(FYI: This is set right after everyone in Arendelle figures out that Elsa has powers. This is an alternate storyline as to what would happen if Jack Frost had found Elsa in her ice palace instead of Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, and Sven. Enjoy! )

So here's the thing.

If you are flying over the kingdom of Arendelle on a lazy, snowy, Sunday afternoon, and you suddenly spot a ginormous castle made out of pure ice, would you just fly right by it?

Let me answer this one for you: I don't think so.

And that's exactly what I did. I mean, no one just builds a castle made of ice; it would melt.

But that's the reason I was suspicious. That ice had definitely been standing there for a long time; longer than that castle should have still been upright. Now, if you were Jack Frost, and you knew snow and ice like the back of your hand, I think you'd be pretty skeptical. You'd believe that the reason that castle was still standing was because of a snow day that had been going on way too long.

But little did I know that I was right.

The wind whipped through my hair as I soared toward the icy palace. I wondered what was inside. I had a pretty wide range of possibilities as to what could be inside, if there was anything inside at all, but by all means, if there was a whole colony of snowmen living there, I was 100% done with this Guardian crap.

I seriously doubted the snowman possibility, but as I glided over to the balcony, I wasn't so sure. It wasn't just the exterior of the castle; everything was ice. The doors, the railing of the balcony, even the door hinges and knobs-all frozen. If humans had really built this, they were getting better at paying attention to details. Then again, what human would bother to make something like this? Why would they keep it so isolated, up by the mountains where no one would even bother to go looking for it? Truthfully, I didn't know. I didn't think I would ever know.

But I sure was curious.

The doors to the balcony were carelessly left open. My first instinct was to think, 'You're letting the cold inside!' But I mentally slapped myself for being so stupid. My head almost hit the doorframe when I flew inside, but I missed it by half an inch.

I let out a collective gasp. Even the inside of the castle was ice. I wondered how anyone could live here-much less go up and down the ginormous staircases every day-without falling. I had trouble just walking around the foyer.

"Hello?" I called out, my staff resting on my right shoulder. "Anyone home?"

I heard a crash and a bang as a figure rushed out onto the balcony of the second floor, peering down at my tall figure on the first floor. I pretty much had an open mind as to what could be living here when I walked in, but the person above me was not what I was expecting.

Yeah, hot-scratch that-absolutely gorgeous girls were not on my mentally established list. I could feel a blush creeping up into my porcelain cheeks as we stared at each other in wonder.

The girl had a snow-white braid spiraling down her left shoulder, with tiny snowflakes encased between each stitch. She had deep blue eyes, with scarlet lips that held the whisper of a smile; like she hadn't laughed in a long time. Her gown was positively stunning on her figure, and was a huge factor as to why I was actually flushing.

The girl seemed to examine me with the same confusion. Finally, she spoke up. "Who are you? What are you doing here? How did you find this place?"

I cleared my throat, snapping out of my daze. "Woah, hold up there Sunshine, one question at a time."

Her fists clenched the railing. "Don't call me Sunshine."

Please, I thought. Please don't let this girl be a brat.

The pretty girl took a deep breath. "Who are you?" she demanded, her voice wavering.

"You sure you want to know? Ask a different question."

"Who are you?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

She clenched her fists even tighter, then sighed, obviously annoyed. "Who. Are. You."

Now it was my turn to take a deep breath. "Jack Frost."

She smirked. "Jack Frost." Doubt laced in between her words.


"You're kidding, right?"

I cocked my head. "Sorry?"

An exasperated and sarcastic smile left her lips. She raised her arms in frustration. "First I slip and cut my arm on a piece of my own ice. Then this idiot here decides to storm into my castle and utterly mock me, saying that he's Jack Frost. How cute." She snarled.

I blinked. "But it's true."

"Yeah, right."

The realization of what she had said dawned over me in a flash. "Hang on-did you say that this was your castle? And your ice? Did you-make this?"

She crossed her arms. "Yeah, so?"

My eyes widened. "Wow. Impressive."

She squinted her blue eyes. "I thought you'd know that I'd have powers by now. I mean, it's probably all the gossip in Arendelle right now."

"Oh," I said. "I'm not from Arendelle."

"You're not?" The gorgeous girl cocked her head. A stray strand of hair misplaced itself next to her cheek.

"No. Are you?"

She looked taken aback. "You really aren't from here, are you?"

I coughed. "What, are you, like, crazy popular or something?"

"I'm the, um—" she sniffed and gripped the rail again. "I'm the queen."

This girl was the queen? It honestly didn't surprise me, but I was confused as to why she was all the way up here. I dropped down to my knee. "Milady."

She cringed as if in pain. "No, you don't have to-" Clearing her throat, she ordered, "Stand up. Please."

I hesitantly stood back on my feet. "By the way, did you say that you had powers?"


"What kind of powers?"

"Um…" she said reluctantly. "I think it'd be easier if I just show you."

With that, she unclasped her right hand off of the cold railing and clenched it in a fist. Almost immediately, snowflakes began to flutter down inside the foyer of the palace. It took all my strength not to gasp out loud. This absolutely stunning girl had the same powers as me? Was she a Guardian? And she had constructed this castle herself? I hated to admit it, but not only was she beautiful, she was stronger than me. The queen of Arendelle was more powerful than a Guardian, and she hadn't even been chosen, for all I could gather.

"Now," she said, clapping her hands together. "Let's see you make snow, Jack Frost."

I held out my palm. "Alrighty." I generated a small snowball in my hand, and, without using my arm, threw it in her general direction. It landed in front of her feet on the second floor balcony and crumbled out of its original shape.

Her eyes widened and she looked back at me with amazement. "But-," she stuttered. "How-,"

"I told, you, Gorgeous. I'm Jack Frost."

"Don't call me gorgeous." She said, her expression suddenly stern.

I shuffled my feet. "But-," I start to say, and finally decide on saying it. "But why wouldn't I tell you the truth?"

I could sense her breath hitching in her throat. "Because I just met you and I'm kind of in shock, okay? Now please leave me alone."


She turned away from me and said, "I said leave me alone."

"But I don't even know your name yet, Sunshine!"

"I said LEAVE ME ALONE," she bellowed, her back still facing me. Her transparent cloak shimmered in the light as she took deep breaths. I realized that it had tiny snowflakes scattered all over it. Suddenly, there was a loud thump outside the door as a ginormous lump of snow plopped around the entire castle, sealing us both inside. Both the girl and I turned in surprise, realizing that we were locked inside by our own element.

"Great," she spat, throwing her arms up in exasperation. "Look what you made me do."

"But it's snow," I state. "Can't you just get rid of it?"

She sighed. "I don't know how."

"So let me get this straight," I said. "You can generate all the snow and ice that you want, but you don't know how to get rid of it?"

"Shut up," she spat as she crossed her arms and began to walk back into one of the dark hallways. Her light blue high heels made loud tapping noises on the ice as she paced herself.

"Wait," I called. She hesitated, then stopped. "Since we're obviously going to be here for a while, at least let me know your name."

Without turning, she spoke, "Elsa." The Snow Queen continued walking and finally receded into the icy hallway.

(So did y'all like it? I already have a couple chapters done, but I'll update once a day just to keep you guys on edge. MWAHAHAAHAHHAA. :D) Anna Banana, OUT.