Dean fell into his routine again. He felt strangely at peace ever since Gabriel came to him that night. So yeah, now he had to live with the knowledge that there were angels around, and gods, and Satan, but he couldn't really bring himself to care. Everything was good so far. He just hoped Gabe was okay.

Another month passed, then two, then three. It was mid-February now and Jess was getting frantic. The wedding was getting closer and closer, and she had to take care of a lot of things, apparently. Obviously, she had already taken care of the church, the rings, and all those things you had to book or buy years in advance it seemed, Dean really wasn't interested in the details. So now she had to take care of another bunch of important stuff like flowers, and table arrangements, and wedding dresses, and a whole bunch of things Dean still wasn't interested in. She was just going crazy with everything, so Dean kind of avoided Sam's place these days.

He still felt a little something tugging at him, urging him to do something every time he read something weird in papers or saw it on TV, but it was dulled by all the good things he now had in his life. He hadn't heard anything from John, not that he cared much about that now anyway. Jess didn't like his dad. She didn't like him at all. And, well, she had somehow managed to rub on Dean after a while and he started to see that, yeah, maybe he didn't need to follow his dad's steps. Maybe he needed to make a life of his own. Maybe he could stop hunting forever?

His job was really cool, his flat was starting to look like someone was actually living there (it even had movie posters hanging on the walls. How awesome was that?) and, well… There was that one friend of Jess, Sarah, who was really cute and he had an official date now. A proper date, where he'd pay for dinner and maybe a movie and be a gentleman about it and not pressure her because he actually liked that girl and he thought they had a chance at something a little more permanent so he didn't want to fuck this up.

So yeah, everything was great, and really, he wasn't expecting someone to be in his living room, lying limply on his couch when he got home. Surely not.

He grabbed the gun he kept in a drawer near the entrance door and aimed at the person (creature? Thing?) on his couch, his heart beating so fast it felt like it was going to jump out of his throat.

"Holy sh- Gabe?"

"Holy shit, yes, that's what I look like, I know…" Gabe said weakly.

Dean gaped at Gabriel, his gun still pointed at him. His face looked like it had been clawed. His shirt was ripped almost in two his right foot was twisting in a weird angle. There was blood everywhere.

"You know this is not going to do anything to me" He added pointing at the gun when he saw that Dean was too stunned to speak.

"Wh- What the fuck happened to you?"

Gabe smiled faintly, clutching at the head of the couch as he tried to sit properly. But he failed.

"Pagan gods happened to me, that's what. Help me here!"

"Fucking hell… Don't fucking move, Gabriel, look at you! God…"

Dean hurried toward the couch and knelt down. He took Gabe's face in his hands, looking at the gashes there, trying to ascertain the damage. Gabriel tried to sit up again.

"Just… Stop moving, for fucks sake!"

He froze, looking at Dean in a weird, questioning way.

"How could they do this to you?" It looked really bad. "Mister 'I'm an archangel'…" He added, raising an eyebrow at Gabriel.

"I can't use my full powers, I told you. The other angels would find me. The gods got a hold of my blade and… well, here I am."

"Your blade?"

Gabriel sighed, looking annoyed. "Archangel's blade. Every angel has his own, it's made of grace so it's the only thing that can hurt us basically. You won't be able to do anything about this."

Dean let go of his face. "Did you get it back? Your blade?"

"Yeah…" He raised his hand and suddenly he was holding a weird looking sword. "Here."

Dean touched it slowly. "Wow… Okay. Good. That's good."

"Yeah well…" The blade disappeared. "They still had the time to do this to me so… Dean… Can I hide in here for a while?"



Dean stared at him, not knowing what to do. He was happy to see Gabe being alive and all, even if he looked as if he was about to keel over and die any minute, but he didn't want angry gods to find him and ruin his home.

"What about the gods?" He asked.

"I think I had enough of their 'justice' you know so… They'll probably leave me alone. I'm ninety-nine percent sure I won't be invited at parties anymore though…"

"You're sure?" Dean asked, ignoring Gabriel's attempt at a joke.

"Yeah… They just feel betrayed for now but… I've spent a lot of time with them, you know. They're kinda like family. I think I'm safe. And anyway they always need me at some point to clean up their mess; they wouldn't kill me, even if they have an idea of who I am now…"

Dean sat back on his heels. "Okay, so… What do we do?"

"Nothing. I just…" He winced as he tried to lift himself up. "I just need a place to rest. I'll heal, it'll just take a bit of time."

"Okay… Okay."

Gabriel finally managed to sit up properly. He eyed Dean with a tired smile.

"So… Wanna watch something?"

"… So now you're roomies with a run-away archangel, uh?"

"Yep" Dean said into his phone. He still had trouble believing half of it himself, so he wasn't surprised at Sam's doubtful tone on the other end of the line.

He quickly walked up the stairs leading to his apartment door, with one hand full of grocery bags, a phone stuck between his shoulder and head and the other hand digging into his pants pockets because he couldn't find his keys. Okay, this wasn't going to work…

"Wait a minute, Sammy…"

"Uh-uh…" Sammy answered. He heard him typing on his computer. He was probably trying to find some stuff about angels now.

He held the phone between his teeth and finally managed to open the door. He entered, slowly. The curtains were closed. Gabe was lying face down on the couch, sleeping, apparently.

"Sam? Still here?" He whispered as he took the phone to his ear again.

"Yep. Why are you whispering?"

"Gabe's asleep, I…" He almost dropped the bags of grocery and ran to his kitchen table to throw them on it.

He turned to look at Gabe. Still nothing. "Alright, Sammy, I have to go."

"hmkay…" Dean heard some typing again. "I'll see if I can find some stuff about… uh… angels…"

"Thanks, Sammy, you're the best!"

"You owe me, dude. Jess is so mad at me right now, I'm supposed to be working on the sitting arrangements with her!"

"I know, I know! Thanks again!"

He hung up and walked to the couch. Great, now Gabe was drooling on his pillow. Awesome.

It had been two days and all he did was sleep. He could maybe hold on for an hour or two before he had to lie down again. It worried Dean, to be honest. He didn't think angels were supposed to sleep that much. Or if they were supposed to sleep at all.

He sat on the floor, in front of Gabe's face.

"Hey." He tried.

Gabriel didn't move. Dean pocked at his ribs.

"Hey. Wake up, I brought food."

"Hmmmm" Was all he got in return.

"Dude, you haven't eaten since you're here. I don't even know what you eat, or if you're supposed to."

"mhfi mhfon't mhfeat"

Dean rolled his eyes. "I didn't quite catch that…" He deadpanned.

Gabriel finally turned his head to look at him with a sleepy, angry look. "I don't eat. I don't need to. I need to rest."

"I bought pie."

Gabriel laughed. "Okay, one slice. And you let me go back to sleep."

"Fine, come on!" He held his hand out for Gabe to take so he could help him up.

"Can't you bring it here?"

Dean tried to look unhappy for a few seconds but the way Gabriel was looking at him in a mockingly pleading way made him laugh too hard and he finally got up to fetch a couple of slices. When he came back to the couch, Gabriel was half-sitting, half lying on one side. Dean sat next to his head, and put the plates with the slices of pie on the coffee table.

"Can't you sit properly?"

"It hurt my foot if I do."

Dean laughed a little but didn't press on. He turned the TV on and started eating the pie. It was really good. Gabe did too, after he found a comfortable position he could eat in. Dean found an old western movie on one channel and settled back on the couch. He had had a slice of pie, he was sitting comfortably in front of an old movie, everything was fine. A beer would have been awesome but he felt too lazy right now to get up again.

After a while – and really, Dean didn't really know how it happened – he realized Gabriel's head was resting on his lap. He was watching the movie with a little frown on his face. Dean only noticed he was lying there because one of Gabe's hands had landed on Dean's knee a few seconds ago.

"This is not how people dressed in those times. I hope you know that, Dean."

And wow, the way his voice resonated on Dean's thigh, it went straight to the pit of his stomach, just shy of his crotch. The last thing he needed now was to get a boner. That was new. He had never thought of Gabe that way before. Never felt that way actually. He had just thought about kissing him, just to see if Gabe's lips were as soft as they looked. If they tasted like all the candies he was always eating.

Well, now he felt it. He felt it good. Gosh.

He pushed Gabriel away as gently as possible.

"Uh, sorry I… I have to…"

He didn't even tried to finish his sentence and disappeared into the bathroom. He leaned against the door until his dick calmed down a little.

He was so fucked.

A week passed, and Gabe was starting to get better. He could walk again, even if his ankle looked a bit bruised, the gashes on his face were all closed now, he just had three huge scars left. He still had a few bruises on his wrists and on his right side but he wasn't complaining anymore, so that was good too.

So obviously now that everything was going fine again, something horrible had to happen. Something horribly awkward.

Dean was lying on his couch, nestled under a huge blanket Jess had knitted for him (that girl was all kinds of awesome, really). He was reading some newspaper he found on a bench on his way back from work when Gabe got out of the shower. Wearing nothing but a towel around his waist.

"Dean, I don't have any clothes left. I don't feel well enough to angel-clean them. Find me something to wear."

Why was Gabe doing that to him? Was it on purpose? His hair was wet and he had brushed it back. Dean noticed some drops of water falling from his head onto his chest. He followed their path with his eyes, wondering what it would feel like to follow the exact same path with his mouth… He felt his dick growing interested under the blanket.

Dean was trying really hard not to gape at him. "Uh… Sure I… You can go look into my room… I mean, the things that are into my room. My clothes."

Gabriel looked annoyed.

"I don't want to go through your stuff on my own." He said. He sounded embarrassed.

"I don't mind, it's okay."

"Come on, Dean. Can you fetch some pants for me, at least?"

Wow, okay, yes, naked angel in his living room. Without pants.

"I can't."

Dean gave him a questioning look. "Why not?"

Don't look at your crotch, Dean. Don't look at your crotch.

"I just… uh… can't."

He looked at his crotch. Damn. Gabriel's eyed open in surprise. So yeah, Dean was dead.

"I don't know what you're reading, I don't wanna know okay? Goodness…" Gabriel said, suddenly a bit red as he walked toward Dean's bedroom. He closed the door behind him.

"People don't usually do that when they have guests you know!" Dean heard him yell from behind the door.

Horribly awkward.

"Dean, are you touching yourself?" Gabriel yelled from behind the closed bathroom door.

Dean rolled his eyes. It had been two days, couldn't he let go already?

"I wasn't touching myself!" Dean yelled back, feeling his cheeks get hot. "How many times will I have to tell you?"

Gabe got out of the bathroom, all dressed this time. There were almost no traces of scares on his face anymore, just a slight discoloration where they had been.

"I'll never believe you." He said as tried to dry his hair with a little hand towel.

"I told you not to do that here, you putting water everywhere!" Dean said, pointing the knife he was holding at him.

Gabe just smiled slyly at that. "Look at us, we're so domestic. I love it!"

Dean didn't answer and started cutting his potatoes in little cubes again.

Gabriel walked back into the bathroom. "I'll have my full powers back on soon anyway. I won't have to physically wash myself anymore. I can't wait. I don't know how you humans do it all the time. That's so annoying. I'm so glad I don't have a real bladder."

"You don't have to shower every day, you know…"

"But everything's so filthy. I feel filthy already. The only reason I wash myself only once a day is because I know you're actually paying for the water. Don't thank me by the way."

"Thank you for what? Taking advantage of my place and being all whiney about everything?"

"Exactly!" Gabriel said as he got out of the bathroom again and came to look over Dean's shoulder.

He just watched Dean peel and cut potatoes in silence for a minute or two.

"I'll be out of your hair soon, you know." He said after a while, his tone suddenly serious.

Dean kept cutting, thinking about how he could possible give an answer to that. He knew he felt more than he was ready to admit for Gabe, so it was delicate. He was way past the man-crush phase now. It was attraction, with a big A. With all the awkward fantasies he was having, and all the little moments he caught himself staring at Gabe, just for the sake of it, just because he thought the way he watched TV with his head cocked on the side was cute, or because he saw him smile and all of a sudden his heart started beating faster and he couldn't take his eyes off of Gabe's face, he knew it was something more and it scared the hell out of him but he was not ready to let the angel go yet. He needed some time to figure all that shit out first.

Living with the archangel didn't help either.

"You can stay if you want. I don't mind. We'd have to find you a bed but-"

"I can't stay, Dean."

Dean put the knife down and he turned to face Gabriel. "Why not? You don't have anyone going after you anymore."

"Because I can't stay with you, you're human. I'm an angel. You're a hunter. I'm part of the things you like to kill for fun."

"I don't kill for fun… And you're just trying to find a good excuse to leave." He was starting to get angry again. If Gabriel didn't want to bother with him he just had to say it instead of trying to dodge the question.

"I don't have a good excuse to stay, either."

"So that's what you're looking for here. A good excuse to stay."

Gabriel seemed to hesitate. "Not necessarily. Unless you have one…"

He wasn't teasing or anything. Dean really believed he was being sincere but… Maybe something snapped inside his brain. Maybe he just went crazy all of a sudden.

"Okay." He said with an exasperated sigh.

He grabbed Gabe by the hem of his shirt and he kissed him. He kissed him with all he had. Gabriel went very, very still.

His lips were as soft as Dean had imagined. They tasted of strawberry pie and whipped cream, with maybe a hint of mint flavored toothpaste. Miraculously, Gabriel started to move his lips against his, and his heart missed a bit in surprise. He felt one of Gabriel's hands on his arm, and one on the side of his face. His own hand found the back of the angel's head and he held onto it as if his life depended on it. The kiss was wet, and messy, because Dean just wanted to make Gabriel understand that, yes, he wanted him to stay and more, and he was desperate for it. Except he wasn't good with words and so he felt that it was his only chance to show Gabe just that in a way he would understand.

Then suddenly Gabriel pushed himself away. He looked up at Dean, lips red and swollen, and he was so beautiful it was almost painful. He looked so conflicted. Sad or angry and maybe like he wanted more but didn't dare to ask and so Dean just stood there too because he didn't know what that meant.

Gabriel opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. He ran to the bathroom.

Dean looked down at the potatoes on the table beside him and he felt really pathetic. So maybe this wasn't the cleverest thing to do here. He was just so frustrated. It was always like that with Gabe. He was always… always touching Dean, his shoulders, his arms, his hair sometimes, always flirty even when he knew that Dean wasn't in a happy mood and when Dean finally acted on all that…

It was nothing, and Dean felt like nothing. He needed air right now. He didn't want to think about it anymore. It was too complicated, totally not worth it.

He grabbed his jacket so furiously the chair it was laying on fell down and he walked out of the apartment.

He came back home a little after midnight.

The apartment was dark, the TV was on but it looked like Gabe had fallen asleep already. Dean removed his shoes and tip toed to his room. He tried not to make any sound that could wake Gabe up as he closed his door – because god knew he wasn't ready for any awkward discussion tonight – and he promptly removed all his clothes, except for his boxer shorts.

He went to bed and closed his eyes. But he really wasn't tired at all. He tossed and turned for about ten minutes before he finally settled on his back, looking at the ceiling and he pushed the covers away. He didn't know why he just did that. He was just… Not mad. He felt feverish. And his thoughts turned back to Gabe.

His lips. His eyes. The smell of his hair now that he was using shampoo like everybody else. He had made Dean bought a bottle just for him. A really weird-smelling organic shampoo. It smelled like exotic fruits and spices. Dean had learned to like it. And sometimes when he was away from the apartment for a while he missed it.

He started stroking his belly absent-mindedly, thinking about all the things Gabriel changed in his life in the small amount of time he had known him. There were a lot of things, really. An awful lot. The first being that Dean was having wet dreams about a guy now. He didn't mind, though. It wasn't a guy. It was Gabe. It was specific. And for a while he had believed Gabe felt the same way and, even if now he knew it wasn't the case, he didn't have any regrets. At least he knew now, he didn't have to fear about that anymore. He felt relieved, in a way, even if it hurt.

He started thinking about the kiss. How good it had felt. How soft. His hand started to drift downward. Thinking about the way Gabriel had leaned into him, had kissed him back for a few seconds made him hard again.

He sighed. Well, now he only had himself to get rid of that problem, didn't he? He gave a quick look at the door and stood still for a little while, trying to hear if Gabriel was still sleeping or not. He only heard the faint noise coming from the TV.


He closed his eyes and started stroking himself slowly through his underwear, trying to remember the feel of Gabriel's lips on his own. He tried to imagine them going down to his neck, then his torso, then his belly. He kept it at that for a while, savoring the anticipation of what the Imaginary Gabriel was about to do in this little fantasy. He felt the familiar ball of pleasure forming low in his belly and finally slipped his hand under his shorts. The feeling of flesh on flesh sent a spark of pleasure up his spine and he held back a moan. He tried to focus, really picture the little scenario he had in mind. He imagined Gabriel kissing his thigh, and then, finally the base of his shaft, until the kissing fantasy wasn't enough anymore and he pictured Gabe taking him all in, all at once, in a way that only porn actresses could manage but really, at that point he didn't care about the credibility of what he was imagining because it felt too good. He stroke harder and faster and with each stroke he felt the pleasure growing and growing and he was so, so close…


His heart jump so hard against his chest it felt like someone had just stabbed him and he suddenly froze, a hand on his dick, his eyes opened wide.

"Dean, are you sleeping?"

The voice was coming from behind the door, he realized. He let his head fall on his pillow and noticed he was slightly shaking all over.

The door handle started to turn, slowly, until the door was opened by an inch or two.

"Dean?" Gabriel asked again, half whispering.

Dean covered himself up as fast as he could and folded his hands neatly on his lap. "Y… Yeah?"

"Can I come in?"

Dean couldn't possibly say no to that. If he did then Gabe would probably think he was mad and he really wasn't right now. He really didn't want things to get weirder than they already were between them. He had to say yes. He was suddenly very aware of how hard he still was and how it showed through the sheets even with the lights off. He sat up, hoping it would hide everything.

"Uh… Yeah."

The door opened and for a few seconds Gabriel just stood in the doorway, as if he didn't know if he was allowed past that or not.

"Did I wake you?" Dean asked, hoping he hadn't. He didn't remember making any noise.

"No, I wasn't sleeping actually… I… uh. I was pretending. I don't need to sleep anymore. But it felt… Awkard." He tentatively stepped inside the room, looking for Dean's reaction. When Dean didn't move or yelled at him, he came closer to the bed. "Sorry…" He added.

"It's okay." Dean just whispered.

He just couldn't figure out what Gabe was doing here. The angel sat on his bed, then stood up again. "Uh, can I sit? Sorry." He looked a bit agitated.

Dean nodded. Gabriel sat down again then looked around the room as if every little piece of furniture was the most interesting thing he ever saw. Dean just waited for him to say something. The boner was still here. It was starting to hurt.

"I don't know what to say." Gabriel admitted after a while. He finally looked at Dean.

"Uh… Why don't you start by telling me what you're doing here?"

It came out a bit harder than Dean had intended. But having Gabriel here, in front of him, sitting on his bed like this after the things he had just imagined… It was too much. He needed to masturbate, like, right now.

Gabriel looked at his hands. "I uh… Wanted to apologize for the way I reacted earlier. And…" He started picking at his nails. "I want to say something else but it's difficult."

It occurred to Dean suddenly that he would need to cancel the date with Sarah. It was weird that he thought of that because his dick was hurting. But he really didn't want to take advantage of her that way, and he knew it would probably happen if he went on with the whole thing.

And Gabriel was just sitting here, staring at his hands, and Dean really, really needed him to go away. You couldn't interrupt a guy mid-orgasm to tell him you had nothing to say to him. Couldn't he have waited until morning?

"Start small then. I don't know." He tried.

Gabriel looked up. "You're human." He stated.

"Yeah, and you're an angel. You told me that already."

"Yeah. But what I meant was… I can't get attached." He sighed. "I said that before too, didn't I? I'm really not good at this you know, I hope you realize I'm working really hard to not just disappear on you right now…"

"Can you get it out before morning? I'd like to sleep here."

"So yeah, I can't get attached because you humans you just… Your lives are so insignificant, it's like, one day you're here, the next you're dead. It's too… too short… too sad, you know what I mean?"

Dean raised an eyebrow at him. "No."

"Okay… hm… Dean I can't… I can't be with you. Not like that. I mean… Okay, it was just a kiss but I'm not dumb and I'm way older than you can even start to conceive so I can pick up on little things, I know… I know how you feel. I knew even before you did. It's not possible. Can't happen."

Dean blinked. He didn't expect something like this. It killed all feeling of desire instantly.

"Why?" He just asked.

"Because you're going to die soon and then what will I do, uh? You didn't think about that, I'm sure. They never do. I'll just have enough time to get addicted to you and you'll die."

"I'm not that old, Gabe…"

"But that's it, that's what you all say, but to me you are. A hundred years, to me it's like… I don't know… I can't make you understand how small it is. You can't understand. I don't blame you. But I just can't allow anything to happen between us. It's just not possible."

"Why?" Dean taunted. It felt like Gabe was trying to find an excuse to leave. Again.


"Okay, I'll die someday. And so what? Dude, you're an angel. You call heaven 'home' even if you haven't been back there in a while you still do. So, yeah, I'll die. Is my soul bound to hell?"

Gabriel looked cautious. "No."

"Okay then. So I'll go to heaven. You'll just have to suck it up, grow a pair and come see me. I don't see what's so complicated about that."

He didn't know why he wanted to convince Gabriel so bad. It wasn't like they were confessing their undying love to each other. It had just been a kiss. He didn't even know if he wanted an actual relationship, but with Gabe it was okay. It didn't matter. Everything felt right.

Gabriel opened his mouth but Dean cut him off. "And even if we tried something I'm pretty sure you'd get tired of me real fast anyway…"

"Don't say that." He looked dangerous for a second. But then he just looked sad again. "I'm basically immortal; don't you think I'm way passed the 'hook-up' phase?"

Dean just shrugged. Gabriel seemed to have trouble coming up with arguments now.

"And it's not that easy… Going to heaven it's… First I'm not really sure it's a good idea to tell humans what happens there so I'll just keep that to myself but seriously? It's much more complicated than that. I couldn't just visit you, it makes no sense."

"Why not?"

"Even if they accepted me again there, there's… It's… Complicated, okay?"

Dean started smiling. "But why?" He asked again.

Gabe looked like he was simultaneously annoyed, amused and in pain.

"Dean… I can't. Period."

"I'm pretty sure you can, you're just trying to find some bullshit excuses."

"No, I'm not, you don-"

"I don't understand yeah. I heard. "


"Gabriel!" Dean mocked him.

"Okay, just shut up…"

"Make me."

Gabriel stared at him. They both knew what Dean meant, and he seemed to be considering. Dean's heart started beating faster. He saw Gabriel's eyes slip to his lips for a second.

"Okay…" Gabriel whispered.

He leaned forward, painfully slowly. Dean couldn't believe it was happening. He couldn't believe he had convinced Gabe. He suspected Gabriel had already made the decision before he came into Dean's room, but maybe he didn't want to listen to himself. Dean had probably helped a little.

Finally, Dean felt Gabe's lips brush his. He didn't dare to move. He didn't want to. They both stayed in the same position for a few seconds. Dean felt his heart hammering inside his chest. The anticipation was almost unbearable.

"Gabe…" He whispered.

And that was all it took, apparently, because Gabriel closed his lips on Dean's and pushed him gently against the bed. Dean gripped Gabe's hips and hold on to them as if letting go would make it all dissolve into nothing. It felt like a dream. He couldn't believe it.

"Don't freak out on me now…" He managed, because he was still a bit scared that Gabe would suddenly change his mind.

Gabe started kissing the corner of his mouth and moved onto his neck, tracing the curve of his jaw. "Not going anywhere." He almost growled.

Dean could only nod at that. It felt too good. He couldn't think properly. He needed contact, more contact. Now.

Gabriel still had a shirt on, that was wrong. He tugged at it until Gabe sat back and pulled it off. Gabriel was looking at him with a hungry look that made Dean shiver with want. He felt a spark of desire going through his body and he pulled Gabriel against him. He hold him there, hold on to him so hard it would probably have left bruises on anyone else, and he kept kissing him until his lips hurt. He could feel Gabriel's erection against his and he moved his hips, slowly, trying to get used to the feeling of his dick grinding against another. It should have been weird, but it wasn't. It was good.

Gabriel started kissing his neck again. His hand found Dean's hips and pinned them against the mattress, so that Dean couldn't move anymore. He started moving his hips in slow circles, making little burst of pleasure running up Dean's spine. He sucked on Dean's neck until it hurt and then let go, looking at his work, and then into Dean's eyes. And he kept going with his hips, slower, and slower, until Dean felt like he was going to go crazy if nothing more happened.

"Gabe…" Dean pleaded.

Gabriel just smiled slyly and pushed his groin harder against Dean's and, really, Dean wasn't sure how much of this he could handle. He was breathing hard, and his throat wouldn't stop making those little needy sounds that he had never thought he was able to make before that night. His cheeks were hot, but he was not embarrassed this time.

He groped Gabriel's ass with one hand and held on to the small of his back with the other. Gabriel laughed and started moving faster again. Dean moaned.

He hauled himself up and caught Gabriel's lips with his. Dean got lost in the kiss for a few second, lapping at Gabe's mouth like he couldn't get enough of him. Suddenly Gabriel lifted his hips and Dean opened his mouth to protest but he suddenly felt Gabe's hand closing around his shaft and he almost came right on the spot.

Gabriel seemed to notice and he went slower. He tugged at Dean's boxer shorts.

"Take them off." He said. It sounded like an order. Dean felt goose bumps running all over his body.

He took the thing off. It distracted him a bit from what was happening, and when he looked up at Gabriel again, he realized the angel was staring at his own hand running slowly up and down Dean's cock. He felt exposed all of a sudden, but he didn't felt ashamed. It was so hot he couldn't look away.

"Like what you see?" He asked smugly in between ragged breaths.

Gabriel smiled at him but, instead of answering, he bent down, his mouth getting closer and closer to Dean's dick. Dean held his breath with anticipation. Gabriel gave him another sly look and licked Dean's shaft once from the base to the top until he finally took him in his mouth. Gabriel's mouth was hot, and wet, and it felt so perfect that Dean couldn't help but close is eyes because it was too good, almost too much. He saw stars dancing behind his eyelids. His moans followed the rhythm of Gabriel's mouth going up and down, and up and down. Gabriel's tongue came in to play then, licking around the tip as he moved faster and Dean could feel the pleasure pooling low under his belly, growing and growing until he felt like he was going to come so hard he'd die right on the spot.

That's when Gabriel stopped, and Dean's eyes opened suddenly.

"Wha-" He started, almost angry, because how could he, twice in a row?

But Gabriel took him in hand again and this time it felt cold, slick and wet. When Dean looked down he saw something glistening between his dick and Gabe's hand.

"Did you just angel-lubed me?"

Gabriel laughed and it made him stop touching Dean for a second.

"Yeah…" He said after he calmed down a bit. "Yeah, I did."

He crawled up to Dean so that they lips were almost touching as he kept stroking slowly. He kissed Dean lightly.

"I also angel-lubed myself…" He whispered.

And all of a sudden the rest of his clothes were gone.

Dean's heart sped up. He started kissing Gabriel's neck, his hands stroking the angel's back. Gabriel then pushed himself away from Dean and held himself on his knees, Dean's legs trapped between his thighs, his ass just above Dean's dick.

"Shouldn't you… I'm going to hurt you if we-" Dean tried.

But Gabriel shook his head. "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." He answered, his voice suddenly thick.

"Are you su-"

Dean didn't have time to finish speaking because Gabriel had lowered himself on him, holding his dick with one hand, keeping balance with the other on Dean's chest.

Dean let out a huge breath as Gabriel kept going until Dean was fully in. He stopped for a few seconds, looking at Dean with a small, contented smile on his face. He was starting to breathe a little harder.

"You okay?" He asked.

Dean laughed and it made Gabriel's ass jump a little around his dick. He sucked in a breath. "Yeah. Yes. Yes."

His ran his hands up Gabriel's thighs until he found his hips and hold on to them. Gabriel raised an eyebrow and Dean understood he was asking silently if he could move. Dean didn't know if he could hold long enough for him to even try. After two almost-orgasms, he felt like his balls were going to explode.

But he nodded anyway.

And God, it was the most wonderful thing he ever felt and he almost cried out half in pain half in pleasure the first time Gabriel bounced up and down his length. One of Dean's hands grabbed Gabriel's ass and stayed there. Gabriel started moving at a steady pace, slowly first, agonizingly slowly. Dean felt sparks of pleasure exploding in his groin, under his balls, going all the way up his spine and sending waves of shiver up his arms. He was making so much noise it almost sounded like one of those Japanese porn cartoons he liked to watch from time to time. He had never been really vocal before, he didn't know where that was coming from.

But that was before Gabriel. Gabriel who was bouncing up and down his cock with a cheeky grin on his face, staring into Dean's eyes, really staring and it was beautiful. Dean tried to keep his eyes open just to be able to see this. See Gabriel's cheeks turning a nice shade of red, see his brows furrow with pleasure, his tongue running on his lips from time to time. Dean managed to push his hips up in sync with Gabriel bouncing down and the most delicious of noises came out of the angel's throat. Dean kept doing it until finally it was too much and he let Gabriel move. The pleasure grew and grew and he finally came with a long, pained moan. Gabe kept riding him until Dean went limp.

He stopped then, bent down and kissed Dean on the nose. He was sweating and breathing hard and it made Dean wish he could go another round right now, right away. It occurred to him that Gabe had just given him the most wonderful orgasm he ever had in his life, and he had done nothing in return. Rude.

Gabriel let himself fall next to Dean with a tired grunt; he looked exhausted. Dean wanted to ask him what he could do for him but really, he couldn't talk. He looked at the ceiling for a while, trying to get his breathing back to normal.

When he felt he was okay to talk, he turned his head to look at Gabriel. The angel was looking back at him, a tired smile on his face and little sparks of gold dancing in his eyes.

"You should go to sleep." He said.

Dean nodded. "Yeah, okay." He answered as his hand ran down Gabriel's body.

He was still hard. Dean started stroking lazily.

"You don't have to." Gabriel exhaled.

"Okay." Dean said, still stroking, a bit harder as he smiled.

He tried to do it the way he liked it done to himself, wondering if it was enough.

"I've never done that before. To someone else I mean. Tell me if-"

"It's good, Dean. It's really…" He closed his eyes for a second and grabbed Dean's arm with his free hand as Dean went a bit faster, sometimes stroking the head with his thumb. "Just keep going…"

They stared into each other's eyes as Dean kept stroking. He changed hand, used the one pinned to the mattress and with the other he lifted Gabe's leg and hook it up behind his own thigh. The position was not ideal, but he kept going anyway. He let his hand fall onto Gabriel's ass.

The angel swallowed hard, his eyes filled with want. Yes, yes, do it! He seemed to be thinking.

So Dean tentatively rubbed at his hole, still wet with lube and come. He kept rubbing, massaging, up, down, sometimes circling around, and apparently he was doing good because Gabe's cheeks started to color again and he nuzzled he head on Dean's shoulder.

"Dean…" He breathed in Dean's ear. "Can you-"

Dean didn't wait until he finished his sentence and slowly pushed one finger in. He heard a whispered "yes" coming from Gabriel and he went on. His left arm was killing him but he kept stroking, as fast as he could, as he pushed another finger in.

"I don't know what I'm doing" he laughed.

He wished he had succumbed to the temptation of watching gay porn earlier in the week. At least he would have had a small idea of what would be good or not.

"You're doing g-great, Dean. Just… Shut up and-" His breath hitched for a second when Dean curved his fingers and he started moving against them.

"I take it I did something right." Dean whispered.

He tried to do what he just did again, and it worked once or twice more. Gabriel was breathing hard, repeating "Dean, Dean, Dean" over and over again and so Dean started kissing every bit of skin available to him in this position and he kept stroking and pushing with his fingers, looking for that little spot that elicited the most beautiful moans from the angel, until finally Gabriel suddenly froze and Dean felt his ass clench around his fingers and his dick pulse in his hand. Gabe relaxed, and Dean kept stroking for a moment, slowly, and he finally let his hand fall on the side. The sheet under him was wet with come but he didn't mind. He could buy more sheets. He should have bought more sheets. He'd think about it again in the morning.

Gabriel sighed against his neck and he pushed himself away so that he could look at Dean. Dean smiled smugly at him. He felt a little bit proud of himself.

"Not bad for a first time, uh?"

Gabriel laughed. He pushed Dean so that Dean's back would be against his belly and he held him close. "Let's get a bit of sleep before you start giving yourself medals." He said.

Dean closed his eyes. "Yeah, okay" he laughed.

He felt really good. Exhausted, finally, but good. He wondered if he could manage to fall asleep now that he had Gabriel with him. In the same bed. He couldn't believe it. Gabriel started running a hand through his hair, slowly, almost lovingly, and Dean started to doze off.



He hesitated before he opened his mouth again. He knew he was about to fall asleep, but he wanted to say this. He needed to. He just wasn't sure how.

"I'm really happy right now." He finally mumbled.

Gabriel didn't answer, but Dean felt his hand squeezing his arm. He fell asleep with a little smile on his lips.

He woke up half lying on Gabriel's chest. He didn't know how he got there. He blinked at his nightstand a few times, trying to shake off the sleepiness. Gabriel was running his hand up and down his back. It felt awesome. He hoped he could wake up like this every day.

" 'Morning" He yawned.

"Hey." Gabriel just answered.

Dean raised his head to look at him. "You didn't sleep?"

"Yeah, I did. Just a little. I thought magic lube would be okay but I might have miscalculated."

Dean felt a bit bad. How long had he been lying like this?

"You could have pushed me away if you wanted to go do something more interesting than watch me sleep."

Gabriel chuckled. "Don't worry I'm fine here. You don't snore too much so it's okay."

"I don't snore!"

"A little bit." Gabriel held his index finger and his thumb closer together to illustrate what he was saying.

Dean laughed. Gabriel pulled him up so that they were face to face and Dean was completely on top of him. Dean bent down and gave him a slow, lazy kiss.

The phone started ringing. Dean let go of Gabe and gave an annoyed look at his pants on the floor next to the bed. He saw the phone light up in one of his pocket. He groaned and tried to get up but Gabe held him in place. He held up his hand and just like that he was holding the phone.

"Thanks." Dean said as he took it.

Gabriel just smiled, satisfied. Dean looked at the name on the screen of his cell. Sam. Great.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"Hey Dean! Hi! Uh, sorry to wake you up that early I know what you're gonna say okay, I'm not allowed to call until noon on weekends but this is really really important." He sounded a bit distraught.

Dean frowned, concerned. "I wasn't sleeping, it's okay. What is it?"

"You need to help me, I don't know what to do!"

"Help you? What happened, Sam?" He was positively worried now.

Sam seemed to hesitate for a second. "I… uh… It's ridiculous, okay, don't laugh Dean but… Jess want me to go buy my wedding suit on my own. She says she wants the surprise and… I don't know, Dean, I saw so many suits I don't know what to choose, you have to come and help me, I can't do this alone!"

Dean laughed so hard he felt like he was about to break a rib. Gabriel kept silent but he smiled as if he was hearing everything. He probably was. "Okay, okay… Sammy… What the hell? Couldn't you have waited until this afternoon? Or next week?"

"No! Jess' sister is coming this afternoon and Jess wants me to find something before then so that her sister can approve and… I don't know, Dean, you never met Dannie but… She's usually really great but sometimes I swear, man… She scares me. I don't want to shit this. Say yes, Dean, please."

Dean tried to calm down and stop laughing before he answered. Gabriel was still running his hand up and down Dean's back. His hands started to drift dangerously low. "Okay, I'll do it. When do you want to go?"

He gave Gabriel a quick questioning look, then he frowned. Gabe looked a bit too happy. He had that little mischievous twinkle in his eyes that meant he was about to do something inappropriate.

"Uh, can you come now?"

Gabriel's hand ran down his lower back and he started massaging Dean's butt. Dean frowned harder at him. It didn't work.

"Uh, now? I'm not-"

"Hey Sam!" Gabriel shouted enthusiastically.

There was a pause at the other end of the line. "Is that Gabriel?"

Gabe's hand came closer and closer to Dean's hole, and Dean tried to roll on the side so he could escape but Gabriel wouldn't let him. He was holding him tight. Not that he didn't want to try things and have another one of those angelic orgasm right now but letting someone touch him while he was on the phone with his brother was all kinds of weird, if not plainly wrong.

He glared at Gabriel as hard as he could. "Uh… Yeah. It is."

"In your bedroom? Like, in your bed?"

Dean paused. Well, he couldn't possibly lie about that now. "Uh, yes."

He heard Jessica's voice in the back, then some whispers. Suddenly he heard a big "Yes!" coming from Jess. She seemed very happy. "That's my boy!" She exclaimed.

He heard Sam sigh.

"What was that?" Dean asked.

Gabriel's hand felt wet all of a sudden and he knew what was going to happen, and he felt his cheeks get hot. 'I'm on the phone!' He mouthed, looking at Gabe with what he hoped was a pissed off face.

Gabriel just nodded. 'I know', he mouthed back. He reached Dean's hole and started rubbing slow circles around it.

It startled Dean a little and he bit his lower lip in surprise. Dean's dick was getting hard. This was really awkward. He wished he could just hang up.

"Uh, nothing." Sam finally said after a while. "It's… uh… We kinda… had a bet on you… and Gabriel."


Dean was half listening, distracted by what Gabriel was doing. He had to admit, it felt really good. He had thought about trying to do that to himself once or twice but he had never dared. Now he wondered why. It felt really, really great.

"Yeah, I mean… You talked about him all the time so when he showed up at your place… She started it, okay…" Jess shouted 'traitor!' behind him. "We knew it was only a matter of time before you two-… I didn't think it would be that fast."

"Uh, I don't know how I should take-"

Gabriel pushed a finger in, just a little, just the tip. He looked very pleased with himself every time he managed to make Dean react.


"Yeah, yeah, I'm here. Sorry." Gabriel pushed again, and Dean could feel his whole finger inside him. It was weird at first. Gabriel just moved around a bit; let him get used to the feeling. And then he started to move, in, out, and in, and out. Dean bit his lip harder. "I just… Can I call you back, Sam?" His voice was getting high pitched.

They had been very close when they were little. They had shared motel rooms. Sam had caught Dean doing stuff when they were teenagers. He was going to find out what was happening and Dean didn't want that. Everything felt so awkward but at the same time so good, he didn't know what to feel anymore.

"You can't come right now? I don't have much time, so if you could-"

Gabriel pushed another finger in with the other and Dean kind of blacked out for half a second. It sent sparks of pleasure through his body and he pushed his groin forward, into Gabriel's erection. He couldn't help the little sob-like noise that escaped his lips.


"Dean? Oh. My. God. Are you?... You're not…. Dude! Gross!" Sam sounded outraged and a bit scared.

"I'm not… It's not me-"


Sam hung up.

Gabriel laughed.

"You're happy with yourself now?" Dean breathed.

"Very." Gabriel answered smugly.

He pulled Dean's head toward his own with his free hand and kissed him, his tongue soft against Dean's own. Dean started pushing back against his other hand, trying to get more friction on his groin. The familiar feeling of pleasure gathering under his belly started to grow again, but this time it came from his ass too. It was overwhelming.

But then Gabriel took his fingers out and pushed Dean off of him.

"What the hell?"

The angel made him lie on his belly and pulled his ass up.

"Gabe? What the-"

"Shut up, Dean, I'm teaching you stuff."

He started rubbing at Dean's hole again. It felt good but the position made Dean feel awkward. He tried to twist his head so he could look at Gabe but Gabriel just pushed his head against the pillow.

"Relax and enjoy. Close your eyes."

Dean didn't know what was going to happen and to be honest he felt a bit anxious but curiosity took over and he obeyed. For a while he only felt Gabriel's finger. Suddenly, he felt a puff of hot air on his exposed ass and the wetness of Gabriel's lips on his left cheek.

"I'm not sure-" He started.


Gabriel kept kissing him, sometimes licking a bit of skin here and there, and Dean felt desire starting to form little knots inside his stomach. He knew what was coming now, and he couldn't wait. A part of him didn't want to try it because he thought it was probably something disgusting to do but the other part was shouting 'yes' again and again.

And suddenly Gabriel's tongue was on him, lapping at him slowly and Dean had to hide his face in the pillow to muffle the embarrassing sound it got out of him. Gabriel gave one, big lick with the flat of his tongue and started going harder and faster. Dean held on to his pillow as if his life depended on it. His dick was painfully hard but he felt like he couldn't move. The feeling of Gabriel's tongue on him was so delicious, he knew he could come only from this; But at the same time he needed more. He focused on the feeling for a while, on the little sparks of pleasure running up his body as he tried get in a position that would allow him to extend his arm and touch his dick. Finally he found a way to hold himself with only one hand and he reached down with the other. He started stroking himself hard because God! He couldn't take it anymore it was too much and he needed to come, right now, but his orgasm kept building and building like it never had before. He couldn't think anymore. He felt Gabriel's tongue, soft and hot, trying to open him, going as far as possible inside of him.

"Fuck!" He breathed into the pillow.

Gabriel chuckled when finally Dean had to turn his head to breathe a bit, and he hummed in appreciation. It sent a burst of pleasure through Dean's body and he started moaning and really, after that, he was lost, he couldn't stop. He was so close when Gabriel's tongue hardened against his hole and started going up and down even faster than before that he cried out when he finally came, bursts of pleasure going through him in waves, little stars dancing behind his eyelids, Gabe's name on the tip of his tongue. It seemed to last forever and finally, finally it was over, and he let himself fall on the bed. He felt like he had just run a marathon. His arm hurt from touching himself in that awkward position, his legs were trembling and he even felt a little tear running down his cheek. Wow.

He felt Gabriel move and he opened one eye. Gabe's face appeared in front of him, the smug smile still in place. He wiped away the tear on Dean's face with the back of his hand.

"I'd like to say it's the first time I make someone cry like that, but I would be lying." He bragged.

Dean snorted.

"If that's what they call 'divine enlightenment' you can sign me up right away.' He breathed.

Gabriel just laughed lightly. "Shouldn't you be calling Sam back?"

"I… Fuck I can't right now; Give me a minute."

He couldn't stop smiling, and shivering, and at the same time he just wanted to go back to sleep. Everything felt too warm, too safe. Too good to be true. His heart felt like it was going to explode. Not because it was beating fast, no. It was something else. Something he didn't dare to think about because he really didn't want to jinx it. Even if what they had just done wasn't really what you'd call romantic, the feeling was here, burning his heart, making him smile


Gabriel was staring at him but his smile was gentler now. "Hm?"

Dean nuzzled against Gabriel's neck. He took one big breath.


He closed his mouth against. Gabriel started rubbing his back. "Take your time." He said. Dean could hear his smile.

"You're staying, right?" He asked, feeling silly.

"Yes, Dean. Not going anywhere."

"You said that once before…"

Gabriel sighed. "I know. But this time it's true. I'm not."

Dean believed him. He felt warm, and contented, and perfect.


He smiled against Gabe's neck. Yes, everything was good.

A/N :

Thank you all for reading me! Comments are super welcome, and it's a great way to show your appreciation, whatever you want to say!

See you next time :)