You know when people say that when your parents die, you get a weird feeling? That's a lie. And in books, how the main character always seem to get into an argument with them before they die? That's a lie.
How do I know?
Because it happened to me. And it was nothing like the books.
I hate school. I know, this isn't the first time you've heard that. I bet you say it on a daily basis. And yes, it's cliche. But there's a reason why things are cliché, because it really happens and it's true. Especially when you're the loser. More cliché-ness. I bet you're thinking that this will be one of those popular-guy-meets-loser-girl thing. Nope. I've read thousands and thousands of those, but it's never happened. I don't think it will either. The popular girls aren't horrendously mean either. Sure, they'll ignore you sometimes (all the time), but they won't track you down and beat you up. You see, the way to breeze through high school is to just be stealthy. Blend into the lockers and background, be that quiet kid who nobody notices until you talk to them.
I'm that kid. So it was pretty obvious when my parents died, nobody gave a shit.
I sat in English class, lightly drumming my pencil on my desk. We were reading some novel that I read fifth grade. Yeah, if don't know by now, I read. A lot. Hey, having no friends gives you a lot of free time. This lasted for about ten more minutes before the principal, Mr. Lowe called me out of class. No one even blinked. I made my way down the silent, boring hallway. It reeked of classrooms, paper, sweat, and cafeteria food. I saw the silhouette of Lowe looming at the end of the hall so I quickened my pace.
When I could finally make out his face, it was grim. That was Clue #1. He put his arm around his shoulders and led me inside of the office. Clue #2. The office was deadly silent. Even the usual tapping of the keyboards were gone. Everyone was staring at me. Clue #3.
"Miss Caelum...," he started, rubbing his hands together. His eyes darted everywhere, obviously not happy that he was the one that had to break it to me. "maybe you should sit down." Clue #4. He quickly pulled out a chair for me and I warily sat down.
"Your parents..." He started again.
"My parents?" I raised an eyebrow, panic was quickly rising.
"Noah and Penensio Caelum were both killed in an automobile accident, about twenty minutes ago. We just found out. I am truly sorry...if there's anything I can do to help..."
Everything else he said was drowned out by my own thoughts. The world felt like it was spinning and I began to tremble. I wanted to cry. So badly, but nothing would come out. My thoughts spiraled out of control and I wasn't able to to do anything.
"Miss Caelum? Miss Caelum?" Lowe placed his hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright?"
What a stupid question, but I nodded. The lump in my throat slowly ceased. "I guess." My voice was raspy and hoarse.
"Is there anyone you can stay with? Relatives? Friends?"
My mom's parents are both dead and I don't know any of my other relatives. My father was adopted and then his foster parents abandoned him when he was sixteen. I did have one friend when I was about three, his name was Elsword. But he moved away a long time ago. Why am I even thinking about him?
And that's how I ended up here. I looked at my parents' caskets, with a hollow feeling. Everybody else was crying and some even came up to me and prayed. Most of them were business people. I didn't respond to any of it. I just stared, with my fists clenched. I sold everything to afford this funeral. I wanted my parents to rest in peace.
"Did you hear?" I heard one of my mom's friend whisper. "The Elrios military tracked down more of Ran's goons in Fluone. They said that Ran was in Hamel."
Her friend gasped. "The capital?"
"Yes, yes! They're having a celebration at this very moment for the victory, poor Aisha."
"Honestly. I hope Ran doesn't come to Lurensia."
Ran was a terrorist that recently invaded Elrios and seems to be able to just barely slip out of the government's grip. His followers have been found all over Fluone. But not him. And for once, I'm on Ran's side. I wanted every single one of those stupid officers to drop dead.
After the funeral was over, everyone just left. Except for one. I had no idea who he was, but I assumed he was one of my father's friends. He had snowy white hair tied back into a ponytail and electric eyes. He had some kind of scar on his face. He strode over to me.
"Hello, little Aisha." He smiled. "My name is Add Kim, I am your friend's father." His expression turned solemn. "I am terribly sorry for your loss." He placed a gloved hand on my shoulder.
"That's what everyone says." I heaved a sigh. "Look, I'm really tired. Can we hurry this up?" I didn't mean to sound snappish but hey, give me a break. My parents are dead.
"I just wanted to know what your plans are."
"Are you going to stay in school? Have you Specialized yet? Things like that."
Specializing was like puberty. Except with magic or craftsmanship. Everyone is born with their own special ability, and it's their own job to figure it out. You could chose to serve the government without magic or with magic. Things like Alchemists, Blacksmiths, COBO employee, Banker, the list goes on. Those jobs don't require magic. Or you could choose to Specialize in magic and become a soldier. A swordsman or woman are highly respected throughout Elrios. But you could also heal or use spells. Basically, if you don't Specialize, you're not a full-fledged adult. I am pursuing elemental magic with little luck.
"I don't know." I said flatly and lamely.
"Well, I am a recruiter from the military and I think you have potential." He winked and handed me a card with a number scribbled on it. "If you have no where to go, then you can join our family. Ta-ta~." He wiggled his fingers and strutted off.
I snorted. Like hell.
After two days of sitting on a bench and thinking about life, the card tucked into my pocket seemed tempting. My stomach let out a ferocious growl and the sky was turning grey. So was the El Lady testing me? Do I have to make a decision now? I pulled out my cell phone and turned it on. My wallpaper was still the default one even though I've had this phone for two years. A drop of rain fell onto the screen. Another. Another. My shoulders slumped.
I dialed the number.
Author's Note: Hey guys! I hoped you like the first chapter/prologue/thing of Loveless! I honestly don't know what possessed me to do this but I did! This is my first military-fic so my military might be different from an actual military. Oh who am I kidding, I have no idea what I'm doing with this story! XD Hope you enjoyed! Oh and here are the classes before I forget:
Aisha- Elemental Master (with a little twist)
Elsword- Infinity Sword
Rena- Wind Sneaker
Eve- Code Empress
Chung- Iron Paladin
Ara- Yama Raja
Add- Mastermind
Raven- Blade Master
Elesis- Grand Master