Disclaimer: I don't own OUAT.


Regina spent ten minutes, just standing on the beach, reminiscing.

"Neverland." She whispered to herself, wondering how much time had passed here since she left.

For her, it felt like decades. Of course, dimension hopping could do that to a person. If it wasn't for her magic protecting her, she would probably had aged a lot more. Thankfully there were no grey hairs yet, but there were new scars, ones even magic couldn't remove.

The air in Neverland was alive with magic. It passed over her skin, tempting her to give in to it. So many things had changed since she left. She was weighted down with her new experiences and wondered if she would be able to fly.

Come, the winds called to her, teasing at her hair and pulling it away from her face.

Regina raised her arms and called to her magic, longing to fly.


Regina attacked the plant with her magic, sending furious fireballs into its heart one after the other. Hook hacked at it with his sword, dancing between the green limbs he severed. They were growing tired.

"Can't let a plant stop us now we've got this far, love." Hook called, having seen the look on her face as he spun to slice something behind him.

He knew how much she hated it when he called her love or anything other than her real name. They were on a serious quest and he seemed to think that made them friends. Or perhaps he just knew making her angry would help increase the power of her spells. She took a moment to compose herself, gathering together the largest fireball she had conjured so far. It was stupid and dangerous. The backlash, if it worked, might hit her. Or, if she missed, Hook could be injured.

Regina just wanted it to be over so they could rest in safety for the night. She took aim and released it.

An hour later and Hook was still laughing at her appearance. She wandered off in a huff, after reminding him that she had expended her magical energy healing him first. It would be a couple of hours before she could attempt anything for herself, so she returned to the stream near their campsite, hoping some water would help.

She felt the build-up of magic and turned in the middle of cleaning up, just in time to see the portal open. Her heart stopped as she saw Emma step through, immediately worrying that something had happened to Henry. She rushed over to her, panicked words tumbling from her lips.

Emma held up her hands to calm her. "Henry's fine. It's okay."

"Then why are you here? Who sent you through the portal?"

"I came to find you and Hook. I wanted to help."

"What?" Regina looked at her as though she had grown another head. "No, you're supposed to be with Henry. You're supposed to be looking after him. He needs a mother."

"He doesn't need me." Emma told her. "He has Neal."

Regina studied the look on her face. Was this some trick? Was this the real Emma? The stubborn look in her eyes was familiar, but the twitch in her bottom lip hinted that the words were hiding something.

"Sit down." Regina waved her hand and two chairs appeared.



Folding her arms, Emma chose a chair and flopped ungracefully into it. "Now what?"

"You are going to tell me why you are acting like a child."

"How dare you…!"

"I hadn't finished." Regina told her. "I spent enough time in Neverland and around Henry to know when someone is being childish, so you will listen to me. I don't care who said what to whom, or who started the fight, or any of it. I just want to understand why you would abandon Henry again, after swearing to me that you would take care of him."

"Can I speak now?"

Regina nodded.

"Good." Tears formed in Emma's eyes as she tried to get the words out.

Regina felt a little bad for the way she had spoken, but she was angry, upset and confused. She knew Emma loved Henry. What had happened?

"Start at the beginning." She eventually suggested when Emma still hadn't spoken.


When she had returned to Storybrooke, Regina was still slightly under the effects of her second childhood in Neverland. She was relaxed, cheerful and happy, so much so that Mary Margaret couldn't believe her eyes. Emma tried to explain how she had found Regina, but the effects of Neverland meant she was soon loosing her memories of the place. Regina asked for three days before she left. It would be enough time to consult with Belle on possible enemies and allow Emma to finish persuading Hook to help them. In the end, it was Neal who swayed the pirate captain. That and seeing the new Regina.

Henry seemed to want to spend time with her now, knowing she wouldn't be staying for long. He loved the new Regina. She wanted to play and let him do whatever he wanted. Emma ended up having to supervise them after the first evening when she came home and found them scoffing down tubs of ice cream, syrups and sprinkles scattered over the kitchen counters where they had tried pouring them directly into the tubs.

Regina's memories were still a little affected; she couldn't remember exactly what she had done to Mary Margaret to make her hate her so much. When it came time to say goodbye she compared it to the farewell with the Lost Boys. She wasn't sure why, but she didn't feel as sad at leaving. Partly because she was looking forward to the adventures ahead, and partly because she didn't feel as loved by these people.

She stood on Hooks ship, watching and waving as the town shrank on the horizon then turned away and relaxed. Eying up the main mast she wondered how much fun it would be to climb to the top. Of course, she wanted a turn at the wheel, and it would be interesting to know how the sails were operated. Emma said she had been on the ship before. She had snatches from memories of that, just a few seconds of images here and there, but nothing with her actually helping to crew the ship.

"I'm still the captain, remember." Hook called, when he caught her looking at the wheel in his hands.

"What about when you need to rest? Surely you'll want me to steer then?"

"We'll either weigh anchor or I'll tie the wheel into position. You'll have to do the rest of the work."

"I suppose you're going to choose where we head first?"

"It's my ship."

Regina grinned and waved her hand. The sails unfurled and caught the wind, tugging at the ship. Hook gripped the wheel tighter.

"I can see we're going to have some fun, your majesty."

"I learnt from the best in Neverland."

Hooks reply was lost as the wind picked up, carrying his words in the other direction.