
by: schu-chan

disclaimer: not mine, never will be unless the kind owners would like to leave it all to me at the event of their deaths... no? darn.



Chapter 9

Ken opened his eyes and let out a small yawn. Hearing a soft chuckle from above him, he looked up and blushed when his eyes met Schuldich's.
"Finally awake, eh?"
Ken blushed even more and said, "Is it that late?"
"Nah, it's only 9. It's just fun seeing your squirm."
"Mooouu!" Ken quickly grabbed a pillow and proceeded to pummel the laughing Schuldich with it.
"Hey, you guys, we're going out for breakfast. If you can get ready within the next 30 minutes you can come with."
Ken scrambled towards the bathroom and Schuldich smiled. Ken had been unwilling to go anywhere for the past couple days and it was good to see him finally willing to go somewhere.

Ken quickly grabbed a piece of Schuldich's waffle and gulped it down. Schuldich laughed loudly as Ken coughed, choking on the dry piece of pastry. Ken gave Schuldich a dirty look and drank some orange juice.
"Hey, if you'd just ASKED me for a piece of my waffle I would have given it to you, you know. That's what you get for trying to be sneaky."
Ken gave him a sheepish smile and Schuldich just smiled back at him, ruffling his hair.
Ken and Schuldich looked up to see Yohji standing there. With a girl.


I know I know I'm evil. I don't write for HOW long and then I write this SHORT SHORT SHORT chapter and not only that but it has a CLIFFHANGER...