Rubia's POV
I woke up from another nightmare. They just kept getting worse, and worse, and I can't stop crying this time, and everyone is awake.
Calm down, Rubia, get it together.
Nope, that's not gonna work.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, "You too?"
I recognized Skylar's voice, "I c-can't get rid o-of them!" I whispered, hiccuping.
"Let's get some fresh air," she awkwardly offered, half helping me up. After a few steps, I fell from the pain again. She kept helping me up until we were sitting by a cliff that dropped six stories into a rapid river. I slowly calmed down.
"Wait, you had nightmares too?" I asked weakly.
She nodded slightly, her eyes turning a darker gray, "I woke up to Mia and Cole crying together after one of mine, I think we're all a little stressed out."
"What about N?" I checked.
She gave me a sharpedo smile, "I think he was taking watch, but I did hear your old code name a few times."
I shoved her to the side(not off the cliff) lightly, "Oh, shut up."
"So, why do you let me help and not him? I figured that it would be an - an-"
"Opportune moment?" I supplied.
She pointed dramatically, "Exactly! So you did think about it that way!"
"No I didn't!"
"You're blushing!"
"From anger!"
"Seriously though, why?" she repeated.
I sighed, "It's just. . . I don't want to look weak."
"I don't want to feel weak. I don't want him to be worried, and I know you can handle it, but he's already lost so much. He probably doesn't know how to care or trust anymore. I'm afraid that Ghetsis really did break him. I want to be strong for him, I want him to trust me. But I can't rely on him. People don't last forever," I finished meekly, "But here you are, being strong for me, me totally relying on you without a problem. Go fi-" the ground shook.
"You felt that too, right?" Skylar checked.
I nodded and it shook again, longer and more harshly this time, "What's going on?"
This time, it was shockingly violent.
"Rubia, the ground is splitting!" she started moving away from the edge, but I couldn't understand what she had said.
"WHAT?!" I called over the noise.
She was now a decent distance away, "THE FLIPPING GROUND IS SPLITTING! WATCH OUT!"
I heard her, but it was too late. The ground gave way and I was tumbling through the air.
The river. I can't swim.
I never got to tell him.
Not here. Not no-
Dawn's POV
I woke up, gasping.
"Dawn, are you alright?" Malon whispered, sounding calm and fully awake.
"We have to go. Right now. I know where to find him," I answered in a rush, grabbing my bag.
It was hard to explain. I just got this weird dream and I knew where to go. Just before I went to sleep, I had befriended Arceus.
I know, right? Still can't get over it, I mean, Arceus!
I called Leaf, "Silph Co. building in Kanto, that's where he is, tell the others."
"Got it," she replied with excitement in her voice. I walked out the front door.
"Wait up! Let me fly you there!" Malon ran after me, calling out her dragonite, "You're not leaving me behind!"
"No. No," Skylar repeated again, "They can't take Rubia from us," she choked a bit, "And then make Cole and Mia vanish into thin air!"
She was gone. White was gone.
And I couldn't do anything.
"I'm so sorry," her voice started to fracture, "I couldn't help her."
Like that did anything. Being sorry is useless.
It's strange. My dream, it showed where to find the person she wanted to save. But now she can't do it.
Should I do something? Should I help them?
Why? I don't know them. They don't know me.
But that's what she wanted. So I'll do it.
"N? What are we going to do?" she asked.
"Do what she wanted. We're going to go help one of her friends."
Somehow, everyone managed to get to the Silph Co. Building at the same time. Which was actually two weeks after they knew where to go because for one, they wanted to be prepared. This was freaking Mewtwo. Two, bad weather. They were flying, and it takes up enough energy as it is, but with weather it took three times as much energy. Three, they had to go through security. News of the escaped convicts had gotten out, so they need to be sure.
I personally think that they should have gotten a little more prepared, but that's not fair considering I know what's going to happen next. Spoilers.
Skylar and N had the fabulously awkward position of knowing nobody, so that was lots of fun(Drew, Gary, and Leaf were overly suspicious). Malon had vanished when Dawn and her stopped in Lavender town. N also had the job of explaining to everyone why Rubia wasn't there.
After learning that, Dawn went into shock. They took another day off so that she'd be able to face what would be in that building.
Skylar tried calling Cole and Mia's phones, which surprisingly they replied to. But. . . They were absolutely insane, completely shattered mentally by the sound of it. They seemed to believe they were in an alternate dimension of nightmares. She was getting suspicious of a certain legendary being responsible, and that's when she called Malon. Malon didn't pick up.
Look on the bright side here, at least they're not offering themselves up to be puppets.
That came out worse than I meant it to.
Bright side. . . I'll tell you when I've found one.
Nobody's POV
Cole Escapade had never been more confused in his life. One minute, he's in this warped world which exploits his greatest fears, the next in an empty security room with his girlfriend. Oh, and in one room there's this one crazy person tearing it up with her hands, nails, feet, and teeth. It was amazing whoever it was hadn't destroyed the camera. In another there's a bunch of maybe dead bodies and Mewtwo.
The confusion is real.
Mia was also pretty astonished, but she's a lot better at hiding it.
Suddenly, all of the screens went to international news.
"Cole, you need to see this."
When they first walked into the building, the TV screen behind the empty receptionist's desk was on international news, the banner at he bottom screen saying, 'TEENAGE GIRL'S BODY FOUND IN UNOVA'S WATER PURIFICATION CENTER,'.
"How did the girl get in there?" the interviewer, a girl with maroon hair asked.
"Well, we think she got in the river which we get our water from somehow, even though that area is off limits to civilians. We have some evidence that she was a trainer, but it's not confirmed," a business man answered, "We so far have no identity of her, please call in if you have any idea who she is."
A picture of a soaking corpse popped up, filling the screen. They froze in horror.
It was Rubia.
Her skin was almost a periwinkle color, still floating in the water, her hair extending from her like a creature forcing it's way out of her skull. Her eyes were wide open and glassy, her mouth open in a scream that would never escape.
Dawn got choked up. There was no way. She knew she was gone, but she has this weird way of tricking people. She was hoping. . .
"Now, she also matches the description of the escaped convict from Twist Mt. Prison, do you find this to be a-"
The screen shut off.
Skylar held the TV plug in her hand, having yanked it from the wall.
You have to give it to them, for teenagers they're pretty strong. But they would have felt stronger if they had just watched the whole thing
While our band of heroes in the lobby turned off the broadcast, Cole and Mia had no way to.
"Now, you said you have the body of this girl with you to drop it off for an autopsy. Why?" the reporter quizzed.
"We have observed some strange things that lead us to believe that this girl is victim of possession. Her eyes, they flash red and pale blue, she sometimes has this dark aura surrounding her, only to be blasted away by light. Her skin changes. This could be a major breakthrough," he remarked.
"How are we to believe that this isn't some kind of hoax?" the reporter skeptically checked.
He chuckled, "I brought her here with me."
"Those sick *insert insult of your choice*!" Cole exclaimed.
"Cole!" Mia glared.
"What?! They're freaking treating her-"
"Where is she?! Where's the bloody corpse?!" the man bellowed, "She can't be gone, she's dead!"
"Looks like this just got more interesting folks, we'll be back after the commercial break," she smiled before the screens went back to surveillance.
"There's no way," Cole angrily mumbled.
Mia smiled. Apparently there was.
Serena's hand was shaking almost to the point of her dropping her phone. The number from the news station was typed in, all she had to do was press the call button. But something was stopping her.
"Serena?" Shauna called, "Serena, come down from your room! Calem has something for you!"
She shut it. I guess she wanted to come to terms with her death before she called in with information.
She hopped down the stairs, and her jaw almost hit the floor when she saw what her boyfriend was holding in his arms.
"But, how?!" she demanded.
He smiled, "A little help from teleportation from my espurr, and it was easy."
"Why did you steal a-"
"It's not. Feel," he put his load on the table.
She put her hand against it and tears pricked her eyes.
"We always joked about how you'd come back from the grave if someone needed you," she whispered, smiling sadly, the constellation of tears on her lashes growing by the second. She felt arms wrap around her, "Thank you."
Oh look, a hopeful ending. I thought about adding the next part, but happiness is valuable. Very precious indeed.
Rubia's dead, if you guys didn't pick up on that.
*evil chortle* You guys don't even know what's coming. Not even you, Rare.
Guess who, I'm glad you love the story so far! I wish you the best of luck with stuff! :D
Have a fashionaablah life!