(A/N: Hello~ This is just a short drabble I made a while back. Sorry if it doesn't make any sense. ^^; )

He always smiled. Always. Every time you would see him, he'd have that idiotic grin on his face and he'd be talking so loudly. He always seemed so happy-well, he was happy; most of the time, at least. There are some times when I knew that he was forcing himself to smile and laugh so that nobody would notice how pained he truly was. But I never said anything. Instead, I would just sit there, staring blankly at that idiot Dane with his spiky, wild hair and fake smile. The others could see it too-it just wasn't the same as his other happy grins. Yet, nobody ever said anything. They just acted like they didn't know, or they went along with it.

Sometimes I'd get mad at him for smiling so much. It had always aggravated me. I'd always glare at him, asking him why he smiled so stupidly and so much. He's always give me the same answer with a small laugh. "Well, because I don't have any reason not to smile, Norge~" He'd say, flashing me another smile-as if that'd somehow convince me. And then I wouldn't say anything. And he would look away, and I could see that pain in his eyes. Usually, the pain was hidden beneath his grinning face and his loud voice. But I was always able to see it in his eyes. Still, I never said anything. I knew that he had trouble managing his people. He'd go to war and leave me with Finland and Iceland. And then he'd come back, smiling as usual, but not as brightly. It always seemed a lot more tired, worn out, and sad.

No matter how much I hated to admit it, I loved that smile. I loved his laugh, his silly jokes, and feeble attempts at getting me to smile. Sometimes I did, but he never saw. I'd wait until he wasn't looking at me until I smiled. He was one of the only ones that was able to make me smile-even a little bit. To put it simply, I loved that idiot. I loved everything about him: his obnoxiously loud voice, his mindlessness, his bravery..

I'd give anything to get that Denmark back. I've tried. I've smiled at him a few times, but recently, he's just seemed so tired and out-of-it. His eyes are pale now, and there are dark circles underneath them. He's so tall, but he seems so pathetic and small, slouching when he sits and when he stands, flinching at just about everything. He's become distant from the rest of us. Whenever we have a get-together, all Sweden and him do is fight. I'm not sure what's gotten into him recently, but I promise that I will get him back to normal. No matter how long it takes. If it takes centuries of me smiling hopefully at that idiot to get him to smile back, just once, then that's how long I will do it for. Because I love him, and I'll do anything for him.