Yeah, there was not nearly enough room to summarize on there. So here's the real summary!

What I made happen instead of the Diamond and Pearl series is as simple as it's going to get. For shippings, it has Penguin, Poke, Contest, one very complicated one, attempted LeafGreen, and a little Ikari, Festival, and Pearl. It is mostly a romance, but I did add some action in the distant chapters. Rated T because of future blood, and when I say future, I mean like by the time I get to it you'll have probably forgotten I said that. I have an OC, well, I have several, but they won't show up for a while. No swearing, no adult themes, just later on blood will be shed. So, you can pretty much ignore that.

This is my first story on fanfiction! This is also my very first attempt at romance, so please keep this in mind as you review. Please PM me if you have a question, or just want to have a conversation. I apologize in advance for any grammatical or spelling errors, feel free to point them out, it helps a lot! Trust me, the story gets more interesting, so bear with me on this. Without further ado, my story. I DO NOT OWN POKEMON.

Dawn's POV

"Hey! Dee-Dee! Come on, you'll have to tell me eventually! It's not like you've ever been able to, like, keep secrets from me before!" huffed Ursula impatiently.

I buried my face in my knees that were pulled up to my chest, blocking out the view of the park at sunset. "Go away. Just, please, not this again," I mumbled.

"Dawn! I told you mine!" moaned the girl. True as it was, I was also the last to know. Even my mom knew before me.

I was about to reply when my best friend, Kenny, saved me, "Dee-Dee, I've been looking for ya! Your mom wants you home right now. No idea why. Want me to walk you home?"

I gave him a silent thank you, uncurling myself from the bench, "Sure, that's fine," he knew me well enough to know that when I say something's fine, no is not an option.

"See ya later, Ursula!" called Kenny as we started towards my house.

To that, she just crossed her arms and her peachy colored, curly, pigtails bounced in unison.

Once we got out of earshot, Kenny said, "You need to stop hanging around her if she keeps making you so uncomfortable,

You always get me out, no need to worry!" I shrugged off.

He sighed, "Dawn, I'm not always going to be able to get you out,"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm going to this newer school in Sandgem Town. You have to get invited, and it's super hard to get in. So, naturally, my mom freaked out and enrolled me without even asking me first,"

"You'll still be around, right? I mean, Sandgem isn't that far from Twinleaf," I demanded. Kenny is not allowed to leave.

"It's a boarding school. I'd be back for the holidays, but. . ."

We fell into a silence as I let that sink in. All you could hear was our feet slapping the pavement. We've been best friends for as long as I can remember. We're always there for each other. After spending thirteen years with him here, he can't just leave. He's not allowed.

"I'm sorry, Dee-Dee, There's I'm leaving tomorrow. I guess I just didn't want to say good-bye," he smiled sadly.

"Well, I'm just going to have to get in too,"

He bit his lip. His dark red eyebrows knitted together in worry. His hair fell around his eyes, "There's you house. I'll see ya tomorrow, Dawn,"

This was not happening. I looked back for just a moment, then I scurried to my house, and slammed the door behind me.

My mother walked over to me, "Sweetie, you need to know something,"

I just sat on the steps. All I could think about was Kenny.

"You see honey, I've been thinking about getting remarried,"

That snapped me out of my thoughts, "To Leo? Mom, he hates kids! How much do you think he'll like me? Wait, we already know he thinks I'm a useless, loudmouth, brat!" I exclaimed.

"Young lady! He's my fiance and your future father! Learn some respect!"

"See! You're acting just like him! As if it's not enough Kenny's leaving tomorrow, you have to go and get yourself engaged! Then there's Ursula, the fun never ends! No need to worry about Dawn, your loudmouth, bratty, daughter!" I was screaming, tears hot on my baking, red face. I was standing, knuckles white as I strangled the railing.

I turned sharply and stormed up the steps to my room, whamming the door shut. I then hesitantly stepped to my bed. Curled upon it and cried silently with a few ragged breaths. Eventually, I fell asleep.

Wow, now that I think about it, that's a little dramatic. Warning: this will be extremely sappy. I wrote this for a friend who lives off of sappy romance, so I thought it would be a nice warning. Please tell me what you think in a review! Or heck, if you actually enjoyed this, follow and favorite!