[AN] I don't own Harry Potter or Frozen

Harry Potter and the Amulet of Ice

Author's Note

Greetings all of you who have read, or are reading this, or any, of my stories. I hope you have enjoyed yourself so far because I certainly enjoyed writing it. I thought I should give an update seeing as it's been, what… almost a year since I updated either of my posted stories.

So… I commented in an end-of-chapter note on either this story or the other (I don't recall which and can't be bothered to look it up.) that I had some interesting events coming down the pike in my future. Boy was that an understatement. Of course, the way of such things is to never go how you planned. In fact, it would seem the normal plan of action is to blindside you with something completely unexpected and so far removed from your previous plans its almost funny.

I had planned to possibly move away from my hometown and start a business with a friend of mine. where I would have time to write, or go back to college or what have you, when I wasn't working of course. But instead, one of the coworkers in my current job decided to pull a full-on Benedict Arnold on me, and let's just say that if anything were to go wrong on the underside of 'The Bus', I would be the first to know. I survived the Coup De Etat, due to the fact that truth always triumphs over a lie, but my job description changed rapidly, to something I did not sign up for.

It was near that time that my sister got accepted to grad school several states away, and was planning on moving there with her family. I realized I really had no reason to stay where I was. I'm single. I'm young. I own my vehicle. I have no mortgage, and I'm stuck in a low paying job I suddenly hate. Why not move away for a while? So I did.

Now, six months later, I'm 5 states away, on the ocean. Back in college with a admittedly crappy, low paying, part-time job. But things are relatively stress-free. Besides the fact that my savings is pretty much gone. But things are looking up on that front. We can almost breathe again. I've started reading again, and writing a sentence or two here and there. So my stories are progressing bit by bit. But here is the bad news. I don't forsee this story getting any of my love or attention for quite some time.

Why? You ask?. My 6 year old niece is why. I love her to death, but annoyance doesn't begin to describe it. She loves Frozen. She loves Elsa. Everything in her world revolves around it. And she loves to vocalize it in ear-piercing off-key tones that are somewhere near nails on a chalkboard. I don't begrudge her for liking it, but I am literally physically sick of hearing about it. My mind can't even fathom spending another second thinking about that subject, much less writing about it.

So, it is with great sadness I declare this story to be on Hiatus, until further notice. I wish I could continue, but it's physically impossible at this time.

Good news is that my writing-in-a-circuit idea is coming along. I have several stories in the works concerning several different fandoms and I plan on posting them when I get a little further along. I have one that is coming along nicely which you might look for in the near future.

As always, if you are dissatisfied with my stories I humbly advise you to write your own, pick up where I left off if you want. I have several challenges on my profile if you'd like to attempt. All I ask is if you do use one of my stories or ideas, you credit me for it and send me a pm with a link to it so I can read it too. The same goes for the challenges. If you do one, link it to me. I want to read it. That's why I put them out there. I want to see them done.

Also, if and when I return to this story, I will replace this chapter with the real chapter 8 and go from there.

Happy Reading!
