Chapter One: First Symptom

Megumi woke up early in the morning and felt something wasn't quite right. She shrugged it off and got a few of her compositions, writing a few new added lyrics. She cleared her throat and was about to fit a tune to the song.

"Kare n—"

No words came out and her sweet melodic voice was hoarse and cracked. Megumi thought that it may have been caused by recently waking up or the cold she had gotten recently so she got up from the bed and skipped happily towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

After downing all the contents of the glass, she placed the glass on the sink and returned to her room, shutting the door behind her.

'Okay, Megumi! You can do this!' she encouraged herself although she didn't voice it out loud.

"Kare n— me wa to—temo aka—ruku~"

Nothing had changed.

Her voice cracked upon the first note and panic began to consume Megumi. This has never happened before.

Before, she couldn't control the intensity of her voice but not once did it crack and she had always taken good care of her voice.

'Maybe…maybe I should try again' Megumi tried to convince herself that it wasn't a big deal.

"K—are no ega—o ga tote—mo ata—takaku~"

It was no use. Her voice couldn't take it. The voice she had used only to sing, in fear or losing it.

Jun and Ryuu were woken up by Megumi's voice and rushed inside to see what was wrong.

"Megumi-chan, is anything the matter?" Ryuu, being the older brother figure asked the young singer, worriedly.

Megumi scrambled to get her eraser board and hastily wrote, "Everything's fine!"

"Eh? All right. Shouldn't you get ready since you're going out?" Jun, her twin reminded, checking the clock on their wall.

"Ah! I almost forgot! Arigato~" Megumi wrote on her board and showed to the two males before shoving them outside her bedroom door.

She shut the door and leaned against it. She buried her face in her hands and didn't make any effort of getting up but after a moment, she composed herself and thought that her voice would return to normal soon. She was going to see Yahiro and it brought a smile to her face.

A/N: Really sorry but the chapter might be quite short but please read it until the end. Leave a review on the way out please! I would love you forever or update often if you do!