The king's name day tournament had gone well. Sandor had won the joust, this time by actually unhorsing his last opponent rather than being yielded to. The purse was enough to last a while, if he didn't piss it all on ale and redheaded wenches. The little bird had sat beside her king and clapped enthusiastically for each of his wins. The king himself gave him the night off as a reward. So now he sat just below the royal dais, a place of honor for the winners.

Sandor emptied his mug and gestured for more. Just as no expense was spared for the purse, the feast was equally lavish. Venison, boar, pheasant, fruit from across the sea, and the sweet lemon cakes Sansa favored so much. Normally he couldn't stand the sticky sweetness, but it paired well with the expensive wine chosen for the winners.

He reached for the last at his table at the same time as another man. Sandor turned his burns towards the other and growled. Whether it was his fierce reputation or fear of his look, Sandor won the last cake. Before he took a bite, however, a feminine cry and his king's laugh drew his attention.

Up on the dais, the little bird was staring just below, her face stricken. On the floor before the dais was a lemon cake, smashed and crumbling. No more were seen on the royal table. King Joffery sat back comfortably in his chair laughing. Apparently the royal twit had knocked her last cake to the floor. Sansa's eyes swept the room, a mix of hurt, horror, and pure disappointment causing her pretty blue eyes to redden and water.

When she saw Sandor with what is apparently the last lemon cake in existence, her mouth closed into a tiny pout and her eyes round, seeming to plead with him for it. He drained his mug again, debating with himself. The girl needed to learn disappointment and a lemon cake is not the same as a beating. Losing a sweet was not the same as losing one's dignity or life. On the other hand, she had a pretty smile when she got her way.

His mind made up, Sandor looked up the dais to Sansa, met her eyes…

And swallowed the cake whole. That'll stop her chirping for at least a day.