed herself to a simple but pretty loose dress. Today she was going to go back to school, and she had to look nice.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" Her mother asked as soon as she saw her.

"I'm feeling a bit better." Briar pulled on her best fake smile. "My head is still hurting." At least that's true.

"Sweetheart, do you want me to call your school and let them know that you are sick?"

"Mom, like I said I'm feeling better."

"Okay sweetie, I'll tell Charlie to bring you your breakfast."

As soon as the plates arrived, Briar stared down at her breakfast. Two strips of bacon (84), a serving of scrambled eggs (199) and a glass of orange juice (112). It was too much for the 150 calories Briar had planned to consume at breakfast.

Briar ate slowly, so her mother wouldn't suspect anything. Each bite was smaller and smaller, and slowly she finished half of her eggs. (59) She took one sip of her orange juice (19) and took only one bacon. (42).

Briar was very satisfied when she ate only 120 calories. Her mother hadn't suspected a thing, so everything was good. She cut the remaining bacon into small pieces and scattered them around the plate, making it look like she ate more than she actually did. It was a technique she had learned when she was little. Only then it was to actually get away with leaving peas and other icky stuff, and today she was using it to hide her diet.

"Miss Briar, your carriage is here." The Beauty's family butler announced. Briar had almost forgotten that today she was returning to school after a free weekend. She was kind of glad to be out of home, at school no one could tell her what to eat or how much to eat.

Briar almost felt free in Ever After High, free to diet, free to party every time she escaped school and free to take her own decisions.

Ever After High felt more like home than ever.

Ok sooooo the first chapter is here. It is very short and rushed but It is kinda the prologue! So we get a pinch of what Briar's life is currently like. (Poor bby she is going to go through a lot!) I plan to update as soon as I can, but I need to know if you guys are liking the story. I hope you are because I put a lot of research and thought into this. Also, I am not in favor of any EDs or anything, and people who might we triggered do not keep on reading. Also I don't own Lorde's song Royals, Ever After High or any other thing that is mentioned/going to be mentioned in the story.