Cold Blooded Lightning: OVERHAUL

Greetings fans of CBL! Long time no see! I'm here to announce a new project for CBL, Overhaul! A rework of the fic that leaves the story completely intact but, I'll be changing particular details and adding things I left out in the original cour that for one reason or another, I didn't add, and also fixing the issues the story had in it's later half.

I won't announce some details that will change, as I want to leave those as a surprise, but, some I will say now: For starters, Raiden will START with two swords this time around, and that being for a particular reason. Reiketsu himself is getting some changes I shall not spoil either, but overall, this project is more of an overhaul of CBL to bring it up to my modern style of writing and quality with my fanfics.

So, with that, I will see you all again once this overhaul has concluded, see you all then!